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Proof that Sitchin is a deliberate misinformer

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posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 02:47 AM

Anyone familiar with Sitchins work will recognize this image.
The following is what Sitchin has this to say about it on page 70 of his book Stairway to Heaven.

“An even more startling depiction has been found in the tomb of Huy, who was viceroy in Nubia and in the Sinai peninsula during the reign of the renowned Pharaoh Tut-AnkhAmon. Decorated with scenes of people, places and objects from the two domains of which he was viceroy, his tomb preserved to this very day a depiction in vivid colors of a rocketship: its shaft is contained in an underground silo, its upper stage with the command module is above ground (Fig. 27). The shaft is subdivided, like a multi-stage rocket. Inside its lower part, two persons attend to hoses and levers; there is a row of circular dials above them. The silo cutaway shows that it is surrounded by tubular cells for heat-exchange or some other energy-related function. Above ground, the hemispherical base of the upper stage is clearly depicted in the color painting as scorched, as though from a re-entry into Earth's atmosphere. The command module—large enough to hold three to four persons—is conical in shape, and there are vertical "peep holes" all around its bottom. The cabin is surrounded by worshippers, in a landscape of date palm trees and giraffes. The underground chamber is decorated with leopard skins, and this provides a direct link with certain phases in the Pharaoh's Journey to Immortality. The leopard skin was the distinctive garb symbolically worn by the Shem priest as he performed the Opening of the Mouth ceremony. It was the distinctive garb symbolically worn by the gods who towed the Pharaoh through "The Secret Path of the Hidden Place" of the Duat—a symbolism repeated to stress the affinity between the Pharaoh's journey and the rocketship in the underground silo.”

If This is a real, it is a very compelling argument, Sitchin sure had me believing it back in 1999 when I read this book. Since then I have seen sitchin’s “translations” discredited thoroughly by Dr Micheal Heiser but it wasn’t until I started doing some related research of my own that I found the following archaeological smoking gun.

I was first suspicious of it being a hand drawn image, especially considering the great quality of the preservation of the rest of the murals in the tomb of Huy (sitchin claims his drawing was based on murals there). You can see how well they are preserved here:

I was also suspicious because those murals depicted rather ordinary happenings sitchins drawing would have been out of place imo… I had almost given up because I had looked at all of the photos of the temple of huy I could find and I was starting to think he just based it off nothing at all. That would have made the trail impossible to follow…and maby he should have…
because then by complete chance I came across this..

here is a bigger one:

This is what the caption reads from

Detail of a wall painting from the tomb of a high Egyptian official, showing an Egyptian scribe recording deliveries of Nubian products shortly after Egypt's conquest of Nubia. Visible are ebony logs, ivory tusks, baskets of ostrich eggs and gold ingots, ostrich feathers, leopard skins, resins, tamarind nuts, aromatic herbs - even a green monkey. Reign of King Thutmose III (about 1479-1425 BCE).

Notice that the cone at the top, Sitchins command module, is just a monkey on top of a triangular table. We see these circular golden objects in baskets on the upper and lower levels, these objects are why Sitchin asks us to believe the following..
The silo cutaway shows that it is surrounded by tubular cells for heat-exchange or some other energy-related function….
notice the stack of leopard skins in the photo?
Remember what Sitchin said about them…

” The underground chamber is decorated with leopard skins, and this provides a direct link with certain phases in the Pharaoh's Journey to Immortality. The leopard skin was the distinctive garb symbolically worn by the Shem priest as he performed the Opening of the Mouth ceremony. It was the distinctive garb symbolically worn by the gods who towed the Pharaoh through "The Secret Path of the Hidden Place" of the Duat—a symbolism repeated to stress the affinity between the Pharaoh's journey and the rocketship in the underground silo.”

And the while there are no giraffes or worshippers in this scene like there are in Sitchins drawing, there are on other walls of the same temple, and of the same style too. this is further evidence that this is where sitchin based his drawing from.

Sitchin has added many self servicing details like the people pulling levers and hoses, and of course the "charred underbelly" of the command module y'know form reentry and all… and don’t forget the "peepholes".

I suppose the reason this evidence against Sitchin has gone unnoticed for so long is because Sitchin claims this mural is in the tomb of Huy when its actually from the tomb of Rekhmire which is about a hundred years older. This has made his trail almost impossible to follow.

If Sitchin claims that this isnt the mural he based his drawing off of maby he can provide us with a photo of the mural that he did seeing as how well preserved the other murals are at the temple of Huy are he should have no trouble with this. after all these years But my guess he never anticipated anyone finding this photo.

This evidence, combined with the Dr Heiser’s scholarly work at which shows Sitchins dirty tricks on all aspects of his translations constitutes a serious blow, not just to Sitchn but to a lot of alternative speakers who have parroted Sitchin and used Him as the foundation for their theories…quite simply if Sitchin is wrong so are they.
If Sitchin is a deliberate dis informer I think the reason is to lay groundwork for the new world orders one world religion, but in any case I think its time we start asking those kind of questions.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 04:22 AM
I read it. buddy only points out a few errors. As i knew, there would be faults with what was said. In any case, he does not argue a whoel lot of sitchins writings..only a few small pointsand unless there is an actual sumerian around, then who actually knows the words all so well. Maybe its liek english some, and words can have several meanings. or the scribe may have messed up soem in the writing. In any case he doesnt argue very much of what sitchin wrote. . Not gonna damage his credentials any i would think.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 04:28 AM
And in todays world, i tend to beleive the one rather than the many, for the many are part of the force that contains us all.
-A person is smart, people are stupid.
1)Shoot a gun off in the room with your bud, and he gonna laugh/or figure out the best course of action to not het urt, and probaby talk you into putting it away.
2)Shoot a gun off in a room of 100 people and more people will run and scream, and injur one another
#)Shoot a gun off in a street full of 10000 people and all mayhem will break loose, more people will get hurt from each other than you could do with your gun.

In any case i believ alot fo what sitchin says to be true, but alot of what he says appears to be personal opinion.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by THIseNdsnowoldKings
And in todays world, i tend to beleive the one rather than the many, for the many are part of the force that contains us all.
-A person is smart, people are stupid.
1)Shoot a gun off in the room with your bud, and he gonna laugh/or figure out the best course of action to not het urt, and probaby talk you into putting it away.
2)Shoot a gun off in a room of 100 people and more people will run and scream, and injur one another
#)Shoot a gun off in a street full of 10000 people and all mayhem will break loose, more people will get hurt from each other than you could do with your gun.

In any case i believ alot fo what sitchin says to be true, but alot of what he says appears to be personal opinion.

Agreed 101%.

To the OP: I have a hard time to believe that Sitchin made the drawing from the mural you refer to. They are so vastly different in many aspects that it would be, IMO, just stupid to make such claim with the evidence to the opposite sitting there for god knows how many centuries.

Maybe it was a different (but similar) image from another place. You said it yourself: "...I had looked at all of the photos of the temple of huy I could find..."

Maybe, just maybe, you haven't found the right one yet.


posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by Amenti

While i do not believe, he's a deliberate misinformer for the NWO, i do believe he is making stuff up and maybe even believing it himself, like many "new age" authors do. It definatelly helps the book sales if you "pretty" the truth up "a bit".

This doesn't proove, he made his picture out of these two, but since he doesn't have an original to back his drawing up, this explanation is actually more likely.

Great find!

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by THIseNdsnowoldKings
And in todays world, i tend to beleive the one rather than the many, for the many are part of the force that contains us all.
-A person is smart, people are stupid.
1)Shoot a gun off in the room with your bud, and he gonna laugh/or figure out the best course of action to not het urt, and probaby talk you into putting it away.
2)Shoot a gun off in a room of 100 people and more people will run and scream, and injur one another
#)Shoot a gun off in a street full of 10000 people and all mayhem will break loose, more people will get hurt from each other than you could do with your gun.

It's interesting how, while this is true, it means quite the opposite for me.

Like for example Stitchin firing that "gun"/book and his friend seeing, he is just delusional, but the masses believing him and hurting themselves with the Planet X panic.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 06:04 AM
Do you honestlt think it is panic?
I wouldnt put it as such. I see it as an opportunity for mankind to have a fresh start. The people that would be left, would have seen the best and the worst of mankind. To all conspiracy theorists, this is like the ultamite ally in the battle against those that control man. In any case, sitchin has good info. I like alot of it. I actualy only read the translation of the tablets. I never read his summaries, or anything beyond the origional translation.If anything, hes better than david icke, who does nothing but go on toooooo long with a story we got after chapter one, seemingly as an attempt to scar ones mind into accepting his ideas. Soem of the facts are good to know and enlightening, but most os just trash talk. So please people, enjoy one of the decent ones.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 06:28 AM
Hey all,

That coneshaped object is shewbread (or manna ). Part of the treasures brought by Thutmose III from Palestine [Israel] , when he sacked Solomons Temple and brought the treasures back to Egypt. One such treasure was shewbread (manna, white gold) and the solid gold altar table it was displayed on.... This is not a space ship. Here are a few links which tell about the sacking of the temple, a complete list of things taken, and more on shewbread.

Cone Shaped Shewbread

From Age of Chaos by Immanuel Velikovsky:

Age of Chaos--Temple List at Karnak

Well Sitchin is wrong if he says that conebread is a space capsule, one case of too much artistic license, in my opinion. But now here is another story just as fascinating , or should be. White gold, shewbread, manna, etc.


posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by THIseNdsnowoldKings
Do you honestlt think it is panic?

When people start talking "Planet X is coming! Are you ready?" it does sound like fear-mongering to me.

Not all people subscribe to the "mystical" aspects of PX, like crystal DNA strands and ascension.

Many just fear it's a real object which is going to kill us. And the reason for this is believers claiming it is scientifically prooven.

And even if you don't believe in the related ascension part, i can still understand, why you would call it a fresh start.

But for some people it's just the end - of their lives.. Which they might even like.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 06:34 AM
If that picture Stitchin "copied" was real, why does he not show the original?

I would think it would be important.. I know i would take many photos of it.

Does even one exist? Just wondering...

BTW: Nice find, pugzilla!

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by deezee
If that picture Stitchin "copied" was real, why does he not show the original?


not to mention it was published over twenty years ago, thats more than enough time to find a photo especially on a wall as well preserved as the tomb of Huy.

I think there are plenty of reasons to be convinced Sitchin used the above photo of the inventory.

this is a very dirty trick if so. and it should be followed up on

[edit on 9-1-2008 by Amenti]

[edit on 9-1-2008 by Amenti]

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by THIseNdsnowoldKings
I read it. buddy only points out a few errors. As i knew, there would be faults with what was said. In any case, he does not argue a whoel lot of sitchins writings..only a few small pointsand unless there is an actual sumerian around, then who actually knows the words all so well. Maybe its liek english some, and words can have several meanings. or the scribe may have messed up soem in the writing. In any case he doesnt argue very much of what sitchin wrote. . Not gonna damage his credentials any i would think.

quite correct, I'm sure that his one and only phd in economic history is quite safe. rather than a sumerian whats wrong with the hundreds of living sumerologists (who all say sitchin is wrong) or the thousands of dead ones (who said the same thing)

Sithin is well known for fabricating his evidence and in some cases adapting it.
here on the left you can see his drawing of a figure from a babylonian cylinder seal with the original shown on the right.

From the style of dress the figure in the babylonian seal is known to be a woman. heres how sitchin describes her

an astronaut (“Fishman”, equipped for splashdowns) on Mars

Sitchin not only is claiming here that a babylonian image is sumerian, but also that a man is a woman. He at no time shows an image of the original seal. I can only presume that the reasoning behind this is that it doesnt exist.

here are the original pictures

also about this image
he also claims that an assyrian depiction of a winged disc is sumerian
that an akkadian depiction of a fish is sumerian
that seven dots represent the earth when in fact it is the typical mesopotamian representation of the pleiades.
you might also notice the lovely straight edged medieval shaped sword. The sumerians used swords that were curved

clearly then the cylinder seal is a pastiche designed to fool people who only know history from pseudohistory books

[edit on 20-4-2008 by legionromanes]

[edit on 20-4-2008 by legionromanes]

[edit on 20-4-2008 by legionromanes]

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 02:58 PM
good find.

Im telling you the only explanation for this, is that Sitchin is doing it on purpose.
Or that he is completely incompetent.

you are correct that he only has an unrelated degree, and refuses to provide any evidence or any such education, this is especially dubious because, as the back of everyone of his books say, that the reason no one can validate anything is because he is the MOST qualified of all Sumerian scholars. (in essence) thats why no one backs him.

one could argue that they refuse to believe such a interesting story and thats why there is a lack of support if it weren't for the problems being a matter of unrelated errors, errors that cannot be made unless you are trying very hard to make them.

the real problem is that the entire Truth movement has based a dogma off this mans work, which has the potential to be the fuel for getting "truthers" toi accept the control of the new world order.

This is why Maxwel and Tsarion and freeman cannot discuss their entire shtick would instantly crumble.

a bad moon is on the rise when they activate this psi-op

[edit on 21-4-2008 by Amenti]

[edit on 21-4-2008 by Amenti]

[edit on 21-4-2008 by Amenti]

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 03:56 PM
here, i just did a video on this.

[edit on 22-4-2008 by Amenti]

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 04:31 PM
I think you only need some basic common sense to see that the image originally identifies as a "space ship" is nothing more than a wild interpretation with no basis in reality. It's a common support column of some kind. The "capsule," which I see as a bowl filled with grain, doesn't even connect to the rocket body. The people are not inside the capsule, but in the rocket engine. Even the people in the image are apparently so unimpressed by the "rocket" that they aren't even looking at it, but rather away from it. I don't know what those hanging leopard skins on either side of it mean, but somehow I doubt they have anything to do with high technology.

Otherwise, the whole notion that technologically sophisticated ancient astronauts are actually going to use some kind of clunkly rocket technology to zoom around space is rather ridiculous to begin with.

Sitchin is almost as bad as Von Daniken when it comes to seeing aliens and space ships in every old image. Okay, he's just as bad.

His motivation? Maybe he's a disinformant for TPTB, but I figure he's just trying to make a few bucks.

[edit on 22-4-2008 by Nohup]

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 02:25 PM
Instead of copying what I have already written in another thread about Zecharia Sitchin, I'll give the thread link instead:'

If I had noticed this thread before the other one I would have posted it here first.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Amenti

ok ok i had to sign in to be able to answer but i bet it will be worth the deal...
i propose a 'deal' to the person who posted this.

I show that Sitchin has done no misinformation nor he has deliberated invented the handmade drawing, and YOU apoligize publicly in this thread, with CAPITAL letters.

Let's start...

the drawing Sitchin shows on his books is said to be taken from HUY's (or HUI) tomb in the Sinai peninsula...

it takes no long search, with google, to look for some material... it is extremely rare.. but we find a match:

Gaston Maspero, one of the most important travelers and scholars about Egypt, has written in the late XIX century a work made of of various Volumes...
among which... we find:

if you go to about the middle of the page you will find the upper part of the original painting just as stamped by Maspero...

Here is a screen capture:

Now, I await you apologize...

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 12:58 PM
And i offer an advice for free (lol)...
if you have to criticize someone, in this case Sitchin, do your researches on your own... don't base yourself on other people's work... expecially Michael Heiser who is one of the worst ignorants in matter of sumerology

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by ningishzidda74

Yes, thank you. someone sent this to me before, may have have been you.
If it was then you agreed with me that while this would mean that sitchin did not create the image. it still is a wonder why this image fails to appear in the tomb itself, or for that matter, where it would have been in the tomb.

the fact is it is still a relativity recent drawing, and as long as there is no hard evidence of this mural existing in the real world I am still inclined to believe that it is a forgery, or some other funny business is going on, the ball is back in your court to show this thing exists and if it doesnt, what happened to it? as I said the murals in that tomb are vastly different and well preserved.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 12:44 AM
I proved that the drawing appears in one of the most celebrated orthodox books of orthodox egyptology, that's the goal... I haven't traveled to Sinai to see it in person, but what i wanted to show is that the criticism done on Sitchin was wrong, and I did.

IN the last 7 years i devoten my studies to finding evidence concerning Sitchin' s theory (mainly linguistic and genetic, i have to admit) and this drawing is one of those cases where we can argue on the meaning, but not on the existence or 'sitchin creating his material'.

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