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"The Real News" Network?

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posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 10:17 AM
mr super mod just some thoughts on your first post.

Money is NOT the root of all evil ....The LOVE of Money is the root of all evil how can pieces of paper be evil?

Their is no Robin Hood effect only in the movies.. i live, guess where..Nottingham England , sherwood forest is just down the road, and so is nottingham castle...

Robin hood was pursued by the authorities for the first 2 years of his outlaw life for taking out a loan and not paying the loan back (this crime was on par with Murder at the time because people could die without money), only after a 2 year period he started robbing from the rich and giving to the poor (and this is contested).

the above network imho will blow this out o fthe water because .....The above network already has an established fan base ..

that is all....

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 01:45 PM
I agree with the mod 12m8keall2c in some of their positions. I would be willing to give it a go. However I also agree with the points of dodgygeeza in that this is obviously a very left wing type format. The feel good with proper outrage type programming. Mostly human interest storys. We already have that in Chicken Noodle News(CNN).

I would, however, be willing like some to give it a try.

My limited knowlege of news and information is that news and information is power. No one wants to give individuals power to be a threat to the status quo by allowing them to think and perform individually/independently. This is what education and news programming is about ...keeping us on the treadmill...not independent.

I have given up listening to much of the news networks including the "fabled" and promoted Fox Network. I have tired of their format too.
All of the networks are biased and are playing the tactic of Hegelian Dialectic. Equal and opposite with the public captured in the middle but being steered predictably by the dialectic. How long will it take most people to catch on and step out of the dialectic.

I look to the web for much of my news and information. not for one minute think that the web cannot be controlled. There appear to be attempts to control what goes on here too.

Like many I would be willing to give this a shot. IT looks however like some posted ..a format for overly emotional type peoples who need to be properly stroked by their feel good. We already have this in CNN...ITN etc al.

Quantum Squirrel,

THe Robin Hood Syndrome is one of the most evil and diabolical systems of ignorance ever foisted off by the body politic.

It works like this..if you only vote for us ..our political party we will keep the evil Sheriff from your door. Just give us the ability to vote in all these feel good programs on the public purse to solve problems we create in your mind and promote by public education which we also finance on the public purse.

We will save you by our Robin Hood techniques and you will feel safe and secure. is bliss.

I tend to keep this in mind when watching the next Robin Hood/Victim Dictum program coming down the Non evolutoinary/devolutionary pipeline.


[edit on 20-8-2007 by orangetom1999]

[edit on 20-8-2007 by orangetom1999]

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
I have given up listening to much of the news networks including the "fabled" and promoted Fox Network. I have tired of their format too.
All of the networks are biased and are playing the tactic of Hegelian Dialectic. Equal and opposite with the public captured in the middle but being steered predictably by the dialectic. How long will it take most people to catch on and step out of the dialectic.

I look to the web for much of my news and information. not for one minute think that the web cannot be controlled. There appear to be attempts to control what goes on here too.

Like many I would be willing to give this a shot. IT looks however like some posted ..a format for overly emotional type peoples who need to be properly stroked by their feel good. We already have this in CNN...ITN etc al.

I agree. I'll bet all the networks pander to one social group - the left and the right wing of the country but in the end they're all controlled by the same minority and is all to steer people away from what is obviously going on behind the scenes. People concentrate all their emotions on global warming and the issues abroad but ignore their own freedoms being stripped away from them every single day. The 15 mile deadzone meeting today? I don't see that in the news and all the protesters that actually get some air time are the global warming nutters, not the people who actually seem to pi**ed off about the deadzone.

[edit on 21-8-2007 by dodgygeeza]

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by malcolmdelaney

If they provide legimate coverage, I'm on board. if they treat them as "conspiracy theories" then all it is is repackaged.

Ahem. well, what do you consider "legitimate" coverage? Doing the same things CNN and Fox do?

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 01:03 PM
I think it's about time we get uncensored news from around the world. It's not uncommon knowledge that much of the news covered by major news networks is tampered with. I don't remember the clip saying that the real news network wasn't going to cover Domestic news, I clearly remember clip saying that it was going to cover the presidential elections from a public standpoint. On the other hand I also understand that getting different views from around world help me form opinions and ideas on current affairs. I hope it works, everything deserves a shot at success.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 03:35 PM
Placebo news,

What I tire of so much in the present news formats ,and it is so often done by all the networks, is placebo news....sugar pills . Or in some cases just the opposite ..bitter type news designed to stroke a emotional effect of outrage. Enviornmental issues are just such a placebo.

I saw many years ago that enviornmental issues would become he new control instrument on America. We would be properly stroked or masterbated to the next enviornmental placebo issue to keep us properly on the treadmill. It would become a political football and hence promoted in the avenues of public education....right down to enviornments children of spawn...enviornmental terrorists.

One issue after another comes predictably to the news format for the latest political grab to solve..if only they had public support and the public purse. They never manage to solve them but use them in continuim...just like the latest war. Many issues are like this...victim issues..including enviornmental will become a victim if you dont vote this way.or jump on the bandwagon.
This type of format always raises alarm bells in me.

Dont get me wrong..there are some legitimate enviornmental issues..polution of rivers, lakes , etc etc...this Global warming issues is to what this stuff has mutated. IT just has the smell and feel of a fright/victim type placebo to me. Particularly when you break out the magnifying glass and look closely at those so vocal about it.

This is what I often look for in the latest political news grab...shilled for by the news networks..newspapers, radio, and television..and now the web as a newer format.

One thing or facet of which I have become aware in the last five years or so that Americans are not as liberal or left leaning as someone would want or desire of them. This is obvious by the rejection of much of the news formats bombarding us daily. Americans are voting with their remote controllers.They are voting no...!!

My question is will they vote on this new proposed news format.

I will not be watching more of placebo issues bombarding my screen...feel good stuff or emotional masterbation..sorry for the crudity but I am not intrested in being emotionally stroked by the news. That is precisely the format much of the news uses to get us on the treadmill. Not for me..thanks.

Some Americans are catching on to this fingerprint from thier screens. I would like more to see this for what it is.

This is the wonderful thing about the control more of what comes across your screen and what you will tolerate or digest. Just Click.

Television on the other hand does your thinking and digestion for you unless you are aware of its potential and fingerprint and use your remote.

Be Aware..or deny ignorance is another expression.


posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
Instead of trying to compete with The Real News Network, maybe ATS can offer some of its opinions about UFOs, the Illuminati, etc., on it.

If they are really planning on a "Real News" network, then opinions are not what it needs.

We are all conditioned, even with knowledge that our media is slanted, to believe that whatever they say is half-truth. This is part of the media game. The media plays off of the slant knowing full well that a large portion of the public is tranced by the game.

I also think that a "Real News" network, if it is possible, is actually going to become like other "reality" shows.

The first season will be semi-real. The second season will be semi-real. They will use data based off of the response from the first two seasons to figure out how to create a "more real" experience. The third season will be partially planned, but everything will be real. After that, the manipulation is set in. Now everyone will rely on the "Real News". In the mean time, they're fabricating fantastical things knowing that we'll believe whatever we see or hear from them.

Not to say that is for sure, but it's easy to see by judging the history of the media today.

I'd be interested if anyone else has an idea of how "Real News" could evolve: for the better or worse.

Somehow, the movie "Good Morning, Vietnam" just flashed through my head.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by Quantum_Squirrel

IN response to your signature, Quantum_Squirrel:

And yet, nothing that exists is real.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 07:59 PM
I personally don't think it'll work.If they tell people what the government doesn't want them to hear they're probably just going to get shut down

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