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Why are people obsessed with Nibiru?

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posted on May, 20 2008 @ 12:04 AM
Since I have been on ATS there have been new threads trying to convince people that Nibiru it out there and is on its way to destroy us. I have also seen time and again people going at it and if they were in person would be toe to toe over the issue.

None of the threads I have seen have shown any real indication that there is a rogue planetoid object. The best people can come up with is Eris as something tangible or spots on a camera lens. Some of the photos are quite a few years old now so if they can be taken with a Kmart bought Kodak a few years ago I am sure multimillion dollar telescopes should be able to locate something by now.

Whether you are a Nibirusist or anti-Nibiru I know there are many who are drawn to this site looking for info on this mystery planet (Myself included) as there are many who are already here that are drawn to Nibiru threads (Myself included and you by virtue of the fact you are reading this now).

I have also noticed that the same people are offering the same info and once the Sitchin, Youtube and baseless Nibiru sites have been exhausted the only real argument left is ‘I just know…you wait and see….’ in the many ‘it is out there’ threads but there have also been several ‘prove to me it exists’ threads that the Nubiruists either avoid or cannot answer sufficiently such as:

The Nibiru Myth
NASA and Planet X
And one of my favorites, the ever mirthful Santa and Annunaki

This thread is not just a Nibiru bashing exercise as I am also curious about the devoted anti-Nibiru people who also cannot keep away from these threads. There seems to be a car crash fascination with those people as well. Do you jump on for the sake of an argument or do you secretly hope that one day someone will provide the missing evidence and confirm its existance?

Edit to fix code

[edit on 20/5/2008 by VIKINGANT]

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 02:02 AM
I don’t really know much about this Nibiru thing but from what I can understand from the premise of this story, the planet houses aliens whom are the Annunaki. The planet reaches earth once every 3600 years and will reach us soon in 2012…..

Apparently the aliens are manipulating their planet’s course so it remains exactly between earth and the sun so it’s impossible to see…….

It all sounds like complete BS

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 02:27 AM
Whilst I'm still on the bench,I can see it is a plausable theory. I mean,we're floating around in a rather violent enviroment,let's not forget. There are stars and other large bodies flying round space all the time. Also,if this is a red dwarf star,it will be hard to see. The sky you see at night is chock full of red dwarf stars,but you can see them,cos they don't give off enough light. I'm not sure of hte numbers,so I'll make it up
but there's about 5 times the ammount of stars in the sky that you should be seeing,if they were all brighter stars. Couple that with the cold fact that something,has been wiping races off this earth one by one,throughout our history. Maybe this is the reason? It's as good a reason as any. (IMO) Space is not excactly a quiet place.

[edit on 20/5/2008 by Acidtastic]
not just the spelling,I put whole wrong words in!!

[edit on 20/5/2008 by Acidtastic]

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:19 AM
Nibiru is a myth, perpetrated and made popular by people such as Zecharia Sitchin. First, let me dispel the widely believed idea that Sitchin is a scholar of Sumerian and Akkadian. NO! HE IS NOT! He taught himself these languages and it shows. His translations are a joke and anyone who really studies cuneiform can see right through his amateur mistakes. A true scholar works and participates in his field. Sitchin has done absolutely no profitable or published work on Sumerian or Akkadian philology. With his books Sitchin has far outdone himself through fantasy, rhetoric and imagination. His claim is that there is a twelth body in our solar system (counting moon and sun), whose orbit brings it into the solar system every few thousand years. He claims that intelligent beings from this planet implanted earth with life, which is revealed in ancient texts. To put it bluntly, anyone who has been taken by this has been dupped. I mean no disrespect, but Sitchin's claims are not only physically impossible, but his scholarship is damnable. While some claim that he "is one of the first to read cuneiform," this is out and out false. The early decipherers of cuneiform were G. Grotefend, H. Rawlinson, E. Hincks, W. Talbot and J. Oppert and they were able to decipher the script based on the text copied by Rawlinson at Behistun. The decipherment was deemed complete in 1857 when independent translations of an unpublished text from the time of Tiglath-Pileser were compared. Sumerian, which Sitchin claims to know (even being called a Sumerologist), is still a more troublesome matter. While written in the cuneiform script, the earliest texts (ca. 3000 BCE) are written mostly in logograms with very little grammatical information indicated so their interpretation is more difficult. Later copies (ca. 2000-1000), are written with more syllabic signs, thus indicating more of the grammar. In any case, Sitchin has never received any formal training in Sumerology or Assyriology - he is an autodidact. His translations and use of archaeology are faulty and confused. Any bit of probing of the relavent scholarly literature will provide light on the actual meaning and content of these texts. There is no conspiracy in the scholarly community to withhold this information - it is simply erroneous. Believe me, scholars would love it if it were true. It would put their names in the paper and they would actually sell books. Actual archaeology and textual translation are somewhat more mundane, but still fascinating. Don't be fooled! Sitchin couches his follies in academic jargon, but his books should be read as fiction! Sitchin's whole series of books on the 12th Planet/Ancient Aliens idea is a perfect example of someone who comes up with an outrageous theory, then works backwards to make the facts fit. Particularly amusing are the moments when he falls into the "if it looks like a space helmet, it must be a space helmet" trap (the Chariots of the Gods delusion) and Sitchin does it constantly. Many of the fans of his books who've raved about it here have used phrases like "if you have an open mind." Well, being open minded is one thing. Being utterly gullible is another. Sitchin is aiming at the gullible, with whom he seems to be hitting bullseyes.

The Planet X/Nibiru myth was also made popular by Nancy Lieder in the late 1990's when she predicted it would return in 2003, when it didn't she claimed it was a "little white lie" given to her by the Zetans (aliens which she claims to be talking to who give her all sorts of information regaring Planet X/Nibiru) and the "little white lie" was given to her to confuse the elites! I could go on and on about this topic and how it is complete and utter rubbish, as well as the peddlers behind it. As I stated in another thread, I have been studying and researching this matter since the 2003 date of Nibiru's so-called "fly by of earth" and I have not found a single shred of evidence to prove this mythical planet/star exists.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by Agent Venom

sorry,I know this is slightly off topic,but I'm asking anyway. is there anyone who's translated the sumarien text,that is a quallified ancient texty type person. And is it backed up with the proper support from the ancient texty type people community? And did he get it all wrong,or was it just the bits that make for uncomfortable reading?(I know nothing of the subject really,just a bunch of half assed info gathered from various interweb videos)

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by Acidtastic
Couple that with the cold fact that something,has been wiping races off this earth one by one,throughout our history.

You mean something other than a staggering amount of time, and evolution?

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by Acidtastic
reply to post by Agent Venom

sorry,I know this is slightly off topic,but I'm asking anyway. is there anyone who's translated the sumarien text,that is a quallified ancient texty type person. And is it backed up with the proper support from the ancient texty type people community? And did he get it all wrong,or was it just the bits that make for uncomfortable reading?(I know nothing of the subject really,just a bunch of half assed info gathered from various interweb videos)

Yes there is

Sitchin isnt even qulaified to translate texts, he claims that he is an archaelogical scholar when he is in fact only qualified in economics. No true ancient civilisation scholar agrees with Sitchin.

So who would you trust an economist or actual scholars?

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:50 AM
But to answer the question aksed in the thread title,I'm fascinated by lots of spaced based conspiracy theories. I certainly don't believe them all,but all of it interests me. This is one of the "end of the world" ones,so it holds a special place in my heart.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:51 AM
Bravo, very good thread, starred and flagged. I was going to start one like this myself, but I've been a bit busy...

This Nibiru junk needs to be sorted. Whenever some new, and obviously faked, YouTube video gets posted, the Planet X (hey, I thought it was a star!) believers say 'ZOMG, it's teh truth!!!'

There's really nothing plausible about it whatsoever. NONE. It's a complete myth. Just off the top of my head it has these problems:

1. If it was going to be here by 2012, which maybe sounded like a long time when the myth first started the rounds, is now only four years away. FOUR YEARS! That's a trip roughly twice the distance to Mars - so, by that logic, it should at least be that far away. So why can't we SEE it?

2. The idea that it's a complete star system with a civilization around it. I don't where to begin with that one - that's like saying the Amish all have iPods or something (I don't know, you do a better synonym!)

4. Timescale - If you're lucky, you'll live for about 80 or so years. That's less than HALF the time it takes for Neptune to make one full orbit of the Sun. And they're expecting this massive dead star to be in here in four years? Please... Our lifespan is incredibly short, there is nil chance of any of this stuff happening. I'm sure the 2012 crowd are only making this junk up to make themselves sound important, like they have this secret information, to give themselves some sense of importance, when really they're wasting their short time here.

3. A large body that close to Earth would already be having enormous effects. Even if it was a long way out, something like that wouldn't go un-noticed.

Of course, Nibiru people would say that it has some 'cloaking device' so that we can't see it yet - what a convenient explanation! No proof required for that idea.

Having said all of that, there is a slight chance that there could be a large body, maybe a dimly lit dwarf star (some call it 'Nemesis'), hiding some place beyond the Oort cloud. But that's only a theory, and a shaky one - the Oort cloud itself huge, it extends about 1 light year from the Sun in all directions, so whatever is out there, it won't be doing anything to us in any of our life times, or even in the timescale that the human race has left to go.

[edit on 20-5-2008 by mattguy404]

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

thank you,I'll check that thread out a bit later
(at work,just got a little wave of it come my way)

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Acidtastic
reply to post by Agent Venom

sorry,I know this is slightly off topic,but I'm asking anyway. is there anyone who's translated the sumarien text,that is a quallified ancient texty type person. And is it backed up with the proper support from the ancient texty type people community? And did he get it all wrong,or was it just the bits that make for uncomfortable reading?(I know nothing of the subject really,just a bunch of half assed info gathered from various interweb videos)

As I said in my previous post, any bit of probing of the relavent scholarly literature will provide light on the actual meaning and content of these texts. Sitchin basis his whole thesis around one Sumerian cylinder ceal in particular, VA 243, picture below.

Sitchin claims the diagram in the upper left depicts our solar system, complete with all the planets plus an extra one, Nibiru, with the sun in the center. Again, this is out and out false. The symbol does not depict our solar system with the sun in the center at all. In simplest terms, the alleged "sun" in the upper left corner of the seal isn't a sun, and so the artwork doesn't depict the sun and our solar system. It's a STAR. We know this because of the consistent sun iconography of Sumero-Mesopotamian art. In case you're thinking, "well the sun is a star", the Sumerians and Mesopotamians distinguished these bodies in their artwork.

Here's the normal sun symbol of Sumero-Mesopotamian art:

Note: The sun symbol always has either four arms plus wavy lines extending from a "ball" in the middle, or it is a ball with wavy lines. VA 243 has no wavy lines. It does not depict the sun.

Below are examples of star symbols. Stars could have 6, 7, or 8 pts. in Sumero-Mesopotamian art (VA 243 has six):

One of the most common artistic motifs in Sumero-Mesopotamian art is the depiction of sun, crescent moon, and star TOGETHER, side by side. This shows they distinguished the symbols (and these bodies. Hence, to a Sumerian, the symbol on VA 243 was not the sun:

star (L) moon (C) sun (R)

Note the wavy lines in the sun symbol; a wholly different style than VA 243.

Note again in the above the wavy lines in the sun symbol (lower right) as opposed to the star at the top; a wholly different style than VA 243. More of Sitchin's false translations and more on VA 243 can be found here:

I would also like to point out that Sitchin, as well as other people that believe his work, claim that the Sumerians knew of all the planets in the solar system, once again this is out and out false. The Sumerians did not have telescopes, and only knew of 5 planets (7 if one counts the sun and moon), Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. They did not know of Uranus, Neptune or Pluto as Sitchin claims. Of the planets that lay beyond Saturn (namely, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) the ancients show no sign of having been aware of them. Uranus was only discovered and named in the post-telescope era by William Herschel in 1781. That goes doubly for Neptune or Pluto that lay beyond Uranus, and were discovered much later. None of those three planets show up on any known pre-Galilean sky charts.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 07:44 AM
One question for the disciples of Sitchin:

If this was such a mind boggling amazing scenario for the Sumerians, how come its only a little picture shoved in the corner of one tablet?

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 11:27 AM
Why does everyone claim that Nibiru is returning in 2012? even if you disagree with Sitchin's the man has never made claims about the year 2012.

The 2012 end-of-the-world-prophecy comes from research done on the Mayan calendar, not Zecharia Sitchin.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by dalan.
Why does everyone claim that Nibiru is returning in 2012? even if you disagree with Sitchin's the man has never made claims about the year 2012.

The 2012 end-of-the-world-prophecy comes from research done on the Mayan calendar, not Zecharia Sitchin.

Indeed, Sitchin himself puts the date some time around 2085 but regardless of that, he is wrong. Also, what credited researcher who has studied the Mayan culture and the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar says it means the world will end? That also, is pure hogwash.

According to the Popol Vuh, a book compiling details of creation accounts known to the K'iche' Maya of the Colonial-era highlands, we are living in the fourth world. The Popol Vuh describes the first three creations that the gods failed in making and the creation of the successful fourth world where men were placed. In the Maya Long Count, the previous creation ended at the start of a 13th b'ak'tun.

The previous creation ended on a long count of Another will occur on December 20, 2012, followed by the start of the fourteenth b'ak'tun,, on December 21, 2012.

In this age we are approaching the same count again, only there is a common misconception of the Maya's practice of abbreviating their dates to five vigesimal places. According to the Maya there will be a baktun ending in 2012, a significant event being the end of the 13th 394 year period, but not the end of the world.

Maya stelae occasionally show dates beyond 2012. Most of these are in the form of "distance dates", where a Long Count date is given with a distance date to be added. For example, on the Tablet of Inscriptions from Palenque the following Long Count date was found: 8 Ahau 13 Pop (24 March 603 Gregorian) with a distance date of The resulting date is given as 5 Lamat 1 Mol, or 21 October 4772 – almost 3,000 years into the future. The king Pacal of Palenque predicted that on this date the eightieth Calendar Round anniversary of his accession will be celebrated, suggesting he did not believe the world would end in 2012.

Despite the publicity generated by the 2012 date, Susan Milbrath, curator of Latin American Art and Archaeology at the Florida Museum of Natural History, stated that "We [the archaeological community] have no record or knowledge that [the Maya] would think the world would come to an end" in 2012.

"For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle," says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. in Crystal River, Florida. To render December 21, 2012, as a doomsday or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in."

A couple of other sites for your reading pleasure.

[edit on 20/5/08 by Agent Venom]

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Agent Venom

Yeah, I figured that the 2012 prophecy was just another y2k theory.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by dalan.

As that article states, it is about cashing in with things like books. A simple search for 2012/doomsday related books returns hundreds, if not thousands of results. Sitchin himself has made an absolute fortune with his fictional writings as well as other things such as lectures. He is a millionaire because of it. Not one credited scholar of Sumerian and Akkadian research agrees with him.

Also as you brought Nancy Lieder up in another thread, her loony website can be found here:

An absolutely laughable video from her can be found here:
This is the type of garabge she wants people to believe in.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by Agent Venom

Wow dude. That was like Sylvia Brown's Half-autistic cousin; and Sylvia Brown is bad enough.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by dalan.

If you believe in ZetaTalk, Nancy Lieder and the other wacky theories she comes out with then one must also believe she is talking to "aliens" and she met "Beanbag Man!" But not forgetting that her predictions never came true. Here is a very good, interesting read from a great guy called Phil Plait, you've probably heard of him. He ran a very good article on his website about Planet X/Nibiru/Nancy Lieder/Sitchin, etc, when this 2003 date for the return of Nibiru was put out there. In my opinion, it is still relevant to the so-called "2012 return of Nibiru"

Nancy Lieder's take on the Hale-bopp comet is most humorous.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 09:17 PM
Thank you all for your input. As I guessed the closest we have here to a Nibiruist or PXer are those still undecided looking for info. (Keep reading guys, it gets better)

I have also seen here some new info that I will keep in mind for future refernce. Amazing how the only new stuff that get brought up here debunks the myth. There is never enything new to support it.

I have just clarified for myself based on the number of views that the just mention of the word Nibiru brings 'em in like seagulls on a hot chip!!! Although there are not alot of posts here which I really dont mind a bit. The main point I wanted to make was the fact that people need to have a look anyway. Its not a bad thing. I do it an will continue doing it as I am sure many of us will.

P.S. Oz, your thread was already listed in the OP. Hope you dont mind the free ad...

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 09:31 PM
I hope you dont mind but I will add your well presented thread here as well. Current model of Nibiru debunked?

Hopefully this thread can be used as a depository for all the good Nibiru threads. I am more than happy to promote any similar threads from here.

Click on some of the links in my signature for more...

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