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School Wants To Chip Students Backpacks

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posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 10:36 AM

School Wants To Chip Students Backpacks

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - A tech company with ties to a school district plans to test a tracking system by putting computer chips on grade-schoolers' backpacks, an experiment the ACLU ripped Monday as invasive and unnecessary...Parents could opt out of the program, Kraeger said.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 10:36 AM
Tracking the kids. I guess they want to start young now huh.All the parents need to opt out IMO.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 10:40 AM
This is very stupid taking into consideration how many backpack goes missing all the time as children forget where they leave them.

My children used to lose them all the time, I didn't even bother to find them, I just kept and assortment of them.

I think they real issue here is that more and more is this itching desired by corporate America to profit on branding children from birth with chips implants.

[edit on 8-1-2008 by marg6043]

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by marg6043

Great point. Also, don't kids have more than one backpack? My boy has at least three that I know of. I do not think they will be able to keep up with all of them. I am interested to know what they are spewing out to the parents as to the benefit of this "chipping".

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 10:46 AM
That's not too idiotic or anything. Like it's a challenge to just swap backpacks?

I like the whole "parents can opt out" thing. It turns an issue that shouldn't exist in the first place into a "choice." It's never long after some entity "allows" us "choice" that the "choice" is taken away. Maybe more people "choose to" than not so the few who "choose not to" are outnumbered and subsequently socially bullied into giving in or demonized as uncaring parents or some kid gets "kidnapped" or "lost" only to be saved miraculously by the chip implanted in his backpack at which point fear wins out and mandated chipping is actually demanded by the frightened parents. All at taxpayer expense of course. The cost of a terrible education goes higher once again to factor in the cost of "security" and some private firm pockets the money. (Not that I have any issues with a private firm being profitable but I certainly take issue to being taxed and forced to consume a product I do not want.)

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by palehorse23

I agree, having going through the school years with two children I remember replacing the backpacks at least several times during the year.

They are a fashion statement now a days.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Ya know, I hope these parents stand up and fight this like they did with the mandatory vaccinations. Like you said, this event shouldn't even be allowed to happen. No company is ever going to use my kid as their NWO guinea pig!!

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 11:46 AM
My guess is that if a program like this is seriously going forward then all the kids will have to purchase backpacks from the school as part of the cost of their education. It would be just like wearing a uniform in that you have to pay for it from certain stores and if you lost it you would have to go and buy another. The idea that they are chipping them doesn't suprise me as schools always want to keep track of where kids are in a school building. As long as the technology doesn't allow them to be tracked wherever they are I can't see a problem with it.

Although the idea of chipping clothing to follow kids in a school can have some good effects, its a bit to Orwellian for my taste and if there is such a problem that a school needs to know where every kid is at all times then perhaps a less costly solution can be attained?

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