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Obama Could Make Case for Slavery Reparations at U.N.

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posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by projectvxn
Obama has not answered one question in an honest and direct manner. He skirts all around the issues, makes excuses for why people say such things, and has never once renounced Reverend Wright for his Racist and Anti-American remarks. He rejects the sentiments spoken not the man.

He even admitted that he DID hear some of Reverend Wright's comments, after saying he didn't. Why is the press not all over him like they are with Hillary's Bosnia lie? I can give you a citation where he admits this if you like.

[edit on 3/31/08 by LLoyd45]

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by xmotex
More predictable guilt by association using Obama's church and political allies in Chicago urban politics.

I don't know what Obama's stand is on reparations, but his problem with Wright is not one of simple association, it is one of affiliation.

There's a big difference.

All the evidence points to the fact that Wright used his pulpit as a stump for his radical politcal views and anyone who spent twenty years as a member of that church who says that he does not know the sentiments of his "spiritual" leader is not being honest.

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 10:51 PM
Hold on now. Wright's opinion is only 'radical' to white people...

The idea that rich white men run the world is a serious fact... serious... fact.
It's not constructive to go on a tirade about it, or blame the worlds problems on white people in general... but alot of Wright's speech is just the echo of real opinion.

Obama is not going to reject the sentiment of black communities... not even if it scares white people to hear. He has already tried distancing himself and leaving this situation gracefully but the race card is going to be played this election.

If you ask me, 'they' could be setting up Obama for a failure based on racial tension issues in order to ignite a power keg in America. Think about it.

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by NewWorldOver
Hold on now. Wright's opinion is only 'radical' to white people...

Yeah and according to the news coverage I have seen and saw this very evening, the black community thinks that White's are too stupid to recognize racism when they see it.

I know what I'm seeing and I know it's not Christianity.

Give him enough rope and he will...well, you get my point.

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Yeah and according to the news coverage I have seen and saw this very evening, the black community thinks that White's are too stupid to recognize racism when they see it.

I know what I'm seeing and I know it's not Christianity.

Give him enough rope and he will...well, you get my point.

Inferring rope + hang oh man. Dangerous water. See, that's how I as a white American am forced to think. I don't want to offend anyone.

And I really don't. But I'm positive that parts of the Black community are not afraid to offend the rest of us in light of their own racial issues. This is why people like Wright are allowed to represent Barack Obama even when Obama wants no such deal.

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 11:44 PM
Obama is a lieing crook (as most politicians are) but he is of the worst variiety. To listen to constant bashing of America and White people thru 20 years of Pastor Wright's sermons is more than a character flaw. Not only this, but then to turnaround and lecture America on racism?

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by xmotex

If Obama is going to be identified with all the positions of his allies, McCain (and Clinton, Bush, Paul, or any other politician) ought to be too.

As if they haven't been already - at least a million times. Throw in Trent Lott while you're at it.

Thanks for admitting to the double standard.

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 01:54 AM
End this financial farce NOW!

Any method of saying 'sorry' that involves the payment of a currency is nothing short of a slap in the face.

As some have stated, there are billions of people who can, could and should claim reperations for crimes done to their ancestors.

Heck, I'd like to claim for the loss of potential family members due to the Vikings invading UK mainland.

Or how about Spain reducing it's financial stature by returning any/all the gold, jewels, art of the peoples they wiped out in South America.

England is mainly responsible for the decimation of the native North Americans, hand in hand, though, with the Irish, French and Spanish. They all contributed towards what is now the USA.

Are we forgetting ALL our wars, be they political or religious in nature?
Shall we sweep the fallen under a blanket of money and carry on as if the mask of currency heals all wounds?

The notion that money is a sorry is absurd.

You want to do something to heal the wounds of ALL mankind then leave this system of financial corruption behind. Step out into a new era of love for humanity.

You want to say sorry, go say sorry to your neighbour, tell him/her to do the same to their neighbour. stretch out an open hand to anyone who asks for it in any manner.

Reperations paid with the corruption of money is not a lesson learnt and not a wound fixed. It is a mere stab in the back to all those who truly deserve much better.

WE deserve it. We ALL do. We've been here long enough and have learnt so much from our past, yet we continue down this road of thinking everything will be ok if we make a financial payment.

It's a scam like a loan or insurance. Nothing more than keeping the gravy train rolling, keeping all the old slaves as slaves and letting them breed and make brand new slaves.

Nobody should be homeless, nobody should be hungry. There are enough of us on this planet to help everyone have a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs.

And it doesn't have to cost any of us a penny.

This is the sorry we should all be giving to each other. Not a piece of paper with hypocritical words and pictures on it. Those words and pictures are the cause of the troubles in the first place.

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 07:02 AM
Do what?
my great great grandfather fought in the civil war he paid the price of his life to fight for what he thought was right. he unforceably fought and died in Gettysburg. shouldn't my family be compensated?

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by LLoyd45
reply to post by projectvxn
Obama has not answered one question in an honest and direct manner. He skirts all around the issues, makes excuses for why people say such things, and has never once renounced Reverend Wright for his Racist and Anti-American remarks. He rejects the sentiments spoken not the man.

He even admitted that he DID hear some of Reverend Wright's comments, after saying he didn't. Why is the press not all over him like they are with Hillary's Bosnia lie? I can give you a citation where he admits this if you like.

[edit on 3/31/08 by LLoyd45]

Because there's nothing to be "all over". I've sat in church services where the preacher says things I don't agree with. I've heard my mother and father say things that I don't agree with. But they are still my parent and it is still my church.

I don't need citation, I follow Obama closely. The fact is no one has any real dirt on him. So they have to beat a dead horse with Obama's church, his family, and internet messages with lies written all over them.

I'm going to ask once again when DID OBAMA MAKE RACIST AND OFFENSIVE COMMENTS? Was it him or his pastor? Him or people surrounding him?

I'm an Obama supporter. I am well known in the Nevada arts community. I'm also a known UFO researcher(Some would call me a crack pot), does that mean Obama is a UFO researching, pot smokin' goth kid, with roots firmly tied into the arts community? No. So explain to me how someone else's tirade reflect Obama's stance on the issues? What I heard Obama say in his most recent speech is something I've heard many times before, and have said myself.

It must be because he's in with the NWO...Did it ever occur to anyone here that he may not be NWO at all? Or is everyone who rises to power part of a scheme to take over America and destroy us all? Is it really so hard to believe that a man of a different color, with different viewpoints, with real American associations(By which I mean pissed off poor people, and pissed off clergy, and pissed off disenfranchised masses) could be president of the US and not just president of a select few? I've heard Obama make statements about who really is the enemy in America when it comes to those of us who have lost our jobs, lost our homes, and lost our freedoms(We hear news of the latter every day). He's the only candidate I hear talking about the restoration of Habeas Corpus. And a recognition of racism in America for what it is, a manufactured division by those in power to separate American from American in order to better strangle us under their grip.

I'm sorry, but I'm tired of the reactionary BS. No one stops to think of how it all plays a part for them. Or what words were said by whom. None of you care. It's all about the NWO, or whatever his pastor said, or whatever he wore as a tradition in another country, it's about lies circulating on the internet, his "true" muslimness, or whatever. Let it go. The arguments are weak.

[edit on 1-4-2008 by projectvxn]

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 04:33 PM
Quite simply, anyone who believes is reparations for slavery is at the very least uninformed. Slavery was prevelant in EVERY part of the world, an indiginity cast upon all races. African Chiefs routinely gathered rival tribes and sold them of to anyone with money or supplies. The West African slave trade was prevalent for thousands of years before the colonists showed up. The North African Barbary Coast Pirates alone kidnapped, not bought from a complicit slave trader, kidnapped over a MILLION Europeans and put them into bondage, MORE than the amount brought into slavery in the Colonies. So why should we pay reparations for something considered legal and moral at the time, something that could not have happened without a complicit Africa? It's time to realize that the Colonists did'nt enslave African Americans, Africans enslaved African Americans. If there were'nt sold to the Europeans they would have must likely been sold to the Arabs, or anyone else with money or supplies. African Americans don't need repartions because they recieve them everyday of there lives. They get to live in a country where the impossible is routinely made possible. Where you can start with nothing and work your way to being whatever you can imagine being. You think you can be a Pro Athlete in Africa? How many Rappers are from Africa? You think Tiger Woods would have been hitting golf balls at age 4 if he was born in Africa? It's time to bury the hatchet and leave the past where it belongs. IN THE PAST.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 06:43 PM
wow obama is a douchebag, wow Im freaking 4th generation Slovakian how the hell am i responsible for this? slave trade was supposedly abolished what 100 years ago doubt anyone that was enslaved is still alive. Freakin Africa has a damn slave trade, wow America will fall is weak ass "men"(if u want to call them that) keep trying to get office, and put out these stupid bills just to get votes dear God, Mccain is the only canidate i can deal with, the others are whack. Hillary will do nothing but cater to minorities, we'll get attacked and she'll wanna do peace talks rather than let her balls drop and send us military folk to do what we get paid for (supposedly paid ha funny i make crap for money) Obama will try to make America a giant hippie fest we all wear berkenstocks and eat granola and listen to phish, and give money to every race except the whites. Funny white people are now the minority in america yet we still get the S*it end of the stick.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 07:09 PM
I'm Irish and Italian.

I want my free money too.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 07:21 PM
This thread is ridiculous, not to mention against ATS's TAC.

You, OP, are misleading people with the title of this thread which should ACTUALLY be called:

"Does Obama Favor Slavery “Reparations?"

Not what it is. You are misleading the people who come on here and don't read, which is plenty of them.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Master_Wii

Obama Could Make Case for Slavery Reparations at U.N.

Wright’s talk, “A Call for Justice and Repair,” followed a statement in which he declared that “The Biblical principle of true repentance is that the offended party is given compensation to make up for that which has been stolen from them, the losses that have been inflicted upon them and their families.”
A reparations plan for blacks could extract several trillion dollars from American taxpayers’ pockets.
(visit the link for the full news article)


[edit on 30-3-2008 by Master_Wii]

I would be curious to know exactly how many of the black slaves are still living today. I can see reparations for them, but reparations for generations past - no.

The continued claims of discrimination based on slavery times is overused. There are veterans who are still living, still suffering and still need help. If they're going to distribute "blood money" it should be for the living, in the here and now.

Just my opinion.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Master_Wii

Let's pay it in Zimbabwe dollars

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 11:08 AM
How about reparations for all of us current slaves?

Many of us, regardless of race, are currently Slaves to the system of debt and deceit. Are we going to be given a handout to wipe out our debts, so that we can again live as free men?


Slavery never went away, it simply changed forms.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 11:14 AM
Myself I'm for it. Pouring all those people and money into Africa can do nothing but good. The country is a wastland of corruption and hate I think all African Americans would be proud to go home and help re create a great country.


posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by deadline527
I say they go sail over to Africa, find out who the ancestors of the slave traders were, and ask THEM for reperations. They are the ones that sold other Africans into slavery, they are the ones who started the slave trade, and they should be the ones who ultimately pay.

I'm sick of people trying to get free hand outs. And why does reperations have to be money? What ever happened to "I'm sorry."? Actually, I think we've been trying to cater to the whole ancestors of slaves idea for much too long already, its a dead horse, stop beating it.

Now, if there is any former slaves who are currently alive - then yes, I do believe they should get some sort of reperations, but just because your great-great-great grandfathers uncles third cousin was a former slave does NOT entitle you to ANYTHING.

Just my two cents.
There were some black Africans who contributed to the (sell) process during slavery, but what you didn't mention is the group who singlehandedly legalized, organzied and enforced the Atlantic Slave Trade to begin with; White Europeans. The African sellouts had no idea they were selling their people into an entirely unprecendented form of slavery. And even while blacks were being sold and captured, the real critique is who they were being sold TO. Were the white Americans not as much to blame if not moreso than their African puppets whom might I add they tricked, as they did the American Indians?

As for "free handouts", this is the epitome of ignorance. Blacks in America were enslaved for roughly 400 years, and received the worst treatment ever known in the history of mankind. This country was arguably BUILT off the labor of it's slaves, who received NO PAY, were stripped of their identity, and were all but dehumanized. Worst of all, after slavery supposedly ended, it only continue(s) on a more sophisticated scale via white supremacy and Jim Crow Laws. So considering how this country, the so-called home of the liberty and justice for all, became the great nation it is partly due to her slaves, it would be JUSTICE on America's behalf to give the descendants of her slaves some form of payback. To say I'm sorry is not a reperation, and doesn't solve any of the problems Blacks face today. It's also ill-timed. If America were truly sorry, she would have attached some legit form of beneficaries to that apology.

I take it you aren't someone of African descent, which would certainly explain the incompassion and utter ignorance of your message?


posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by deadline527
I say they go sail over to Africa, find out who the ancestors of the slave traders were, and ask THEM for reperations. They are the ones that sold other Africans into slavery, they are the ones who started the slave trade, and they should be the ones who ultimately pay.

AMEN!!! I saw an African chief on the news one time that said that he didn't understand why the blacks in this country complained about their ancestors being slaves. He said they were lucky because his ancestors would have killed them if there had not been a market for them.

Now, if there is any former slaves who are currently alive - then yes, I do believe they should get some sort of reperations, but just because your great-great-great grandfathers uncles third cousin was a former slave does NOT entitle you to ANYTHING.

Just my two cents.

Could not have been said any better.

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