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Bush vs Gay Rights

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posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Um, again with the whole seperate but equal, you can't do that. Discrimination is illegal, sorry for you.

Anyways, E has brought real proof, not religon or opinion, but proof. Let's see some evidence, real evidence against gay marrige. And the defining of marrige between a man and a woman, why? Again it comes to the gays are evil, persecute them!

Uhmm, JameslessThan, you really do a bang up job of expousing the homosexual activity agenda here!!

Since when did deviant sex become entitled to special rights? i.e., marriage and the financial benefits this institution between a MAN AND A WOMAN entail??

How does sex between a man and a man = children? Do you want to discontinue the race? Or, do you and your kind wish to pervert the race with disease, anarchy and degeneration? I think the latter.

admit your own hate of all that is NORMAL and wholesome- men and women having babies together.

I personally know of a gay (females) couple who are raising a young man of around age 13. He has issues with his toilet. He gets teased at school about sitting down when he pees.....a silly thing to you maybe, yet what do two women teach a boy to help him grow into a MAN?

Do two men teach a boy to suck penis by example???

You are one sick puppy to promote this lifestyle.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 09:44 PM
I think trying to stop war, cure diseases and save humanity are a little more important than same-sex marriages. Let people live the way they want to.

If they pay their taxes, respect the law and contribute to society....then what's the problem???

If people are in love regardless of sexual preference, then why not allow them the same rights as everyone else?

Life is too and let live.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 11:08 PM
I think persecute is much too strong a word.

It's rediculous to say that all people opposed to gay marriage are gay bashers, hate gays, and want to make them second class citizens.

On the other hand, many on the side against gay marriage have forgotten to love your fellow person. Some spew vitriole with calous disregard for people.

We have gotten way off base with this conversation.

I am torn on this topic though. I fear for the slope we might slip into if this becomes common place.

However, I do seek the same rights for all under the system that speaks to that effect, and I share a love for people regardless of what they do.

The anger on both sides has muddled the whole topic.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 05:14 PM
Ok, been asked before, why is it deviant behavoir? Because you don't like it? Because a all powerful invisable fairy tale character(god) said it was? Well, why is it deviant, without opinion or bs.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 08:10 PM

Ok, been asked before, why is it deviant behavoir? Because you don't like it? Because a all powerful invisable fairy tale character(god) said it was? Well, why is it deviant, without opinion or bs.

The act of sex is to reproduce, now I know straight people don't have sex just to reproduce, lets just say for now that is what it's for. Homosexuality is nonsustainable one cannot reproduce through this activity. So.... If we agree that a penis and vagina is critical for reproduction what can be said for the anus? Obviously it's to evacuate fecal matter, right? Two peniss make nothing, two vaginas make nothing and placing a penis in an anus is downright devient, there is no reason for that in the natural order of things.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 08:11 PM
Simple answer that I have given before without opinion or BS.

Homosexuality is deviant by definition.

de�vi�ant (adj.) - Differing from a norm or from the accepted standards of a society.

From the root word Deviate. This is why it is called an "alternative" lifestyle.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 08:19 PM
So KJ, in the 60's interacial marriges were deviant. Before women could vote a woman requesting the right to vote was being deviant. A black man wanting to eat and drink at the same place as a white man was being deviant. A woman wanting to paid the same as a man was being deviant. Sorry, just cause it deviant now, won't mean it is deviant in the future.

Second, do we really need to reproduce? Aren't we already over the limit on kids? Aren't we currently sending thousands of kids around the foster care system cause people had kids they didn't want? Well, reproducing isn't all that important. And what about worms? They don't need a penis or a vagina to reproduce, so are they going against nature?

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by Tyriffic

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Um, again with the whole seperate but equal, you can't do that. Discrimination is illegal, sorry for you.

Anyways, E has brought real proof, not religon or opinion, but proof. Let's see some evidence, real evidence against gay marrige. And the defining of marrige between a man and a woman, why? Again it comes to the gays are evil, persecute them!

Uhmm, JameslessThan, you really do a bang up job of expousing the homosexual activity agenda here!!

Since when did deviant sex become entitled to special rights? i.e., marriage and the financial benefits this institution between a MAN AND A WOMAN entail??

How does sex between a man and a man = children? Do you want to discontinue the race? Or, do you and your kind wish to pervert the race with disease, anarchy and degeneration? I think the latter.

admit your own hate of all that is NORMAL and wholesome- men and women having babies together.

I personally know of a gay (females) couple who are raising a young man of around age 13. He has issues with his toilet. He gets teased at school about sitting down when he pees.....a silly thing to you maybe, yet what do two women teach a boy to help him grow into a MAN?

Do two men teach a boy to suck penis by example???

You are one sick puppy to promote this lifestyle.

Well of course they want to discontinue the race. It is part of their agenda. They intend to wage war against heterosexuals. Carson Kressley is going to lead them.

How is about 10% of the population going to destroy the human race? Are you worried that they will infect straights with their gay disease and make them gay? As for your example about gays being unfit parents, it is so ridiculous that it really doesn't merit mentioning. Do straight parents teach their kids to have sex?

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
So KJ, in the 60's interacial marriges were deviant. Before women could vote a woman requesting the right to vote was being deviant. A black man wanting to eat and drink at the same place as a white man was being deviant. A woman wanting to paid the same as a man was being deviant. Sorry, just cause it deviant now, won't mean it is deviant in the future.

What's the point here. Did you see anywhere in my post that I said deviant was bad all the time? No. You asked why it was deviant and I told you. You must be confussing me with bigots who hate gays and want them out of the US. I am not one of those.

Second, do we really need to reproduce? Aren't we already over the limit on kids? Aren't we currently sending thousands of kids around the foster care system cause people had kids they didn't want?

The statistics are skewed. A lot of the foster care kids are not from parents that did not want them, but rather kids of convicts, screwed up homes on all fronts etc.

Well, reproducing isn't all that important. And what about worms? They don't need a penis or a vagina to reproduce, so are they going against nature?

Yes, science is sometimes against nature. I have never used the excuse that it is against nature for being against gay marriage.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 08:34 PM
the homosexual population isn't reproducing now, i'm talking about strictly homosexuals, not bi-sexuals, and we're doing just fine keeping the population up. allowing homosexuals to get married isn't going to cause a mass exodus of hetro's to the homo lifestyle causing a massive drop in the population. point being, if you allowed gay marriage not much would people will keep on being gay, they will still be a minority and life will go on.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by enomus
the homosexual population isn't reproducing now, i'm talking about strictly homosexuals, not bi-sexuals, and we're doing just fine keeping the population up. allowing homosexuals to get married isn't going to cause a mass exodus of hetro's to the homo lifestyle causing a massive drop in the population. point being, if you allowed gay marriage not much would people will keep on being gay, they will still be a minority and life will go on.

Well, homosexuals are reproducing, at least some of them are. But I don't care about that so much, I can't really stop them.

As for the rest, I think it's pretty self explanitory.

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 11:13 AM

I just wanted to apologize for some of the things I have said about you. After reading your posts, I have to come to the conclusion that you have a well thought out arguement in this matter. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. Take care.....peace.

p.s. Jethro Tull (or is it Toll?) rocks!!!!

[Edited on 4-3-2004 by MacMerdin]

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by MacMerdin

I just wanted to apologize for some of the things I have said about you. After reading your posts, I have to come to the conclusion that you have a well thought out arguement in this matter. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. Take care.....peace.

p.s. Jethro Tull (or is it Toll?) rocks!!!!

[Edited on 4-3-2004 by MacMerdin]

Thank you. I can respect that. Yes, Jethro Tull does rock out. But I am more of a huge Van Halen Fan.

This is a hard topic, but one in which what is best for people while respecting and loving all people is a hard thing to do.

It is difficult to love your enemy, but then where would the reward be is it was not difficult?

We have strayed. Not only people now, but in all times. When the Roman empire lapsed in dicipline and their basic units (ours being family) crumbled, they fell.

Our basic unit (again, the family) has crumbled, and that has nothing to do with homosexuality. It is the hetrosexuals fault through and through. We have distroyed the family.

Homosexual marriage is nothing more than the propogation of a problem which originated with hetrosexual deviating from what made this country strong.

Family and Community. Without that, homosexual marriage will change nothing.

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 12:24 PM
I actually don't know where I stand on this isue....and I'm gay. We only want the same rights as everyone else...if that is a civil it what you will. But, at least let us have that. People say they would be fine with civil let us have those at least. By the way in most if not all but a few states, we still can not go to the justice of the peace and have a union declared which would give us the same rights.

I also believe that why do we really need to call it marriage. Marriage is a religious sacrement. If the religion doesn't want me in it then fine by me.....I wouldn't want to be a part of that said religion anyway. I do like the idea of just calling civil unions for homo and hetero unions if not done by a perticular religion. That would make it equal and not seperate. But if you want to be married, make it a religious declaration that has nothing to do with the laws. I bet alot of gay people wouldn't be wanting to be "married" instead of just being recognized by the state. Some would want to be married religiously though and that would be fine if the church allows it. Ok..maybe I'm beating the dead horse but these are just some of my thoughts. Thanks for listening.

Sorry for the spelling....not my strong point

[Edited on 4-3-2004 by MacMerdin]

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by MacMerdin
I actually don't know where I stand on this isue....and I'm gay. We only want the same rights as everyone else...if that is a civil it what you will. But, at least let us have that. People say they would be fine with civil let us have those at least. By the way in most if not all but a few states, we still can not go to the justice of the peace and have a union declared which would give us the same rights.

I also believe that why do we really need to call it marriage. Marriage is a religious sacrement. If the religion doesn't want me in it then fine by me.....I wouldn't want to be a part of that said religion anyway. I do like the idea of just calling civil unions for homo and hetero unions if not done by a perticular religion. That would make it equal and not seperate. But if you want to be married, make it a religious declaration that has nothing to do with the laws. I bet alot of gay people wouldn't be wanting to be "married" instead of just being recognized by the state. Some would want to be married religiously though and that would be fine if the church allows it. Ok..maybe I'm beating the dead horse but these are just some of my thoughts. Thanks for listening.

Actually, I think we agree 100%

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 12:29 PM
I was starting to get that impression from reading your posts. That's why I felt the need to apologize. Take care.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 02:24 PM
Uh, KJ, how in the hell are they reproducing? Sorry, did you skip/fail health class?

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 03:02 PM
Link One

Link Two

Just so you don't think I'm making it up. They seem to be searching for kids with a fervor.

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 01:53 PM
So, they are adopting, not reproducing. Besides, you can't "turn" gay, either you are or you aren't. You just don't walk down the street and go "Wow, that chick has a great ass." Then all of a sudden a gay injects the gay virus into you and you turn to the woman. "Girl, can I do your hair? I am sooo good at hair."(All said with a San Fransico accent/gay lisp)

Sorry, that only happens in movies, christian logic, and bigot logic. I have gay freinds, I have lesbian freinds, I have bi freinds and none of them are trying to make me gay or bi. You see, they don't go out thinking"How many people can I make gay today." They are just like you and me except they don't like the opposite sex as sexual partners.

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
So, they are adopting, not reproducing. Besides, you can't "turn" gay, either you are or you aren't. You just don't walk down the street and go "Wow, that chick has a great ass." Then all of a sudden a gay injects the gay virus into you and you turn to the woman. "Girl, can I do your hair? I am sooo good at hair."(All said with a San Fransico accent/gay lisp)

Sorry, that only happens in movies, christian logic, and bigot logic. I have gay freinds, I have lesbian freinds, I have bi freinds and none of them are trying to make me gay or bi. You see, they don't go out thinking"How many people can I make gay today." They are just like you and me except they don't like the opposite sex as sexual partners.

What the hell are you responding to?

I showed surrogate mother and I get this?

90% of what you said is so obvious that it hardly warrents mention, I am sitting here wondering why you would.

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