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STOP PRESS - Vast Cracks Appear in Arctic Ice

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posted on May, 24 2008 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Locus Iste

I read your first article, (skimmed), It didn't mention the fact that, astronomers are saying that other planets in our solar system are also warming up!

Sun Blamed for Warming of Earth and Other Worlds

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 06:25 PM
Yes and Uranium is cooling itself explain that. So far 8 of 100 objects in our solar system are warming. That's not proof.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by Locus Iste

There was a very cold spell a few hundred years ago that lasted 10 or 15 years.. It snowed almost 12 months a year. Probably was the start of the present covering.
Unlike you. I have very little faith in modern science. I don't see how you could!

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 06:28 PM
I just saw something very interesting about this on the national news.
The break-up of the ice sheet over the Artic. Is just in time, to save the world from the oil crises! At least for a while. More oil in the Artic then in the middle east! Hopefully a war won't result; as countries are laying claims to the Artic as we speak.
Also what other treasures of man's and natural history, will we find under all that ice? This is exciting. I can't wait.

[edit on 24-5-2008 by Howie47]

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Locus Iste

My article doesn't just say Pluto and mars?
The whole debate on this issue comes to what scientist you are going to believe, and their are top ones that say; "greenhouse gases are not bad enough to effect global warming very much.
Also we know for a fact that the earth has gone through many cycles of climate change. Even a few hundred years ago; there was a mini ice age.
What do you attribute that too. If not the sun cycles?

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 06:46 PM
# it this is universal Karma, there are too many humans and we've killed off too many species, it's time to have a mass cull of our own, although it's a shame that those who do the least damage have to die first.

And it kinda proves a point that most intelligent civilisations will die out before attaining interstellar travel.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by pause4thought
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

A solid, mature reply.

I am also open to that possibility. But no matter what the primary cause, surely the greenhouse effect caused by pollution of our atmosphere exacerbates the effect.

A little friendly note....The greenhouse effect is not caused by air pollution. It's a naturally occuring phenomena. One that is responsible for making the planet habitable. The main greenhouse gas is water vapor. It traps solar radiation in the infra-red range and keeps it from radiating back into space. This warms the atmosphere. With no greenhouse effect the earth's average temperature would be about 0 def Farenheit, and daily extremes from daytime to night time would be much much greater.

Regarding the arctic sea ice crack. How do fractures in thick ice sheets relate to warming? If warming is at work, wouldn't we expect the ice to thin or melt vs. crack?

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by darkbluesky

If the report I saw on the national news tonight, was honest. Then they showed not just cracking, but video of it melting and disappearing.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by darkbluesky
A little friendly note....The greenhouse effect is not caused by air pollution.

Air pollution makes th greenhouse effect more effective and can one day lead to runaway greenhouse. This is a simple fact. Look at a cloudy winter night compared to one that is clear. The night that is cloudy will be warmer because the clouds keep the heat from escaping.

Pollution does this on a global scale.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by Howie47

The whole debate on this issue comes to what scientist you are going to believe, and their are top ones that say; "greenhouse gases are not bad enough to effect global warming very much.

It very much does depend on what scientists you believe. The ones that state greenhouse gases are not bad enough to effect global warming are paid by multinational corporations that want this to stay in debate.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan

Air pollution makes th greenhouse effect more effective and can one day lead to runaway greenhouse. This is a simple fact. Look at a cloudy winter night compared to one that is clear. The night that is cloudy will be warmer because the clouds keep the heat from escaping.

Pollution does this on a global scale.

Ummm .... are you calling clouds "air pollution"? Why has there been no increase in Global temps this last decade or so? It's stayed stable and now we are in a moderate La Nina event, which should cool it further.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by pavil

Ummm .... are you calling clouds "air pollution"? Why has there been no increase in Global temps this last decade or so? It's stayed stable and now we are in a moderate La Nina event, which should cool it further.

Calling clouds air pollution?!?! That anology was so simple a child would have understood what I was saying. Are you stating here that you are too obtuse to understand what a child would have no problem understanding?

Lets see what the difference is in the last decade or is one.

Cars pollute a LOT less than they did then.

I could go on and on. The point to all this is that it is a distraction so we will argue about global warming while we die of a toxic environment.

Corporations are a bottom line machine, its what they do. Getting control of our pollution effects the corporations bottom line so they have been in the business to pump out disinformation. They have only one goal. Profit and the bottom line.

I don't lick corporate boots and you shouldn't either. Yuck!

[edit on 24-5-2008 by LoneGunMan]

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 03:28 AM
Today i got some fresh photos of ice. It's really unbelievable.

Also temperatures there:
Inuvik 19 °C
Barter Island 7 °C
Kotzebue 5 °C
Point Lay 5 °C
Barrow 2 °C
Eureka -1 °C

This temperatures are far above average for this time of year. So no reason that it could slow down the melting. In Slovenia next week we start with hot days ( T=>30 °C ) it would be highly unusual based on 1961- 1990 datas but last 10 years it's nothing new for May.

As i am cooperating with meteorologists and we do researches together and 2 of them also work for IPCC one of them was helping with Report number 1 and the other one was leader of 2nd group. We had internal representation of reports together with other meteorologists and they represented the facts really good. Also she explained what problems are they facing working with other governments who wants to deny the truth. They were pressing on IPCC because without consent of all countries those reports wouldnt see the light of day. So if it were to scientists those reports would look far more harsh as they do.

Of course some of countries (corporations) became affraid for their economy (profits). So what is the best thing to do? Go and run anti propaganda for the skeptics.

[edit on 25-5-2008 by Locus Iste]

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 03:38 AM
I believe there is a dimmer switch on the sun.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

I believe a lot of people who dismiss the evidence are either working for a government or have a vested interest in a major industry.

Your move.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by pause4thought

Who is dismissing the evidence of global warming? Even G.W.B. says it's happening. Who has bigger industrialist ties then him?
The question is, is this something to panic about? Remove all restraints on political freedom? Like they partially did with 9.11. Usher in a one overlord political entity; that rules over all the rest?
Is it even caused by man???? Or is it just the natural cycle that history shows us, happens!
If we stopped all burning right now and returned to an agrarian society. Would it have any impact at all on global warming?
This is definitely being turned into a political football, to make headway toward a goal, of a segment of society; that have a particular world view.
That is, that mankind could save himself, if we could only get ultimate control.. A very ignorant of history and human nature, view.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by pause4thought
I believe a lot of people who dismiss the evidence are either working for a government or have a vested interest in a major industry.

Your move.

If my oil company stocks go down I'm blaming you and this 8,842 view thread. Why can't you planet-huggers realize that profit is the only thing worth living for? I'm hoping my oil company stocks will offset the rising gas prices so I can continue to drive my Hummer. If not I might have to park it and start driving my Escalade.

If you atmosphere-huggers have your way we will all be breathing clean air and flying around in air-powered jet packs. It'll be a hippie love fest straight out of the 60's. I shudder at the thought.

What this world really needs is more war for oil. Look at how the current war has boosted the economy. You can't deny the numbers. The U.S. gov't is spending record amounts of money they don't have. If that isn't proof enough then nothing is.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 09:34 AM
Mods - if you don't give General Izer an applause I'm leaving.

reply to post by Howie

I'm with you this time. Every issue is open to manipulation. However better to be manipulated into saving the planet than into destroying it.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by jackinthebox
It's a shell game. Shut down the factories in one country in the name of saving the planet, only to reopen them in another country with even lower environmental standards. Not to mention the waste of energy and resources to move a factory.

I seem to recall hearing that prices for "Carbon Offsets" have recently skyrocketed in the EU and that companies really are looking at moving to less eco-friendly countries.

Looks like another case of good intentions failing to survive contact with reality.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by WingnutWalrus

An interesting angle that deserves serious thought.

Incidentally no-one has yet risen to this challenge I laid out on page 4:

A good reply might indicate who deserves a major thumbs up (and some good publicity) in this realm.

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