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An Experiment in Alternative Methods of Earthquake Prediction

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posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by caitlinfae

Oh, oh! Sounds like no picnic for you either right now!
Hubby's better, I just dropped him at work & he was almost himself again.
I haven't asked any questions yet in case it would ruffle his feathers!
Maybe after work, beings it's a Friday, he'll be up to telling me what he's feeling by now.

Did find out there are a couple people in my extended family having major health problems.
But I don't think that's it...way too extended & he usually feels his family stronger.

Old cat & young cat aren't doing anything out of the ordinary,
but when I fed the rescue cats last night they were clingy again
& the mother cat bit me when I was petting her!

Not hard, just like she was warning me. She's only done that once before.
Almost like she is feeling something & thinks I'm causing it.
The last time they were all clingy & getting under my feet there was a 6+ one.
But I don't remember where it was!
The daily list has been so short lately that it makes me nervous!
Hope you feel better!

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by wasobservingquietly

There was a 5.5 in the Aleutian Islands earlier today, and smaller quakes on the mainland. My headache got a whole lot worse in the last hour, and I'm wondering if I'm imagining the connection. Time will tell. Definitely seems to be connected to the Aleutians.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 09:51 AM
I can hear/feel earthquakes. Its always a high pitched whining, combined with a slight pressure in the ear(s). The stronger they are the more I can feel the effects. At first I didn't believe it. But every time they happen, my ears would ring. I actually think its a pretty cool ability.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Oannes

That's kinda you ever get any idea of location? That's what I lot of us struggle with. How big does it have to be to register with you?

Just adding in to log what I'm feeling... still pounding and getting worse. Pain in the middle of my head and up behind my eyes towards the crown. Since early afternoon there have been three more 5+ mag quakes in the Aleutians, up to a 5.8. Feels like there is more to come, maybe one 6+.

Edit to's just occurred to me, while I was wondering why I might feel Alaska, and in particular, the Aleutians, and maybe it has something to do with latitude. I'm at about 57N, and the Aleutians are approximately 51-59N. Just thinking out loud.
edit on 14-9-2013 by caitlinfae because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 01:33 AM
Alaska EQ

There was a 6.1 yesterday followed by two 4+ mag in the last 12 hours. Headache has almost subsided...nothing much last night, but kinda building a little this morning. Interesting.

Hope everyone is ok this morning.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 09:50 AM
I've been feeling the 4.mag in the Aleutians today, about 4 hours ago, but was out and about and couldn't post about it. I've had no headaches at all for a couple of days and it's not subsiding now it's started...getting worse actually, so I wouldn't be surprised if there are another few 5's or 6's today. I'm still confused as to why I might feel Alaska, but maybe there is a reason somewhere...

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by caitlinfae

I've wondered before if latitude made a difference too.
Or the antipode thing?
I just don't have the time to spend investigating like I'd like to!

Hubby is through his rough patch, mostly all I had was a lot of ear ringing.
We have no clue what it was?! Maybe we dodged a bullet that we don't even know about?
Maybe if a lot of pressure is building up we feel it even without a quake?
Something moves, pressure starts building, we feel it...
but nothing snaps, no quake this time, pressure stops for now, symptoms go away again!
I don't know, just thinking out loud too!

Last night I had to have popcorn. It's been awhile.
It always surprises me when I crave it because I'm not that fond of it!
Then I realized I had corn on the cob for lunch too!
I don't think that's ever happened before.

My ears have been really ringing off & on for a couple of days too!
I really expected to see at least a 6 when I woke up this morning!
Before, the popcorn thing always was a reliable sign & usually only a few hours before an eq.
I don't know what to think?! My ears are ringing again now.

I really wish I had known all about symptoms before Haiti, Chile & Japan,
to notice what we were feeling back then!
It might have helped put more pieces of the puzzle together!

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by caitlinfae

Well, it sure seems like you were picking up on the Aleutians! Mag 6-plus quakes aren't exactly every day up there, and as that 6.1 was just a day after a post where you specifically discussed that region I'd say that was a pretty solid pickup.

As to the why, I've puzzled that for years. One of my most precise successful predictions a few years back in this thread was actually for an Alaska quake -- but inland, where notable ones are less common than down in the island chain or near the coast. I was quite specific about the lat/long location and time frame. (Post from May 31, 2008. )

But the thing is, I live half a world away from Alaska -- as you do, pretty much -- and I'm a few degrees further south than you as well. And yet one day, while working on another post and studying the USGS world quake map, I suddenly "saw" the details for this upcoming quake: the location, likely magnitude, and time frame. It was like reading it off a screen in front of my eyes. ( I know that sounds nuts but that's what I get sometimes.)

So I posted what I "saw". And it happened. I posted the details in the Results thread but as the original link to the USGS quake summary page there has long since dropped off their system, here's a link to the page from the USGS search database (Map and data included.)

As a matter of interest, they originally had it at a mag 4.1 so that's what I posted in the "results" thread, but later they revised it up to a 4.4, getting closer to the mag 5 I'd predicted.

But why did I get that "flash image" with the details of location and time frame, three days before it happened?

What energy is involved in that?

Energy? Yes. Basically all of this revolves around energy. I believe the whole system of energy involved is very complex even at the most fundamental, physical level. The interactions are vast, so even some of the most intensely-observed fault systems in the world -- such as the San Andreas -- still hold many mysteries for the experts who've studied them for decades. Simply put, it is almost never going to be an "A+B causes C" situation.

And that's just at the fundamental level, without even considering how the more "esoteric" side of it works. It looks like some of us sense quakes, from much too far away to physically feel them -- and even days in advance of when they actually happen (which renders the distance aspect a bit moot anyway).

It seems likely that we're sensing energy. But the conundrum is, that's what we do all the time. Everyone does. We all detect and sense various forms of energy. But maybe some of us are sensing forms of energy that are (perhaps) not well understood. I've mentioned before that there may be some odd facet of time involved as well, but time and energy are related, after all. Or we think so. (Well okay, Einstein thought so!)

I'll repeat something else I've said maybe a couple of times already during the past few years in this thread. If we -- "we" meaning humans -- can gain a better understanding of how some of us sense things like quakes, then we might be able to discover the energy relationships involved. From that, it may be possible to create devices that can "sense" what we do -- but much more reliably and consistently. Sort of like having seismographs that detect the waves from quakes hours or days before they actually occur.

Who knows? They might be a new type of wave form -- or even an unknown form of energy.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 08:53 AM

reply to post by caitlinfae

Well, it sure seems like you were picking up on the Aleutians! Mag 6-plus quakes aren't exactly every day up there, and as that 6.1 was just a day after a post where you specifically discussed that region I'd say that was a pretty solid pickup.

As to the why, I've puzzled that for years. One of my most precise successful predictions a few years back in this thread was actually for an Alaska quake -- but inland, where notable ones are less common than down in the island chain or near the coast. I was quite specific about the lat/long location and time frame. (Post from May 31, 2008. )

But the thing is, I live half a world away from Alaska -- as you do, pretty much -- and I'm a few degrees further south than you as well. And yet one day, while working on another post and studying the USGS world quake map, I suddenly "saw" the details for this upcoming quake: the location, likely magnitude, and time frame. It was like reading it off a screen in front of my eyes. ( I know that sounds nuts but that's what I get sometimes.)

So I posted what I "saw". And it happened. I posted the details in the Results thread but as the original link to the USGS quake summary page there has long since dropped off their system, here's a link to the page from the USGS search database (Map and data included.)

As a matter of interest, they originally had it at a mag 4.1 so that's what I posted in the "results" thread, but later they revised it up to a 4.4, getting closer to the mag 5 I'd predicted.

But why did I get that "flash image" with the details of location and time frame, three days before it happened?

What energy is involved in that?

Energy? Yes. Basically all of this revolves around energy. I believe the whole system of energy involved is very complex even at the most fundamental, physical level. The interactions are vast, so even some of the most intensely-observed fault systems in the world -- such as the San Andreas -- still hold many mysteries for the experts who've studied them for decades. Simply put, it is almost never going to be an "A+B causes C" situation.

And that's just at the fundamental level, without even considering how the more "esoteric" side of it works. It looks like some of us sense quakes, from much too far away to physically feel them -- and even days in advance of when they actually happen (which renders the distance aspect a bit moot anyway).

It seems likely that we're sensing energy. But the conundrum is, that's what we do all the time. Everyone does. We all detect and sense various forms of energy. But maybe some of us are sensing forms of energy that are (perhaps) not well understood. I've mentioned before that there may be some odd facet of time involved as well, but time and energy are related, after all. Or we think so. (Well okay, Einstein thought so!)

I'll repeat something else I've said maybe a couple of times already during the past few years in this thread. If we -- "we" meaning humans -- can gain a better understanding of how some of us sense things like quakes, then we might be able to discover the energy relationships involved. From that, it may be possible to create devices that can "sense" what we do -- but much more reliably and consistently. Sort of like having seismographs that detect the waves from quakes hours or days before they actually occur.

Who knows? They might be a new type of wave form -- or even an unknown form of energy.

Hi Mike...thank you for the feedback and I'm glad you agreed that it was some kind of result. To be totally honest, I'm a bit spooked by it, and feeling a little fragile maybe because the symptom involved is so sodding unpleasant. It's kinda there today and lurks in the background quiet often, but when it spikes like that, it's horrible. I'm also spooked by the fact that you picked up so clearly on an Alaskan quake too. Alaska is talking to us, I think, but this the point of a future big event that is throwing out some kind of message already?

Your take on the energy involved is interesting too...I suspect it might be something we don't yet have a name for, and isn't widely recognised, but is a basic human ability that we've lost for the most part. The answer has to come to us the wrong way round if you like...we won't discover a form of energy and work out how it can be useful. We will sense a form of energy and work to identify it, and maybe not everyone will be aware of it, in much the same way that not everyone is built to sing opera. The time thing is an issue I can't get my head around at all...the whole multiple or diverging timelines thing, if that's what you were talking about. Perhaps the rest of my perception is so weird that I'm hanging onto strictly linear time as a safely mechanism...I dunno!
But yes, it could well be a component, certainly in what you experienced with the screen shots. It also might be that you have flashes of good old fashioned clairvoyance.

I think it's interesting that this uptick in my awareness, which I'm going to assume this is, for sake of argument, co-incides precisely with my change in diet. I've been vegetarian since the age of 23, but in the last three weeks or so I've been trying very hard to stick to a strictly vegan diet, which is much much harder than it sounds. I'm doing it for a couple of main reasons...firstly because dairy is really not good for me. I suspect I might be lactose intolerant, and the pain it induces in my digestive system is awful. I also want to keep my weight down, and don't need all those cheesy calories. As soon as I made the decision to make the change for health reasons, suddenly I was being bombarded with information on FB and other places about the animal rights issues involved with dairy in particular, and I'm not shy to say it's given me nightmares. To me it's confirmation that I'm doing the right thing, and I have to stay strictly vegan. Anyway......

Many people I know who do spiritual work, of any kind pretty much, say that to keep your systems clear, you should adopt a vegan diet. Animal products clog your energy systems..they're very dense, dirty energy in terms of the emotions involved in the animal and how that's transferred to us. In a way I'm not surprised that suddenly with a cleaner diet I might have a way of picking up on what's happening in the earth itself, and if we assume for a moment that the earth is a living, sentient being like we all are, then it makes even more sense.

So...where does this leave us...well, me with a headache, in the same place, behind my eyes in the centre of my head, so let's see if that indicates anything. It's pretty bad today.

Edit to add...last night I was very anxious, very panicky...seeing all kinds of images even before I fell asleep. I'm putting it down to my boyfriend's teenagers coming to stay the weekend. There are just two of them, but they may as well be a herd of wildebeest...they completely stress me out. There have been a couple of jolts in the Aleutians overnight and today, but my headache is still there, and getting worse.
edit on 21-9-2013 by caitlinfae because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Oannes

That's quite fascinating. You're certainly not alone in having the ability to hear quakes (meaning I assume from afar, or before they actually physically manifest). This was one of the things that led Charlotte King to develop her own methods for predicting quakes and volcanic eruptions: she'd hear various tones, and over some time she learned to distinguish them and tie them to ensuing quakes or eruptions. In fact, this ability formed the basis for what she evetually called "geosensology". You can read more about her at her site here.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by caitlinfae

Hi Cait,
you've covered quite a lot and so I'll reply in stages, quoting some bits of what you wrote.

Hi Mike...thank you for the feedback and I'm glad you agreed that it was some kind of result. To be totally honest, I'm a bit spooked by it, and feeling a little fragile maybe because the symptom involved is so sodding unpleasant. […] when it spikes like that, it's horrible. I'm also spooked by the fact that you picked up so clearly on an Alaskan quake too. Alaska is talking to us, I think, but this the point of a future big event that is throwing out some kind of message already?

Yes, when I get the physical effects it's pretty awful. And it can be a mental downer as well. As for Alaska, I really don't know what's so special about it, but I suspect something is. I do know that some of the first scientifically-confirmed instances of “remote triggering” involved smaller quakes in Yellowstone that were apparently set off by a larger one in Alaska.

Your take on the energy involved is interesting too...I suspect it might be something we don't yet have a name for, and isn't widely recognised, but is a basic human ability that we've lost for the most part. The answer has to come to us the wrong way round if you like...we won't discover a form of energy and work out how it can be useful. We will sense a form of energy and work to identify it, and maybe not everyone will be aware of it, in much the same way that not everyone is built to sing opera. The time thing is an issue I can't get my head around at all...the whole multiple or diverging timelines thing, if that's what you were talking about. Perhaps the rest of my perception is so weird that I'm hanging onto strictly linear time as a safely mechanism...I dunno!
But yes, it could well be a component, certainly in what you experienced with the screen shots. It also might be that you have flashes of good old fashioned clairvoyance.

Again, I agree. I suspect there could be a range of abilities that people used to have but which over time have either fallen into disuse through lack of need, or in this “modern” age we've been socialized not to take notice of them.

About the time issue, I don't claim to have even a halfway decent idea of how it might work.
I just feel it's far more complex than a simply linear system.

I think it's interesting that this uptick in my awareness, which I'm going to assume this is, for sake of argument, co-incides precisely with my change in diet. I've been vegetarian since the age of 23, but in the last three weeks or so I've been trying very hard to stick to a strictly vegan diet […] Anyway...

Many people I know who do spiritual work, of any kind pretty much, say that to keep your systems clear, you should adopt a vegan diet. Animal products clog your energy systems..they're very dense, dirty energy in terms of the emotions involved in the animal and how that's transferred to us. In a way I'm not surprised that suddenly with a cleaner diet I might have a way of picking up on what's happening in the earth itself, and if we assume for a moment that the earth is a living, sentient being like we all are, then it makes even more sense.

I follow what you're saying. I was a vegetarian for some years and my adult daughter has chosen a vegan lifestyle and is raising her own kids that way. (And yes, they're fine, fit and healthy!) I certainly have known several rather spiritual people who are either vegetarians or full vegans; it's also interesting that some systems of beliefs encourage it as a spiritually purer way of life.

So...where does this leave us...well, me with a headache, in the same place, behind my eyes in the centre of my head, so let's see if that indicates anything. It's pretty bad today.

Do you mean it's just below what's called “the third eye”?

Edit to add...last night I was very anxious, very panicky...seeing all kinds of images even before I fell asleep. I'm putting it down to my boyfriend's teenagers coming to stay the weekend. There are just two of them, but they may as well be a herd of wildebeest...they completely stress me out. There have been a couple of jolts in the Aleutians overnight and today, but my headache is still there, and getting worse.

And there's one of the issues we all face: trying to filter out or at least distinguish sensations that are very likely due to fairly normal factors (like stress) from those of no known etiology. Over the years I've gotten fairly good at it, especially in relation to negative mental effects. The physical ones can be harder to pin down, partly due to my age catching up with me. But meanwhile, the best we can do is note down whatever symptoms we get and see if there are any correlations that consistently seem to tie in to external factors – meaning where there is no apparent, “normal” cause.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by JustMike

Thank you for the reply. The teenagers are behaving nicely, so I'm a lot less stressed.
I'm pretty clear, I think about what is stress induced pain and what isn't. I'm also pretty sure I have fibromyalgia, and the pain involved with that follows a definite pattern...joint pain, muscle pain and weakness, inability to move quickly after rest, and a few others. This headache has never been part of the pattern, however. It's like it's behind my third eye, deep inside my head, as if you could imagine a right angle between third eye and crown, and it would be at the point where they meet. It's not my eyesight, as sometimes I wake up with it. It's still bubbling away today, not quite gone, so will see what tomorrow's pattern shows.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by wasobservingquietly


like you say, I think it could well be that sometimes things build up, and build up and then -- nothing happens!

Well, at least, nothing manifest happens. There's no big jolt that registers on various seismos or anything. But all the same, as quakes are very much a reflection of energy moving from place to place, perhaps sometimes, some energy is transferred (or transformed) without shaking the ground around.

Maybe instead it shakes the sky (so to speak). Or forms of electromagnetic energy are released that cause ionospheric heating. Or there is greater frictive heating well below ground, which sometimes could also involve piezoelectric effects. Or perhaps it could even be linked to an increase in lightning activity. I don't know, but I wouldn't rule any of these out out. And as 70% of our planet is covered in water, who knows what sort of energy exchanges may take place in the depths of the oceans?

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by caitlinfae

Well, that's interesting, because I'm getting exactly the same thing. It's not too intense but it's no fun either.

Hmm. Something I need to mention. I just let my mind open to see what I'd get, and I got "Chihuahua". First off I thought it was "Chihuaca" but a search didn't help much, so I figure it should be Chihuahua. Checking the USGS world quake map, I see there was a magnitude 5.3 in the Mexican State of Chihuahua today, followed by a 4.8.

The thing is, I didn't know about this. I had the USGS map sitting open in a tag on my browser like always, but hadn't even clicked on that quake til just now because it was obviously a fairly small one. Nor did I hear about it on the TV news that I watched during dinner. CNN is full of the attack/shooting in Nairobi plus the ongoing Syria thing, Sky News were just blabbering drivel about politics as far as I could tell. So, anyone can take it or leave it, but I didn't know the location of that quake by name.

So I'm puzzling over it and the nagging feeling I have is that the 5.3 quake may be a foreshock of a larger one. If that's so, then any major shock could be within 72 hours or so. True, there could be nothing major for months or years in that region, but when I get a name that "comes up" into my view, so to speak, I've learned to not ignore it. But for it to be major, it would need to be a high mag 6 at least and more likely well into the mag 7 range. Otherwise (considering they've had a 5.3) I can't see why I'd pick up on it at all.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 03:55 PM
I don't want to edit my post above because it effectively includes a prediction and I prefer to leave them alone once posted, so here's the details of today's quake events in Chihuahua from the earthquake report .com website.
A very good site, by the way. Lots of report details and maps.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by JustMike

Well that's really weird..we have the same headache. I didn't twig at all that's why you might be asking me. Now I'm definitely spooked. The only other name I got today, almost by a process of association with Alaska in a strange way, was Patagonia. I was thinking...why Alaska? and wondering what it really looked like to be there, and thinking it was one of the real wilderness destinations I would love to visit one day, along with Patagonia. They kinda make me feel the same when I think about them...very remote, cold, primitive, wild places. I'm sure I would love them both, but I also have the feeling that Alaska is a clue about something larger. That dream I logged a while back of the land tipping up and sliding into the sea was definitely in Alaska, and it would affect the whole Pacific, whatever event it is. Kinda makes me think about the "global coastal event" I've read about in the past.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 05:57 AM
I haven't been able to sleep all night (it's now 7am, my butt will be dragging for sure today) I've been periodically checking in on the EQ maps, on GEE, and the NIED Ustream channel. There's nothing abnormal on any of them, unless I've missed anything interesting in between checks (unlikely)
I've had that "antsy" feeling going all night, and for the last 15 minutes, I've had very high pitched ringing in my ears. It came on so abruptly, like the flick of a switch, that I about jumped out of my skin. No muted hearing, just the ringing...

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 01:14 PM
Just a quick post before I have to leave the house.
Hubby almost had a seizure at work yesterday & again a little while ago.
My ears are ringing again.

But the weirdest thing was a quick look at Facebook,
& seeing so many people today saying they couldn't sleep last night & had weird dreams!

My three nieces, who live as far away as Illinois, all dreamed of tornadoes!
Not about earthquakes thank goodness!
We're all having cooler weather, not tornado weather at all.

Just thought it odd how so many people were having trouble sleeping, especially on a weekend!!!

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:16 PM
Hi all! I haven't posted in a while. Mainly been trying to suppress most of my feelings, so as to deal with day to day life.

Last night before bed I had a series of heart palpitations and a tiny anxiety attack. I thought to myself... earthquake, and went to bed. This morning we wake up to the 7.8 in Pakistan.

Tonight, however, I am having a massive anxiety attack, and a series of ...trilling... heart palpitations. Like an vibration that is escalating.

I was laying in bed trying to shut my brain up, when I finally asked myself what the heck is this already? The first thing that popped in my head was 8.4. Followed by Aleutians. Mentally I asked myself "WHAT?" Then I got, 'Wait no maybe Azores.' (Yes I talk to myself, but I for the most part do it silently
So of course that flipped me out a bit, because an 8.4 would factor into some pretty bad doom and gloom scenarios. An 8.4 in the Azores could potentially do a whole heck of a lot more.

Now I am predicting nothing here because that isn't something I am in any way comfortable with. When I get ... information... it generally comes to me as feelings/sensations (ie. drowning, running, screaming. etc.) I have in the past just known things, but that isn't the norm. I just thought I would share this little bit in case it isn't just my brain trying to freak me out.

Love and Light

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by amarenell

God I hope you're feeling better when you wake up hun. It's not good when we can't place the source.

I'm only posting in response to yours, as I was trying to pin what I was feeling on real life stuff, but maybe it isn't. I too had a massive rush of panic that lasted a couple of hours before bed last night...real deep panicky feelings that I just couldn't connect to anything I knew about. Absolutely came out of nowhere. I thought it might have been about my mum's visit to the doctors today, but when I thought about it closely, it wasn't the source of my panic. I was as sore as hell yesterday, could hardly move in the morning, and my sleep last night was kinda disturbed. I also very disturbed by your mention of the Aleutians, as that's what I seem to have been feeling. There hasn't been anything much going on there in the last few days, and the biggest has been a 5.2 in the last week. Still big but not the size I seem to pick up on, which really needs to be closer to a 6 or more, if what I've felt in the past is anything to go by. I also haven't had much of a headache the last few days either. But yes...the Azores could be much worse.

I feel ok this morning, just a bit antsy, wanting to stock up with food, clean the house, have been awake since before 5, far too much energy when I should be what am I prepping for, eh?

Hope you have a better day today.

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