posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 07:29 PM
radio show host arrested(link)
the host of the conspiracy radio show, "cloak and dagger", was arrested and held for two days, because he was "a danger to society".
still braodcasting online(link) after being cancelled by mojo radio. the radio show was hugely
successful, one of the highest listener ratings that the station had. the station claimed poor ratings as the reason for cancelling. nelson
thall(the harassed host), claims the show was cancelled by paul martin, the new prime minister of canada, at the request of george bush. bush
promised improved relations in exchange for the cancelling of the show.
regular guests on the show were:
� Alex Jones
� Mike Ruppert
� Henry Makow
� Len Horowitz
� Barrie Zwicker
� Barry Chamish
� Jeff Steinberg
� Eric Jon Phelps
� Catherine Fitts
� Ralph Schoenman
� John Judge
� Jon Rappoport
� Pam Schuffert
� Mark Bruzonsky
� David Icke
they always talked about bush being a homosexual(his boyfriend is the mayor of ?), and published incriminating financial transactions(on the web) made
by the bush crime family.