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posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 02:06 PM
...stand today's society through what's going on in what you hear, understand, see, perceive, and consume in other aspects to judge?

If you cant, then will you stop putting up with it by any means probably?

When you consume harmful things from the air or water, which may or may not provide warning by smell or taste, suddenly you turn to mentally consuming body pains from the feeling that can come on physically from innerly or outterly.

We can have a better tomorrow's society by getting rid of today's society. Today's society is an abomination being beholded. Dont try to cover the truth up, but delete that nasty truth for another truth.

We can literally change our truth of society, deceptively or truthfully.

Waking up is half the good fight, taking action is that other half needed for a completion to be.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 02:15 PM
No differences will be made outside your individual life until you can form an organized mass of people who know the same things that you do.

The population needs to put their trust in each other and remove it from those in power. We are doomed by those who control our food, energy, water, and law.

We all want change, but will we all get off our asses to do so? Doubt it.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 02:36 PM
Well, I think there are some things about society in general that I'm not thrilled with, but there's really nothing I can do about them. I don't control society. Nobody does. Maybe someday society will slowly change and some of the things I don't like will go away.

But there's no guarantee that I'll like the changes any better. If a bunch of people decide to remove the current power structure, who's to say that what they replace it with will be any better for me, as an individual? There's absolutely no way to predict that. You can't even say for sure, "Well, it's bound to be better than what we have now." Think so?

In my limited experience, things could be better, but they could also always get a whole lot worse.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by Mabus

If you cant, then will you stop putting up with it by any means probably?

I'm not sure what you mean. How does one 'stop putting up with society'?

Are you thinking as in a revolution? withdrawal into a survivalist lifestyle? or perhaps some sort of control over what society thinks? Or is it something else altogether?


posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 05:12 PM
Not being a big fan of society, but also taking SantaClause's opinion that no-one will bother to change it, I tend to just let it slide.

Call it apathy, but in the end I can't really see what else I can do. Best just concentrate on my own issues, and maybe, as Nohup suggested, things will end up better.

Best not be too hopeful though looking at what's going on in the world today!

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 05:42 PM
Well, as nihlistic as I used to be, I would like to give humanity an option to get out. By just simply knowing that this is possible, maybe not knowing exactly how yet, then that's where change starts. If you walk around saying "Oh what am I gunna do about it?", obviously you're just perpetuating exactly the kind of sentiment we don't need in these dire situations.

Somebody telling the others to not even bother trying. That's like the Borg saying "resistance is futile", when common sense dictates that resistance is never futile when your living conditions are being rendered unbearable. That's gut instinct telling you to act. I guess we have been away from our roots for a while. We may have forgotten most of our instincts.

Some people want more than just self fulfillment. i think... I dunno, maybe I'M the crazy one in thinking that, if it weren't for all the browbeating and self policing we do to maintain the status quo, maybe we could actually mobilize some sort of effort, instead of everyone being afraid of what their peers will take away from them if they divert in any way from the set path.

There ARE enough people out there. I just gotta think of a way, and ya know feel free to help me anybody and everybody, to let the paranoid masses know that it's okay to pop their heads up and show their differences without being afraid of getting rejected.

Calling a conspiracy theorist paranoid? How about the average citizen, and the absolutely rediculous things THEY worry to death about?

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 05:50 PM
You've got the right idea, but I'm as stumped as you are as for a way to get the unspoken voice of the people to show itself.

Here in England free speech is being prohibited, for example in certain areas of the country or regarding certain issues you are no longer entitled to have an opinion.

I think this may be driving people towards a desire to maintain the status quo as you said, people don't want to go against the views of their peers, and they feel the same way back so in the end the most popular view prevails, which usually, as you suggested, is the most self-fulfilling or secure sounding view.

If only we could influence what that most popular view was, then we'd start seeing some results. From past precedent, the only real way to change the mass opinions of a nation are for some huge event to revolutionise things, or for powerful figures to speak out. Both pretty hard to archive, perhaps there are other ways?

That said, I'm sure there's things we can be doing on the ground to help out, and I join you in a request for people to help solve this uniquely modern yet age old dilemma!

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 06:13 PM
This is the 900th thread telling everyone how horrible the world is and how wonderful we are and were so close to changing ascending whatever. Well. Now what? You have a site we can go to? Or some kind of meeting? Is anyone providing any type of training for this good fight? If so let me know I'd like to look into it.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 06:22 PM
You bring up a good point, which really shows the main issue with this type of idea: organisation and implementation. If someone asked what site you could go to help fight oppression, I'd probably say ATS!

Even so, I'm sure there are many such sites out there, and I'm not sure they do much beyond spreading the work amongst those who already know it. Which brings up the issue that those who are unaware are unlikely to care about or believe what you have to say.

As for training, a little Tai-justsu goes a long way!

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Mabus
...stand today's society through what's going on in what you hear, understand, see, perceive, and consume in other aspects to judge?

If you cant, then will you stop putting up with it by any means probably?

When you consume harmful things from the air or water, which may or may not provide warning by smell or taste, suddenly you turn to mentally consuming body pains from the feeling that can come on physically from innerly or outterly.

We can have a better tomorrow's society by getting rid of today's society. Today's society is an abomination being beholded. Dont try to cover the truth up, but delete that nasty truth for another truth.

We can literally change our truth of society, deceptively or truthfully.

Waking up is half the good fight, taking action is that other half needed for a completion to be.

What exactly are YOU proposing?
With vague platitudes like this, I'm sure that you'll have the revolution rolling in no time.

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Mabus

We can literally change our truth of society, deceptively or truthfully.


Grow up.

You don't change society, society changes itself.

You don't expect other people to change, you change yourself and see whether or not people react.

Otherwise... oh gee!


posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 12:32 AM
You have no idea what it takes for me to stop myself from laughing derisively whenever your kind of mentality is brought to my attention.

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 12:34 AM
Let me explain; What you are suggesting is going to cause conflict.

You cannot replace one part of society that is @ the top, and expect everyone else in society to agree with what you've done.

If you are afraid of changing, of growing, of becoming more than you currently are then i'm sorry to say it, but you are nothing more than dead weight.

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 02:29 AM
Society was a good thing when it was people co-operating with one another in smaller groupings to help one another survive the natural perils of this world,what it has become though,is groupings of people working against other groupings of people trying to make a profit.
People have become too lazy and weak,taking for granted the luxuries that were once reserved for kings and other such types.
The only change one can make is through personal effort to avoid the traps and pitfalls of todays societies,to become less dependent on others for survival.
Groups which practice this type of anti-societal behaviour,or independence are singled out and destroyed because they are a threat to the rest of society,and the classes that rule that society.
The little people in this time are the ones who do all the work,sweat and dying for the greater good ,supposedly,but really they work toward profiting the masters,it has always been that way.
Except the american experiment....
There does need to be change one day AGAIN.
It was the USA in earlier times.
In reality,true free people are considered to be a pimple on the face of humanity,to be eliminated and converted over to the same old slave classes,or slightly altered ones that they do not realise they are part of.
Like the world today,there is no real freedom anywhere,if you really look at it for what it is.
Go ahead and try to imagine something better,I'll bet you honestly can't.
We should have listened to our elders who knew more freedom than we do.
We never listen,we never learn from past mistakes.
We are getting to the point of trying to make up for past mistakes again,but it would have been easier to have not become complacent.

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 03:30 AM
The key to changing the world for the better is to change the entire concept of government itself, and, I'm somewhat regretful to say, to eliminate religion... at least to the point where it has ZERO influence in politics. (Religion is not to be confused with spirituality, love, truth). The key is in (somehow) eliminating the entire ubertotalitarian culture of official secrecy. In the US, for example, the real government is the National Security state. (Forget the confusing, glaring counterproductivity of shouting out names like Bilderberg, CFR, Illuminati and especially that Crown Jewel of Vagueness, NWO)... In short, there has to be enough popular support for such real change. It's in the willingness to bring out into the open EVERYTHING that sounds simply TOO strange to discuss - things NO ONE is discussing even on the more progressive websites. If we expect the most unexpected, most preposterous-sounding truths ahead of time, it won't come as such a huge shock when all the details come out... if they do.

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 10:53 AM
Man, it is so scary to read threads like these that want results in change through means of fighting back. We don't need to fight back just be aware of everything around you cause "They are implementing their plan perfectly, everyone is scared of the global crises our planet is in.

It's all astrological, our planet is changing because our universe is changing. They know this because the "Aliens" (now you can all chew me apart ) that own "us" have told them the way things work astrologically. These astro anomalies effect us and the planet, and "They" work their agenda around these events. Once they have ultimate control of the population there can be full contact/disclosure to the public. If the owning part seems far fetched just think back to how things worked in the Colony days of the British Empire.

What side we`re on and what's going on out in our sky's is beyond me but man i hope it's not that bad, because "They" are using their pyschological warfare techniques. These techniques are a more common way to invade and conquer, whereas the ways we use are primitive. Hell what would you think of the ways ancient tribes did warfare compared to today's.

There is a truth to "survival of the fittest" As in the ones who find "enlightenment" will be more powerful and free than the ones who control us. Enlightenment was the best word i could think of to describe what i mean.

I have no proof of aliens, other than my own viewing of a Space Ship. I have not been abducted or contacted by aliens this is just what seems true to me and my search for the truth. Life still goes on and you'll find away to survive no matter what man-made or natural disaster is to happen. Obviously the ones with a bunker and survival supplies will be more likely to survive, but come on then you just look like a quack. I would love to build one myself, but i talk about this stuff way too much and will just end up in a padded cell.


posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 01:37 PM
to the op:

Change....there has been many threads like this, and its about time someone steps up to the plate (Like yourself) Get together with others who have posted similar threads, form a party, socialize, meet, and light the fire.

I'm sure many members from ats will be more than happy to participate in whatever event takes place including myself.

Will you lead this? if you can't then who will?

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Ramb0

Your kidding right! You want to be put on a watch list?

Sites like these are monitored for exsactly this purpose, if they are who were told they are then your screwed. No way can you start a group on the net, you have to do it by word of mouth and even that could bring unwanted attention.

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 07:02 PM
Well I for one am willing to give my life for truth, so my name is Colin David Burt, and I'm very interested in starting a political party. The 3rd entry of my blog is THE ETERNAL SCIENCE PARTY OF THE USA (keep clicking "older posts"),

edited emails only via u2u please
Forum Mod

[edit on 12-4-2008 by gallopinghordes]

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 07:13 PM
If you are really interested in making a change you should read the thread I started Everything should be free! Lost of good ideas so far and more being added... Not trying to promote this, but it's basically the same subject so I thought I'd throw it your way... peace...

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