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do the Globalists hate Russia because Russia RESISTS the Globalists?

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posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 02:05 PM
OK, I was sitting there, watching The Price is Right on CBS, and over 50% of it was commercials. All the commercials talked about was the new cool medication, or possibly a new car with "No money down and 0% interest until 2010". And all the news spat were the football scored, which celeb got married, and what McCain said in his speech.

I tell you: I am Russian, I know Russian, and I visit Russia occasionally.

And what do I do in Russia? Well, a few tourist attractions, maybe visit someone I know, but when I get home at 7 PM, I watch TV.

Tell you this: Russian news are NOT like American news. NO celebs, no football scores, and, best of all, they DON'T FEED MINDLESS PROPAGANDA!

They are almost as good as BBC!

But, this is not my main point. The main point is that, on Channel 1, ORT, the MOST popular Russian channel, I saw a commercial for an alternative cure for the common cold. An apparatus you stick in your nose, turn on, and it somehow cures clogged sinuses/soar throat with a specific frequency of EM radiation.

THAT'S RIGHT, FOLKS, A COMMERCIAL FOR ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE, RIGHT HERE ON CHANNEL 1! And I saw a few advertisements for psychic healing on ORT. You would NEVER see ads for alternative cures on corporate-controlled MSM or big pharma-controlled commercials. NEVER!

And there were TWO documentaries about psychics, KGB research into psychics, and psychic healing. In the doc, they revealed the fact that psychics can and do heal advanced forms of cancer! And they told how to contact the psychics! AND THE DOC WAS AIRED ON MAINSTREAM RUSSIAN TELEVISION!

Look, I'm not a commy defending my country. I am simply stating what I saw.

And although you see the occasional conspiracy files/secret society doc on TV, you usually see it on the less popular biography channel or sometimes history channel.

Local, popular channels ALWAYS air sports, news, reality shows, or game shows.

So, what am I saying?

That Russian media is not going Big Brother. Why does the American media bash Russian media? Because it refuses to comply to the wealthy multinational corporations. Russian media refuses to comply to Big Pharma, as I saw with my own eyes.

And ever heard of propaganda? Don't like someone, bash them. Find a scapegoat.

In light of MSM's history of lying and propaganda, and of BEING RUSSIAN AND WATCHING RUSSIAN TV, and in light of everything else I know about the multinationals and Big Brother, I can conclude that yes, mainstream media (American) does NOT like Russia or Russian media, but not because it is growing state-controlled; but rather because it is out of line with the wealthy multinationals.

I think Russia and Putin RESIST corporate tyranny, and that is why they are accused of reverting back to Communism!

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 02:10 PM
Also, Russia somehow, I think I saw it in the news, resists the Globalists' oil/natural resources monopoly.

AND Russia refuses to be part of NATO and UN.

Not to mention the fact that the Globalists lost power and control AFTER the collapse of the Soviet Union!

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 03:48 PM
i appreciate what you're saying but let me add that i very much doubt that the Western Powers would cozy up with Russia if they actually gave in. some differences, whether real or imagined go deeper than PR and assimilation issues. there is a level of intolerance which i figure most cannot fully understand unless they're confronted with it. note that the analogy i will use is inaccurate, it just goes to demonstrate a point.

so, my fair warning is that, at a time there were basically two variants of Native American people, those who followed tradition and assimilated ones.

whenever wars were fought against them, you can probably guess whose villages got hit first.

hint: imagine easy targets

morale: no amount of cooperation will lessen their hostility.

PS: i bet you've noticed that Russian toothpaste does not contain flouride?

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 04:14 PM
Russia's TV is not propaganda? What are you watching exactly? When on official channel you saw what happens in Russia's hot spots? When you saw an interview with opposition ? Russian people have much less freedom then the Americans with or without NWO. Liberties that are now being lost (as i see from this forum) in US were never available to Russians.
So painting Russia as a bastion of personal freedom and unbiased media is ,well, inappropriate.
As for becoming one planet - and Russia's involvement in this weird idea:
Russian people are definitely against globalization, but their leaders are heavily investing in the western,globalized,economy. Huge efforts are being made (successfully) by Russia to control large part of GLOBAL energy market. Economical crisis in the west will cause damage to Russian economy also. Now can you show me why Russia is not part of a globalist world?
And finally , can you explain how Putin fights corporations when he established one of the biggest government corporations in the world -Gazprom? Maybe because Russian "non"-brainwashing media tends to show successful farmers and loyal politicians and not the truth?
BTW, about a big brother stuff - how much Russian politicians are ex-KGB? I wonder what would happen in US when that much ministers were from CIA ,not to mention the president.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
Russia's TV is not propaganda? What are you watching exactly? When on official channel you saw what happens in Russia's hot spots? When you saw an interview with opposition ? Russian people have much less freedom then the Americans with or without NWO. Liberties that are now being lost (as i see from this forum) in US were never available to Russians.
So painting Russia as a bastion of personal freedom and unbiased media is ,well, inappropriate.
As for becoming one planet - and Russia's involvement in this weird idea:
Russian people are definitely against globalization, but their leaders are heavily investing in the western,globalized,economy. Huge efforts are being made (successfully) by Russia to control large part of GLOBAL energy market. Economical crisis in the west will cause damage to Russian economy also. Now can you show me why Russia is not part of a globalist world?
And finally , can you explain how Putin fights corporations when he established one of the biggest government corporations in the world -Gazprom? Maybe because Russian "non"-brainwashing media tends to show successful farmers and loyal politicians and not the truth?
BTW, about a big brother stuff - how much Russian politicians are ex-KGB? I wonder what would happen in US when that much ministers were from CIA ,not to mention the president.

You see, that's the way the media portrays it. In reality, the Soviet Union was controlled by the West as "controlled opposition". Thus, the Globalists has the US, Canada, Europe (EU), and the USSR under control. The stage was ALMOST set for world government when the USSR collapsed.

Watched ENDGAME? See the movement towards "unions", the centralization of power, money language? USSR HAD ALL THAT, and they LOST it with the fall of the Union!

Now, the media is uncensored, completely contrary to what the Globalist hypocrites claim. Thus, Russia has freedom of speech. Tell me: did you EVER see an ad for alternative medicine (NOT big pharma) on national TV?

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by thetruth777

They are almost as good as BBC!


Boy, you've got it bad if you think the BBC are a reliable source of information.

At least, where national politics are concerned.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by Long Lance
i appreciate what you're saying but let me add that i very much doubt that the Western Powers would cozy up with Russia if they actually gave in. some differences, whether real or imagined go deeper than PR and assimilation issues. there is a level of intolerance which i figure most cannot fully understand unless they're confronted with it. note that the analogy i will use is inaccurate, it just goes to demonstrate a point.

so, my fair warning is that, at a time there were basically two variants of Native American people, those who followed tradition and assimilated ones.

whenever wars were fought against them, you can probably guess whose villages got hit first.

hint: imagine easy targets

morale: no amount of cooperation will lessen their hostility.

PS: i bet you've noticed that Russian toothpaste does not contain flouride?

They actually import most of the toothpaste...

But never paid attention lol.

Also, I couldn't help noticing that Russian food is more ORGANIC.

They have GOOD, ORGANIC FOOD for about 70 cents a pound!

In the US, I ONLY buy meat and milk at the small Iranian and Russian store in my neighborhood; everything else is crap.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
Russia's TV is not propaganda? What are you watching exactly?
So painting Russia as a bastion of personal freedom and unbiased media is ,well, inappropriate...

freedom of speech would mean you can talk about anything. in the West, medical topics are heavily censored, as far as i can tell, but so are politics, if you honestly think about it, especially the financial aspects. if you consider that an oxymoron...

all i know is that the subject of money creation obviously isn't taught anywhere in the West, outside higher level university courses, perhaps, while it's essential for understanding the current trends towards totalitarianism. as the saying goes, for every one striking at the roots of evil there are 100 or more who will only strike at the branches.

in Russia, health topics may be suffering from less control, but politcal stuff might as well be totally off limits, which just goes to show that overall values differ slightly. It's a leap of logic to assume that Russia is truely independent from what we call NWO, but it just might be true. wouldn't be the first time we're played, though.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by thetruth777

First of all, i totally agree that commercials and medications are a bad combination. However , i also do not support psychic/alternative commercials. There might be things that work - but majority are at least just as money making effort as a pharma companies. BTW, i am pharmacist....

As for USSR, i do not see how Stalin could be controlled. I also do not see how a Cuban crisis evolved as much as it did if things were under control. But i can see how someone can claim that what happened in Russian empire after 1917 was "allowed" or even "encouraged" to happen due to political/financial/or just experimental reasons. Of course SU's scary image was used by Western leaders to gain political victories over its Western rivals, but the same in USSR,just West was the spooky one.
Actually now Russia depends much more on global economy (which is a main force being used to create a single world - when it can not be used,bomb are . Modernized Clausewitz.) then USSR and Russian elite is much more involved economically in this global market. Chelsea ,anyone...
I think that even China is involved the globalization thing. Is it to gain technological equality only or on a real basis - i can not see.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 12:17 PM
To OP:

I was born in Russia, watch Russian TV on the web or whenever I can etc, and I can't agree with you on any of your points. As others commented already, Russian TV is not independent or propaganda-free at all, and I would say it is effectively run by Kremlin these days. There are tons of annoying commercials as well -- you forgot about these beer commercials etc. As the entertainment goes... Don't get me started... Glam-shot gangsta flicks.. yikes...

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 12:27 PM
Mother Russia is ATHIEST they are tied to no god theory so this is interesting. They do know E.T.s are out there though. So maybe the red army sees themselves as equals in which they should.

Religion can be used as a door to do business with other nations.

Mother Russia is cold and hard but has some interesting things probably learned from E.T.s do to there belief system. Worship is only good when your winning in a fight.

Let me expand on this:
Well when you let go of the take care of me role you actually are ready to do buisness with yourself, a view that can only help you, when you think there is somebody to do your bidding you only take away the sight of the vision that gave you freedom to begin with. This initial step is a bold one, but I am on board with being free, so if a country has to get rid of its old ways, then by all means find a god within so you have your tommorrow to come.

This would cut through all the b.s about what God is symbolically and make you equal to learn without the role of a victim. Responsibility would have to come into place which would place a country closer to spiritual maturity.

Once the hardships are gone, there is only a slope to descend on.

[edit on 7-4-2008 by menguard]

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 02:58 PM
Perhaps the higher-ups in Russia are privy to the fact that the strength of the nation can be enhanced when they make information available to the public, and free them up from excessive tax burdens.

The economic prosperity of a nation is the foundation to build influence in the world. Plunder it and you make your country irrelevant.

The difficult part is realizing that to have a strong country is to relinquish the desire to control it selfishly.

Every man must realize that our strength depends not on what we take from others, but what we help them build.


We will prosper together, or we will die together. There is no longer any room for ambitious leaders and tyranny.

The great mass of mankind... every part of it... is essential. Contribute (or else). We will tolerate no parasites when our problems, and perhaps our very survival, require cooperation from everyone.

[edit on 7-4-2008 by ianr5741]

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 03:32 PM
you said, "I think Russia and Putin RESIST corporate tyranny, and that is why they are accused of reverting back to Communism!"

What is the central bank of Russia? Is it privately owned? Who owns it? The U.S. is a corporation. Is Russia?

Harriman via Ruskombank bankrolled the Bolsheviks from 1921 throughout the 20th Century, as well as the Nazis. So we have democracy, fascism and communism -- today, they are becoming one.

It might be helpful to step up your game, and talk about the money-issuing class that has no national loyalty to a country, but only to the NWO.'

The words "democracy" and "communism" are social engineered concepts to channel thinking into robotic conditioned responses. If you're up in space, and look down on Earth, do you see lines drawn around each country ...

China is communist, they were not overthrown by the U.S. and Britain, nor by the U.S.S.R, nor by Russia. I, too, have friends from Russia, and 10 years ago they told me the stairways to many apartments are toilets -- is this true? Has that changed under Putin?

It may be unsafe to believe everything, or anything, you see on TV. In EVERY country the tv programming is subject to that country's intelligence community.

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 05:32 AM


We will prosper together, or we will die together. There is no longer any room for ambitious leaders and tyranny.

The great mass of mankind... every part of it... is essential. Contribute (or else). We will tolerate no parasites when our problems, and perhaps our very survival, require cooperation from everyone.

rest assured that this kind of attitude will be dealt with in appropriate ways.

contribute to what? for whom? all of mankind? a shallow excuse if there ever was one. it's not up to you or anyone to judge people. judge and be judged.

anytime someone is talking about 'making money' from nothing but money they are doing what exactly? these people are of course in high regard and considered role models. these same people are of course the ones trying to 'weed out undesireables', a mentalty which ties heavily into such lofty things as eugenics, totalitarianism or simply put, any form of agression.

whenever i hear the word 'cooperation' in this context i only understand coercion and subjugation.

PS: you know what's essential? that people stop believing that ideology will solve any problem, because it can't and therefore, won't.

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