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Michelle Obama - that 'whitey' tape

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posted on May, 19 2008 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by realshanti

Thank you!

Personally I don't like any politicians either. It has nothing to do with race. Who brought race into it anyway? To me, this shows just how severe race relations are in America. It seems that for every question of Senator Obama (his campaign, his wife, his pastor, his religion, his experience, his ability) there is a rebuttal on the premise of "racism".

If I, as an American, cannot speak my mind without having my thoughts and opinions cast as "racist", then am I not "repressed"?

Contrary to belief by some, the majority of white people who wish to openly discuss matters of race are not "racist". I do not wish repression on any race, mine included!

My reply-

I agree you are not a racist - nor is Wright a racist.....people have to be able to express truth as they understand it - I may not agree with you across the board but its important for me to hear you out without taking offense - Big media has no interest in the truth...period....the tit for tat definition of racism is part of current media spin...has no basis in reality... but keeps us distracted from the core issues...

I honestly don't care who anyone votes for - its their business and a secret ballot....but when your talking about for example - the "Michelle tape" - your talking about big media, corporate owned swill pushing egg sucking howdy-doodies who kiss the ass of the rich and powerful on a daily basis....I wouldn't trust them to tell me the correct time let alone anything else...I unapologetically refuse to allow the media to frame my arguments or my thinking..and highly recommend this approach.


Ah finally, we can agree to agree and disagree!! Thank you

[edit on 19-5-2008 by realshanti]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 10:57 PM
Yes flyers, I will help him carry all of that baggage. I have a decent sized SUV, I am sure all of that will fit in it nicely. Everyone has a past, and not everyone always knows what their friends are up to.

I am a convicted felon because I was a troubled youth. I changed, and I believe in change. I believe in forgiveness. All I can say is, Americas demographic has changed, and the same policies run by the same decendants from the same part of the world who have run this country for the past two hundred plus years wont work anymore.

If you continue to believe that you can live in this world of extreme environmental, human, and resource exploitation forever and that everything will just be the same, then your in for a treat. In fact we are just now starting to feel the beginning of the inevitable change.

People have been crying for someone to step up and change the way policies are run in, and now it is beginning to happen. Many are crying afoul because they are shocked to see it is not the one they wanted to see do it. but its going to happen anyways.

Remember in a time of severe systematic change, the majority will follow what makes the most sense. Those who cant bear to change with the times are the ones who will suffer the worst. The same people who are always defending the perpetuation of conflict and the refussal to compromise.

The plans for those people is to usually stock up as much as they can and then run for the hills. Well the hills are being watched, and there are already many people there. Don't run and hide from the New World Order, charge straight at it and take your position and opportunity to lead it better than the predecesors of your time.

The outcome is inevitable.

[edit on 5/19/2008 by DYepes]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by pondrthis
I would not vote for Obama because he appeals to the youth in America. I am part of this 'youth' as a college student, but I've always thought that anyone that appeals to naivete, ignorance, and the rebellious tendencies of twenty-somethings (CHANGE! CHANGE!) should NOT be the leader of arguably the most powerful nation in the world.

Fear not. The "youth vote" is a myth. The youth don't vote.

But you and I will be there on November 4th and I will (as a "conservative") hold my nose and vote for McCain.

Unless Hillary grabs the nomination.

If Hillary's any shadow of her husband's self then I'm willing to gamble that she's not as left as I'd feared. If she can revive the "third way" that gave Congress to the Republicans and the mix that resulted in the '90's? ...

At this point I'm almost ready to scrap the slate and write in Bill Reagan or Ronald Clinton. The rest of these guys suck.

[edit on 20-5-2008 by Tuning Spork]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 11:18 PM

So, Karl Rove has a video of this? Cool. Does it feature Chubby Osama as a cameo? Perhaps we can have some Japanese people fleeing in terror, to give the bad dubbing a little more credibility? Or perhaps it'll be like one of those eye puzzled, where you squint and lean back and can almost, almost see who it's supposed to be?

Maybe she's just comparing the artistic talents of Whitey Ford vs. Eminem.


Mod Edit: Personal attacks removed. Please see Terms and Conditions of Use section 2) Behaviour. Thank you - Jak

[edit on 20/5/08 by JAK]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by die_another_day

have the right to hate whites???? do i misunderstand..

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Or we could have the Sirque de Solei perform our discussions for us.


posted on May, 19 2008 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by scorand

what needs to be remembered as well is, didnt also whites defend blacks and fight to stop slavery... ??? or was that another lie by the white man!
and wasnt there whites that stood by the blacks during the 60's,, i'm sorry but thats just useing the same crap ideaology that bigots used to try to stop intergration and equal rights? what would be accomplished by useing a double standard like that.. that was a completely hypocritical statement

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by realshanti

while i agree on most of what u said.. racism IS an equal preferance.. anybody can be racist.. oh and america hasnt been around for 400 years and there have been many other races that have been enslaved, as well as whites.. and in some places it still happens..simply put, racism is wrong, slavery is wrong, justifying hate against a group because they r different is wrong.

oh just so u know i'd be happy to welcome Obama or Mrs.Clinton to office as it way pased time to have a black man or a woman in office.. granted they have been exposed to egocentric old white men of late, ie bush chaney i say hell yea give them a chance to show that they can do the job.. and with excellance as well...

[edit on 20-5-2008 by scorand]

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
Let's see who we have here...


This seems like an odd group of people to be railing against racism and bigotry, given that it's pretty much all they know how to post. I guess it's only offensive when it's someone else talking about your lily-colored hineys, huh guys?

So, Karl Rove has a video of this? Cool. Does it feature Chubby Osama as a cameo? Perhaps we can have some Japanese people fleeing in terror, to give the bad dubbing a little more credibility? Or perhaps it'll be like one of those eye puzzled, where you squint and lean back and can almost, almost see who it's supposed to be?

Maybe she's just comparing the artistic talents of Whitey Ford vs. Eminem.

Ah yes the good old personal attacks of dirty politics. I thought this was an era of "change" that Obama was to usher in? It seems that supporting Obama means resorting personal attacks in order to divert controversial and important issues. Follow the lead of Obama, "change" the way politics are done, or maybe "change" doesn't really mean anything.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 12:15 AM
It seems Barack Obama is getting defensive over his wife.

"But I do want to say this to the GOP. If they think that they're going to try to make Michelle an issue in this campaign, they should be careful. Because that I find unacceptable," he said.

In a discussion about a tape released by the Tenn. GOP. questioning Michelle Obama's national pride.

Since Barack Obama himself finds that attacking his wife is unacceptable, it must be so. Sorry to say this to the Obamaniacs, but this shows the elitism that Obama has especially considering that Michelle Obama has purposefully inserted herself into the campaign. Almost every potential first lady and one potential first man has been attacked once they entered their significant other's campaign. Why should it be different for the Obama's?

I really wonder if this rumored tape is truly needed to expose the hypocrisy, racism, and elitism of the Obama campaign.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 01:10 AM
I've truly reached the limit of the known universe and found life....and its much more interesting than this thread which has now downgraded to level one and is sinking fast - people with tiny minds talking to each other about their FEAR - must go .........where.... there is.......... less wind baggery......

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 01:12 AM
Sleep nicely in your dream world everyone. reality is right around the corner. There will a Democratic President in this election, and it is not going to be Hilary.

I will do my best to hit the streets and assist to register voters in the least registered neighborhoods of my city. And you got it, its all for my boy Obama. If you love your candidate so much, go help register voters to assist their campaign. It is the right thing to do as a citizen of America. Participate in realizing the rights of your peers, so that they may excercise them!

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by DYepes
People have been crying for someone to step up and change the way policies are run in, and now it is beginning to happen. Many are crying afoul because they are shocked to see it is not the one they wanted to see do it.

Yes. People want things to change. People want different kinds of politicians. But the reason they are crying 'foul' isn't because it's a black man stepping up to do it .... it's because HE IS NOT CHANGE. He's as corrupt as the rest. He lies like the rest. He hypnotises with the rhetoric of change/hope/unity ... but when people actually look at what he is bringing to the table - it is rotten to the core.

Originally posted by DYepes
The outcome is inevitable.

Yes. The outcome is that another corrupt politician will have bamboozled the American people and in four years Americans will be extremely disapointed and sick of Jimmy Carter II and will then want to vote in someone new.

Unless Obama is the anti-christ. In which case his first term will bring a false peace which will then be followed by a second term of all hell breaking loose.

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
Let's see who we have here...

Off topic personal insult. (and wrong)

[edit on 5/20/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Originally posted by FlyersFan
He hypnotises with the rhetoric of change/hope/unity

Obama a unifier? You must be kidding. Only a few weeks ago he was accusing Hillary of using "Republican tactics".

So when does he stop the dividing, and start working in a bi-partisan manner?

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by DYepes

I like your faith, even if I'm not an Obama supporter. Good luck, and if it don't happen the way you worked for, I hope you keep the faith, and keep working to make a difference. I think in the long run this election year will turn out to be good for racial relations in the U.S..

The racial intolerance thing has gotten out of hand, combined with an almost accepted belief that racist attitudes against white is acceptable to the point where whites are starting to get sensitive about it makes me think the pendulum has reached its crest and is ready to swing back the other way, which has its bad implications, but like all pendulums it is losing momentum, and things will continue to get better until racism is no longer an issue.

Personally, I am not bothered by the very real possiblilty that Barrack and Michelle are racist but I am bothered by my opinion that they are elitists.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 07:07 AM
Smoke & mirrors stories like this are going to continue to be floated from now until November to sabotage any "hope" (
) of getting the neocons out of power.

That's the way politics works these days - throw lots of mud and see what sticks

Lets face it, in the fall it's likely to be Obama vs. McCain.

You have one candidate that at least claims he is working for change, and one who promises four years of "Bush Lite"

And yet racial anxieties and cultural "wedge" issues - many entirely illusory - are being expertly manipulated once again to keep the very same people in power that have been running this country into the ground for nearly a decade.

And from the looks of it, lots of suckers are falling for it...

Funny how the people constantly attacking Obama here are the same people who defend Bush... hmmmm...

[edit on 5/20/08 by xmotex]

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 07:07 AM
On the topic of the tape -

A quick look at the internet last night showed that this is a very hot topic and it definately 'has legs'.

Everyone from ATS to Democratic Underground to Hannity's chat forums to Democratic Blogs to Hillary's Chat forums to Free Republic are talking about it.

I don't know if Oprah's or Obama's chat forums are talking about it.

If there is no tape but someone wanted to make a splash - they did it.
If there is a tape ... it's no longer secret.

Either way - it's big internet news.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 07:12 AM
If there is such a tape, it only has so much shelf life now that the lid is off. Now that everyone has heard the story, bringing it out in October would have little impact.

Maybe the Obama camp knows about the tape, and they are trying to let the steam out of the issue before it actually comes out, by starting the rumor.

Honestly, unless Michelle and Uncle Wright are saying some pretty bad things, chances are that it won't be as catastrophic as all that. I agree, the worst impact will be on Obama's credibility, him claiming he had no idea the reverend entertained such racists ideas. Chances are good that once the halo gets knocked off, the idylic college crowd will lose interest and forget to show up in the fall.

But, this sure feels like the swift boat tactic from four years ago. Didn't that start out as a rumor that was turned into a mantra. It is disgusting how easily the U.S. electorate is manipulated.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by xmotex
You have one candidate that at least claims he is working for change, and one who promises four years of "Bush Lite"

I've said it elsewhere and I'll say it here ... Obama is more like Bush then McCain is.

Obama has the same pathology as George Bush (43). The constant self-reverent, self-referent, narcissistic, messianic comments are just like Bush43 - but wrapped with a different bow.

The Obama claim to be 'change' falls very short once his record, policies, and personal shortcomings are examined.

The REAL 'change' candidate is Ron Paul - IMHO.
THAT would change this country.

Also - IMHO - We REALLY need more than just 2 major parties to pick from.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by poet1b
If there is such a tape, it only has so much shelf life now that the lid is off. Now that everyone has heard the story, bringing it out in October would have little impact.

Quite frankly, till the MSM outlets report it, it might as well be buried in the Sahara. Hardly anyone even knows about this story, let alone if it is true.

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