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Does anybody else get headaches from toothpaste?

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posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:55 AM
[edit on 25-6-2007 by selfless]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by Wyrde One
I can't stand the stuff personally, even when I was a kid I refused to use it. I just use toothpicks, my tongue, and various acidic beverages (gargling with Mountain Dew is not entirely unpleasant).

Not that I'm recommending such a regimen for anyone, it's just what works for me.

It's probably just a statistical anomaly that I'm in my late twenties and have never had a cavity.

Originally posted by Where2Hide2006
I also am in my late 20's and have never had a cavity, and i love to eat sweets. I think the reason for this anomoly is because when i was younger i wouldn't brush my teeth, i would go weeks without brushing it was a very rare occurance. My method of cleaning my teeth was chewing gum. I never got a cavity and my breath was always great, and i could drink orange juice any time i wanted without it tasting disgusting.

I think brushing you teeth weekens your tooth enamel, and thats why 4 out of 5 dentists approve of it...because it means that they get to have a prosperous career in dentistry.

I'm 19 and have never had a cavity. Only been to the dentist once. I eat sweets. I ate way more as a kid though. Very rarely brushed then, very rarely brush now. I use what ever other way necessary to get my teeth clean, even if it's just using water.

I never really looked up toothpaste and never really heard anything bad about it. But since I've been more educated on the capitalist ways, I've always thought there was something funny about toothpaste. I don't know what made me think that because, like I said, I had never researched it or anything. But there was always something that made me stay away from it.

Maybe it's not an anomaly after all. We got three people already just in this thread claiming to rarely use toothpaste, eat sweets, and never had a cavity. Maybe toothpaste is over-rated? Or maybe it actually makes your teeth worse so that dentists have a job, like Where2Hide2006 said.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 07:36 AM
Selfless, you can either gargle with the peroxide(which is pretty nasty)or you can mix a little bit of baking soda togeather, you can also add some essential oils for taste and freshness. Peppermint is my favorite. You can also polish you teeth with sage. You can aslo use baking soda and lemon, just put a few drops of lemon juice on your toothbrush and dip into a small dish of baking soda and brush. You can add sea salt and the lemon is to moisten your toothbrush.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 09:01 AM
I think your headaches are not caused by your toothpaste. Most headaches are caused by the gallbladder, which is affected by the foods we eat, such as spices, fats, onions, garlic, etc.

In oriental accupuncture, there are energy meridians all over the body which correspond to the organs in the body. When the organ is weak or disturbed, the energies may become blocked in any part of the meridian, causing discomfort and pain. The meridian for the gallbladder runs through the forehead, back and forth around the sides of the head and face, down the neck and shoulders. It can cause hellacious headaches (migraines). It runs right through the mandibular joint (jaw), which is one of its favorite places to cause trouble, and it can actually cause enough to result in some degree of displacement of the joint. (TMJ)

When this occurs, and the mouth is opened wide as when brushing the teeth, it can trigger pain in the head meridian. The remedy for all of this is to change the diet (no pizzas, gravies, rich foods, etc.). If you have a chiropractor, he can check the TMJ for you and adjust the jaw.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 09:05 AM
Avoid "commercial" toothpaste like the plague.

Try "Tom's of Maine" if you're hellbent on tubepaste

NOTE: Flouride is nuclear waste.

I use pascalite powder and baking soda, dry on my brush. If I am camping and without I use hardwood ash and a small amount of fine local clay.

Going on 30... brush once or twice a day (really well), floss and stainless dentil pick weekly

I'm cavity free.

I am,

Sri Oracle

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by selfless
I heard that you can brush your teeth with baking soda and peroxide mixed with water.

Anyone knows more details on this method?

Yes, I was going to suggest that, This method works very well but you have to be Very VERY, I cannot stress enough VERY cautious. Peroxide is poisonous and can potentially kill you if swallowed. The best way to do this method is 1 cap of Peroxide, with 2 caps of water. Then make sure to rinse several (4 - 5) times. This will ensure none has remained behind.

If you want to explore other alternatives, Apples contain enough acid to remove any harmful tartar, Hence An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (maybe 3 apple a day) And the last piece of advice I can offer is that Apparently Fiddler Crabs can clean teeth and whiten at the same time. Just get one at the local pet shop, don't attempt this right away, let the crab get used to you first, maybe a month, then holding it on your finger and opening your mouth allow it to scrape and clean you teeth. That method I've never tried but I had a neighbor who swore by it. Kind weird if you ask me.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 09:29 AM
When my Mom was a kid ( before the invention of toothpaste) they all brushed their teeth with a dampened brush ( or sweetgum twig) that they dipped in baking soda and salt mixed together. Her whole family had beautiful teeth.

She often preferred to use that same mixture, rather than buy the commercial paste.

You might have a crack or exposed nerve in a hidden it worse with cold water or hot? I am sensitive to cold myself, and usually run hot water over the paste in the winter. ( You could try a paste for sensitive teeth, or use a dab of oral pain killer on your brush and go over your teeth after you finish with the regular paste.)

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
NOTE: Flouride is nuclear waste.

Actually, it's a byproduct of producing aluminum. I have a question about fluoride: If one part in a million is good for us, wouldn't two parts in a million be twice as good, and so on?

[edit on 6-25-2007 by nyarlathotep]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:04 AM

Google Video Link
Here is an intersting video about fluoride.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 12:15 PM
I'm thinking that rather than the toothpaste, a person might get a headache from the brushing alone. Having your mouth open too far or tilting your neck strangely might pinch a nerve here and there.

A good experiment would be to brush your teeth with no toothpaste (it works almost as good, just not as minty) and see if you still get headaches.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by maximillian
I think your headaches are not caused by your toothpaste. Most headaches are caused by the gallbladder, which is affected by the foods we eat, such as spices, fats, onions, garlic, etc.

Interesting. I had my gall bladder removed a couple of years ago and I still get headaches. They generally start as a result of tension in the neck, not chi blockages along the gall bladder meridian.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 01:07 PM
You guys, Tom's of Maine was bought by Colgate-Palmolive back in 2006.

I noticed because there is a chemical in most commercial big brand toothpastes that gives the husband and me canker sores. For us the culprit is sodium laurel sulphate. We once used Toms but then we noticed it giving us the sores and then looked at the ingredients again. It's basically the same as all other toothpastes now. They changed it when it was bought.

We use Jasons toothpaste now and it is way better. I suggest you try it. You are most likely allergic to something in most toothpastes. I would agree with the person who said that it might be wisdom teeth because that will certainly make your head hurt among other things. Usually when you go to a dentist they will take an x-ray to check that out.

[edit on 25-6-2007 by AmethystSD]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 05:03 PM
"Interesting. I had my gall bladder removed a couple of years ago and I still get headaches. They generally start as a result of tension in the neck, not chi blockages along the gall bladder meridian."

Sorry to say, the gallbladder grows back after surgery. The body just forms a new pouch on the bile duct for bile storage, and most people still have the same problems they had before: acid reflux, nausea, bloating, stone formation, and... headaches and stiff necks.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 10:08 PM
So, you mix baking soda with water and then put it on the tooth brush and brush?

The baking soda that comes in boxes?

The taste is not an issue to me, but is it safe to brush your teeth like this? Isn't it possible that the baking soda would eventually scrape your teeth?

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by selfless
So, you mix baking soda with water and then put it on the tooth brush and brush?

The baking soda that comes in boxes?

The taste is not an issue to me, but is it safe to brush your teeth like this? Isn't it possible that the baking soda would eventually scrape your teeth?


I realize this thread is old, but I wanted to make a quick comment. People have been using Baking Soda to clean their teeth for decades. You can buy a box for pennies and it lasts a very long time. Just as a few people told you above, sprinkle a bit on your toothbrush and dampen it with plain water -- it does the trick. If you aim for the 'fresh' feel, grab some unsweetened chewing gum (there are many nice flavors out there now that don't contain sugar) and you'll be good to go. Another member above also mentioned that you could use pure essential oils diluted with a bit of water to use as a rinse or mouthwash - that's a great option too if you want to disinfect or kill bacteria.

Also, if you look on a box of Baking Soda, it lists many different ways to use it - from cooking, to household cleaning, to even stopping heartburn and indigestion. Most toothpastes on the market already contain some amount of Baking Soda as well, so I wouldn't fear it scraping your enamel, and you don't have to worry if you swallow a bit either. When you use it regularly, instead of the store bought toothpaste, your teeth will naturally become pearly white -- probably even whiter than when you were using store bought.

It's not at all dangerous, especially compared to fluoride toothpastes, and there's really never a need to use chemicals anywhere on your body to obtain cleanliness and health.

Good luck..

- Mea

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 09:12 AM
I'm pretty pussled by this toothpaste conspiracy iam gonna give you some of my personal experiences.

I havent brushed my teeth for around 3 years and they are very healthy and white. Just for the record i have never had any holes or any other teeth problem.

I drink coke and eat sweets like anyone else and still i have some of the best teeth among my friends and family. Infact when i went to the dentist for my yearly teeth check they said "this young man is someone who knows how to brush his teeth" yeah right..

One of my friends parents are both dentists and he has always been very
caring about his teeth always brushing them 2 times each day and trying to stay away from candy and sweet drinks. Still his teeth arent that healthy , infact they look pretty bad.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 09:43 AM
If I got headaches after brushing my teeth I'd ask the dentist or doctor why that is.My grandad used to tell me that when he was small they used a combination of salt and soot to brush their teeth. In the sixties I remember my gran often telling me, "don't swallow toothpaste because it'll make your heart beat faster". I often wonder where she got that from? Nowadays what I find disturbing is that schools, nurseries and the NHS are telling kids not to rinse the toothpaste away after brushing. They've to keep it in their mouths so that it works better. I asked one nurse about that, mentioning the dangers of fluoride, aspartame etc. but she said "oh, I'm not saying they've to swallow it. No. No. But they mustn't rinse the toothpaste out. " That doesn't make sense to me.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 09:53 AM
p.s. I forgot to mention - that same nurse, when I asked about fluoride, told me that the fluoride helps smooth out the ridges in the teeth so they can be brushed easier & the bacteria has nowhere to hide. I was quite gobsmacked at that. Now, does she mean the teeth grow like that because of the fluoride in the system (god help our kid's bones if that's the case) or is it a topical i.e. on the tooth effect? I've always been led to believe the fluoride poisoned the bacteria that caused tooth decay so this nurse turned all that upside down with her statement. I really won't be surprised if she made the whole lot up. I don't know where nurses get their "policies" from but there's often not two with the same answer.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by neformore
Having said that, it may mot be the products that cause this, it may actually be your teeth - one tooth out of place, or one with a trapped nerve under it (that you wouldn't necessarily feel as an instant irritation and your whole jaw may be out of balance and as soon as you agitate it you will get problems - do you ever experience this after eating?

My mother had similar problems until she had two back teeth removed. The dentist had it down as too much pressure on the jaw structure.


Additionally, I have to wonder: since you're drinking reverse osmosis water, does this preserve the minerals that are in it?

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 11:58 AM
I only brush my teeth once a day now. This is not a choice i decided to make, but i do it out of habit, being a lazy student n all.. I have always had something at the back of my mind about teeth and modern day "cleaning" of them through toothpaste and brushing..

The fluoride is such a dark conspiracy (aswell as the aspartame one), one of the few which actually scares me. How so many people can be involved in this, or turning a blind eye to it, is beyond me, yet the facts are in, and both chemicals are extremely bad for you. You only need to realise that fluorine is the 2nd most toxic element for you to know something is majorly wrong here. I also suspect that these chemicals actually do more damage in low amounts through the homeopathic effect (concentration vs effect increases after a certain point when decreasing volume of the chemical).

The fact that the children of today are being force fed these products by compliant media, corporations, and unaware parents is probably the saddest thing i've come across in a long time.

I have begun to take notice of my bodys response to products containing these chemicals recently, and it worries me. Having just a glass of a aspartame containing squash drink gives me a slight headache, at the front of my head. I am only just beginning to try and reverse my habits, something which i know will cause me (ego) alot of pain, as i have a like for sugar, if not an addiction to it, aswell as having bad eating habits anyway.

Also, im sure everyone has had the dream where some or all of your teeth fall out. Maybe thats a hint that there is a problem with the way we clean our teeth from our subconscious?

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