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Minorities Becoming Majority in Some Areas

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posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by seeingevil
I never said or even implied anything of the sort. And the whole of your last two posts reveal you to be the only person I've seen so far on ATS that I'd consider to be a true and genuine racist.

Truth hurts...I understand.

This is not a 1 line response.

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Kr0n0s
Just because we dont breed uncontrollably to increase our welfare payments doesnt mean we are going extinct anytime soon.

Show me where I said you're going extinct.

What I did was what others in this thread have been doing, throw around numbers. And the numbers show that white countries have shrinking populations. Of course, this is for the white people; non-white immigrants are going to these countries. And like I said, this is because the white countries have stolen the wealth from the rest of the world.

Blacks have every opportunity that anyone else has especially when you add affirmitive action and favored status when applying for an SBA loan or college tuition. What more can you ask for?

Ah, AA, the classic white apologist crutch. When you get a job through AA, you're still paid less than a white person. As far as college, race counts as only a small factor, much less than legacy, for example (you can guess who benefits most from legacy

As far as opportunities to get beat down and/or killed by police, locked up in the system, sent to death row, or being relegated to the projects, black people lead the pack.

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 07:24 PM
And don't forget, it's your very own race that's flooding the US with illegal aliens. Never forget that.

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
As far as opportunities to get beat down and/or killed by police, locked up in the system, sent to death row, or being relegated to the projects, black people lead the pack.

The mentality you enjoy displaying so frivolously provides a shining example as to why, if I were a Black person I'd feel ashamed to know you share the same skin color as me.

I sincerely believe truthseeka that the majority of respected Black leaders who are fighting for the advancement of your race, are doing so in consideration of those who reflect character, integrity and respect. Three things which you seem to delight in excluding from your personality.

Do you believe Sharpton, Jackson, X, Obama or even the late Dr. King would support the obviously racist, hate filled, drama inducing antics that you've displayed in this thread as well as various others which I've taken notice of? Even as controversial as Sharpton is, I'm all but certain he'd call you an embarrassment and a fool for behaving the way you do.

You are a part of the problem truthseeka, not the solution. Until you find a more constructive way to deal with your sensitivities and private racial issues, you'll only continue to represent the negative qualities in your race; You'll certainly never contribute anything worthwhile to your cause until then.

Though I'm sure it will come as a complete surprise to you, some of the dearest friendships I've had in life were with Black people and if their attitudes had ever even remotely resembled your blatantly racist, victimized perspective on everything I'd have told them exactly where to get off.

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 09:55 PM
oh no more people not like off my planet!

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by Xfile
The problem is there is undeniably more crime in these minority populated areas.Its not that their minorities its the fact that violent crime seems to match the population level.Why would this be welcomed??

I am certain Cherokees felt the same way upon the arrival of Europeans.

This thread is really "mis-leading" as we all know...most people whom consider themselves "White" would be surprised to say the least at the results of their DNA test.

There are VERY few "White" people in America who are older than 2 generations.

[edit on 12-8-2007 by Starship]

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 01:36 AM
I live in Los Angeles county. As far as I know, Hispanics have made up 55% - 60% of the population here for at least the past 5 years. The percentage may in fact be higher now. Caucasians are certainly in the minority. In fact, on our bus system (Metro), most of the program material they feature on "TransitTV" is shown in spanish.

I think cultural diversity is great. That is what America is all about. However, I think having television on our transit systems being broadcast in spanish is a horrible, horrible thing. English is the language of the United States. Immigrants should be required to learn it; it shouldn't be the other way around. In fact, if I was governor I would immediately pass a law that states ANY individual must have a junior high school english oral and literacy ability before having their citizenship granted. They would be required to learn it when they have their visa or greencard or they would receive no citizenship.

Affirmative action is another thing which has become ridiculously rampant in our society. Minorities (which I find to also be an inappropriate title nowadays) with 2.0 GPAs will get accepted to good universities before caucasians with 3.0+ GPAs. It has placed an unfair bias towards minorities and taken away "equal opportunity" for caucasians. College acceptance should be based on merit and intelligence, not your ethnic background.

[edit on 8/12/2007 by pjslug]

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 02:26 AM
You know whats funny is the fact that when a black person succeeds in whatever path he chooses, he is mocked by people like Al Sharpton and other so called black "leaders"
Remember Colon Powell? he was a sellout, an Uncle Tom, a traitor to his black brothas. Why? because he became a success and according to them any black person that becomes a success is selling himself out to the white society.
Racism by blacks, towards whites is far more widespread than racism against blacks and for the most part people turn a blind eye to it.
The "N" word is so bad when its said by a white person but its ok when its said by another black person? yea that makes a lot of sense.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 02:43 AM
How is this for proof of racial profiling.

Cops don't think white people and black people can be friends ... listen to how I back that statement up.

I was working at a gas station, with a white co-worker. I would drop this person off at their apartment after work. A lot of police officers came into the store, I guess they liked us. I was talking about a friend that was pulled over on a certain road,which happened to be the same road the co-worker lived on, for no apparent reason (also white). I asked what the motive was ... he said flat-out, they were probably white (did not say it may have been a tail light, boredom, BOLO on a similar car, etc.). White people don't live there. If there are white people in the neighborhood, they are buying drugs.

So, my friend, was visiting a black friend, my co-worker is white and lives there, and it is 1/2 mile from one of the two high schools in the city.

If that isn't a form of racism ... and profiling (and reverse profiling) ... then you are in denial. It makes the assumption that most black people are dealing drugs, that we are different and can't be friends or live in the same neighborhoods. This is hate, racism, discrimination, profiling, and just immoral belief system ... and it is how the ones sworn to SERVE and protect the citizens of their community view and treat the people of the community. Could the statistics be off? I see how they can. It is not using their intelligence to single out a race, it is using their ignorance. Why do the people that run scandals like the Enron fiasco get to turn themselves in at leisure and get a slap on the wrist, when a poor person goes immediately to jail and the handcuffs over-tightened for being in the wrong place at the wrong time ... or stealing a loaf of bread for their kid (I saw a veteran do this ... btw, this one was white ... directly to jail, don't pass go). Money and appearances are what run the law, not justice. It is sick.

I think if the tables were ever turned, some of you would understand, but until then ... you can live in your delusional fantasies that white people are perfect and dem dar uther types are nuthin but trouble. Sometimes, you are looking in the wrong direction.

I have had more of my white friends, lie, steal, commit crimes, and be quite the lawbreakers ... at a much higher percentage, than all the other non-whites combined. Do I 'profile' future white people I meet? NO, I treat each person as an individual, and judge each person by their character, actions, body language, motives. I read the person for who they are and how they present themselves ... not from pre-conceived notions based on actions of people that have no relation to the next.

When you can start seeing us all as the same, the world will be a better place.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by Kr0n0s
Racism by blacks, towards whites is far more widespread than racism against blacks and for the most part people turn a blind eye to it.

I emphatically agree with that statement and as you've pointed out, most people do turn a blind eye to it.

In years of observation I've concluded that when it comes to prejudice within a class of people, racism can be found among Blacks more so than any other race or culture on Earth (in my opinion); This is something I've noticed for years.

I've never seen an admitted Black racist though, the racists I've seen always tend to put a spin on things and use terms like "rebellion against oppression" in order to justify their seething hatred of Whites.

I've noticed as well that Blacks seem to be the only race of people on the planet who are literally obsessed with their race, a fact which I believe in itself contributes to racism in many cases. Black supremacy?

I've interacted with many people of varying cultures across the course of life thus far and in my experiences there is about a 90% chance that when conversing with a Black person, they will in some manner or context bring race into the conversation. It happens so frequently that it's laughably predictable.

Blacks' obsession with their race and heritage is so feverish that in recent history they've even adopted a new politically-correct term for themselves which of course is "African American". I've never once met a Black person that was from Africa, had any direct family members from Africa, had ever even visited Africa, or that even had so much as an authentic souvenier from Africa... so the concept is honestly ridiculous. But in an effort to appease racial sensitivities our country will submit to and support just about anything, no matter how foolish. Meanwhile, Whites simply have to be content with being known as... Whites.

Of course to dare engage these issues, only guarantees being ridiculed as some kind of White supremacist. Things are so bad we can't even talk about them, we can't even discuss facts and figures without being ridiculed, much less speak of any type of personal opinions or feelings where Blacks are concerned.


When Blacks as a whole, learn to be human first... and Black second (rather than vice-versa)... racial tensions will all but disappear in this country.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by seeingevil

Blacks' obsession with their race and heritage is so feverish that in recent history they've even adopted a new politically-correct term for themselves which of course is "African American". I've never once met a Black person that was from Africa, had any direct family members from Africa, had ever even visited Africa, or that even had so much as an authentic souvenier from Africa... so the concept is honestly ridiculous. But in an effort to appease racial sensitivities our country will submit to and support just about anything, no matter how foolish. Meanwhile, Whites simply have to be content with being known as... Whites.

Well, I for one have begun my own personal revolution in refusing to be demeaned by being just plain old "white"! Recently, when paying for an official copy of my criminal record for a job, on the form I put my race down as "European American"...Don't let me be the only soldier in this battle against the oppressive and rather bland label of "white"! We must fight the power.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by seeingevil
Do you believe Sharpton, Jackson, X, Obama or even the late Dr. King would support the obviously racist, hate filled, drama inducing antics that you've displayed in this thread as well as various others which I've taken notice of? Even as controversial as Sharpton is, I'm all but certain he'd call you an embarrassment and a fool for behaving the way you do.

Speculate all you want. I came on here with facts, not pure conjecture about what someone else would think of you. And of course, all you can do is go into some spiel, all the while ignoring these facts.

Like I said, truth hurts.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by seeingevil
Blacks' obsession with their race and heritage is so feverish that in recent history they've even adopted a new politically-correct term for themselves which of course is "African American"...Meanwhile, Whites simply have to be content with being known as... Whites.

You sure are good at manipulating reality and history.

See, you ignore the fact that whites, since they stole this land from the real Americans, have set up the spectrum, so to speak. The real Americans were "redskins," and the African slaves were "'n-word's." After being "'n-word's" for centuries, it went to "negro."

Then, when we decide what we call ourselves, after being humiliated for centuries with your white labels, all of a sudden, it's "you black people are obsessed with your race and heritage."

Never mind the fact that the Africans were stripped of their heritage, even their very names, when they were brought to this stolen land. Or the fact that it was forbidden to educate slaves, even freed ones. And then people like you get all high and mighty, with your "your SOOOO obsessed with your race and heritage. I'll pretend like the reason you are like this is your own fault; you stripped yourselves of your heritage and made the big deal about your skin color. White people had nothing to do with that."

Get outta here with that trash.

When Blacks as a whole, learn to be human first... and Black second (rather than vice-versa)... racial tensions will all but disappear in this country.

How ridiculous.

Once again, you ignore the fact that white people only considered blacks to be human just over 40 years ago (hell, many whites still disagree with this reality). And, the fact that whites are responsible for nearly all of the racial problems in this country.

That's what happens when you set up a country based on "white is right." But, people like you try to get over on less educated people by putting the blame elsewhere. Like pretending that what a certain demographic calls itself is more of a cause of racial problems than what another demographic set up in this land for centuries:

Slavery, Jim Crow, Indian Removal Act, Chinese Exclusion Act, Naturalization Act, segregation, using movies and television to lampoon everyone not white, etc.

Like I said, take that garbage to someone who's an utter fool. You're not going to con me.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 01:00 PM

Inhabitation does not equal ownership. When you claim these lands were "stolen" that implies that the indians owned this land. Unless you can prove otherwise, you are merely assigning wrongful ownership.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 02:01 PM
Well truthseeka, I feel there's nothing substantial left to add on either part at this point but it's been an interesting discussion and I'm more than satisfied that we've both expressed passionate viewpoints.

It has been a unique experience and I thank you for the opportunity; That being said I'd like to walk away from this agreeing to disagree... and nothing more.

Perhaps we may yet find ourselves on the same side of the argument at some future point, I'm certain there are things we do agree on.

Peace to you and yours

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 04:25 PM
The problem is not with imigrants coming to this country, it is with those that come here, and do not embrase our value, and bring those of the 3rd world into ours.

The boarder states offer no better evidence of this. There are many cites were it is 'Press 2 for english' if you catch my drift. In the late '80's in the Greater LA area there was only 1 spanish languae radio staion. Today, 22 of the 48 stations in Los Angeles are Spanish Radio.

There are charexteristics of the third world that are being imported into our culture. Unlike the VAST majority of Americans, i have lived in a thrid world country, i have a little diffrent view on the world, i can see the subtle infuenece that are being made in our comunity, in so many places, progessivly, it has gotten worse over the last year even, at a more rapidly devoloping pace. I can't speak for all of the south west, but southern california is a but gone, Viva Calimexicana!

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by TKainZero
The problem is not with imigrants coming to this country, it is with those that come here, and do not embrase our value, and bring those of the 3rd world into ours.

I completely and wholeheartedly agree. They want to come here? Fine. However, don't expect me to assimilate to your culture, you assimilate to mine!! I am the host... You are coming to my house (country). I am not coming to yours. I don't go to a South American country and demand that English be spoken; they shouldn't come here and demand that Spanish be spoken here.

[edit on 12-8-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 05:09 PM

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 05:31 PM
I think we should just go ahead and declare war on Mexico, by doing that we would then have an excuse to round up all of the illegals that we find and place them in one of our many KBR\Haliburton built concentration camps.
It is time that something is done and nothing short of drastic measures will get their attention, after all they still believe that we "owe" them something, for whatever reason.
Trust me, Mexico needs us far more than we need them. I wonder what a 10 megaton H-Bomb would do to Mexico City

As far as the land that came from the Indians goes. That is how Nations gain power, that is how it has been done for thousands of years. The meet new people, with new lands and they conquer them, taking their land.
The US isnt the first Nation to do this, in fact when compared to most other European Nations, the US is a fairly young Nation.
The European Nations were conquering people and stealing land way before the US was even dreamed about.
Australians against the Aborigines, English, Dutch and French against Africans.
So give it a break already.

[edit on 8/12/2007 by Kr0n0s]

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 05:33 PM
You sir should accept the fact that you like war, like killing people. why on earth would you even say something like that. I hope you never have to face the realities of war. If you know them already, go back to the battle feild and leave civilized life for us normal people.

You are a sympathetic murderer.

[edit on 12-8-2007 by newyorkee]

[edit on 12-8-2007 by newyorkee]

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