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NEOCON Republican Threatens to Hurt Ron Paul Supporter

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posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 01:56 AM
If you actually listen to the " Neo Con Talk Radio Hitmen" you will notice it is the same old game thay monitor their calls and get the most irrational and frustrated people that they can that disagrees with them and then the "caller" starts screaming and yelling ( rightfully so I can understand their frustrations) and the the host will silence their microphone and talk some spew to make them look like an idiot then turn their mic. back on and they are in the middle of a sentence and they disconnect them and then the neo con will spew some more crap about how we are all just uninformed dimwits or Libs......And then they will get one of their "brain washed" zombies on that worships the ground they walk on and agrees with all their crap to talk about how out of touch with reality that we are and they are the only ones that know anything about the candidates.....They all do the same things to try and discredit Paul supporters...... It is just constant rhetoric and mis-information about our grass roots and to try and make us look like a bunch of conspiracy theorists that know nothing........

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by Sentinel 1

You're right about the media. It’s disgusting. But I think when you take that anger and direct at real people you're playing right into their hands. You’re profiling and people really don’t like to be profiled, you should take them individually. Lets say they’re brainwashed by the media, if they come online and get treated like that they will go right back their TV, only now they will have experiences to back up the crazy things they hear on TV. Sure, he called Ron Paul a neocon, but that just means his logic should be easy to defeat. Just challenge it.

Put it this way, everyone says to fight fire with fire. That’s never made sense to me. If you put two fires together you just get one big consumptious flame. When you throw water on a fire it just goes out. If you drop logic on a heated position it wont be able to hold up. Some people just wont listen, but you have to give them the opportunity. If you get some them to listen, they have a much better chance of getting their stubborn friends to listen then you do.

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