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Your first red pill - what was it???

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posted on May, 4 2007 @ 04:23 PM
Took me awhile in relation to some. When Colin Powell sat at the U.N. in October 02' and presented that ridiculous assesment of Iraq and it's supposed capabilities the picture became quite clear. I began digging hard when the Jeff Gannon, Abu Grahib stories surfaced and proceeded to take a swan dive into the rabbit hole. GHW Bush and the Dark Crusaders have controlled this country since Gerald Ford was appointed President. They were influencers prior, they are dictators now.


posted on May, 4 2007 @ 04:56 PM
My first day - eating the 911 red-pill was Alex Jones.

First I thought that guy is Crazy - he yells to much.
I actually thought he was just insane - never seen a guy yell so much.
It's because he's real about it.

But - then I listened to the words he said - And little by little I started to understand why he was so upset about it.

And he seems very concerned about Americas future.
And the world offcourse. And that is why he yells like he does, theres alot of feelings involved. And knowlegde.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 05:45 PM
I read here often but do not post often.

For me I started to wake up when my friend took me to see the Movie, Wag the Dog.

Took more time after that but that was the first eye opener.


posted on May, 4 2007 @ 06:04 PM
I saw Michael Ruppert's "The Truth and Lies of 9/11" and that inspired me to investigate myself. At first I wanted to research to convince myself he was a kook, but eventually I realized what I believe to be the truth (which doesn't necessarily involve controlled demolition, haven't made up my mind about that yet) that the powers that be manipulated events and willfully brought 9/11 on whether through enabling the terrorists, or orchestrating it via the CIA, or just letting it happen after foreknowledge.

I cannot say what the real truth is, but I believe that with so much to gain it's most likely one of the three scenaries above.

This would require a very small amount of people in the know, and those who would be in the know certainly wouldn't be the types of people to spill the beans.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 06:31 PM
What woke me up from the Matrix was the untimely death (assassination) of Minnesota Sen. Paul Wellstone. He was the most powerful outspoken democrat in opposition to the Bush/Cheney "New Deal". He voted against the war. Weeks before his reelection he was a lock to win. But GOP butt buddy Norm Coleman was ready to aid the Bush administration anyway he could. So they conspired to bring down his airplane in North Minnesota. They killed him, his wife, and staffers. They made sure to included his wife in the accident because you remember what happened when they killed the other democrat senator from Missouri. His wife ran in his place and beat Ashcroft.

I am a pilot with all related knowledge and skills. The BS they keep feeding us about the poor weather conditions, etc is all crap.

The FBI dispatched responders to the crash site before the aircraft even crashed! FBI Dispatched from then GOV. Norm Coleman's office.

It stinks so bad and Wellstone was such a good guy.

check out this site about the Wellstone assassination.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 06:35 PM
I was at work, and it was around 9 AM Eastern time when the news came to us. I was already a cynic. I was onto the stories of Pearl Harbor, Randy Weaver, OKC & Waco, so I was suspicious right away. I wondered what our marvelous air defence system had been doing.
When I got home later that morning I watched the towers fall. That clinched it. No way they fell because of a plane hitting them and those little fires blamed for melting steel were a joke.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 07:25 PM
I'm still cynical about many of the conspiracy theories (some of which are just plain daft IMO) but even on the day the distinct whiff of news management that ran through all the coverage raised doubts.

Even if 'they' didn't plan/carry out the whole thing they were certainly geared up to exploit it to the full. Wierd that!

Oh and those experts fron soon to be forgotten but not-for-profit 'institutes' who appear by magic on TV within hours telling us all what it means / how we should be thinking

That and the mawkish idolising of the victims and all those cloying ceremonies that were arranged (and strangely timed to keep the story 'top news' for months afterwards). It could just be this trend for over-sentimentalising things but it almost made me puke, often.

BTW - what's this 'red pill' thing? New one on me.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Strangerous
BTW - what's this 'red pill' thing? New one on me.

Watch the movie "The Matrix" but make sure you watch the first one, not the second and third ..... you will know exactly what I mean by "red pill"

“You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”
- Morpheus

Explanation for the quote:

Neo meets the enigmatic and imposing Morpheus for the first time in an empty room in an abandoned building in the Matrix, when he still has no idea what’s happening to him. With little time available, Morpheus gives Neo the famous choice between the red and blue pills. The blue pill will let Neo keep control over his story, but his story will have no basis in truth. The red pill will throw Neo headlong into a world he has no basis for understanding. Neo takes the red pill, of course, setting the trilogy in motion, and this moment with Morpheus marks a clear before and after in both the film and Neo’s life. Nothing, after this decision, will ever be the same.
The “wonderland” and “rabbit hole” references come from Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. At the beginning of the story, young Alice follows a white rabbit into a deep rabbit hole. By entering the rabbit hole, she leaves the real world behind and enters a strange new world where the usual physical laws don’t apply. In this new world, for example, she can change the size of her body, from abnormally big to unusually small. During her adventure she bends and breaks the rules of reality just as Neo will when he enters the Matrix. The rabbit hole for Alice, like the mirror for Neo, marks the transition from one world to the next.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Strangerous
I'm still cynical about many of the conspiracy theories (some of which are just plain daft IMO)

Here I have to warn you that the path to the truth will be difficult. You will encounter a lot of outrageous lies and ridiculous "conspiracy theories" such as the pod idea, the hologram theories, the "no Boeing in pentagon" theory, the Bush is an alien-lizard theories and the such. These crazy ideas are just a smoke screen, a way to make the whole of the truth movement look like a bunch of conspiracy kooks.

Just keep searching, never stop asking questions and question everything that is offered to you as the truth, be it from the mass media or any other source.

However, if you want to see a good documentary I suggest these two movies:

- 9/11 Mysteries - found here:

- JFK with Kevin Costner

Good luck!

[edit on 4-5-2007 by PepeLapew]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
Did it seem odd enough to you to research the historical data on those flights?

Yes, I did try to research it but I haven't been able to find anything. All I know is from my personal experience which tells me that airlines don't fly at 25% capacity, that would not be an efficient way of operating. If a scheduled flight is only 25% full, they space them out in order to fill them up.

Because I have, and those flights were flying at about their normal occupancy.

Can you show me your sources please? I'd be very interested to hear more about that.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:04 PM
I read about John Titor on a videogame forum about 3 years ago.

I read about that, wound up on a few other related websites with alternative media, conspiracy theories, etc. Stuff made more and more sense after following and analyzing it.

Funny though that the John Titor craze finally turned out to be a hoax.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:08 PM
I had thought some stuff was kind of fishy right off, the Pentagon coverage kind of weak, but I gave everyone the bennefit of the dought. Then my sister in law, who's husband is serving in Iraq, sent me loosechange 2 for Chistmas. Watching it for the first time was like a swift kick to the balls! Each time I watched it again I was able to see past the films' innuendos, misrepresentations and the like, however the film raised enough red flags(bitter red pills) to make me start seaching for the truth myself. 50 plus hrs on ATS later I feel alot more informed and being part of the discussions and arguements here has helped me deal with the possibility that some serious BS is going down!! Wake up America!

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:45 PM
I had trouble wrapping my head around it the day of the events, the lack of evidence at the pentagon, the fact it got hit even after the second tower?

the way the towers fell, the fact they fell at all, that seemed too incredible.

the clean up and the clean air thing, I mean who in their right mind with any knowledge of firemen and cancer rates *at least in ontario we are aware of the connection* would not wear a mask?

but when the hot molten core was discovered weeks later I knew it was BS, that said thermate to me

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 10:16 PM
I watched the reports on the internet while at work & then watched the news stations that evening & the forthcoming week.
I believed the official story & the whole osama link for a couple of years.
I then watched Fahrenheit 9/11 & although it was an obvious propoganda video it did make me wonder about the links between the bushes & the bin laden family.
I then got sent the no plane flash video & that made me look into it in more detail.
It was looking into this that I found ATS & the rest they say is history.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 10:25 PM
I grew up in a conservative republican household, and was only 18 at the time of the event. I remember buying the story hook-line-and-sinker for a while... I liked Dubya and didn't have any real reason to probe it further.

I did'nt even see Farenhiet 9/11 cuz at the time, that would have been an unpatriotic Bush-bashing thing to do. So I wasnt even aware of Bush's other history either. I was totally in the dark on everything, happily eating blue pills.

Then I was given a red pill

I saw pictures of the Pentagon a year or so later, and the thought occured to me for the first time. "Where's the plane?"

Thats what got me started. As soon as I broke trust with the original story, I had a lot of drive to dig deeper, and went into "trust no one" mode. I put my Bush loyalty on hold, and started researching. Of course, it didn't take very long for me to wake up and realize how sheepish I had been, and I chided myself for alowing it to happen. I've always prided myself on being a rational thinker, and it really hurt my own feelings to realize I had my head in the sand.

Needless to say, I'm not too big on the Bush camp anymore.
I'm not very trusting of anything in government anymore. There's so many indescrepancies all through the entire 9/11 plot and so many other ares of government if you just look around a bit and think. I'm happy to say that I've been kool-aid free for about 5 years now, and eat red pills like Skittles!!

So to answer your question, looking closley at Pentagon pics was my red pill.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 10:48 PM

Yes, I did try to research it but I haven't been able to find anything. All I know is from my personal experience which tells me that airlines don't fly at 25% capacity, that would not be an efficient way of operating. If a scheduled flight is only 25% full, they space them out in order to fill them up

Sure, start here....

Personally, Ive been on regularly scheduled flights were there were only 8 passengers (granted it was a DC-9). It was great, because the attendants always moved us all into first class.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
Sure, start here....

The message I get:
"URL is not valid and cannot be loaded"

Personally, Ive been on regularly scheduled flights were there were only 8 passengers (granted it was a DC-9). It was great, because the attendants always moved us all into first class.

Well, comparing a DC-9 with a 767 is not really appropriate, they use two very different scales.

With turbine airliners, the FAA requires that they fuel up with at least 10% more fuel then the fuel required for the trip. That is to say a 767 from Boston to L.A. would fuel up with around 30-35 tons of fuel before take-off and of that, you can count on the trip to use up at least 25-30 tons of that fuel. These figures are approximate for a clear day such as 9/11 with no adverse weather conditions. A 767-200ER has a fuel capacity of 90 tons but it would not fuel up more then the FAA requires then to do so on such a short continental trip.

Now, you think about this: 30 tons of fuel with a full crew together with landing fees, maintenance fees and brokerage fees all for a 50 passengers load makes no business sense whatsoever. They don't fly their birds that way, it's just not cost efficient to do this.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 11:37 PM
The day it happened was my belief that it did not add up, it was way too precise as far as targeting and success, I drove by the Pentagon trying to evacuate from the area, having just watch the towers fall exactly like building demolitions I had seen, when I saw the Pentagon going up in smoke and wondered to myself how could this be? after hearing all of the conflicting stories both on CNN and the local radio in the DC area of eyewitnesses on the scene there that seemed mostly coming to conclusions that the aircraft they saw was small and some said it looked like a military plane, and just many accounts that were broadcast that day, I wondered why so many people said they saw a small aircraft and it had markings on it that were not commercial and a few said foreign markings and other accounts from people that swore it was not a commercial craft and it was the size of a small commuter jet, also it was so coincidental that there was large scale evacuation drills at the Pentagon days before....I really think we have to go back to a lot of the reports that very day from people to see that the story did not add up.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 03:04 AM
My first red pill was theragram-m multivitamin. I don't see how it could be related to 9/11 conspiracies though. Personally, I don't buy into them. I know that will get me labelled as an "agent of disinformation", but I could care less. I have yet to see evidence of a "smoking gun" for 9/11. When someone can show me conclusive evidence, then I'll have my "red pill".

[edit on 5/5/2007 by PapaHomer]

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 03:33 AM
Just curious. What would constitute such evidence for you? Perhaps the ATS forum can be of assistance?

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