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The Jews Are Behind The Plot!!! (read for yourself before you judge)

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posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 08:21 AM
Rupert Murdoch was made a Grand-Officer in the Order of St. Gregory the Great by Pope John Paul II.

Any other Jews hold this position?


the MSM companies being discussed are, mostly, publicly owned, thus they are controlled by the shareholders and these shareholders are not all Jews.

[edit on 17-6-2008 by Crakeur]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by FatherLukeDuke

When I say they I mean the Jewish powers that be. They knew he was evil and still continued to build him up. Ive said this before and Ill say this again NOT ALL THE JEWS ARE INVOLVED. The ones in the ghetto were sacraficed so the powers can continue their agenda. It sucks I know but it happens in other religions and races also where "peons" are sacraficed for their sick agendas.

As far as the Hitler quote I was pointing out that he felt a deep hatred for the Jews and their powers. So the question is why? You dont wake up in the morning and say to yourself hay I hate Jews lets go kill some. No I dont know to many people like that. What was hitlers beef with the Jews. History never asks that question they just say Hitler killed mass Jews. Yes a sick deed no doubt and he got what he deserve ...death whether by soviet bullets or suicide but what made him do it. In several quotes he keeps refering to the Jewish Financiers...why? The Irony to this and is debateable is why he was dogging on the Jewish financiers while getting money from them at the same time.

As far as Russia once again there was strong Jewish leadership even in Stalins regime. Once again it was the sheep who was sent to slaughter and it wasnt just Jews. I guess like all of us normal people we all all used one way in another for someones sick agenda. I guess it doesnt pay to be normal.

Ha ha pretty funny on the Jewish telepathy but like I said above not everyone is involved. If I ever stated that is the case which I never did then you would have full reason to call me a wack job because if all the Jews were involved then obviously it would come out. You keep calling what I put out innuendo but I am pointing out facts. These facts can be spun in any direction you want but they still are facts. Obviously the Jewish world domination is not a fact that is what we are debating. I am just confused how it is so far fetched to think there is a Jewish world domination agenda. There are radical muslims, white supremisists, Blacks I mean I think all races and religions have some sort of fringe group that wants to take over the world. IT IS NOT ALL OF THAT PARTICULAR GROUP THERE IS NO TELEPATHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No Im afraid we are all sheep sent to slaughter for their agenda.

Ok in regards to Crakeur we have had the debate you and I before on the entertainment industry being Jewish owned. The media is also. Now first in regards to being publicly owned the shareholders have no power. Thats like me saying the people of Germany had a say in Hitlers agenda. The shareholders have no say otherwise you wouldnt see the HUGE pay these guys get while at the same time losing shareholders billions. Sorry the power of the shareholder does not exist that is an illusion. Thats like saying we the people of this country have power. We have no power cmon. Daily we see the government stomp on our rights all for the mighty dollar. I dont even think the government controls the government anymore its controlled by the banking industry.

As far as Rupert Murdoch I will look into that and U2U a resonse.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by mybigunit

Dude, I really think you're missing the point - just because a lot of Jewish people are in positions of power, it doesn't mean they're all working together to take over the world. For these guys, being Jewish doesn't mean jack, they're just out to make as much money as possible, just like every other jerk at the top. Not because they're Jewish, but because they're just like everyone else in that society. And the vast majority of the world's Jews aren't in these positions, dude, they're just getting tread on like everyone else.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by rexpop

Im not missing the point you and father and everyone else in this thread could and probably are right. BUT my point is that when you look at history its amazing how people look at one point of view and close their eyes to all others and instead of debating it they call people like me racist and anti semetic. History is told by the victors they say. Like I pointed out earlier one day 100 years from now history might show Bush as some savior and great president even though we all know that to be different and you or me will not be around to tell people otherwise. As Ive pointed out with facts of mine there is other parts of history to be explored and the sad thing is you cant without being called names. In the end it all could be about greed maybe your right but i dont see how it is so far fetched to believe there isnt a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world just like there is with all other races and religions.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by mybigunit
When I say they I mean the Jewish powers that be.

Who were?

They knew he was evil and still continued to build him up.

You are lumping all Jews together AGAIN! Certain Jewish bankers may have financed Hitler (not that you've presented any proof) - but bankers are well known for financing anything that will make them money and being completely amoral about it. It's what they do. It's their raison d'être. It says nothing about a worldwide Jewish plot.

The ones in the ghetto were sacraficed so the powers can continue their agenda.

Evidence? What agenda anyway?

No I dont know to many people like that. What was hitlers beef with the Jews. History never asks that question they just say Hitler killed mass Jews.

People never asked that question??!?? Are you kidding me?? It's been one of the most discussed topics of 20th century history and sociology. There is book after book on the subject. Just because you are ignorant of something doesn't mean it hasn't happened. Go into Google or Amazon and have a look at some of the books written or are being written at the moment.

It's not just Hitler you need to look at, but at why the overwhelming mass of the German middle class supported the policies and even encouraged them.

The reasons are deep and complex, but the core reason was as it had so often been in the past: the country's a mess, blame the "outsiders".

keeps refering to the Jewish Financiers...why?

Well he was barking mad, so who knows. Probably just looking for someone to blame.

As far as Russia once again there was strong Jewish leadership even in Stalins regime.

Not after WWII there wasn't - there were no Jews left in prominant positions in Russia by the time Stalin carped it. He instigated several huge purges against them. I know you don't like as it doesn't agree with a theory you've already decided is right, but it's a fact.

You keep calling what I put out innuendo but I am pointing out facts.

No you aren't. You haven't presented a shred of evidence.

There are radical muslims, white supremisists, Blacks I mean I think all races and religions have some sort of fringe group that wants to take over the world.

No they don't. "Taking over the world" is a ridiculous notion - even the nutjob Muslims fundies "only" want to restore their medieval Caliphate. If the Western world is "run" by anyone, it's white, Christain men of Western European stock.

No Im afraid we are all sheep sent to slaughter for their agenda.

Speak for youself.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 09:48 AM
You're all apparently a bunch of paranoid idiots who can't handle the simple fact that unpleasant things happen.

When something good happens, people like you claim an all-powerful god is responsible.

When something bad happens, you claim it's an all-powerful conspiracy.

This, to me, is a combination of refusal to accept responsibility and an inability to accept bad news for what it is.

Wake up, reality's knocking.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Zeltar

Illuminati is the new 'they' or the new 'the Man' but you can't stink
them with anything except big lies and bad news.

The only organization is the power exerted to control events to
their advantage. There might be many groups.

A run through the Clinton - Monica conspiracy and you get Pentagon
compliance (Monica's boss at the Pentagon taped her calls) that can
end up with Clinton's bombing of Iraq.

Then how does 911 end up protecting Saudi Arabia from terrorists
without getting cheap gas in return.
If Islam wanted to kill Israel why don't they blow up oil tankers
going to Israel. That might bring on economic death.
That Islam death to whoever is a BIG LIE from the Illuminati
on us.

If you think I lie perhaps you heard their lie first.

Strange and beautiful, the Illuminati way of life,
with your majestic ceremonies.
Your mysterious science I wish to
see closer.

[edit on 6/17/2008 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by mybigunit
reply to post by rexpop

In the end it all could be about greed maybe your right but i dont see how it is so far fetched to believe there isnt a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world just like there is with all other races and religions.

But thing is, you haven't brought the case that any other race or group is trying to take over. The title of your thread starts "THE Jews", not "a minority of Jews", not "Jews and others". You've made the argument that the Jews are behind the plot.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by rexpop

Originally posted by mybigunit
reply to post by rexpop

In the end it all could be about greed maybe your right but i dont see how it is so far fetched to believe there isnt a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world just like there is with all other races and religions.

But thing is, you haven't brought the case that any other race or group is trying to take over. The title of your thread starts "THE Jews", not "a minority of Jews", not "Jews and others". You've made the argument that the Jews are behind the plot.

First off this isnt MY thread and second read my other posts...I have said ALL races and religions have their fringe groups that want to take over the world or have it ran in their style de jur but I cant figure out why when you say the Jews do too you get labeled an anti semite....

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by mybigunit
First off this isnt MY thread and second read my other posts...I have said ALL races and religions have their fringe groups that want to take over the world or have it ran in their style de jur but I cant figure out why when you say the Jews do too you get labeled an anti semite....

Not that I think you are a racist - but if you think that "all races and religions" have plotters wanting to "take over the world" then why bring up the Jews in particular?

Why not threads on the Amish or the Scottish or or the Seventh Day Adventists trying to take over the world?

Not that I think anyone, apart from people with severe mental health difficulites and probably a susbstance addiction, are trying to take over the planet. Some bloke on the bus the other night started shouting that he "ran this f***ing plant". I wasn't convinced. He didn't look Jewish for a start.

The Jewish people punch well above their weight in terms of influencing US foriegn policy and in certain segments of US industry (an insteresting area of discussion itself). They also suffer from racist abuse and a complete lack of representation in many other countries. To exprolate from this to "running the world" is beyond silly.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by FatherLukeDuke

Why not threads on the Amish or the Scottish or or the Seventh Day Adventists trying to take over the world?

Not that I think anyone, apart from people with severe mental health difficulites and probably a susbstance addiction, are trying to take over the planet. Some bloke on the bus the other night started shouting that he "ran this f***ing plant". I wasn't convinced. He didn't look Jewish for a start.

The Jewish people punch well above their weight in terms of influencing US foriegn policy and in certain segments of US industry (an insteresting area of discussion itself). They also suffer from racist abuse and a complete lack of representation in many other countries. To exprolate from this to "running the world" is beyond silly.

Umm there are threads about the fanatic Muslims for example about them trying to convert this world into their own sick mindset and guess whos the first one there commenting me. Freemasons taking over the world whos there first? Me. The Pope whos the first one there dogging on the Pope? Me. So do me a small favor & check into other threads before saying I dont comment on other groups. This thread just so happens to be about jews taking over the world a jew world order as one person said no names to be mentioned
I hate to repeat myself for a 5th time but Ill say it again I never said all Jews are involved and also I understand that Jews suffer from their own abuses but you know what? In history we ALL have ALL races and religions have plain and simple as that.

Scottish is not a religion my friend or a race. I dont know a race called the scottish race or religion.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 06:05 AM
Sorry, bigunit, I thought you were the OP. It's not racist to claim that there are some Jews trying to take over the world, it's just when you make the claim in such way that: it is their very Jewishness that makes them want to take over the world; it is only Jews who are guilty of plotting global domination; the reason these people are collaborating is because of their Jewishness: it then appears to be anti-Semitic. Of course, if none of these criteria are met, I have to wonder why you need to mention these conspirators are Jewish at all? Why is it important what race these people are from? Why is it important if they're Jewish, Muslim or Catholic? The fact is they're still trying to screw the rest of us over, using race merely as a distraction from what's going on. You've already said that most Jews aren't in on the conspiracy, and that those Jews who are aren't in the conspiracy because of anything genetically or culturally inherent in being Jewish. So why is the conspirators' Jewishness so important to mention at all? You've also said that you believe every race and religion has such extremists - well why are they not any more dangerous than the Jewish ones?

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 06:45 AM
What better way to take over the world by proclaiming in the Christian Faith that Jews are the chosen people. Thus protecting them infinitely until someone questions them. If anyone does the Armageddon war starts. Very interesting!

I for one believe in protecting the jewish people because of their religious views... a basic view. Alot of their beliefs are backed up psychologically thus it being Natrually a true religion... but its not all perfet... no religion is.

The true religion is the one that affects humans mentally in all the right ways and love is prominent. Seeking your own spiritual self is the main key tho, dont let a priest tell you what to beleive... thats a grave mistake.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by rjmelter]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by mybigunit
Umm there are threads about the fanatic Muslims for example about them trying to convert this world into their own sick mindset and guess whos the first one there commenting me. Freemasons taking over the world whos there first? Me. The Pope whos the first one there dogging on the Pope? Me. So do me a small favor & check into other threads before saying I dont comment on other groups.

OK..OK...I get the idea: you're an equal opportunity paranoid conspiracy theorist.

Perhaps "the plot" is a Freemason/Vatican/Jewish/Muslim led one? I've seen a few of those guys hanging together giving each other knowing nods.

Don't your various theories of who's running the world sort of contradict each other? Or doesn't it really matter as it's all "for entertainment purposes only"?

I hate to repeat myself for a 5th time but Ill say it again I never said all Jews are involved

Involved in what exactly? It's all so vague and pretty inane. Why would anyone want to take over the world (as if such a thing were possible anyway) - I would have thought running the world would be a huge administrative nightmare for starts...

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by FatherLukeDuke

I think what you see is a man seeking the truth... and.. lol i cant believe you asked why anyone would want to take over the world... hey lets see... Because of SEVERE psychological disorders. Why does a blackman murder someone, and when he gets charged for it turns around and punches another man... ( he has to be black because this actually happend and its recorded on camera
)why does he punish the other man? BECAUSE hes psychologically unstable. Chaotic, hes lost, hes BROKEN. I dont think he owes you a response because While he does contradict himself... he is a theorist... if we were all here with the facts i think wed be on MSNBC.COM instead.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by rjmelter]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:57 AM
Claiming that all Jews are involved in a global conspiracy is antisemitic rubbish. Claiming that the NWO is completely seperate from Jewish identitym, however, is just as absurd. Jews and philosemites are overrepresented in the upper echelons of Western society and their ideology benefits Jews more than any other people in this world.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by Ambrose It Never Fails , Every time Someone Post's Any Thing That Expose's The Zionist Jews , Right Off The Top Here Comes The Guilt Trip And The Race Card . Anyone With A Clear Eye Knows The OP Is No Racist And In Fact He Is Very Informed . He's Right On Target And The Truth Hurts Doesn't It ? So Now I Await The Race Card And Anti Semite Towel To Be Thrown My Way. I Doesn't Break My Heart And In Fact I Welcome It , Just Proves My Point !

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by StopZionists

This post is just blatantly racist. An unfounded argument, totally unresearched as to the reasons why jews were persecuted (Think! THink.. you can do it..Ok I'll give you a hint! Bible? Jesus? Get it???) . Shameful Ignorant and very very sad.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by MidnightDStroyer

Originally posted by FatherLukeDuke
The Third Reich was a particularly Germanic idea - I'm genuinely baffled as to what you mean here? Zionism is all about having a homeland, not an empire.

Not entirely accurate...The Third Reich was "particularly Hitler," not Germanic...Because Hitler was Austrian, not German.

That is not accurate either. Hitler was Austrian but his initial objective was to reunite all German speaking peoples of the Holy Roman Empire (the conglomerate of Princedoms in Germany like Prussia and Bavaria as well as Austria)again, or at least, that is how he sold it. It was Nationalism in its most extreme form.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by SHADOW WALKER

"Everytime I Say Something Ignorant And Racist People Call Me Ignorant And Racist So I'm Gonna Say Something Ignorant And Racist And Wait For You All To Call Me On It By Playing The "You're Being Ignorant And Racist" Card! Ha Ha Ha! You've Proved My Point! I'm Glad!"

Edit: cos typing every word with a capital is not as easy as one would think.

[edit on 1/9/2008 by rexpop]

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