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What if we lost?

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posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 06:29 PM
I love the idea. My personal fear is micro organisms. Think of a sentient virus or bacterium "who" is either self aware as we are or more organized like a hive or group. They would be too small to see as a threat and smart enough to either infect massively to prevent any treatment of an epidemic such as inoculation or containment. They could wipe us out one at a time in a calculated attack like assassins, or as an army in an all out attack. They could use us as attack vehicles or modes of transport. Thankyou.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 07:09 PM
It already happened, with the reptilians that have been controlling us ever since untold times. We already lost. And we are losing with each human being becoming an ignorant government puppet.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Mandalore
Humans make me sick.

Bit strong don't you think? It's only a minority that are, shall we say, morally ignorant.

Were not really all that bad.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 08:16 PM
The buzz today is a web of millions of spiders that built 100's of yards of webbing on a trail in N. Texas. Scientists are at a loss to explain this comradery of a generally solitary creature. Did I say I 'hate' spiders? Already been bit three times this summer. Glad for my dmso, they didn't leave holes this time. I really really hate spidders.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 09:26 PM
I agree with an above statement ... when even a house cat loses its temper, you have to honestly fear for your life. If they wanted to kill you, they could. A well placed bite on your tendon at the heel, you cannot walk. A strong scratch across your veins and you are not only fighting an attacking small monster, but now you are trying to contain bleeding and getting medical help before you bleed out. I had a close call with a cat that freaked out from fireworks. I was house sitting, this cat would sleep with me, lay on my lap. The fireworks happened and it ran and hid. I went to console it and I heard and evil growl and was attacked with a couple deep bites and scratches faster than I could blink ... I learned then, to just leave cats alone when they are not in their happy place. I was dripping blood down my arm by the first step I took to go to the sink to rinse off the wounds ... and this cat LIKED me. That was a warning shot. Imagine if they turned on you full force? The same with dogs, except larger and bigger jaws, though, lacking claws, less to watch out for.

To think that animals cannot fight back is silly. They fight in their own way. They may not have biological weapons ... OR maybe they do! Didn't AIDS come from primates? Isn't there a bird flu? Think about it. And how about those dolphins that have saved humans by killing sharks? Isn't that a form of aquatic karate? They can sure fight more efficiently than we can. Animals could destroy us if we didn't have bullets and chemicals to hide behind. If you really think about it, that is our only defense ... a good offense. I guarantee, even with an oozi, if a large pack of cats or dogs ambused you, you would be dead.

We have invaded all their territory ... no wonder sharks are biting people, alligators are eating people ... just watch out for plants and insects ... when they attack, we really have to be worried

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by jpm1602
The buzz today is a web of millions of spiders that built 100's of yards of webbing on a trail in N. Texas. Scientists are at a loss to explain this comradery of a generally solitary creature. Did I say I 'hate' spiders? Already been bit three times this summer. Glad for my dmso, they didn't leave holes this time. I really really hate spidders.

I really hope spiders don't gain awareness,they scare the ish out of me.But I really doubt any species will overthrow us,were to organized...shoot I'm hoping for a invasion that will fix all the racial relations were facing today.

Chances are some punk a** humans would side with the overthrowers to gain leiway,to later get backstabbed in the End.(NWO)

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 12:48 AM
It all depends on size. Dinosaurs exist in today world they could kill us. Microbiological organism could kill us. It all depends on what they need, intelligent animals so far they don't have use for us. I'm gussing you saw the move "the Invasion" orignal called "Invasion of the body snatchers" but is only a movie about a highly intelligent organism for unknow reason want to control us, an alien invasion it could happen but don't know how could happen, beats me.

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 01:59 AM
now what if a new species of human is born, i mean how many different hominids were there before us? For all we know our time can be up and the next generation/evolution of man is right around the corner. Or even by our own design through genetic manipulations.

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 01:02 PM
I do think that the next step for human evolution is the sort of things people call 'super powers'. I think I have one of these powers, which I posted in another topic about extrodinary powers and stuff.

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Opulisum

It's interesting that you would ask this question around this timetrame. The Truth is, this HAS happened, and we HAVE lost. So far.

For two incredibly tragic and morbidly fascinating days beginning 3 weeks ago to the day and almost the hour, I witnessed proof of the invasion of what I call The Grasshopper People.

These disgusting and goofy parasites have figured out how to 'push our buttons' to increase the conflict in our lives. Using some kind of bizarre 'repository' which I call The Bobber because of its uncanny resemblance to same, they collect all our emotional brainwaves or energy patterns and then distribute these to the 'hive'. They are addicted to our pain and suffering, and they use their advanced technology to increase and fine-tune the 'bad emotions' for their own selfish pleasure.

In other words, they are farming us to produce their 'drugs'.

I saw all this happening. I believe they were recruiting me. I declined their invitation.

There is a way to defeat them, but it involves all of us cooperating in a unified and honorable way. In other words, we have got to come to Peace. Not Slavery. Not Submission. Not Servitude. True Peace.

It's the only way to rid ourselves of these goofy parasites.

May we find peace in our lifetimes.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Zanzibar

Are they really the minority? I see them as a majority even are own president is ready to resort to killing others. I feel we have more to fear from our own next door neighbor than from jaws. We are so ready to take the life of anthor. If someone wrongs us the first thing that comes to our mind is I wanna kill em. Some one cuts you off on the highway the first thing you want to do is ram them off the road. We're shooting each other over drugs, money, in other countries there killing other humans becaus of there race or religion. I'd bet more deaths happen at the hands of a human being than any other force. now there are a few out there that are peacefull enough never to hurt a human being but they are the minority. Now maybe I took it to far saying humans make me sick, but when I look out side and see all the destruction we cause It really saddens me.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Mandalore

I've been there but I grew out of it. We are a very destructive race but we also have redeeming quality's. Love is a big one. Art another. Sure there is anger, Anger at some one taking our life into there hands. That some one who cut you off could have caused a major accident injuring or killing you. they made the decision for you to put your life in danger. Tell me a better reason to be angry. Sure a lot of people think I should ram him and run him off the road but they don't do it. by thinking that in there minds they are taking control of there life back.

If you look for only bad you miss all the good. Look at all the people who are involved in police work. Firemen, S&R personal our military. All the ones who work the food kitchens. All those and so many more working behind the scene to make our world better. Please don't forget them. if you forget them and focus only on the bad you minimize all those good generous people do.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by angryamerican

Im not saying that there is not good, but that the evil is over powering it. I will reply again when im not in class and ive had time to gather my thoughts on what all I wish to say.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by angryamerican

Im not saying that there is not good, but that the evil is over powering it. I will reply again when im not in class and ive had time to gather my thoughts on what all I wish to say.

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