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Subway Fresh Fit Meals

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posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 03:36 PM
I always thought that Subway cups displayed Subway more than anything else on them. In fact most fast food places use their own branded cups and for the most part we only see product branded cups in commercials and movies as a part of deliberate product placement.

I haven't seen the ad, but unless it was a can or bottle of Diet Coke then was definately product placement. If it was not a cup, it might have still been product placement.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by souls
Let me ask you this, by chance what effect does diet coke have on diabetics, if you or any one else knows?
[edit on 2-6-2007 by souls]

I don't think that diet soda has any direct effect on diabetes, but why would a diabetic further damage their health with aspartame and other dangerous chemicals anyway?

Here are some additional articles about diabetes:

Reversing diabetes means making tough choices in foods, nutrition and exercise

You may want to think twice before eating your next sandwich on white bread. Studies show that alloxan, the chemical that makes white flour look "clean" and "beautiful," destroys the beta cells of the pancreas.

White flour contains diabetes-causing contaminant alloxan

This is a book written by Mike Adams who cured his own type 2 diabetes:
How to Halt Diabetes in 25 Days

Here are lots of additional articles about diabetes on the NewsTarget website:

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 04:52 PM
I've seen the commercial, though I have to say I never even noticed the cup before,
but than I'm not one to really notice details of commercials.

I have to say though, I think more than anything putting it there is more just to get
people to buy the food, I mean think about it, how many people are actually going
to give up soda?

Add to that that having soda with it will make it more appealing.

I am a pretty healthy person, I rarely ever eat at fast-food places, and when I do
never at McDonald's, I do a lot of exercise every day, and I practice caloric restriction,
however I do drink soda maybe two or three times a week, sometimes less,
and its never had an adverse effect on me, except fro keeping me up late if I drink it at night.

Oh, and I've drank soda my entire life, in fact I use to drink a lot more than I do now a days.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 05:21 PM
Is Subway even healthy? I rarely eat it because I feel nauseous afterwards. Maybe if they used real meat it wouldn't be so bad

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei

I am a pretty healthy person, I rarely ever eat at fast-food places, and when I do never at McDonald's, I do a lot of exercise every day, and I practice caloric restriction, however I do drink soda maybe two or three times a week, sometimes less, and its never had an adverse effect on me, except fro keeping me up late if I drink it at night.

Oh, and I've drank soda my entire life, in fact I use to drink a lot more than I do now a days.

Here are some articles about soft drinks:

Benzene is classified as a known human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Chronic exposure to benzene is associated with leukemia, aplastic anemia and other blood diseases.

Source: Benzene in Some Soft Drinks Prompts Call for Halt on Sales in Schools (press release)

High soft drink consumption multiplies risk of diabetes, study shows

Soft drink industry denies their products cause obesity or diabetes: parallels ridiculous denials of Big Tobacco

Link proven between sugar consumption and hyperactivity, mental disorders in teens

Phosphoric acid in sodas nearly as damaging to teeth as battery acid

So every time you drink a soft drink, or drink a product containing corn syrup or sugar, you are effectively taking a few grams of bone density right out of your skeletal system. This gets passed through your kidneys, where it can also contribute to kidney stones, by the way, and then leaves your body in your urine. In a very real sense then, you are pissing away your bones when you consume refined sugars and refined white flour. Anything that's highly acidic will cause this effect in your body.

Osteoporosis remains undiagnosed in millions of Americans; here's how to beat the disease with nutrition, exercise and sunlight

Once you start reading about the chemicals that are in processed foods, and find out the real damage that occurs when all of these chemicals are accumulated in the body, that's when you realize that nothing synthetic should be consumed. We should be eating fresh organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Soft drinks have no place in our diets.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by annestacey

Originally posted by cosmokatt7

...I think Subway must use some kind of special "air meat".

Every time I eat there, no matter how large the sandwich or meal,

about 30 mins. after I finish...I'm always hungry again!!

Some of my co-workers agreed with me too...

This happens when you're not getting the nutrition your body needs. Foods with empty calories are just going to make you fat and more hungry. There is more nutrition in fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. So vegetarians can eat smaller meals because they are getting more nutrition from them.

I concur. Shortly after the beginning of the year I stopped eating all animal products after seeing tyhe quality drastically drop. As a Chef I deal with a lot of the "top quality" meats, as well as products throughout the range from ground beef down to cheap lunch meat. What I saw was the quality across a broad range drastically drop this year, enough that i won't eat any animal products aside from some honey because most all the animals are toxic now.

When i stopped eating animals and anything processed i lost 70lbs in about 2.5 months. I found that eating all good organic fruits and veggies, and a bit of good bread, i'd have to force myself to eat meals. I'd eat half a small meal and be completely full. Eating crap meats, i could eat pounds and still feel like i'm starving.

Also, notice now that the HFCS (Hi Fruc. Corn Syrup) is appearing in more and more products as the main ingredient in almost any processed product. I've seen tomato sauce (several brands) that listed it as the first ingredient, as well as several breads and other products that are based on HFCS that really shouldn't be.

The conspiracy is keeping us drugged, on a constant sugar high and in such ridiculously poor physical health that the only thing most of the population is capable of doing is staring at the TV for most of their waking hours, receiving the programming curriculum that keeps the cycle going. Drink pepsi, get fat dumb and mentally retarded sitting in front of the TV, all the while being shown images that depict fat dumb and happy as normal, interrupted by the "prettiest" anorexic looking supermodels telling you (subliminally) to eat and drink poison HFCS so you can be like "them" by subconscious association through a can of manufactured chemicals.

Anybody seen the movie Idiocracy? That's exactly where we're heading.


I actually jointly own a sandwich shop by the name of Subway Street Subs (and yes, it's on Subway Steet) and I order the best quality ingredients i can get. It costs more, and my profits are smaller, but i sleep well at night knowing i do my best to avoid poisoning my loyal customers for a few cents more profit. One of my 6" sandwiches will fill you up more than a footlong turd from Subway, and is a lot healthier. I do sell soda, but i recommend water to customers as a healthier alternative, as well as suggesting a fat overstuffed veggie sandwich as an alternative to meats.

[edit on 6/2/2007 by DezertSkies]

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 07:06 PM
Thank you everyone (especially Annestacey) for the interesting replies. I'm interested in food additives, but mainly did my research on what not to feed land hermit crabs. My family was eating all organic until I left my husband, and now, sadly, I can't afford to buy that quality of food anymore. I get WIC for my kids, and we are forced to get less-healthy options in many cases, and definitely are not allowed to buy organic.

Once a year, though, there is an exception; WIC gives farmer's market vouchers, and there is an all-organic farmer's market about a mile from my house.

I was just very amused by the "healthy meals" spiel and seeing a huge cup of diet coke prominently in pride of place.

Go, Subway.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 07:48 PM
All the parents who reads this,

Please don't feed your kids fast food at all, none at all...

Later in life when they will obtain consciousness of what fast food is, your kids will be angry at you for letting them eat all that crap because they were unconscious of their actions when they were little.

Dictate a healthy choice for your kids so that when they do have the choice of what they eat on their own, they won't regret ever eating crap when they didn't have a conscious choice.

I am now vegan but when i was little, unconscious of my true existence yet. I would eat at fast foods every week and barf like 4 times a week.

Now i regret ever eating that crap at all when i was a kid. I think i was fortunate enough not to have side effects but still, I feel morally sickened that my parents encouraged me to eat that _____ing filth.

Fast food have no place in this reality, it's designed by those who do not belong in here and spread influences that goes beyond the physical.

Boycott Fast foods,

it's not natural and does not belong in our digestive systems.

It's hard to live on a planet corrupted by all these delusions when you are not one who's been deluded.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 07:54 PM

The Skin Deep Cosmetics Database created by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) lists thousands of personal care products and their toxicity levels. The FDA doesn't require companies to test their own products for safety. You will be shocked at how toxic the products you use everyday really ar

eeek!! damn so i went to that other thread and the skin cosmetics link doesnt work

good thing I use burts bees and dicksons natual astrigent i just made the switch to all natural skin products a month or so ago and i like it! its like harsh and i find less redness on my skin after washing up.

anyway as for the coke thing im pretty sure they are just trying to advertise and junk. a lot of peope think well cuz its diet soda its not bad but it is. although i do like the diet coke with lime i very VERY rarely drink soda.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 09:43 PM
Coke ownz Subway if im not mistaken. All fast food companies are owned by soft drink companies, they are fronts for the cola industry. You can usually tell by what brand they serve, coke or pepsi.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by TheBadge

The Skin Deep Cosmetics Database created by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) lists thousands of personal care products and their toxicity levels. The FDA doesn't require companies to test their own products for safety. You will be shocked at how toxic the products you use everyday really ar

eeek!! damn so i went to that other thread and the skin cosmetics link doesnt work

Just do a google search for skin deep cosmetics database. The url is at I just tried to get to the site and I'm not getting to it either. Could be a technical issue but please keep trying. These people are blowing the lid off the cosmetics industry and it's very shocking.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
Thank you everyone (especially Annestacey) for the interesting replies. I'm interested in food additives, but mainly did my research on what not to feed land hermit crabs. My family was eating all organic until I left my husband, and now, sadly, I can't afford to buy that quality of food anymore. I get WIC for my kids, and we are forced to get less-healthy options in many cases, and definitely are not allowed to buy organic.

Once a year, though, there is an exception; WIC gives farmer's market vouchers, and there is an all-organic farmer's market about a mile from my house.

I was just very amused by the "healthy meals" spiel and seeing a huge cup of diet coke prominently in pride of place.

Go, Subway.

Hey there MajorMalfunction!

I am always ready and willing to provide information about the dangers of the food supply. I think it's sick that you are not allowed to buy organic foods. Maybe this is just another way for the gov't to ensure that people are eating the most unhealthy foods possible. Please go to the NewsTarget website and continue your research. It only helps make us stronger in numbers to be armed with information.

I certainly wish you and your family the best.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 10:10 PM
To Dezertskies....

I understand what you're saying. I have my own story as well.

I was on antidepressants for 6 years. I thought that I was on them because of a chemical imbalance and the drugs would correct them. Well the drugs 'covered up' my symptoms very well but I found out that it was the chemicals in the food that was causing this chemical imbalance and that the drugs were not only covering up the symptoms but also causing a permanent chemical imbalance so I decided to conduct my own experiment.

I stopped buying foods that contain chemical additives. I started buying only fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds because this is truly the diet that we are supposed to be on.

I found that if I stayed on the chemical-free diet, I am perfectly ok and stable. But when I eat something that contains chemicals, my anxiety and depression returns. If I return to my chemical-free diet, it goes away... and it goes away faster if I take St John's Wort, which is an herbal supplement that is proven to work better than synthetic antidepressant drugs.

I could go on and on about this subject but believe me when I say that the food industry is highly corrupted as well as the FDA and pharmaceutical industries. I cannot stress this enough.

If you do the research, it's very easy to come to this conclusion. The FDA has been caught red-handed so many times it will make your head spin. The food industry routinely hides dangerous chemicals in food items where the labels state they are "natural".

The only way around it is to buy only organic foods. This is difficult and expensive but otherwise you are being bombarded with dangerous chemicals that make you sick physically and mentally.

Start your research here:

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 10:47 PM
Annestacey, I've really enjoyed reading your replies, you sound like one smart cookie. A completely organic smart cookie.

The general state of the human diet is in a bad way, most of my friends in the UK eat crap, day in and day out. Fast Food is just so ingrained in to popular culture these days that it's unavoidable. Unless you make some serious effort.

The fact that soft drink companies and fast food companies are in bed together makes perfect sense, there's nothing like having your fingers in lots of pies. With product placement and agressive multi point advertising the mass market becomes saturated with images of fast food and soft drinks, it just becomes part of daily life.

I feel very lucky, my wife is Chinese and is a very good cook, she shops everyday for fresh veggies, and always gets fresh meat, but that is much more common out here. We have stopped eatting so much fish beacause of all the health scares recently (malachite green mostly and a red dye - sudan 5?? - not sure if that's right) If only I could give up the cakes and ice-cream I would probally lose a few pounds...

Monkey x

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 12:28 AM

Just do a google search for skin deep cosmetics database. The url is at I just tried to get to the site and I'm not getting to it either. Could be a technical issue but please keep trying. These people are blowing the lid off the cosmetics industry and it's very shocking.

grrr i keep trying! and i googled it but they dont really get into exactly what the database says..other sites just give links to the actual database and the site is still not working damn i really want to see it too

maybe "they" are doing it purposely haha damn ill keep trying though ive been trying since i found out haha

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 08:56 AM
Looking for This ?

Hope that helps. Seems they updated the site.


posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 11:01 AM
From what I get from the FreshFit site, it's about having LOW CALORIES, as to become healthy in the sense of NOT EATING A HUGE LOAD OF CALORIES AND BE FAT.

And thus, Diet Coke seems pure logic to me.
Diet is meant to be ''lower calory'' thus, Fresh Fit.

I for sure never became fat from aspertame.

Besides, everything is lethal in certain doses.
Taking one sip of aspertame won't neccesarily give you cancer for life.
Just like Milk won't cause cancer if you just take one glass in your life.

Hell, even WATER is toxic in the right amounts.

[edit on 3/6/07 by -0mega-]

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by -0mega-
From what I get from the FreshFit site, it's about having LOW CALORIES, as to become healthy in the sense of NOT EATING A HUGE LOAD OF CALORIES AND BE FAT.

that's what the FDA and the Food Industry want to drill into our heads, that we just need to eat foods low in calories. Healthy foods are naturally low in calories. You're not going to get fat when you eat them. The 'processed' foods that are labeld as 'low in calories' are the ones that contain the chemicals. They may be low in calories, but the chemicals are designed to make you eat more. Here is an article:
Diet products contain chemicals that stimulate hunger, says health professor

And thus, Diet Coke seems pure logic to me.
Diet is meant to be ''lower calory'' thus, Fresh Fit.

Diet Coke may be lower in calories but contains dangerous chemicals. There are plenty of healthy beverages to choose from without endangering yourself with synthetic chemicals that damage the brain.

I for sure never became fat from aspertame.

Aspartame is a neurostimulant linked to stimulating appetite. You may not get fat directly from aspartame, but it will cause you to eat more food.

More information about aspartame:
Interview with Dr. Russell Blaylock on devastating health effects of MSG, aspartame and excitotoxins

Aspartame is very well documented as an excitotoxin, meaning that it overexcites nerve cells, causing permanent damage. According to research by Dr. Russell Blaylock, aspartame causes brain lesions, migraine headaches, reproductive disorders, Alzheimer's disease, blindness, mental confusion and many other nervous system disorders.

Aspartame lawsuits accuse food and soft drink companies of poisoning the public with this neurotoxic chemical; FDA compromises public health to protect aspartame profits

Besides, everything is lethal in certain doses.
Taking one sip of aspertame won't neccesarily give you cancer for life.
Just like Milk won't cause cancer if you just take one glass in your life.

Hell, even WATER is toxic in the right amounts.
[edit on 3/6/07 by -0mega-]

One sip of arsenic won't necessarily kill you but why would you want arsenic in your body? Why would anyone want any amount of dangerous chemicals in their body? I agree that excessive amounts of anything is not healthy. I like green peppers but my diet doesn't consist of 100% green peppers. Anyone who is health conscious is going to do their research and learn how to eat healthy, which means eating small portions of a lot of different healthy foods. And when you educate yourself, you learn that diet soda and milk are not things that you want to ingest. It's that simple really.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by ChiKeyMonKey
Annestacey, I've really enjoyed reading your replies, you sound like one smart cookie. A completely organic smart cookie.

The general state of the human diet is in a bad way, most of my friends in the UK eat crap, day in and day out. Fast Food is just so ingrained in to popular culture these days that it's unavoidable. Unless you make some serious effort.

The fact that soft drink companies and fast food companies are in bed together makes perfect sense, there's nothing like having your fingers in lots of pies. With product placement and agressive multi point advertising the mass market becomes saturated with images of fast food and soft drinks, it just becomes part of daily life.

I feel very lucky, my wife is Chinese and is a very good cook, she shops everyday for fresh veggies, and always gets fresh meat, but that is much more common out here. We have stopped eatting so much fish beacause of all the health scares recently (malachite green mostly and a red dye - sudan 5?? - not sure if that's right) If only I could give up the cakes and ice-cream I would probally lose a few pounds...

Monkey x

Hey there Monkey!

Thanks for the nice compliment. Keep in mind that you don't necessarily have to give up the cakes and ice cream, but try to keep them to a minimum in your diet. Or better yet, look for organic recipes to make healthier versions of them!

The fresh organic meat is best. If you like fish, try to find some local farmers who stock their own organic ponds so you're not getting any of the chemicals.

Take care!

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 11:54 AM
The link for the Cosmetics Database seems to be working again now. It's at

The EWG (Environmental Working Group) are also migrating to a new website which could maybe have something to do with the technical problems on the Cosmetics Database site.

This is an email I got from them:

EWG is thrilled to announce that we will launch our new website in two weeks. It's been completely redesigned to reflect the direction and mission of EWG?and to better serve you, our online supporters. So we invite you to take a look and submit your feedback and ideas before the official launch.

Simply visit, browse the website and check out what's new, then submit your feedback to our web team at or reply to this email. It's a great way to make your voice heard.

Be sure to check out the NEW website for the Environmental Working Group at There's a lot of GREAT information there!

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