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Dear George...

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posted on May, 15 2008 @ 12:46 PM
Dear George,

Shut up and sit down. Mercifully for all of us, it's almost over. So, please try to go out with more dignity and respect than you have shown these past eight years...

In the wake of yet more colossally stupid commentary from The Decider, let us post all of the stupid things he has said and done. Let's express our outrage and indignation for eight years of hell. Let's list all the reasons why we despise him, why he sucks and why we can't wait to see him leave.

Channel your high school days and think of it as writing a zinger in your favorite foe's yearbook, something to remember us by. And if you are one of those poor souls who still has a soft spot for W., then go start your own delusional little love-fest thread.

George, I hope that when you move to Paraguay, your Spanish will be better than your English. How do you pronounce "terrrrrrorrrrist" in Spanish anyways? Don't let the door knob hit you on the way out...

[edit on 15/5/08 by kosmicjack]

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 01:11 PM
Shut up and sit down. Mercifully for all of us, it's almost over.

The scary thing is it's not over. Bush is not going to step down as President 2008.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 06:33 PM
What fun!

Everyone should post their own "Dear George" letter, but let's keep it real. Let's have an eye opening discussion about what is bothering everyone - seriously. (Not just a what is your point type rant - but real issues that aren't being addressed that concern us.

We should have "Dear Hillary/Obama/McCain threads to.

Diary's we can add to as new issues arise. Just keep it real and addressed to the diary, not the people posting. Who knows, could lead to sharing some productive issues.

So obviously, I think the OP's first post is a little too counterproductive, cause it's just a rant and wants nothing positive in the thread, so I'll start with what I mean.

[edit on 5/15/2008 by Relentless]

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Relentless

Actually, I was "keepin it real." And yes, I wanted to rant - I invite everyone to rant and be as counter-productive as they wish. It feels good.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 07:01 PM
Dear George:

I voted for you but I wouldn't do it again. Under your watch my world has become a scarier place, because the future looks bleak.

I expect my Commander in Chief to be a guardian of our Constitution and I don't see that you have had much time for that. That bothers me.

I think our Commander in Chief should be making sure that safeguards already in place to not bankrupt our Country would be enforced, and I don't see that you have had much time for that. That bothers me.

I think our Commander in Chief should not have allowed bailing out Big Banks (illegally) that broke the rules and are in trouble now, while the people who have lost the value of their homes and the ability to pay for their homes get nothng, and I don't see that you have had much time for that. That bothers me.

I think that the Commander in Chief should be watching out for the well being of the people of this Country at least when it comes to basics like food prices when no one is getting raises, and I don't see that you have had much time for that. That bothers me.

I think that the Commmander in Chief should say something truthful if the head of the Fed and everyone else down the chain is lying to us about the state of the economy and the CPI, and I don't see that you have had much time for that. That bothers me.

George, I could go on all day, but the point would be the same. This country is in trouble, perhaps facing the worst financial situation we have ever witnessed in history and I'm not even seeing you do anything about it.

You did say you will Veto the Frank/Dodd bailout Bill, and that is a good thing, because we can't afford the consequences of it. But you shouldn't have allowed the bailout of Banks and Corporate America. In fact, you should have done something to protect us from the fraudulent, deceitful lending practices that led to this disastor. Anyone with a high school education should have seen this mess coming.

I'm doing okay, but I feel like it could all come crumbling down any minute, and I don't like the numbers of people going hungry or without medical care in the USA when we are sending money oversees to help the disadvantaged in other Countries.

What have you done? Made the world safer? I got news for you, as more people loss their jobs, lose their ability to buy their basics, and lose their homes (and that is where we are today in case you haven't had time to notice) our streets become less safe, and I now worry more about the hungry guy on the side of the road than the "terrorists".

Why didn't you fix this mess? Why didn't you even stop it?

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

Okie Dokie kosmick - I do like the idea, I just don't want it to crumble into posts that will end up having the thread trashed

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 07:05 PM
George is right though, you can't negotiate with Islamaic Extremists A.K.A Terrorists.

They'll never like the US, no matter who is in office. It will always be that way.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by jetxnet

Dear George:

Jexnet points out an undeniable truth indeed, but we can't dismiss the rest of the mess in this country over this one point.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 07:13 PM

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by Relentless
reply to post by kosmicjack

...I just don't want it to crumble into posts that will end up having the thread trashed

Well, it is ATS, it's bound to happen...

Ditto to your "Dear George" post. I too am ashamed to say I voted for him twice.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 07:18 PM
Good Lord - we already had a train wreck! See what I mean? Thanks a lot freighttrain.

I would really like to see this thread progress, that is why I said it in the first place. Come on guys!

[edit on 5/15/2008 by Relentless]

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 07:20 PM
Dear George,

I voted for you in my naive days of voting. I thought you were a conservative. I have since learned that you are nothing but a con, a Trotskyite believer and supporter. I would like to thank you though. For your mistakes, and my mistake of trusting you, have made me a much more politically intelligent person. I had to figure out where you went wrong. I don't believe anything you say anymore. No, I don't believe they hate us for my freedoms. Mr. Bush, they hate us because of you. They hate us because of our insane foreign policy. Mr. Bush have you ever read Common Sense by Thomas Paine? Have you ever read the Federalist Papers? Have you ever read?

Mr. Bush, I defended you for a long time. Long after I should have started denouncing you. I can't do it anymore. You have led this country into uncharted territories. Territories that we never needed to drift into. Mr. Bush, I sincerely believe that had you actually followed the advise of our founders. Men far more wise than you, even in our modern times, we would not be in the mess we are in today. Mr. Bush, will you please stop lying.

Lost Sailor

*edit* I guess I can't blame just you for leading us into this mess... As it has been going on for about 50 years now in the Middle East. But, as a conservative, I would have hopped you could see what was really going on.

[edit on 15-5-2008 by LostSailor]

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 07:24 PM
This is true. The one point does not explain things domestically.

What does explain things domestically is a huge increase in Oil prices. The reason: China's booming economy placing higher demand for Oil consumption and resources.

Increase in Oil prices means an increase in Gas prices. Increase in Gas prices means an increase in Food prices. Trucking companies are charging the Grocery stores more for delivery. Many private trucking companies are closing-up shop.

Airlines are charging more to compensate for the increased Gas prices. Some airlines are even flying slower to save Gas.

Higher Oil cost means an economic seismic wave throughout the economy.

9/11 alone cost this country almost one trillion$ in damage. The Code Red Virus launched from China two weeks before 9/11 cost the US an estimated $800,000 in business downtime. That kind of damage was enough to crumble the Russian Federation.

[edit on 15-5-2008 by jetxnet]

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by LostSailor

Excellent post LostSailor.

I guess George did keep one promise though, he did turn out to be a "Uniter". 70% of us can't stand him and think he has left the country in a worse state than it was before he took office.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 08:05 PM
Thanks w. Hear they are building a great new course in Peru. Perhaps you will be able to catch up on your golfing. The drug runners down there need a hand. Perhaps you can run them into the mayan temples like every previous endeavor. God speed and good luck.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by jetxnet

Dear W I didnt vote for you.I knew you where a fool during your first campain,however im not going to bash the ones that did vote for you.They trusted you.They thought you would lead them and look out for the country's well being.I feel for them,however I feel more for the thousands of americans that died in a war you started.I feel for the children that will never see thier mothers and fathers again because they died in this war.I feel for the ones who lost their homes,jobs and self respect because of your lack of leadership.You are the worst president in the history of this great country and im glad that your time is almost done.....May God Bless You and Keep You...your friend Tricky63.PS Dont let the door knob hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by jetxnet

Sorry for the double post

[edit on 15-5-2008 by Tricky63]

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 08:38 PM
Well Tricky, true 4000 and lots wounded died in Iraq and Afghanistan.

China just had an Earthquake that killed 50,000+ people. Many of the Chinese bloggers stated the government had ample warning signs to this Earthquake, but did nothing at all.

Some were even threated to be arrested because of "speading rumors" by the Chinese government.

You could almost blame China's government for killing thousands (or letting them be killed as no warnings were issued, no evacuations or anything). Of course, only if it is true that they had some knowledge a potential Earthquake might occur.

What happens if a Democrat does get in office and thousands are killed by a Terrorist attack due to relaxed policies because of an apologetic attitude? What would you say then?

Rumor has it that a suitcase Nuclear bomb can wipe out 70,000 people in one blast. These did exist and were sold on the Black Market by Chechnyan Mafia after the cold war. They ended up missing from Russia's inventory.

So you see, there are looming threats. There has been even before Bush but nothing was done at all. A few rockets sent at Al Quaeda camps that were long cleared out during the Clinton administration. Some of the Tomahawks didn't explode and were seized by the Taliban and sold to China.

[edit on 15-5-2008 by jetxnet]

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 09:04 PM
Unfortunately jex, many 'puts' on the eq were not laid down for millions days before. And no mossad Israeli's were dancing about filming on NJ shore. Big difference.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by jetxnet offense but your posts are off topic to this thread. I'm not even sure of the point you are trying to make.

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