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Minorities Becoming Majority in Some Areas

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posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 07:55 PM
I only knew it was a matter of time until someone threw in the "it's the white people's fault" for minority crime.

Seems very odd, that Indians and Asians come over here and flourish, they work hard for the American dream.

Mexicans flock into our country without a word of English, don't apply for citizenship, commit crimes, then end up in our prisons while tax payers pay for their "stay."

Maybe if they just tried, for one second, to become American, and not drag Mexico (their great land they left, none the less) down our throats, applied for citizenship, learned English, and DON'T commit crimes, hey guess what, no problem!

Their is NO justification in commiting crimes, because as you state "we don't treat them fairly."

You're right, people don't change, they won't accept the land they want to live in as something special, they exploit it and demand that WE change.

[edit on 9-8-2007 by ShooterSix]

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by ANOK
Most crime is committed by white guys

The Sentencing Project has reported in July 07' that nationally among the 50 states, Hispanics are incarcerated at nearly double the rate of whites (1.8 times the rate of Whites). Blacks are incarcerated nearly six times more than whites (5.6 times the rate of whites).

In five states - Iowa, Vermont, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Wisconsin - African Americans are incarcerated at more than ten times the rate of whites.


Those are recent findings and it's nothing new. In another example going back a bit to 1999, The New Century Foundation reported that Blacks commit 90% of the interracial crimes of violence that occur in the United States every year, and are more than 50 times more likely to commit violent crime against whites than vice versa.

They also reported that Blacks are so much more likely than Americans of other races to commit crimes that police may be justified in stopping and questioning them more frequently - just as they stop men more often than women and young people more often than old people.


The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports statistics from 1976-2005 which show that Blacks are seven times more likely than Whites to commit homicide.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 08:11 PM
That's right. Chicanos are becoming stronger in this country. Strength in numbers. We are just as American as any other person here. Get used to our culture and yes, get used to hearing Spanish spoken everywhere. We speak English and Spanish and we are not changing for anyone. Welcome to Aztlan.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 08:25 PM
Ive been wondering for sometime why Bush will not take a stand against Mexico. Its like they have something on him or something like that because any and every issue that deals with immigration, especially in Tx is bogus.
The govt refuses to take steps to control this problem and they need to do it now.
I'm thinking that because Mexico is so corrupt and stable that whenever there is a pro US president in office we give them anything they want because we realize that due to its governments instability a socialist style govt could easily win favor in Mexico, just like has been happening in several Central and South American Nations.
In 2000-2001, I lived in Boise Idaho. The population then was just around 250k people, it has nearly doubled between then and 2006.
Just imagine that, a city's population doubling in around 6 years and the reason for this is Mexican Immigrants.
Take a look at this table that shows the fastest growing US cities.

Las Vegas is the fastest growing area in the nation, according to a Census 2000 report. Recent population growth has been greatest in the suburbs. The central cities in metropolitan areas averaged growth of 3.5 percent in the 1990s, while areas outside the central cities climbed 12.5 percent.
You will notice that the majority of them are either border cities or are very near the US, Mexican border.
Whatever some people want to think it doesnt matter. These people DO put a strain on certain govt agencies. They all know very well how to play the beurocratic game to maximise their income from welfare, foodstamps and getting better health care FREE than I can get even when I pay.

Source page

Metro Area Growth* Population
1. Las Vegas 83.3% 1,563,282
2. Naples, Fla. 65.3% 251,377
3. Yuma, Ariz. 49.7% 160,026
4. McAllen-Edinburg-Mission, Texas 48.5% 569,463
5. Austin-San Marcos, Texas 47.7% 1,249,763
6. Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers, Ark. 47.5% 311,121
7. Boise City, Idaho 46.1% 432,345
8. Phoenix-Mesa, Ariz. 45.3% 3,251,876
9. Laredo, Texas 44.9% 193,117
10. Provo-Orem, Utah 39.8% 368,536

Also, something that has been mentioned and what pisses me off is the fact that they dont want to come here and be an American, they want to come here and force their culture, ideas and their failed philosophy on others.
This is something that I dont understand, all of those points that I just mentioned didnt help them in their hell hole home nation, what makes them think things will be different here? It only makes matters worse, they refuse to learn English, they expect us to learn spanish and cater to their every whim.
They come over here with a chip on their shoulder and act like we owe them something, well I live in South Texas in a city that is Majority Hispanic and Ill tell you right now, i dont owe them a damn thing.
I refuse to conform to their wishes, when a Mexican asks me for help somewhere, a store or whatever and if the first things out of his mouth are "habla espanol" I wont listen to another word they have to say after that.
When an American is planning a visit to a foreign nation, the first thing we are told is to at least learn some of the basics of the language that your host nation speaks. They say that at least it shows you are trying and that people will be more apt to help you out if you do that.
I agree with that and thats the way it should be. Imagine if you lived in England and an African Nation decided to flood your country with immigrants.
Imagine them trying to take over and DEMANDING that every govt document and every govt office recording is transmitted in both English as well as their language.
Once they get that, they will then demand that every document from Govt agencies, especially any that deal with social support (welfare) be printed in English and Swahili (just and example)
That right there is just a small example of how they do effect the economy in a negative way, things like that cost money and thats just the beginning.
I for one am sick of it, If I ever do decide to learn Spanish, it will be my decision and will not be due a company trying to force me to learn it by threatening my job if i dont.

[edit on 8/9/2007 by Kr0n0s]

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 08:26 PM
All your statistics conveniently leave out the fact that blacks are overwhelmingly more likely to be the victims of violent crime as well.

I wonder why?

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by xmotex
All your statistics conveniently leave out the fact that blacks are overwhelmingly more likely to be the victims of violent crime as well.

I wonder why?


Again, referring to the Bureau of Justice Statistics... The collective data gathered from 1976-2005 shows that over half of all homicide victims in the United States across those 29 years were White.

Specifically, Whites comprise 50.9 percent of all homicide victims and Blacks comprise 46.9 percent with other races comprising 2.1 percent.

As well, over half the offenders in all homicides over the 29 year period were Black, specifically 52.2 percent. White offenders comprise 45.8 percent of offenders, 2.0 percent of offenders were comprised of other races.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by xmotex
All your statistics conveniently leave out the fact that blacks are overwhelmingly more likely to be the victims of violent crime as well.

I wonder why?

I wonder why you keep making these unfounded statements without providing links to back up your so called "facts"?
I suppose that one reason you leave out links is because there are no links to back up your so called "facts" because your "facts" are not fact, theyre just an opinion.
seeingevil makes valid points, his facts are consistent with what most studies have already determined AND he backs up his FACTS with links to reputable sites.
Some people just cant admit that the majority of the crimes are committed by a minority race.
Havent you ever heard of the stories of the Mexicans that come over here, molest and rape a 12 year old child and then try to gain sympathy for his cause by stating how taking 12 year olds as "brides" is a part of the culture in his country.
If the dirtbag is granted bail, he may then haul ass to Mexico to try and hide and avoid trial and punishment.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 09:07 PM
What's wrong with learning a little Spanish. If you look at the names of all the states and many of the cities in the Southwest you will notice that they are Spanish. Tejas, Colorado, California. Most Americans speak Spanish and don't even realize it. Tortilla, Rodeo, Sierra, Mesa, Asta la vista, baby. It is part of the deal. Manifest Destiny conquered the southwest but it didn't kill the culture and people. We have been here a long time and we are not going anywhere. Eat a taco, drink a Corona and stop complaining.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by ShooterSix
Hey Anok, Want to see the prison population levels?
White: 35% Black: 48%
Hispanic/other: 17%
While keep in mind, that blacks are just 1/5th of our countries population.

Yes but a black person is more likely to get arrested and then sentenced to jail than a white person.

Your statistics only reflect that fact.

According to a Justice Department report from February 2001, police are more than twice as likely to search vehicles driven by blacks after pulling them over, even though whites, when searched, are more than twice as likely to be in possession of illegal items, such as narcotics. Latino drivers were between 2 and 2.26 times more likely to be personally searched or to have their cars searched by police, even though they are less likely than whites to use drugs and thus possess them at any given moment.

Read The Rest

The system is overwhelmingly biased. If you just keep blaming the result of the biased system instead of the coarse then nothing will change.

Hate never solved anything except to make you feel superior.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 10:01 PM

Specifically, Whites comprise 50.9 percent of all homicide victims and Blacks comprise 46.9 percent with other races comprising 2.1 percent.

Uhmm, ever taken elementary statistics??

Blacks comprise about 13% of the population, yet 46.9% of homicide victims.

Thus, your statistic makes my point for me: blacks are overwhelmingly more likely to be the victims of homicide than whites.

[edit on 8/9/07 by xmotex]

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by xmotex

Uhmm, ever taken elementary statistics??

Blacks comprise about 13% of the population, yet 46.9% of homicide victims.

Thus, your statistic makes my point for me: blacks are overwhelmingly more likely to be the victims of homicide than whites.

[edit on 8/9/07 by xmotex]

yea well that goes both ways doesnt it? Ok so blacks make up only 13% of American population, (i think its higher)
They commit between homicides in America at a rate of 5 times more than whites but people choose to ignore this fact and pretend like it isnt real, they refuse to believe that 13% of the population commit a majority of the crimes
If they even begin to try to accept it, then theyll start blaming oppression and poverty for their criminal behavior which is just another cop out.


[edit on 8/9/2007 by Kr0n0s]

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Kr0n0s
If they even begin to try to accept it, then theyll start blaming oppression and poverty for their criminal behavior which is just another cop out.

It is undeniable that 220+ years of slavery followed by 100 years of Jim Crow laws and appartheid have prevented back African Americans from climbing the social and economic ladder. African Americans have only been really legally equal to Whites in the United States for the past 40 years. How is that a cop out as an explaination? On the contrary, our racist history and racists institutions ARE the explaination.

Vestiges of the old institutions still linger today in the forms of restrictions to educational access, lower wages, and, yes its true, racism in the criminal justice system. Just take a look at the numberous studies that consistently show discrimination in death sentancing. This segment from an excellent NPR show, "Justice Talking," sums it up quite nicely. Believe it or not, the tradition of racially-fuelled state-sanctioned killings continues in the USA.

The simple fact is that the three hundred plus years of institutionalized racism in the United States have set African Americans back very far economically and socially. The effects of this continue to show up in the data even today. Denying this is the cop out.

[edit on 9-8-2007 by ArbitraryGuy]

[edit on 9-8-2007 by ArbitraryGuy]

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 11:17 PM
Blacks are doing better in this country thanks to their leaders in the sixties. All minorities are doing better because of people like MLK, and Caesar Chavez but there seems to be a resurgence in old time racism. It has become fashionable to blame Mexicans for all of America's social ills. Even black Americans have jumped on this bandwagon. It's not right. If you look at the civil rights movement in the sixties, Chicanos and African Americans walked hand in hand through the struggle. Now is not a time to start blaming other races or cultures for our problems. There is never a good time to do this. It is easy to blame the Mexican. We should look to our leaders for accountability. They are the root of corruption. Not the hard working peasants who are just trying to carve out a living for their families.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by xmotex
Uhmm, ever taken elementary statistics??

Blacks comprise about 13% of the population, yet 46.9% of homicide victims.

Thus, your statistic makes my point for me: blacks are overwhelmingly more likely to be the victims of homicide than whites.

If you consider that Blacks comprise only 13% of the population, yet over a 29 year period statistics show that over half of all homicides in the United States were committed by Blacks; And of those homicides, the victims were primarily Whites... I'm unsure of how you feel this supports your argument of blacks being statistically more at risk of being homicide victims.

Furthermore, all homicides in the study were divided into 15 types based on Victim/offender relationship, circumstances, etc. Whites comprise more than half of the homicide victims in 12 of the 15 types listed.

All statistical data on the issue as provided by various sources I've listed including the United States government in a 29 year study on homicides in America, reveals unquestionably that your argument is baseless and without merit.


Human Rights Watch reported in 2003 that of the more than two million people incarcerated in America, 44% of them were Black. A staggering percentage considering that Blacks constitute a mere 13% of the American populace as you so helpfully pointed out.

xmotex, these are simply the facts. Statistics show that A) Whites are more likely to be a victim of homicide than Blacks. B) Blacks are more likely to commit homicide than Whites. C) Blacks although comprising only 13% of the overall population, account for almost half of all incarcerations throughout America which is statistically indicative that Blacks have a greater tendency than Whites to break the law.

Do you feel that all of these facts and figures are somehow a wide ranging conspiracy to cast Blacks in an unfavorable light? I'm unsure of what motivates you to argue a viewpoint that clearly, the facts do not support.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 02:35 AM

I'm unsure of how you feel this supports your argument of blacks being statistically more at risk of being homicide victims.

By the exact statistic you provided blacks are more than three times as likely as whites to be victims of homicide.

If blacks are only 13% of the population and yet make up 47% of homicide victims, how are "Whites are more likely to be a victim of homicide than Blacks"??!?? Blacks clearly represent a hugely disproportionate number of murder victims.

Your argument makes no sense.

[edit on 8/10/07 by xmotex]

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 03:03 AM
xmotex, I'll try a different approach with you since merely stating facts and figures doesn't seem to pan out well.

Let's hypothesize that a bizarre type of underground gambling agency were to be created in which bets are placed on the next six months homicide statistics nationally... with gamblers choosing to bet on their belief that there will be either more Black homicide victims, or more White ones.

Well, any serious gambler understands the importance of statistics. And according to the documented statistics of a 29 year study, the odds strongly suggest based on historical fact that there will be more White homicide victims than Black.

So would you consider the factual statistics and place the smart bet where the odds are most in favor of you winning some cash? Or would you be a true gambler, insist that the facts are open to interpretation and take the fool's bet where chances are great you'd lose your money...

Don't answer right away, seriously think about it a few moments. Which wager would you place? Answer honestly.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 03:08 AM
Darn those white minorities causing more crime. They should lock them all up and throw away the key!

See ... doesn't sound so good when your hate is turned back against you.

I know I am now technically considered white ... but, at the turn of the 20th century, my people (Italian-Americans) were considered non-white, and low on the social status.

I find it despicable that people look at everyone else as so different ... can they not see that is the problem?! We are ALL the SAME. It doesn't matter what heritage, religion, or wealth you have ... we are all born and all die the same way. We should all value each other as we value our own family, our own selves. If everyone treated each other this way, the world would be a better place, this would never be an article, because we wouldn't even divide people by skin color anymore ... they would just be u.s.Americans. If you immigrated here, you are an u.s.American ... regardless of skin color or country of origin. If you don't believe that, then u.s.America isn't for you, and maybe you should have been around during Adolf's reign, he seems to have set forth your value system quite well of persecuting those who are not of your false perfect society.

Yes, you are racist, it isn't political correctness ... it is respecting your fellow human being. RESPECT, dignity, honor, love ... this is what is lacking in society ... replaces by hate, greed, ego, lack of morals. It is sad that people just can't get reality.

To think, the country based on immigrants that claimed manifest destiny to steal land from the native people who owned it ... complain about people immigrating and working jobs in the society they themselves stole by blood.

I think it is a sick state of the world, and the way they can trick so many into wars and divide people from each other.

I am sorry my love for all those who show love regardless of any other factor bothers you ... maybe if you truly had love in your heart, and could love yourself a bit more ... you could see it the same way.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 03:22 AM
The problem is you see statistics that show the result of arrests and convictions.
It's obvious it will seem that blacks do more crime than whites, when they get caught and convicted more often.

Though law enforcement officers say that Blacks and Whites use drugs at nearly the same rate, a USA Today computer analysis of 1991 drug arrests found that Blacks are disproportionately arrested on drug charges when compared with Whites arrested.

Blacks arrested more on drug charges

Take this headline and article....

Blacks arrested more
for 'hate crimes'
FBI report confirms higher rate than whites for racial attacks


Is this because blacks are really more criminal, or is that the biased majority white police force concentrate more on poor/black neighborhoods?

WASHINGTON - Black, Latino, and white drivers are equally likely to be pulled over by police, but blacks and Latinos are much more likely to be searched and arrested, a federal study found.

Police were much more likely to threaten or use force against blacks and Latinos than against whites in any encounter, whether at a traffic stop or elsewhere, according to the Justice Department.

So urce

Anyone noticing anything here? Probably not, hating is much easier isn't it?

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 06:08 AM
So Anok, as you see it the data and statistics as provided by various sources including our own government's nation-wide 29 year study of homicide statistics, should be brushed off as irrelevant to the true facts.

Apparently what you're suggesting in so many words is that there has been a 30+ year conspiracy relating to American law enforcement throughout the 50 states to seek out, arrest and incarcerate Black murderers and lawbreakers... while turning a blind eye to White criminals.

I find it difficult to believe that any American Police Force wouldn't arrest and incarcerate someone guilty of murder, regardless of what their race is. I find it equally difficult to believe that any murder trial defendent regardless of race, will be found not-guilty if sufficient evidence exists in which to deliver a guilty verdict and sentencing.

Furthermore since you brought up this issue, it has already been pointed out in one of my previous posts (source link provided) that if law enforcement searches and arrests minorities more often than Whites, it is due to the very statistics which you refuse to accept as factual. Those statistics from the viewpoint of an officer seeking to remove criminals from the streets, are justification for Blacks and Latinos to be under a more watchful eye than Whites.

Are the nation's Police officers supposed to take your word for it that these statistics are all a sneaky conspiracy against minorities somehow? Or should they properly do their job and utilize all the facts and data they have at their disposal? It's a no brainer...

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by seeingevil
Are the nation's Police officers supposed to take your word for it that these statistics are all a sneaky conspiracy against minorities somehow? Or should they properly do their job and utilize all the facts and data they have at their disposal? It's a no brainer...

LOL how naive. Take a good look at that data you talk about. Then look at the fact that you're more likely to be arrested and convicted if you are black. That should be a no brainer...

Do you need more links, that you ignore anyway?

Report: NYPD Frisks Blacks 5X More Than Whites

Study finds blacks get longer prison sentences than whites for similar federal crimes.

It's happened to a pastor, a county legislator, a school superintendent, a social worker and a program director. All of them black, all of them male, they've been either followed in stores, stopped while driving, confronted while walking the street or all of the above.

"What are you doing on this side of town this late at night?" is a common question Theodore Arrington, a Poughkeepsie school social worker says he and other African Americans are asked by police.


Study finds disparity in sentences for blacks, whites - U.S. Justice Dept. report shows that African American criminals receive longer prison sentences for homicide - Brief Article

The evidence for bias is overwhelming, and the spin of the statistics that don't measure up to reality is obvious. You are being conditioned to look the wrong way for your enemies. It's those that hold the real power over your life that you should be worried about. How many black men do you know that have sent 3000 kids to their deaths in an illegal invasion and occupation of a sovereign nation? Don't believe the hysteria, you are being led by the pied piper...

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