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posted on Dec, 21 2003 @ 10:05 PM
does anyone know if The U.S still uses the Def-Con system?,I'm kinda illiterate in the military area,is it a general defense condition or is it nuclear or does it even exist anymore now that we have the "pretty" terrorist alerts?

posted on Dec, 21 2003 @ 10:06 PM
Yeah theres a defcon level but its not quite as black and white as that, each branch has its own force conditions and alerts that they declare on their own.

posted on Dec, 21 2003 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Nerdling
If i recall there is a frequency you can listen into that controls air raid sirens, its never turned off but the volume is down, all you heard is a slow ticking over sound.

What do you mean? I am not familiar with it is your talking about? Fill me in here bud'.

posted on Dec, 21 2003 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Dreamz

Originally posted by Nerdling
If i recall there is a frequency you can listen into that controls air raid sirens, its never turned off but the volume is down, all you heard is a slow ticking over sound.

What do you mean? I am not familiar with it is your talking about? Fill me in here bud'.

Well its an old system of alerting the public, each siren takes the sound from a radio wave, the sirens are constantly switched on and broadcasting in major cities but the volumes are right down, if you put your ear next to the speaker you can heard the sound ticking over very quietly, you used to be able to buy recieved boxes and sit them on your fireplace etc so you could get warning clearly. Biological attacks means these sirens will be used to make people take cover in cities etc.

posted on Dec, 21 2003 @ 10:17 PM
Oh so your saying if you hear the noise then take cover? Are you talking about emergency broadcast systems, like community sirens and such? Im not sure I understand your point. Are you saying it's strange that there is a ticking sound?

posted on Dec, 21 2003 @ 10:19 PM
thanks for the info Nerdling,so what your saying is the air force could be at a high level and the army at low?depending on their own perspective?also is it any general threat like invasion or whatever. or is it nuclear only,sadly I'm going by the movie "War Games"lol

posted on Dec, 21 2003 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Dreamz
Oh so your saying if you hear the noise then take cover? Are you talking about emergency broadcast systems, like community sirens and such? Im not sure I understand your point. Are you saying it's strange that there is a ticking sound?

Yeah, thats the sound you have to watch out for, but if your out in the country all you do is turn to that frequency and you hear it, you can also listen in to things like the guard channel for the forces, not sure about the legal front though but you'll hear unencrypted army/navy/af chatter.

posted on Dec, 21 2003 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Allen
thanks for the info Nerdling,so what your saying is the air force could be at a high level and the army at low?depending on their own perspective?also is it any general threat like invasion or whatever. or is it nuclear only,sadly I'm going by the movie "War Games"lol

Yeah, there are different threat conditions, e.g. on 9/11 each force was on a different level, the AF was on the highest and the navy was on the lowest.

posted on Dec, 21 2003 @ 10:40 PM
Just gonna inject some more humour...

Everyone has heard of the Homeland Security Advisory System by now and its rainbow of colors, but most are confused of exactly what it means to them about how they should act and live when it is at its different levels of alert. That's why I've decided to create this guide make things clearer to the people.

First, here is what the alert levels mean in general:
- Green (Low): All evil had been destroyed. The world is now a peaceful utopia.
- Blue (Guarded): There's still the occasional pickpocket, so show a little caution.
- Yellow (Elevated): Terror lurks in the shadows; be wary.
- Orange (High): The terrorists are out there and they are coming for YOU!
- Red (Severe): The world is exploding around you. The only law is your own gun.

To be more specific, here is how you should you act in different situations based on the alert levels.

How should I store my firearms?
- Green: Throw them in the fire. There is no more need for weapons.
- Blue: Wrap them in some rags and store them in the attic somewhere in case you need them one day.
- Yellow: Keep both your guns and ammo readily accessible.
- Orange: Load your gun and carry it on you at all times, even around the house.
- Red: The gun should be in your hand, pointed in front of you with your finger resting on the trigger.

I see a stranger outside.
- Green: Maybe he could give your kids a ride to school.
- Blue: He might be lost; ask him what he's doing here.
- Yellow: Stay in your house and avoid him. Strangers bad.
- Orange: Run outside and pistol-whip him while questioning his involvement with terrorism.
- Red: Kill him; no questions asked.

I hear a noise at night.
- Green: That's just the house settling; go back to sleep.
- Blue: Probably nothing, but you better check it out.
- Yellow: Grab your gun and call 911.
- Orange: No time for police; run through your house shooting anything that moves.
- Red: Initiate the house's auto-destruct sequence; leap out window.

You see a hippy.
- Green: Punch him.
- Blue: Kick him.
- Yellow: Punch him then kick him.
- Orange: Punch him then kick him and then stomp on him.
- Red: Strangle him.

You receive a strange envelope in the mail with no return address.
- Green: Rip it open; who knows what fun lies inside!
- Blue: Open it carefully just in case.
- Yellow: Don't touch it and call the police.
- Orange: Can wait for the authorities; toss it out the window and then unload a gun into it.
- Red: For the love of God, immediately flee from the envelope. Hunt down and kill the mailman.

You see some movement in a nearby tree.
- Green: It's probably a squirrel. Hello squirrel.
- Blue: Better check out what it is to be on the safe side.
- Yellow: Might be the escaped monkey from the zoo. Better contact the authorities.
- Orange: It's a ninja! Fire indiscriminately into the treetops.
- Red: Set fire to the tree and all trees around it. No safe haven for ninjas!

You see a strange van parked nearby.
- Green: It must be an ice cream truck. Let's get ice cream.
- Blue: Check to make sure it's legally parked.
- Yellow: Better call the FBI to check this one out.
- Orange: Politely knock on the van door. Kill everyone inside.
- Red: Shoot the van with a rocket propelled grenade. Kill anyone who protests; they're terrorists too.

You realize the person you are talking to is a Communist.
- Green: Kill him.
- Blue: Kill him.
- Yellow: Kill him.
- Orange: Kill him.
- Red: Kill him and burn his body.

You see a stray dog.
- Green: Go pet the cute little puppy.
- Blue: Better check if he has a dog tag so you can get him back to his owner.
- Yellow: Call animal control.
- Orange: It's some sort of terrorist trick. Shoot the dog with a sniper rifle.
- Red: Destroy the dog with a thermite charge and then kill all witnesses.

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 05:17 AM
link guys, I know there are some of you that don't put stock in this site, but even if there's an outside chance of any of this having substance...this is scary #!

From Northeast Intelligence Network:

Specific Threat Information

21 December 2003-- A somber Tom Ridge, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security announced the increase of the color coded alert to "Orange" today, stating: "The strategic [intelligence] indicators, including al Qaeda's continued desire to carry out attacks against our homeland, are perhaps greater now than at any point since September 11th. Information indicates that extremists abroad are anticipating near-term attacks that they believe will rival, or exceed, the attacks in New York, at the Pentagon, and in Pennsylvania."

The Northeast Intelligence Network has been actively investigating raw data from a number of various sources, including human intelligence from government officials obtained by Mr. Steven Quayle as well as a variety of information obtained by network analysts around the clock since the middle of last week. Specific intelligence obtained by this network determined the following:

1. There are four or five "teams" of terrorists, consisting of four or five members per group who already have, or about to acquire the same number of air cargo planes for use as missiles against US targets as they did with passenger aircraft on 9/11. Although it was reported by DHS that the aircraft are believed to be originating outside of the US, our information suggests that some or perhaps all are already within the continental United States, although their locations have not been confirmed.

2. Some or all of the terrorist groups are believed to possess some form of weapons of mass destruction, exacerbating the impact (or perhaps releasing the cargo in flight and prior to impact, depending on the nature of the WMD).

3. The targets include government facilities in Washington, possible strategic military sites in the US, nuclear power plants, and other sites that would create the greatest devastation and loss of life.

4. In conjunction or in addition to the above, evidence indicates the possession of a nuclear device, devices, material or materials already inside the continental US.

5. Also in conjunction with the events described above, other operatives appear to be in place to hijack or otherwise use tanker and cargo trucks as "Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices" (VBIEDs) as we reported on 22 November 2003 and 9 December 2003.

6. Time Frame: the anticipated window of greatest exposure appears to be from the present through 2 February 2004, although based on the dramatic increase of communications and the content of the same, events appear to be planned for the Christmas and New Year holiday season. (It is important to note that the timing of a planned attack is "dynamic" and based on operational opportunities).

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 05:31 AM
These are worrying things but can you really just accept information from the American government anymore? Especially if it relates to the War for terr....sorry the 'war on terrorism'...

[Edited on 22-12-2003 by earthtone]

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 09:13 AM
Just saw ridges statement, he still looks completely terrified and was basically trying to reassure americans that if something bad happens we're prepared.

The language he used was well chosen, he didn't say anything about stopping these guys at all.

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by earthtone
These are worrying things but can you really just accept information from the American government anymore? Especially if it relates to the War for terr....sorry the 'war on terrorism'...

[Edited on 22-12-2003 by earthtone]

Director Tom Ridge, resembles the late Max Headroom, no?

I expect every director of homeland security
to be as ubiquitious (footnote earthtone quote)

Query/Supposition: This time it 'seems different'....
probability factor....? how could the best intel orgs, of the only superpower, after several heightened alerts in the past...not be right, this time? (besides the previous alerts were justified & correct...only we were not apprised of the thwarted terrorist enterprises- because of national security interests & to secret the methods of ascertaining terrorist movements & clandestine plans.)

Factor #2: This newly created hybrid 21st century homeland security alert system(outgrown from defunct civil defense agency & sub-department FEMA)
has been popularized and given the 'cultural credentials' afforded to the Daily Horoscope, found in every metropolitan newspaper....
ingrained as it were...into your psychic..??is that what makes this round of alerts different?? you have been Pavlov'd??conditioned?? BF Skinner'd?? behavior modified??

down south, we have a question/ saying, when the need arises...... Ya'll want some Cheese with that Whine?

*my head-scratcher is...with all the possibilities around, why would AQ go back to the aircraft-as-missles scenario? the surprise is not there!
but, there would be fertile grounds to construct a european conspiracy of these cargo planes in the supposed terrorist attacks come from the european continent....the EU being generally against the US/UK action in Iraq, and since 'snubbed' in any/all 'reconstruction' contracts....most likely would turn a 'blind eye' to AQ or anti-empireamerica agendas.

ah ha, now i'm sounding like those quasi-intell, B movie script, pulpfiction, screenwriters....

an actual fact is....a certain # of people will get the
CHRISTMAS & (Holiday) BLUES !!
and we don't know if any of them will behave like the DC snipers (being processed right now in court)
or try to light C4, secreted in their sneakers.
or try to reprise the Moscow theatre tragedy
or do any # of things, some which may be 'terrorist'

try to have a peaceful holiday season, anyhow


posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 09:57 AM
It always goes up around holidays....(which really makes no sense, given that the prior attack was not at such a time...).... I'd expect it to stay high right through New Years....

We should always be vigilant, and just keep our wits about us, and aware of our surroundings anyway, regardless of the "level".... Not saying you gotta be insane about it, but don't be blind either....

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 10:27 AM
I think that 9/11 was and may be the largest attack. Dont you think they would do there biggest operation when the public/gov was not looking (pre 9/11). If they had a WMD why would they not use it then, it would of had a far better chance of success then now.

any comments???

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 10:29 AM
It doesn't matter. I think it is used for 2 things:

1) To cover Bush and make it look like he is doing something.

2) To give the American public a false sense of 'security'


posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 11:04 AM
Here is a "Titanic" target.

Click here.

Be Cool

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by K_OS
Here is a "Titanic" target.

Click here.

An intriguing idea you have there k_os , it would make a great target and it wouldnt cost them alot of manpower, think of a USS Cole scenario e.g. 2 guys in dinghy sail up and place explosives on board, if you did that on the QM2 you could plant a lot of explosives the length of a side and sink her.

The loss of life would be enormous.

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 02:37 PM
I happened to come across that article and thought it would fit. One of the main reasons is that Osama keeps saying in "the belly" from some reason that sounds to me like a ship.
It also fits in the timeline for the warning that I read in this thread now until Feb. 4 I think it said.

Be Cool

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by K_OS One of the main reasons is that Osama keeps saying in "the belly" from some reason that sounds to me like a ship.


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