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What would happen if there was another terrorist atack in the US?

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posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 02:57 PM
I really think if there is another terrorist attack happened in the US, more would be added to the Patriot Act and we would loose more of our civil rights. Does anyone think Marshall Law would take affect?

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 03:04 PM
well it depends on how big an attack yur talking about abit, but i guess anykind of attack will most probably bring marshall law yeah.....

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 03:06 PM
If you guys were attacked again your economy would plunge even steeper than it is now and the 'land of the free' would be less free than it is now... matrial law is definately a possibility that should not be over looked... in the end though it comes down to how big an attack it is.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 03:08 PM
I think theres a good chance for marshall law going into effect...depending probably very greatly on the "severity" of the attack.
Something like, say, a nuclear blast or two in the middle of NYC........then yep, hello Marshall Law.....indefinitely..

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 03:14 PM
(damn, you guys are fast. I thought I was the first reply, but by the time I get finished typing..............)
Good job.........heh...

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 03:14 PM
M-A-R-T-I-A-L Law. Marshall Law is a college

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 03:22 PM
Even though most Americans are walking around virtually asleep at the wheel most of the time, martial law would wake them up and when they are woken up suddenly they are usually very pissed off. The government wants to avoid that.

Martial law probably would occur in a region affected by either conventional or nuclear weapon that are directed at an isolated city in order to control panic or spread of radioactivity.

Full martial law most likely would occur because of a biological attack such as smallpox in order to curtail spread of virus to other unaffected areas. Isolation of infected and mandatory inoculation of possibly exposed persons would require suspension of civil liberties.

I for one will seriously go under the radar if any of this occurs.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 03:24 PM
If a biological agent were released in a city, then a military quarantine is the only logical course of action.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 03:28 PM
Thanks for the correction. I just hope 2/2/04 is just another rumor. I do believe, though, any kind of attack with any kind of injuries or fatalities would have John Ashcroft tearing up the Bill of Rights on National TV and implementing the Ashcroft Bill of Removal of Rights

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Phoenix
I for one will seriously go under the radar if any of this occurs.

How would you do that? Is it even possible?

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 03:31 PM
If we are attacked I am sure martial law will be in effect immedially following it. We had martial law shorlty after 9-11 and I think it is necessary in a time of crisis. If it lingers for weeks after the attack then I would be worried that something is up.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 03:33 PM
I think it would definately linger, the Bush Administration seems to enjoy having power

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by logiclock

Originally posted by Phoenix
I for one will seriously go under the radar if any of this occurs.

How would you do that? Is it even possible?

It would'nt be a secret if I told anybody!

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 04:32 PM
i think general Tommy Franks said it best... the constitution might not survive another major terror attack. i hope this never happens because i don't want to see what's behind that curtain.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 05:16 PM
I think that an other Attack on the US will be a really bad thing. International Freight transit will be really slow or inexistant, Frontier will be closed for some immigrants, plenty of check point for Security purposes, Some are will be restricted to Access.... It's so bad that i Can't imagine!

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by Valombre
I think that an other Attack on the US will be a really bad thing. International Freight transit will be really slow or inexistant, Frontier will be closed for some immigrants, plenty of check point for Security purposes, Some are will be restricted to Access.... It's so bad that i Can't imagine!

Yeah, it might be like any other country with a terrorism problem

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 05:48 PM
the fourth reich will come of age if there is a "terror" attack in the usa again. Its been coming gradually and well its the perfect excuse to enslave a nation.. all for national security of course!!

you either stick with your f�hrer or your just asking for more terror, its your choice!

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 05:51 PM
OK, first of all. Use the search function, please. This topic has been posted many many times in indepth threads.

Now, if there was another attack, depending on the size, like 02/02/04, like some suspect (SuperBowl - 2/1/04, 2/2/04 in their time - Houston) Anything from a missile would bring a massive attack from the U.S. on the perpetrators. It would be at least 10x bigger than anything you have seen before, full assault. Everything, the retaliation would flatten any terrorists that stood against us. Martial Law might insue, maybe. Conspiracy thinking that is. Perhaps not.


posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 08:17 PM
who would we retaliate against? that is in fact Osama's plan. To induce such retaliation by the USA that all the Muslims would unify (under him one presumes) and reject their collaborationist governments. to some degree, his plan has been working well. Despite the fact that he viciously attacked the USA unprovoked, more muslims hate the USA now than before.

I am not a conspiracy fanatic, but I do wonder if a major terrorist attack would give reason for Bush to cancel the Nov 2004 election.

Here is the nightmare scenario: numerous fissile nuclear weapons planted in major cities.

Now, the danger is not one going off---that is the conventional "nightmare scenario". Actually that is not as bad as it could get. Assuming the terrorists could steal or make only smallish tactical weapons, that would probably between 0.5 and, at most, 10 kilotons.

If detonated in NYC that might kill 50-100K, but NYC is blanketed by security and radiation detectors (I hope). In most other cities, casualties are probably more like 5,000 to 15,000 in more suburban oriented places, e.g. LA or Dallas. Note that Hiroshima, being a 1945 Japanese city was very compact and people built houses out of wood and paper. Also, mass evacuation and coverage of fallout would be better now that we know how it works.

That attack would really really really suck, but the USA would survive.

Here is the REAL nightmare scenario. Osama blows up a nuke. He now goes on al-Jazeera and says, "We have 87 more warheads hidden, and extremely well shielded, in many major cities across the planet. Our demands are as follows

1) execution of 80% of the Jews living in your country within 30 days, followed by the remainder in 3 months.
2) US or Russia use their missiles to incinerate Israel
3) abolishment of the U.S. Constitution and U.N. Charter, and exclusive recognition of Islamic Law

This would induce mass panic and total collapse of the world economy as everybody left the cities and quit their jobs. We're talking 20 year depression.

Even Imperial Japan knew that if they surrendered the USA was not going to nuke them again.

But Osama would. Whether or not he actually had 87 warheads in reality, the fear, demonstrated by one or two going off, would be enough to devastate the economy and prompt martial law probably.

If the terrorists can really get and detonate thermonuclear weapons with true radiation-implosion secondaries, then we are really really really #ed.

On the good side, these cannot be made "in a cave". They require pretty good and careful design and alot of technology. They would have to be stolen, presumably from the USSR/Russia. Furthermore, the most compact nuclear weapons depend on having tritium as a booster in the fission primary. Tritium decays due to natural radioactivity into helium with a half life of 11 years or so. If enough of it decays, then the nuclear weapon will not perform up to its design specification. Significant amounts (gram quantities) of tritium needed for nuclear weapons are not easy to get. Tritium needs to be manufactured in a nuclear reactor, as does plutonium.

However, there is a possibility that if a terrorist group were to acquire say 10 old tactical warheads from the USSR, then possibly with significant technical effort it could extract the decayed tritium and helium and filter out the helium from the tritium (by using palladium or platnium metallic storage, e.g.) and get enough pure tritium for say 3 or 4 warheads.

Or alternatively, remanufacture the plutonium and uranium in those warheads into a smaller number of less-efficient warheads which do not need tritium.

This would require some significant time and moderate expertise. Probably more than jihadists in Afghanistan have, but certainly not beyond the capabilities of the Iraqi scientists, much less the Pakistani, Russians or Chinese.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 08:23 PM

you're giving me nightmares!!!

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