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Al Franken did NOT knock down a Dean Heckler!

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posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 03:27 PM
Its a typical lie being spread on Drudge,Newsmax,etc.

ABC,CNN,MSNBC,&CBSNEWS is reporting what really happened. I can totally understand a misunderstanding, but this is nothing more than lie. I wonder if AL will respond,but I already emailed Drudge & was surpsied I got a friendly email back thanking me(probably standard,but still I was surpsied)

Anyways,like I said it will more than likely help Al(they could have said worse I'm sure)But I think the 'Lies * the lying liars who tell them" need to be called on this $hit!

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 03:34 PM
I should have realized when the story was from the NY Post. I completely forgot that they were semi-tabloid journalism.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Drudge has been getting a bit sloppy fro just posting a story before checking sources. If this keeps up, they will be reduced to hack-journalism. Once again....thanks.

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 03:37 PM
I thought afterwards about it & I didn't mean to 'step on your toes' or anything.I've been hearing this ALL DAY from people & its just wrong.Thanks for understanding!

posted on Jan, 28 2004 @ 12:07 PM
Well now, what we actually have here are two separate stories. One incompasses the disturbance and mentions Franken as a side not without detail and the other details his involvement. I would not see this story as grounds to dismiss allegations of the alleged assault based on this generalized description which devotes only two lines to the part of the incident at hand. Media tends to embed things like this to make us think it was just an innocent assist. What will you do if video footage comes out? Is it really that important to you that Franken didn't do this that you would look at happening and still denyu it? If so, why do you feel such a tie to him that you would take this extreme? What would it matter to you personally if he did slam the guy? I think its kind of cool if he did. His own words were "I was a wrestler so I used a wrestling move." People get into skirmishes at public rallys. Its a typical happening. There is really no need to effort yourself to cover it up. It happened. Its all over the news. Accept that maybe he had enough of this interuption and decided to handle it with violence. Maybe the interlopers were pushing and shoving? What I'm saying is, stuff happens. These people are their own people. You shouldn't try to either control, contort, or justify their actions. Worry about making yourself a better person and my first suggestion is to let go of this political BS because thats just what it is.

posted on Jan, 28 2004 @ 01:30 PM
Fu_k *%$#@ Al Franken! What happened to freedom of speech. I guess if you dont agree with Al you either get knocked down or the forearm shiver! What kind of crap is that?

[Edited on 28-1-2004 by dreamrebel]

posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 10:18 AM
If it turns out that AL Franken DID become enraged over this & deliberatly attacked someone for simply disagree with him than yes, I'll admit AL did something totally NOT COOL! But thats not Al. I know it & you know it. I feel that by me starting another post debunking this wild tale, that even the author of the original thread agreed was wrong(all things considering the source) seems to upset you. If I am incorrect in this observation, then I appologize to you.

I like Franken personally & feel these people who say one thing & then it turns out to be a lie need to be called on it. Like I said, a simple misunderstanding I could totally dismiss,after all we're all only human & mistakes do happen. But the Post, which has a reputation for unfairly reporting exagerated tellings of storys needs to be called on this. So far, no retractions or follow ups.If the Post were more fair,than I wouldn't even waste my time. But, Drudge picked up on the story & then Newsmax put their dramtic spin onto the story & the next thing you know, Fox News reports that "AL Franken tackled a defenseless grandmother & killed a kitten in the process of shutting up a critic".The snowball effect is already growing & many Franken critics are spreading the tale of how Franken tackled someone as if it were truth. Not sure about anyone else, but imo, thats very irresponsible journalism & an abuse of free speech.

Anyways,since you asked thats why I pu so much effort into the post.Thanks!

posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 11:48 AM
Hey, whatever floats your boat. Thanks for the response.

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