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British RAF Jets Intercept Russian Bomber

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posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by more_serotonin_pls

Well lets hope we are all wrong on this, There seems IMHO to be a big build up of weapons in the middle east. As for Russia deploying its long range bombers it could just be a warning to NATO. What ever happens the more the Russian pilots get some stick time the better they will carry out there job. They have had very little to do since 1994 and I feel this will only make a more professional airforce. Is that such a bad thing?

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 10:58 AM
The bear bomber is never going to be able to hit anything. All the latest fighters including the F-15 are able to knock out its cruise missiles. With the service intro of the PAC 3 Patriot, Russian Bombers don't stand a chance. It can take out any kind of missile and aircraft thats even if they got around the Navy anti-aircraft weapons witch is becoming almost impossible. Russia can boast all they want but they are still very weak compared to NATO.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 11:01 AM

im not sure we should worry about the bombers seen over uk the link above is to the largest bomber very big long rang can do damage 19 in service currently but are these war games just training just to show the militaries off or is there a bigger picture we just cant see now it does come soon after the us missile shield plans and iran is close to russia after all they do buy arms and if they go they lose a major arms buyer.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
The bear bomber is never going to be able to hit anything. All the latest fighters including the F-15 are able to knock out its cruise missiles. With the service intro of the PAC 3 Patriot, Russian Bombers don't stand a chance. It can take out any kind of missile and aircraft thats even if they got around the Navy anti-aircraft weapons witch is becoming almost impossible. Russia can boast all they want but they are still very weak compared to NATO.

dont think so alot of people will dissagree russia does have like 6000+ nukes and there bombers will and can cause damage nato and the us are not invincable with some force shield protecting them.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Sky watcher

Well I hope your right on that! Do you feel or know that the Russian forces could not do the same to our forces? I think it would be very daft to underestimate the Russian forces. I may be talking old school hear but think T34 tank. Now that was a suprise to the German forces

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 11:20 AM
We have spent the last 10 - 15 years sharing knowledge / technology with both Russia and China.
Surely we must be aware of their capabilities and their strengths and weaknesses.

Therefore, would it be fair to assume that whilst we may have the edge on technology and equipment etc but Russia and China have numerical advantage.

I, unlike nefermore etc, am no military expert, so, who would have the edge if it came down to straightforward military confrontation?

Obviously, any future dispute would probably not just be "conventional" but I am interested in who the experts think have the upper hand.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 11:21 AM
ah yes the t34 old tech came over high tech abit like what you see in iraq thing is some people are one sided thinking nato and america are undefeatable look at vietnam look at iraq? (iraq can be argued) it would be best if no war man do i hate the guy who made guns,abomb etc

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 11:38 AM
Here's a question...

Does any one think it's possible for our shiny new fighters to detect if that old bear was carrying a nuke or two?

Not saying that Russia planed to use a nuke, but what if they just carried one to see what happened. After all isn't there always a yank flying around somewhere packing nukes to complete the triad? (correct me if wrong pls)

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Freeborn
We have spent the last 10 - 15 years sharing knowledge / technology with both Russia and China.
Surely we must be aware of their capabilities and their strengths and weaknesses.

Therefore, would it be fair to assume that whilst we may have the edge on technology and equipment etc but Russia and China have numerical advantage.

I, unlike nefermore etc, am no military expert, so, who would have the edge if it came down to straightforward military confrontation?

Obviously, any future dispute would probably not just be "conventional" but I am interested in who the experts think have the upper hand.

well i aint the biggest expert but i have been interested in military stuff since i was 5 i think numbers will easily come over tech take iraq the fighters there are using low tech cheap weapons and yet inflict casualties on the well trained and armed us soldier.
china the bigest army in the world as with there airforce.
as mentioned some were in here the t34 example numbers came out top honestly i dont think tech will win the 2006 lebanon war israel used bunkerbusters and state of the art weapons yet they still failed to remove hezbollah who were dug in tight

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by manzoor

Well its nice to hear people singing from the same song sheet. Russia is no wimp! I really enjoy there aircraft! Many thanks id123

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 12:35 PM
Why didn't they force it down? Or shoot it down?

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by astmonster
Why didn't they force it down? Or shoot it down?

Well that would mean the Russians would of lost about a plane a month lately.

Also that would of been a clear act of war, remember the aircraft was not in any restricted airspace, it just appeared to of been heading for UK space.

Glad you don't have the keys to make the big red button make the nukes fly

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 12:47 PM

Why didn't they force it down? Or shoot it down?

Oh yeah and cause an International Incident between the UK and Russia, no better of warning the plane off first off all, escorting the plane outof UK Airspace. I dont want a Nuke landing on my door step thank you very much. Wonder if Russia is doing this to see how far they can push the UK?

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 12:48 PM

Russia's decision to resume Cold War-style strategic bomber patrols confirms it has revived the political will and economic means to challenge U.S. global dominance and NATO expansion with more than just rhetoric, military analysts say. .htm

I've just found and read the above editorial from the 19th.

It's quite an interesting read and does suggest that it's all about posturing from Putin. Whether this will turn out to backfire is interesting idea too.

Thought I'd drop it in the mix.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 01:01 PM
more_serotonin_pls tried your link and got a funky 404!

make from that what you will.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 01:06 PM
Hmm that certainly is a very funky 404!

I'm now getting it too, but in Chinese!!!!

I dunno what's going on with that - it was working fine before and now it ain't.


posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 01:58 PM
months yes months.... let the cold war begin

One Western defense official called the flights "a little bit of chest-pounding, trying to let people know Russia is back in the game".

Earlier this month Russian air force generals said bomber crews had flown near the Pacific island of Guam, where the U.S. military has a base, and "exchanged smiles" with U.S. pilots scrambled to track them.


posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 02:55 PM
Not suggesting Russia's been out in the cold on modernizing their old fleet, but for the most part they have.
The bomber days are coming to an end I feel. They were to be used for a slow advance toward either Nation to give time for the leaders to talk.

What replaced the SR71 ? I don't know for sure but have a feeling the USA has a craft (w/out-of-this-world propulsion technology) that can be used for both reconnaissance and air-to-ground attack, approaching Mach 9. US to Russia, China or both in minutes. Perhap's stealth stuff like the B2 and F117 as well as the old but still in use B52 are designed for attack in more conventional war theatres. Same applies for air to air attack F22.

The only real threat to the "West", are missiles and walk-it-in (ground delivery) WMD.
Of course the above is not fact, just speculation. I'm not a war machine expert that's for sure.


posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 02:59 PM
Hi all,

My take on this is that the US and the EU have a laser missile defence net system in place, this system is capable to knock out any threats launched from Russia / Middle East and Far east...

But what about missiles launched from the North Pole???

What if Russia / China is moving its military infrastructure to positions north of Britain?

That would certainly explain the recent Russian Flag placed in a strategic location under the northern ice cap.... claiming that as Russian territory…

So to sum up, the recent increase in activity from Russia is her attempt to retain her defensive equilibrium with the western powers.

If Russia were ever to loose the capability to launch strikes on the west, she would no longer be considered a serious actor on the world stage.

Russia is, however seriously mistaken in her actions.... The US / EU Laser defence net system can more than easily be placed in locations that would respond fast enough to take out ANY ICBM launched or in fact any radar contact at all from ANYWHERE at all....

But hey... they have to do something right??

All the best,

NeoN HaZe.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by slaveearth

They never overflew Guam, two Russian Tu-95MS bombers were observed and naval fighters assumed CAP position ready for the intercept but it never occurred. The two bombers never entered Guam's 200 nm EEZ. They remained at least 300 miles away from Guam and from any USN ship in the region, well within international airspace.

Umm... to the poster above me, you cannot be serious with this laser business.

[edit on 22-8-2007 by WestPoint23]

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