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I would vote for Hilary

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posted on May, 9 2008 @ 04:07 AM
i may not be the right person to make suggestions here on US Politics, however i carefully watch the proceeding in US Presidential Race for some reasons ... Oh yea got to know who is gonna be our next ' Boss '

Also you may find interesting how a Pakistani think of the American Politics and current President race.

1. Racism.

Well i believe every civilized American either Black or white denounces racism however i think common citizen who are not very much literate still would be considering Race issue in this Presidential Race... i may be wrong but just my personal thought....

2. Barak Obama..

As a Muslim first i was very amazed that a guy who was a Muslim is likely to become US President but it was short-lived excitement when i came to know the same guy said he would invade Pakistan and attack Mecca Holiest City in the Muslim world.... then i realized oh my gosh he is even worse than Bush...
infact i think it was a good tactic .... Today War on Terror is most critical issue for any candidate and to be successful or make headlines in the papers
one has to make such statements.... ' I would do what Bush could not do - Get me elected .. Vote for me ' very desperate he seemed to me.

I agree to this notion that he is 'inexperienced' and to some degree i do agree to this that he would have not been in this position if he were not Black... and in my opinion he would win the Demo Presidential Race...

To be neutral he seems good candidate to me however he got to learn and gain some experience and i am sure he will.....

3. Hilary.

hmmm, She is nice lady however to me she is not very experienced either and she made some foolish statements about Obama that only caused damaged to her campaign like exploiting the issue of inexperience of Obama... to me both are inexperienced. and I still remember those ' Monster ' remarks actually it was because she was too desperate like Obama

however she had different tactics .... Obama wanted more media coverage therefore he made those stupid remarks like invading

Pakistan and attacking Mecca like that. Hilary instead targeted Obama and that is one stupid and silly mistake she made... esp., when she asked him to be her VP ... she seemed very desperate as well...

Overall i support Hiliary to be next US President however that's unlikely in my opinion as Barak is likely to win the Demo Presidential Race.....

4. MaCcain

Well, repulican to me are very professional they did not make the same mistake that hiliary and obama made i meant bashing each other and demonstrating extreme desperation to become President ....

I think MAccain has more chances than anybody else to be next US President.... though he does not physically look good to me

But on the positive note, he looks mature and experienced

Again as a Pakistani i would vote for Hiliary.. because i think she might be able to ease the tensions and bring some peace to the World!!!!

[edit on 9-5-2008 by LOYAL]

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by LOYAL

Great post!

The problem is that obama isn't a muslim, despite his name - he's christian.
One of his problems has been that his pastor has said some things that can quite easily be used against obama.

Nice to hear a different view though - I'm from the UK by the way, so I haven't much of an interest in the election.
Although whoever the winner is will probably be our boss as well

[edit on 9/5/2008 by budski]

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by budski
The problem is that obama isn't a muslim, despite his name - he's christian.

But he was muslim and he used to offer Muslim prayers in Indonesia isn't?

However to me he seemed very much stupid when he talked about Muslims Holiest cities like Mecca. Everyone can see why is he making such statement just to prove that he is not Muslim.. and led to criticism against him as being called ' Naive'

Also i can't figure why is he getting so many votes while he is really ' Naive ' I watched some Live Interviews and hardly can act as a professional Politician ... or answer the questions that way., While Hilary is also not very much experienced but at least she does appear 'experienced' though i did not like her for being so much desperate to become President.

But overall She is my choice for next US President.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by budski


Nice to hear a different view though - I'm from the UK by the way, so I haven't much of an interest in the election.
Although whoever the winner is will probably be our boss as well

Don't mean to be so blunt but perhaps you should be interested and voice an opinion.
Something tells me you'll soon be griping about the next US Prez anyway.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 05:15 PM
Here you go LOYAL - obama's wiki entry:

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by Alxandro

I meant that I don't have the amount of interest as I do in the UK elections.

Maybe you shouldn't make assumptions

[edit on 9/5/2008 by budski]

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by budski

Really wasn't trying to be mean.
I'm not making assumptions just making an official prediction.

To be honest, I prefer the Brits election process, it's quick and painless.
Here in the States it gets dragged on for years.
Quite a burnout actually, that's why there are usually low turnouts.
Although this years election will set records, I've a feeling it may not be as high as predicted because of candidate burnout.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 05:31 PM
As an American I should probably not even throw my 2 cents in here but I will.
First I really am interested in hearing how everyone, from every other Country thinks about what is going on here in the States. I'm interested in how the Media plays there role.
1) Obama is Christian, never was Muslim.
2) Hillary said any attack on Israel from Iran would be the end of days for Iran. (not so much the olive branch there)
3) McCain is more Bush
4) Ron Paul is completely unelectable. (too bad, he is what our Country needs right now too)
5) Race is an issue in our Country but it is so not politicaly correct to talk about for the most part.
6) Clinton is getting so close to giving McCain a big smooth on the cheek that I wish I was entirely kidding about her being "HIS" VP choice.
....I don't mean to discourage you regarding Clinton, after all I loved Bill, but my friend, she scares me and will do anything to get elected, and those are not the people you want as President.
hopefully I was as apolitical as I could be. To be fair I will say that Obama is my only choice out of the three but I am very wary, not so much about the Rev. Wright stuff, but his wife has said some things that bother me alot, and she comes off as arrogant or entitled or something that just rubs me wrong.
I don't think any American could argue with me that "you" and everyone else in the world would be safe from "our involvement or police actions", if Ron Paul was President. But your next best choice is Obama. Clinton and McCain are 4 more years of the same old crap.
....I just point that out because you seemed to think that Clinton is a more "peaceful" choice. oh, I don't know anything about Obama saying he would blow up any Mosques. Doesn't sound legit to me.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 05:38 PM
Hillary reminds me of my 3rd grade school school marm who over reaches and prabbles on so. Not a great deal of substance but trying to exhibit force. Perhaps trying to overcome some inner self awareness of a woman president. It's overdone. She could have used it to her advantage. Instead of doing the concrete block head butting thing, like with Iran.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
reply to post by budski

To be honest, I prefer the Brits election process, it's quick and painless.
Here in the States it gets dragged on for years.
Quite a burnout actually, that's why there are usually low turnouts.
Although this years election will set records, I've a feeling it may not be as high as predicted because of candidate burnout.

How exactly would you suggest the U.S. do a quick and painless election?
I guess I should say, how do we realistically do it?
I say get rid of the two party system and make people run on issues.
We have sooooooo many retards that vote just on if someone says they are a Republican or Democrat. I say since we already have an "electoral college" we should feel free to amend the Constitution and make people pass a test in order to be allowed to vote. All you have to do is pick up an election book that outlines the issues and what they mean and explain how our Country's government works and simply demonstrate that you have an educated guess of why you are voting for someone. How many people just don't care and if they do vote it is because they liked them on the Tonight Show.
Or, even better, how many people thought that Clinton's and McCain's "gas tax break" was some helpful idea worthy of a vote?
We could make voting easier and quicker this way. have 6 months to write your position on anything you want. Educated have 1 month to read and get tested and need to watch 2 full debates. You will get a $1,000 tax credit for participating in your civic duty..... just off the top of my head

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

you are right to the most part of your post...!!!

well! i was recently shocked to hear that she said she would wipe out Iran off the map ... and she is 'naive' too in my opinion..

Barak as i said is most likely to win demo race....!!!!

I praised him as a good candidate too but in my opinion he is not very much experienced one, but seems like he has learned alot from the criticism...

Bill Clinton was very much admired here as compare to other US Presidents so i thought may be She would be following his footsteps .... therefore i thought she might be less interested in wars but her recent comments really stunned me i was not expecting that from her.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 06:03 PM
Much agreed Loyal. Americans (hopefully for the most part) are war weiry. We've had enough. And I'm sick and tired of total and complete alliance with Israel, they have had opportunity to mitigate some of the hotbed issues in the middle east and have failed to do so. So why our continued firm allegiance?
Obama is our best hope now. Ron Paul would have been best pick but our electional process has made sure that won't happen.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 06:18 PM
Experience, Experience, Experience,....
That is all campaign strategy. How much experience did Lincoln or Washington have?
It means next to nothing. What you need is "judgment" and a whole host of other "virtues". The President surrounds himself with the best and brightest (((ohhhh, sooooo, much in theory)))) but if you have a smart President you will have smart advisors. If you have a dumb President (Bush) no seriously, he has a child's matureity and a teenager's wit.
and look at the villians that he surrounded himself with.
Forget experience! Obama didn't by into the expediant "gas tax break" crap. That for me was huge. I wanted to smash my t.v. when I was being told by Clinton and McCain that saving .30 cents a day was going to help me through a tough summer!!! How fracking dumb do they think we are??
I once liked McCain too. But time after time after time he is saying the wrong, wrong things. Most people don't care about the Supreme Court either but it matters alot to me, and we have a couple important Justices that can't hang on much longer. A McCain appointed Justice and America is going to wake up wondering, what the hell happened.
I was very disappointed in how Hillary turned out. I will move to Korphe and teach school if either Hillary or McBush get elected.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by jpm1602
Obama is our best hope now. Ron Paul would have been best pick but our electional process has made sure that won't happen.

So buddy you think Barak would be able to ease the tension and bring the peace to the world..... i was under the impression he is a war-mongering person..... may be our media depicted him like that.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by Alxandro

To be honest mate, the one thing I prefer about Gordon Brown is that he is not as subserviant as blair appeared to be.

Although it may just be an appearance.

All I know is, mccain is bush, hillary is bill, and obama is desperate.

Sounds like quite an election

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by budski

All I know is, mccain is bush, hillary is bill, and obama is desperate.

very well said, i feel the same way, that's why i have chosen Hilary.. as Bill Clinton is the only President who is in good books of Pakistanies.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 06:31 PM
Korphe was a referance to Greg Mortenson's work in Pakistan. He did more for your Country than our whole buracratic mess of a government has done for you guys. You might be too young to have heard of him.
Korphe is probably way north of you next to K2.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 06:34 PM
Obama has given every indication he would like to bring current hostilities to an end and rebuild America's reputation in the world. That's my impression. We all know how much those are worth. The fact is we are hog tied with our choices. Now it's just the lesser of the evils.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by LOYAL

Fair enough - can't argue with that

If he was good for your country, then I wouldn't expect anything less

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Res Ipsa
Experience, Experience, Experience,....
That is all campaign strategy. How much experience did Lincoln or Washington have?
It means next to nothing. What you need is "judgment" and a whole host of other "virtues". The President surrounds himself with the best and brightest (((ohhhh, sooooo, much in theory)))) but if you have a smart President you will have smart advisors. If you have a dumb President (Bush) no seriously, he has a child's matureity and a teenager's wit.
and look at the villians that he surrounded himself with.
Forget experience! Obama didn't by into the expediant "gas tax break" crap. That for me was huge. I wanted to smash my t.v. when I was being told by Clinton and McCain that saving .30 cents a day was going to help me through a tough summer!!! How fracking dumb do they think we are??
I once liked McCain too. But time after time after time he is saying the wrong, wrong things. Most people don't care about the Supreme Court either but it matters alot to me, and we have a couple important Justices that can't hang on much longer. A McCain appointed Justice and America is going to wake up wondering, what the hell happened.
I was very disappointed in how Hillary turned out. I will move to Korphe and teach school if either Hillary or McBush get elected.

Well put. I just thought I'd also like to mention the fact that this gas tax holiday BS that the 'experienced' candidates want would cost 4300 jobs here in my home state (currently) of Washington.

Yeah! Go experience! Hillary thinks she knows more than every economist who said it's a bad idea. That sounds JUST like someone who believes they are the most experienced and have cut off any other influences...



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