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Iran to Israel: Don't attack Lebanon

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posted on May, 24 2007 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
Well thats why we are in the situation we are in. If we had a fair and impartial balance in the Middle East instead of supporting only one country, things would go much more smoothly with the WOT. The governments and people would be more then pleased to help. However since you point your fingers at all the arabs while Israel commits its own attrocities unpunished you get nowhere. They will not aid you, and they will not co-operate with you. You will also see them no longer wishing to support you financially as you have been seeing with all these latest currency switchovers.

You cannot have 2 children and allow one to do as he pleases while you spank and scold the other for doing the same thing and not end up with problemed children as an end result.

However, as president of this country, if you feel its prudent to keep pouring money into a country that has no resources of its own and no benefits other than that it pleases a mere 2% of your population, while your own citizens sleep in the streets...I am sure you would go down in history just like this current one will..down. So yeah...keep pouring over 12billion a year into a country that will never repay its debt and causes you problems and go against the people who hold not only the key to energy, but the control over radical islamists as well...its a great policy.

Yes I can totally see your argument the Jewish Community and Israel is getting to much from America and look what they have done for us and others in return its horrible! I'm not saying support Israel in this way and form. You seem to know your stuff so heres something you also know. The fact that the Jewish Community own all the major news branches, have heads at the highest levels in the military,they run the political infrastructure in open and closed doors, and last but not least they are a majority in people making over a billion dollars in America.

My point is not that Israel isn't bad for us and that they deserve us but that its better for Americas interests to support Israel in any way possible.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by sbob
Why doesn't Iran tell Syria to stay out of Lebanon?

They don't need Iran for that. The UN as well as the Lebanese people in no uncertain terms told Syria to get out, and they did. I don't see reports of Syrian fighter jets overflying Lebanon. Nor do I hear about unexploded syian ordinance. Syria is a problem but they don't kill another people on a daily basis and they aren't occupying anyone for the past 60 years.

Syria occupied parts of Lebanon for over tow decades. Iran set up shop with hezbollah.

This is all words. Iran supplies weapons, just like we do, just like Israel does to South African nations and just like France, germany, and any other weapons manufacturing country. Is it because they are muslims its a problem they are weapons dealers?

I wish Iran had as much rhetoric for Syria if they really gave a crap about the population of Lebanon. But that is not the case. Iran wants to keep there little toy called hezbollah to keep instability on Israel's northern border.

Don't just blame the problems in Israel on Hamas or whoever....Israel is part of Israels problem. The settlers are expanding they are not dismantling. They do not stop them. If you think thats fair then there is no point in discussing this with you. The International Court, as well as the UN all find it illegal that the settlers are continuing expansion. Point Blank.
The Palestinians in lebanon would not be in lebanon if it wasn't for the fact that they deny them the right to return to their homes in Plaestine or Israel. So is it Lebanons fault? Is it the Palestinians fault? Is it Israels fault?
They don't want them there because the Arabs will outpopulate them and it will no longer be a Jewish state. That sounds like a problem for Israel of her own doing.

I guess Iran has nothing to say if Israel takes out some of there nuclear facilities, because Iran is already shooting missles and taking soldiers of Israel.

Im hoping Israels nuke facilities get taken out first. I think they are a major cause for any nuclear arms race in the Middle East. No one in that region is responsible or sane enough to possess them. Please don't try to tell me that Israel has 100% stabile citizenry that aren't just as capable of pushing the button as any maniacal islamist. Kahanists are alive and well in Israel and the USA. Are they a sane group?

I'll tell you why one country is Jewish and one is Muslim. Period.

Actually you are wrong. The region consists of many religions. Its not just Muslim and not just Jewish. Israel alone has many druze, christian, orthodox, coptic and so does Iran.

How about this novel idea. Lets not have Syria blow up the leader of Lebanon. Have Iran and hezbollah get out of Lebanon. Have a Israel get out. Have everyone get out and leave Lebanon alone.

Wow how did you know Syria did this? You know something the world doesn't know?? YOu should call the UN TIPS line if you do!!!

Uhhh excuse me but what country's government OPENLY admits to and openly abides by assasination of Political figures...One guess...and it aint Syria. Gee it could never be possible they killed the Lebanese president...but they could kill over 1000 innocent civilians and palestinians on a daily basis? LOL Gee wiz but they'd never touch a president! LOL

I am still waiting for the UN to disband hezbollah like they were suppose too. I guess it ain't happening.

There wouldn't be a need for Hizbollah if Israel was forced to abide by the multitude of UN requests and resolutions which were in place WAY BEFORE hizbollah ever existed, but of course Sbob feels that Lebanon should abide by that ruling first LOL

So lets keep the same stupid arguments and blame continuing.

No we shouldn't. Its about time BOTH sides were punished and not just one. I am tired of the same crap.. Your argument is that Israel is right. My argument is that the arabs are wrong but so is Israel. Punish them both!! Don't just cut off funding from Palestine...cut off Military funding from Israel and if it contiunues, cut off financial aid too. Doubtful you would ever agree to those terms.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace

As far as us wanting Irans oil, i dont know about that. Supposedly if you listent o all the American haters and left-wingers, they think we went to Iraq for oil. Well guess what, it hasnt helped us any! Gas is getting higher and we havent see any oil.

Uhh Your highness oh prince...if they get it, it doesn't mean they will pass the savings on to you. It just means they have direct access to the source and they can make more money. Its not like our government is taking it for the benefit of the people...its a corporation and usually corporations are in business to make a profit. When they pump it from the well it doesn't cost them the 70.00 a barrel that you see advertised on the commodities market everyday. It costs them more like 20.00 a barrel.
That price is just manipulated by the market intended for us to pay.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 07:28 PM
More penis waggling by the leader of Iran I see. Yes, I feel he has gone beyond saber rattling. In the past few months he has captured britsh military twice, warned the US that it will be WW3 if we attack, continously defies UN resolutions/inspections, vowed to remove Israel from the map and is not directly threating Israel.

It is easy to stick it and not worry when he knows the US and the UK are not wanting another military operation. With the US congress and the president in a power struggle over continued Iraq funding he feels safe. Sorry UK, but with Parliment and PM Blair having their own problems in direction of leadership, confidence or whatever is going on (I don't keep up with it much) you are not much of a threat to him either.

So here we have the leader of Iran doing what he does best, making threats when he feels he is not threatened. We tend to call that being a boastful coward, but nuts works too. See, he has to realise that his words will only take him so far. Someone is bound to call him on it. I would not be surprised if Israel doesn't decide to take matters into their own hands. Especially if Syria or Palestine decides to say or do the wrong thing following Iran's lead.

As for Bush, don't think for a minute that he would not just say okay congress. Iraq pull out will be real soon, they are being deployed a few hundred miles east to take care of a more pressing threat. As Commander in Chief of all armed forces, I don't need your permission to deploy troops for 60 days. After those 60 days you can request them to be removed.

Let us also not forget that the Speaker of the House took a little trip to Syria awhile ago and discused things that have not been disclosed. Iran's aggression may have something to do with Peloski saying that she would not allow congressional approval of a US-Iran/Syria war, no matter what Bush says or wants.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Soul_Contagious
Who do these Iranian think they are?? Some kind of Military Superpower?

Replace one of your words in your sentence with USA and your sentence will make a lot more sense.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 07:49 PM

Some of you need to go read the Unifil site and see exactly what goes on. Check how many THOUSANDS of overflights were made over sovereign Lebanese territory by UAV as well as fighter jets flying at mach speeds over peoples houses blowing out windows on an almost daily basis, and all this was prior to 2006 and post pullout from Lebanon.

No such thing was done in Lebanon, it would have sparked war between the two states. What you are talking about DID happen in the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank, I believe it was done more so in the Gaza Strip though?

It was used as a psychological warfare weapon.. it broke peoples morals, caused sleep deprivation, caused depression, anxiety, decreased eating appitates, decreased health based on poor food consumption, lack of sleep, hormonal over drives from exposure to constant terrorism. Caused an unknown amount of damage, mostly to residential structures.. it also caused health defects to live stock for the same reasons as listed above..

The jets would fly well beyond the speed of sound, causing sonic booms, very low to the ground..

And I would agree with anyone, it was pointless, irrational, inhumane, and rather pathetic as the people effected most where children and the elderly.

Go to the UN site and read how many UN calls for Israel to CEASE overflights on lebanese territory.


Didn't we go to war for such things? I remember a place called Kuwait being invaded by an Army from another country by the name of Iraq. I think it was called Operation Desert Storm

True, however Lebanon is a state sponsoring terrorism by US standards, Hezbolah and other groups. Also, Kuwait never attacked, by proxy or otherwise, Iraq. Lebanon however is a weak central government and cannot control its militias, especially in the southern territories.. the result is technically terrorist attacked Israel first, so for all technical matters, it was a retaliation, which is fully excepted by United States Standards (UN doesn't matter without US support.) Had Israel just waltzed into Lebanon, first it would have been all out war, and no doubt Syria would have taken Lebanon again, however Israel was not even technically at war with Lebanon, just punishing them if you will, for allowing terrorist to go rampant. It takes 2 for war, it takes reasons, and all choices for war are typically based in some shrewed way, rationality. Lebanon did allow terrorist to use their territory to attack Israel well before the kidnapings.. it is not their fault, they couldn't do anything about it.. but its still the matter.

Those people that died on the Gaza beach having a picnic with their family last summer were actually elite scuba military outfit specializing in Israeli sabotage. The children were actually midgets holding a nuclear physics degree in atomic weapons assembly.

Supposed to be humor?

If you actually read the "findings" even concluded by your beloved UN, the "bomb" was actually a militant weapon that went off by accident, it was I believe, buried in the sand. But hey, if it keeps up with your agenda, might as well spout more lies right?

Its a shame it has to be Iran sticking up for a country that loves America so much and has so many Lebanese-Americans investing, and vacationing there.

To a degree I agree, however Israel has no intention of invading Lebanon, in fact if anything they are enjoying this. if the terrorist get out of control, Lebanon will probably call on Jordan and Egypt, as well as Turkey for assistance, one thing about the Lebanese, they hate the Palestinians. Its Palestinians causing this trouble. What unites Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan in this matter? They all have been there, and they all to hate Palestinians.

The militias are no match for the power of Lebanon's military though, they are rather weak, and this is not even the well ingrained Hezbollah, but a weaker group.

To those who think the "terrorist" won in August, dear God is your agenda so tightly pulled over your faces? Israel did not go in to occupy, to damn smart for that, thats why they left the government alone for crying out loud. Thousands of militants died, thousands, how many hundreds of DRAFTED Israeli soldiers?
The infrastructure of the nation destroyed, the entire militia complex and social structure of Hezbollah where destroyed. That was the target not "kill all terrorist and turn them democratic" like our pathetic plan.. it was kill and destroy, then get the hell out of there.

Lebanese people have been here in the USA for ages and have been good solid citizens.


However, what is relevant is the fact that Lebanese people have no problems with the Western World, the Westernized ones anyways, the country still has its problems. From my favorite Middle East History professor's point of views as a Lebanese American, the government meant well, but is far, far from innocent in this game.

It should not be Iran that tells Israel to keep off or keep out. It should be the USA that should be warning her.

You think Iran is some kind of savior here?
dear God. Had to laugh there.

Every one has there agenda, and aside from the fact that Lebanon and the Persians are not even allies, nor friends, hardly acquaintances, it is far ... FAR more likely Iran is standing up for its personal soldiers (Revolutionary Guard which WHERE found, killed and observed during the August war.) and Iranian ally Syrian troops and interest as well.

Iran caring about Lebanon which aided Syria in suppressing for how long? Please.

Do you actually know anything about the ME Pieman, or just everything against Israel?

Talk about biased.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Soul_Contagious

POINT #1: Who do these Iranian think they are?? Some kind of Military Superpower?

POINT #2: ATS what could Iran possibly do to Israel?

ON #1: A day ago Iran 'warned' the U.S. an attack would launch WWIII

Then Today Iran is 'warning' a U.S. Proxy, Israel, to not intervene with Iran's
Proxy in Lebanon, Hezbollah

If both the U.S. and Israel desist from will be viewed or propagandized by Iran as the Western powers backing down...
If either the U.S. or Israel take any action of conflict, then Iran will claim
they were attempting to mitigate risks of conflict.engagement
~in-other-words, a win-win situation for Iran~~

ON #2: Iran can send in the 40,000 claimed, vest bomb, martyrs, of their
popular peoples' militia into Israel....right after firing off the 10,000 missiles they've got stashed
in the Hezbollah controlled portions of Lebanon.

[edit on 24-5-2007 by St Udio]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
No such thing was done in Lebanon, it would have sparked war between the two states. What you are talking about DID happen in the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank, I believe it was done more so in the Gaza Strip though?

I hate to make you look like you don't know what you are saying but you dont know what you are saying. You can read it and believe it or not. Thats just 2003. Go to the UN site and read other reports.

(for the period from 15 January 2003 to 23 July 2003)

II. Situation in the area of operation

2. The situation in the area of operation of UNIFIL remained generally quiet but tense through a reporting period marked by regional conflict. The most significant sources of tension were the persistent Israeli violations of Lebanese airspace and instances of Hizbollah anti-aircraft fire directed across the Blue Line towards Israeli villages. There were no violent exchanges in the Shab'a farms area after the January incident reported to the Council the week prior to the last mandate renewal. Minor ground violations of the Blue Line by Lebanese shepherds took place on a routine basis, while other ground violations were rare. UNIFIL recorded only a few violations by Lebanese vehicles and one ground violation from the Israeli side.

3. Israeli air incursions into Lebanon increased overall during the reporting period, though the numbers have declined since early July. UNIFIL recorded almost daily violations across the Blue Line in some weeks. As in the past, many Israeli overflights penetrated deep into Lebanon, often generating sonic booms over populated areas. The pattern identified in my previous reports continued, whereby some aircraft would fly out to sea and enter Lebanese airspace north of the UNIFIL area of operation, thus avoiding direct observation and verification by UNIFIL. These overflights are widely observed by civilians, United Nations personnel and other members of the international community, and reported to UNIFIL by the Lebanese authorities. Israeli air incursions continued despite frequent calls by United Nations officials and a number of concerned Member States that Israel cease these violations.

4. Hizbollah continued to respond to the air incursions with anti-aircraft fire, often immediately but at times with a considerable delay. On several occasions, UNIFIL recorded Hizbollah fire that was not preceded by Israeli overflights in its area of operation. There were two incidents where anti-aircraft rounds landed in Qiryat Shemona and one in Even Menahem, causing serious damage to civilian structures but no casualties, and several instances of debris falling on to the Israeli side of the line. On 28 April, shrapnel from anti-aircraft fire caused minor damage to a UNIFIL post. My representatives in the region and I stressed repeatedly to the Lebanese authorities that Hizbollah's anti-aircraft fire across the Blue Line constitutes a violation.

Its Lebanon not just Gaza.

The rest of your post is more of the same. Just for your info there was NO UN investigation into the Palestinian beach incident. It was done internally by the Israeli government as it always has been done. No peace group or humanitarian group was ever allowed to conduct an investigation. Thats all bullcrap.

edit to fix quotes and add link

[edit on 24-5-2007 by ThePieMaN]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 10:16 PM
"more of the same" .. And you are the righteously one on the side of peace.
Hypocrite and bigot. If you read my post, it would seem more fairly balanced, Israel does stupid moves, as does all those who insist on fighting her through malice and bigotry. But because they are not Israeli, then it is ok.

Pieman, I would really love to know WHAT it is exactly about Israel who seem to hate with vile passion.

2. The situation in the area of operation of UNIFIL remained generally quiet but tense through a reporting period marked by regional conflict. The most significant sources of tension were the persistent Israeli violations of Lebanese airspace and instances of Hizbollah anti-aircraft fire directed across the Blue Line towards Israeli villages.There were no violent exchanges in the Shab'a farms area after the January incident reported to the Council the week prior to the last mandate renewal. Minor ground violations of the Blue Line by Lebanese shepherds took place on a routine basis, while other ground violations were rare. UNIFIL recorded only a few violations by Lebanese vehicles and one ground violation from the Israeli side.

It would appear mutual.

3. Israeli air incursions into Lebanon increased overall during the reporting period, though the numbers have declined since early July. UNIFIL recorded almost daily violations across the Blue Line in some weeks. As in the past, many Israeli overflights penetrated deep into Lebanon, often generating sonic booms over populated areas. The pattern identified in my previous reports continued, whereby some aircraft would fly out to sea and enter Lebanese airspace north of the UNIFIL area of operation, thus avoiding direct observation and verification by UNIFIL. These overflights are widely observed by civilians, United Nations personnel and other members of the international community, and reported to UNIFIL by the Lebanese authorities. Israeli air incursions continued despite frequent calls by United Nations officials and a number of concerned Member States that Israel cease these violations.

Would it appear that Israel is making these incursions under no pretense? That they are literally starting a war?

4. Hizbollah continued to respond to the air incursions with anti-aircraft fire, often immediately but at times with a considerable delay. On several occasions, UNIFIL recorded Hizbollah fire that was not preceded by Israeli overflights in its area of operation.[/] There were two incidents where anti-aircraft rounds landed in Qiryat Shemona and one in Even Menahem, causing serious damage to civilian structures but no casualties, and several instances of debris falling on to the Israeli side of the line. On 28 April, shrapnel from anti-aircraft fire caused minor damage to a UNIFIL post. My representatives in the region and I stressed repeatedly to the Lebanese authorities that Hizbollah's anti-aircraft fire across the Blue Line constitutes a violation.

Hmmm... Un provoked firing of anti-aircraft fire into Israeli territory. What makes me laugh, is one actually struck a UN outpost, and the UN authorities went to complain about "violations" ......... but there is no mandate against terrorist organizations inside Lebanon is there? ... hmmmmmm.. makes you wonder.

5. The breach of the ceasefire in the Shab'a farms area occurred on 21 January when Hizbollah fired 56 mortar rounds at an Israel Defense Forces position south-east of Kafr Shuba. The Israel Defense Forces retaliated with artillery and mortar fire and two aerial bombs directed at the area from which the Hizbollah fire had emanated. One Lebanese civilian was killed and at least two others injured by the Israel Defense Forces fire.

Did mister Pieman forget to read ALL of this report?... oh. Selective reading? .. Did you put the joo goggles on and look for anti thing that looks like it makes Israel the bad guy? Guess this answers my question. Did Israel continue with over flights unprovoked?


6. Demonstrators on the Lebanese side of the Blue Line again gathered periodically at the points of friction identified in my previous reports, Sheikh Abbad Hill east of Hula, and Fatima gate west of Metulla, to throw stones and other objects towards Israeli positions across the line. UNIFIL intervened at times to prevent crowds from approaching the line in a provocative manner. On one occasion, a group of individuals picked up three mines from a field and threw them across the line, one exploding on the technical fence. There was one infiltration attempt by a Lebanese individual across the Blue Line into Israel during the reporting period. This individual was apprehended by the Israel Defense Forces and subsequently turned over to the Lebanese authorities through UNIFIL.

Provoking Israel to attack? .. No. Not peaceful Muslims. They would never do such a thing. They are innocent, right Pieman?

7. The Lebanese Joint Security Forces and the Lebanese Army continued to operate in the areas vacated by Israel. Apparently the strength of the Joint Security Forces was not augmented but their activities increased and they maintained a more visible presence, including along the Blue Line. This was particularly notable during the period when regional tension was at its highest, at which time the Lebanese Army constructed a series of obstacles along the line to block access to it. Commendable measures were taken and restraint shown by parties on both sides of the line to maintain calm in southern Lebanon during the wider regional crisis.

Wait... whats this... poor Lebanon being attacked? .. Oh.. joint operations against Palestinians causing hell for the Lebanese government. Commendable measures on both sides to keep peace, but when ignorant uneducated religiously induced fools feel like they can take on the world with Allah, you really can only go so far.

8. Nevertheless, the Government of Lebanon continued to maintain the position that, so long as there is no comprehensive peace with Israel, the Lebanese armed forces will not be deployed along the Blue Line.

Hizbollah maintained its visible presence near the line and reinforced some positions. Hizbollah also increased the number of anti-aircraft guns deployed in the area, one of which was placed in close proximity to UNIFIL position 8-32 for several months. Numerous protests by UNIFIL resulted in the recent removal of the gun. Hizbollah interference with the freedom of movement of UNIFIL during the reporting period was negligible.

Why is this aimed at Israel? .. Do they feel Israel is the only one capable of self restraint? .. Or is it you cannot bargain with fools?

Lebanon said we won't put troops on the border during tension. Hezbollah said F you and put troops there anyways. *claps* go peaceful terro.. I mean innocent civilians.

The rest of this .. ahem. Resolution..

Is about finances, planting trees, 30k trees actually..
K. And that they are 58 million dollars short on paying for their staff..
Most are French, I am sure they where happy to hear the UN did not have funds for their contributions.

As you can CLEARLY see by ACTUALLY READING THE DAMN ARTICLE it was 1. Mutual. 2. Retalitorial. 3. Contained 4. The fly by's where reconisonce and where not intentional in the Lebanese areas like it was in the Gaza Strip, 5. Hezbollah could give a rats arse about Lebanon, its people, and is more concerned with its bigotry, self important mission of destruction of people who have not provoked them.

.......not to make you look like you don't know what your talking about.

By the way, this was NOT DIRECTED AT ISRAEL. It was actually a formal request for more supplies and troops for the Blue Line region.. if you cared to actually read it.. which explains why they go on about planting trees and speeding up the postal service.

Honestly. Ignorance sees no bounds.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 10:38 PM
I am not the one sitting there and embracing ignorance by making false claims that Israel never made overflights on Lebanon, but it was in Gaza. Your bigot and racist comment flies right over my head. Just because I wont bow down and kiss Israeli butt like some seem to think I should do, and I call it like I see it...not how they wish me to see it. You can go one with your fantasy world beliefs that Israel IAF planes never overflew lebanon...but I'll stick to reality. What any of that has to do with being racist, bigotry or anti-semetism I have no freekin clue.

Your defense takes me back to the attack on Qana that because one idiot photoshopped an extra plume into some pic to make it appear more dramatic, that such an act would nullify any and all attrocities. I bet you still walk around denying those people died at the hands of Israeli weapons too.

I suggest you go have a look at the recently released report by Amnesty International charging that not only did Hizbollah knowingly attack civilians but Israel was guilty of the very same war crimes..Yes WAR CRIMES. Am I an antisemite now for saying the State Of Israel committed acts of War Criminality? Good. Im a antisemite then. Better then being a war criminal. You get the death sentence for war crimes. Just ask Saddam Hussein and the nazi's that the Jewish people have been hunting down for the past 60 years.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 10:48 PM
I just dont see how anyone on here can defend Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Queda, Iran, Syria with a straight face. Its so funny because im sure they love the freedom to be able to post it, but at the same time the people they support wouldnt allow them to speak their minds as freely. Hmmm.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 10:49 PM
Rock like I said READ the documents...This was one period out of many. Yeah I knew full well what it contains of BOTH sides. Thats why I posted it. Do you expect that they not fire back on planes going over the border? LOL Id like to see even a Canadaian plane stray over our border and not get a round thrown over her nose if she disregarded a request to leave and that round may come down on Canadian soil. OOps. Maybe if they stayed on the right side of the border there wouldn't be shrapnel landing on their side.

If you also read more reports you will see that Lebanese sheepherders, farmers who got too close to the fence on "THEIR" property were also shot and killed just like Palestinians do in Israel except its another border they invade. Fishermen, farmers, sheepherders it doesnt matter. I can expect it from terrorists but not a supposedly democratic country with such high morals. Keep defending them tho they absolutely need all the help they can get.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
I just dont see how anyone on here can defend Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Queda, Iran, Syria with a straight face. Its so funny because im sure they love the freedom to be able to post it, but at the same time the people they support wouldnt allow them to speak their minds as freely. Hmmm.

While that may be true..You try doing that in Israel and see if a tank doesn't roll over your head, or you are called treasonous, a self-hating jew or a islamonazi, or even a dhimmi. No better then the scum they/you attempt to make them appear better then. Im sure Rachel Corrie and many other westerners who went there to advocate for peace and got killed for it would absolutely agree with me on that.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 10:56 PM
QUOTE: "LOL Id like to see even a Canadaian plane stray over our border and not get a round thrown over her nose if she disregarded a request to leave and that round may come down on Canadian soil. OOps."

You're not a freakin American anyway so why would you care who's borders a plane crossed? Ive read many post of yours on here and you are exactly the kind of person that should leave this country if you hate it so much. In fact, i'll buy you a plane ticket bruh.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 11:25 PM

If we had a fair and impartial balance in the Middle East instead of supporting only one country, things would go much more smoothly with the WOT

You're dreaming PieMan if you believe If Isreal behaved then hezbollah would too. The arabs are filled with hatred very similar to the vitrolism you spout here.

Until you recognise in a realistic way that both sideas are at fault you can quote all the facts you like, but you will continue to quote them selectively and simplisically.

If I had a nation firing anti-aircraft fire across the border, then I would want to put up recon flights to see what is happening too.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
QUOTE: "LOL Id like to see even a Canadaian plane stray over our border and not get a round thrown over her nose if she disregarded a request to leave and that round may come down on Canadian soil. OOps."

You're not a freakin American anyway so why would you care who's borders a plane crossed? Ive read many post of yours on here and you are exactly the kind of person that should leave this country if you hate it so much. In fact, i'll buy you a plane ticket bruh.

I don't hate this country. I just abhor the traitors to this country such as yourself that turned us into followers and warmongerers following the chosen path of another nation and openly known criminals that wouldnt even come close to our ankles if we stood in a gutter instead of leaders of people and nations. You are the type of people I look down upon. You give all good americans a bad name and have us labeled as a bad people.

I've lived here all my life and Im more American then you will ever be.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 11:50 PM
No, you're more Anti-American than i will ever be. If that makes you feel good and you sleep good at night because of it, then great for you bud have at it.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by sy.gunson

You're dreaming PieMan if you believe If Isreal behaved then hezbollah would too. The arabs are filled with hatred very similar to the vitrolism you spout here.

Until you recognise in a realistic way that both sideas are at fault you can quote all the facts you like, but you will continue to quote them selectively and simplisically.

If I had a nation firing anti-aircraft fire across the border, then I would want to put up recon flights to see what is happening too.

OK MR realism....tell me then if you are so aware of Israels wrong doings what in the way of any type of sanctioning or boycotting has Israel ever recieved for any wrong doing other then not being able to take delivery of a certain plane after it was found out they were doing something illegal.

1. Anything ever done about settlement expansion?
2. Anything ever done about removal of the illegal wall on Palestinian lands to be placed on Israeli territory?
3. Whats being done about Kahanists operating freely in Israel and the USA? Are their bank accounts frozen? Is support to these known troublemakers listed on the terrorist watchlist been cut off?
4. Will the USA ever push Israel to have the nuke sites inspected? Do we know where they dispose of nuclear waste? is it done properly?
5. Dumping toxic wastes on plaestinian lands? Will it be stopped?
6. Redirecting settler raw sewage to Palestinian land and water supplies and even outright poisoning of water sources
7. Rebuilding of infrastructure. Airports, Ports,Electric, Water,Gasoline ,Fishing areas
8. The right of any Palestinian to return to his home, family and property

Palestinians and their supporters have had their assets frozen or seized, have had their taxes seized, have had bans placed on any finacial support for over a year now, get their houses razed, are arrested, pinpoint targetted, politicians arrested or assasinated, held for long periods of time in jails without charges, and their orchards upturned and the list of punishments goes on even more....what in the land of reality has anything been done to Israel by the Palestinians or any other world governmental body other then what they are already being punished for now? Do the Palestinians raze Israeli houses? Do they arrest Israeli citizens and hold them in jail? Do they go to Israeli farms and break their irrigation equipment and keep them from making harvest? Do they place checkpoints for Israeli citizens to have to pass through? Do they detain sick or pregnant Israelis from getting to the hospital at the checkpoints? Do Palestinians deny entry to Israelis wishing to visit sick or dying relatives? Are Palestinians able to roll through with tanks in Israeli towns in order to hunt down and arrest settlers committing crimes against their people?

Just name one thing that has been said or done to Israel to curtail their crimes? You can't even organize a mass boycott in the USA its illegal to boycott Israel in such a way. Please bring me back to reality since Im just so far gone by giving me an example of balanced justice.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
No, you're more Anti-American than i will ever be. If that makes you feel good and you sleep good at night because of it, then great for you bud have at it.

Believe me Princeofpeace, criticism, attempts to insult me , silence me or attempts at trying to make me out to be something I know Im not from the likes of someone like you..I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep...ever. No matter what insults you or anyone else of your ilk here on ats has ever thrown at me..Im still here. I wouldnt let you or anyone similiar to you ever get to me.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 03:53 AM
you do know that Israel bombed a UN watch post don`t you?

and oooh a shepard , with his flock of sheep crossed the blue line - was he machine gunned and the soldiers had roast lamb for dinner? that sounds about right for the crap that goes on down there.

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