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Spiritual Et's Verse's Non Spiritual Et's

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posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 11:28 PM
Greetings all,

Their appears to be a great deal of confusion and fear among people regarding Et's in general and not a deeper understanding of of the many Et Civilizations that have been to Earth before you were born in this current lifetime .

If one goes by all the Hollywood movies made on this Planet over the years Alien and others you would start to think that those Aliens or Et's from other Worlds are just like the ones in the movie ready to come to invade Earth and enslave Humankind.

If you believe this is possible and will happen then why do you believe this is so.

Their are also Spiritual Beings Et's from higher dimensions of understanding who are here to help and not harm anyone.

It seems that many people get caught up in fear when it comes to the topic of Et's from other Worlds etc.

Did you ever wonder why there are no mass landing on this Planet in this lifetime?

How many people if a Ship landed in a town on open land and people came out who were friendly would shoot first instead of attempting to greet them without fear hate or aggression?

Understand that many on this World have been programmed to become part of a herd mentality instead of trying to understand Et's many prepare to greet them with a gun.

So with that said their are like Humans Non-Spiritual Lower Dimensional Et races that are warring and have created conflicts over time and space.

At the same time their are many more Et Races that are Spiritually Enlightened and are not here to create Galactic Wars but bring Peace and understanding to many Worlds in there travels.

The Arcturians are one such Race of beings The Angelic Beings also from the Angelic Worlds come in this way.

If one talks about Et's then its time to realize like Human there are Benevolent Et Races (Spiritual) who will come in peace if allowed and invited .

Many of the Benevolent Et's will and have made one on one contact with there Earth based contacts for many years .

Not all Human beings have had a negative encounter .

My hope is to liberate the belief systems that are in place still now with many in regards to those living on other Planets and not of this Earth.

There are two sides to every coin not one.

I sense there are govenment people here monitoring what and where people are at with the whole subject of Ets and Ufos (SpaceShips) maybe some of them even post from time to time .

There are people that feel that this is it and Earth is the only Planet with Life at all .

You will know your Spiritual Et encounters when you have them because they will not come to abduct you but to share what they know with you as equals .

If you never get past thinking if UFOs are from other Worlds then you will get stuck and not look beyond this to the question where do Et's from other Worlds come from?

Just like Earth People Ets come from many dimensions galaxies solar systems and Universe/s.

I will stop here for the moment ,but have seen to much negative things about Et's that are Hollywood created and have nothing to do with real Beings or People from other Worlds.

There will be a time when direct contact will happen and will you shoot first or try and understand who they are before you shoot them?

There are Negative Humans on this Planet if you were to go to someone else's World would you come in Peace or create War?

The Positive Ets on this Planet also exist which group would you feel connect with?

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,

[edit on 20-12-2007 by Cmdraleon]

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 11:38 PM
I typically poo-poo threads where people insinuate that aliens are somehow "evil" and what not. There really is not any verifiable evidence to prove that. It's all conjecture.

While there may be some negative beings out there, I certainly don't think they ALL are. I have actually posted a whole thread on this particular subject here:

Aliens: The Good And Evil Debate

You may find it of some interest.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by Cmdraleon

Hi Cmdr,

Could it be that people who have negative encounters are negative themselves?

It's always been my thought that in dealings with humans on a day to day basis, sometimes you get what you give. There are people who start their day by flipping somebody off in traffic, yet wonder why the rest of the day goes badly for them. At the end of the day, they don't even remember a hand gesture that got the whole ball rolling.

Fear is the reaction that will get people to shoot and ask questions later. With the world the way it is, you have to be careful to just open your door when the doorbell rings. People don't even trust each other, let alone a light being from past the 5th dimension.

So, what you have to say is true, but what is the best way to change all of that? Any suggestions?

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 12:15 AM
Urantia Book

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 11:36 PM
Don't say Higher Dimensions; listen....

We are at 3rd Physical Density; well these Aliens go at higher physical densities.

Basically, a field surrounds/emmanates around a biological lifeform or a spacecraft to achieve higher physical density by propogating a EMWAVE at higher frequences. One of the ET spirits told me at 520Mhz to get to 4th physical densities; in order to get to higher physical densities you must propogate a higher frequency...etc like 2.9 Ghz...

This is a EMWAVE method, the other method is using a merkavah field, check out drunvalo melchizedek's floweroflife books or kabalah... don't do kabalah rituals and read about the Tree of Life (It is TRUE).

I have achieved Kether( The Top sephiroth), this basically means I can see any spirits in lower sephiroths.

Malkuth = physical part of our universe.. within this we can achieve higher physical densities (or higher world is what angels would call it).

Daat = antiuniverse physical.. to get their you need portals or by using black hole technology (gravitational lensing)...this is illegal I believe, but some try it.. very dangerous if you don't know what you are doing.

I don't know if some of you are Activated... I'am, and I'am telepathic, and able to create spirits with my psieyes (I have 3 psi eyes), most souls in this universe have 1 psieyes (regular souls); mine is irregular... some beings in this universe are irregular; watch out for dark entitities they will soulhunt you.

There is indeed an aether (universal background light energy); by breathe in is what I do to absorb enters the back of your soulhead, and your soul is charged, by doing this you can project with your third eye, usually by announciation.....those Zeta aliens say... SEE (to look) to project their elemental spirits.

I just thought to help you all out, incase there is some out there in the same position that I'am in and we are nearing the end of our human age, and the great awakening will occur soon.

I hope more awaken, and if you see others that need help try to help them.

Thanks. Amen.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 01:34 AM
I've always wondered why spiritually "enlightened" people label this the 3rd density? This is only the 3rd dimension because there are three dimensions in space. It could also be considered the fourth dimension if you consider time a dimension, the fifth dimension if you consider thought a dimension, the sixth dimension if you consider life a dimension.... Like I never understood where they got the clear cut definition that "this is the 3rd density".

Is there some deeper meaning to the term three dimensional?

I'm not refuting any of this, but sometimes people who claim serious contact with ETs or interdimensionals forget that highly advanced species most likely would not use any type of pronounceable language, and most likely would just use mental images or complex symbols, or they might have super odd vocal mechanisms compared to us. Why would they have human sounding words and definitions for everything?

The only way they would sound human is if they were closely related to us in some way.

I've never talked to any of the creatures I have seen, so I dunno. Maybe they can instantly create a word that is meaningful to humans.

But in my studies and mental quests, I've gotten the impression that there were infinite amounts of parallel dimensions and universes.... so how could we be the third in an infinite amount of dimensions/densities?

Who is giving you this information?

By the way, that urantia thing is monstrously huge.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 01:43 AM
I am not that spiritually enlightened yet. There is probably something I am missing.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by indierockalien
I am not that spiritually enlightened yet. There is probably something I am missing.

Indie, don't feel ashamed. None o us are really spiritually enlightened and there is a lot we are ALL missing.

[edit on 22-12-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

Originally posted by indierockalien
I am not that spiritually enlightened yet. There is probably something I am missing.

Indie, don't feel ashamed. None o us are really spiritually enlightened and there is a lot we are ALL missing.

[edit on 22-12-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

What are you missing?

URANTIA BOOK!!! Start on Paper 66/67

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 01:53 PM
I like the idea that just because their technology may be eons ahead of ours doesn't mean their spirituality is (the et's) (in fact the theory that the greys have lost touch with their emotions is an interesting one). Having said that I do think most if not all are probably more enlightened than we are. I like to think the Et's have eliminated war, poverty, exploitation of all kinds. Really most if not all that we say about this stuff is speculation, these are just my personal opinions from what I have heard and read...

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Incarnated
What are you missing?

URANTIA BOOK!!! Start on Paper 66/67

I read through about the first 350 pages of the Urantia book, or so. To be honest, I found the book kind of dull... Ironcially, it came up missing.. I intended to finish it, but....

[edit on 22-12-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 05:36 PM
The following is the ONLY difinitive proof of ET's that we have in terms of hard-core photograhic evidence -- and by only, I mean that in the sense that even Dr. J. Allen Hynek has given it his THUMBS UP.

In other words, these photographic images have been found to be authentic by the top, and I mean the TOP, ufologists in the field. In short, her EVIDENCE is beyond reproach and those images are Dorothy Izak's frameshots from her movies recorded for over a 30 year period.

Originally posted by Palasheea
Dorothy Wilkinson-Izatt's photographic images of beings from other worlds.

From the source:
"Since 1974, Dorothy Wilkinson-Izatt has been recording strange phenomenon on Super 8 home movie film. To call it UFO contact, would only be partially right. The footage not only captures alien craft, and at times occupants, but other unusual events that seem to disregard the laws of physics.

There are photographs of amazing light shows that pale the efforts of Hollywood special effects technicians. Others reveal scenes of what can best be described as 'space/dimension warps', a common method of travel and communication for our otherworldly (??) friends.

To date, the films have been examined and studied by some of the worlds foremost experts, and as yet, no definitive answers have been reached. Theories and hypothesis abound, but on one thing the experts agree, something very real is happening that defies our understanding of the natural laws and shakes the foundation of our belief structures."

Dorothy Izzak and Dr. J. Allen Hynek

One of Dorothy's frameshots from one of her movies:

ATS discusion thread on her work:

[edit on 22-12-2007 by Palasheea]

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

Originally posted by Incarnated
What are you missing?

URANTIA BOOK!!! Start on Paper 66/67

I read through about the first 350 pages of the Urantia book, or so. To be honest, I found the book kind of dull... Ironcially, it came up missing.. I intended to finish it, but....

[edit on 22-12-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

It's free online, and your right, starting from the beginning of the book isn't the best idea. First off, the "book" is actually a series of papers. It's best if you start someplace where you're intrested in and know about that way you can see how real it is. Here's a link where you can read or have read to you the book.

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