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(WHNWC) "Mind-Control: Out of Control, Minds Eye Matrix"

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posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 03:10 AM
Mind-Control: Out of Control
Minds Eye Matrix Version 6

After having been encased in resin and buried for 20 centuries, a set of Aramaic scrolls were rediscovered in 1963 in the tomb where Jmmanuel (Jesus)had lain for three days. Their discoverer was assassinated and the original scrolls were burned. Fortunately, one fourth of them had already been translated into Swiss-German.

An updated and revised English translation by Dr. Dietmar Rothe, Dr. James Deardorff, Christian Frehner, Dr. Brian Crissey, Heidi and Robert Peters, of this important document is now available from Wildflower Press, Columbus, NC. The new edition of "The Talmud of Jmmanuel" was published in 2001.

The teachings in this document differ significantly from the highly redacted teachings in the New Testament. The key aspects of these teachings were presented at the 4th Annual International UFO Congress Summer Seminars in September 2001 (one week after the WTC bombings) by Dr. Rothe. For a transcript of his talk, see

These teachings may well be the true testament of Jesus and will change your life!


The year is 2036, Jason was about to be sent back in time as a request by Santiago Rodriguez for a specific mission, to bring back the IBM 5100 computer system needed to translate code not currently available in the new computer systems, and to leave clues for Santiago’s’ younger self of his destiny so that the future of human species would never cease to exist. Christ’s second coming was up, and a solution was needed NOW. Santiago was given the task to fix the source code of Windows Vista that created major catastrophic technological breakdown of the Conscious .NET – the code was the backbone of the Conscious .NET in 2012, along with Google, it controlled and filtered everything. However this very same source code was responsible for the major genocide in 2013 as in 2012, everyone wanted to have their brains wired up to the Conscious .NET for ease of use connectivity.

Conscious .NET was a success at first, unfortunately, the techs of the brain implant could never have guessed that someone could create jack-ins to create viruses and malware inside their own heads and try hack into systems by the power of thought. August 19th, 2013 arrived a virus of insurmountable power had spread through the entire network of connectivity. The virus was electromagnetic in nature, was able to fry the implant, but just before doing so, would create an electric storm inside the brain, and send itself at the power of thought to everyone the person was connected to, at the same time the virus would leave behind traces so if anyone touched a system plugged into Conscious .NET, that person would be infected, and too would go into an epileptic fit, and into a non-recoverable coma.

Santiago first needed to find source code of the early operating system, the original source code. He needed Windows 2000 source code. He needed Jason to go back and get it for him as well as the IBM 5100. Jason asked him “what clues would I leave”. Santiago thought for a moment, and realized his work in the Minds Eye Matrix Version 6 of how he grew spiritually. Santiago said “Go on the forums and call yourself John Titor, state you went back to get the IBM 5100, and use this Trojan called QAZ. Do not contact me, do not be too obvious to others, and most of all, I need the QAZ installed on my home system September 18th 2000, FIND A WAY”.

[edit on 12/2/2007 by Im a Marty]

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 03:11 AM
This caused another dilemma for Santiago, he was already working on version 6 of Minds Eye Matrix. It was able to tap into the frequency of Space/Time and duplicate the reality by creating a virtual hologram. He could create a game based on real life history events, and plug himself into the birth of any living thing in the history of the planet, the only problem was, that the previous version had damaged holographic code, and from this point onwards, he was only able to go back further or parallel to the previous incarnation. You could say, that ‘time’ will be traveling backwards for Santiago.

Santiago Rodriguez was the head developer for “Minds Eye Matrix Version 6” and had just come out of Version 5 testing.

Version 7 which was the new – no rules based version was the next step. Heading to version 9, which he believed was the final stage of spiritual growth. He believed once he reaches version 10, it would be identical to being totally omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. It would be able to tap into the Universal source – the Alpha and the Omega, it would be point zero. “Minds Eye Matrix” as Santiago saw it, was a way to create the perfect mind, a system that he had used in the previous 5 versions to perfect himself on a spiritual level, to enter into the virtual reality system with a form of spiritual amnesia of a copy of the real reality, so that his spirit and soul could learn the lessons not learned by the previous 5 versions. He would choose the very microsecond of his birth, he would choose the very age of history that has accumulated in a simultaneous bleed through from the previous 5 realities, for every action created in his minds eye matrix, would manifest simultaneous in his own “Game” of the 5 minds eye matrixes previously created. His goal was to create version 10, but he needed to go through each cycle before doing so.

In version 6, if he chose to be JFK, he could be. If he chose to be Jesus, he could be, if he chose to be L, Ron Hubbard, he could be, if he chose to be Suri Cruise, he could be, if he chose to be Santiago Rodriguez again – that was also possible.

Santiago, made sure John Titor, was absolutely clear on the events necessary for him to get to this event so that it could be fixed it. He realized that it was also necessary for 6-6-6 to appear somewhere in his life, for the past, present and future are the same. This is via the laws of sacred geometry, for the Fibonacci sequence spirals into a vortex like pattern, as if it was 666. Santiago also needed John to make sure the word VISTA, as well as Dwarf and ERIS, to appear somewhere in Santiago’s’ life. He also passed John an electrical zapper and a pair of Sunglasses. He gives him instructions on what to do with them.

It was a clue to allow Santiago to realize reality was stuck in the cycles of time, never to progress through to the 7th octave cycle, and change it so it could happen and allow human beings stuck in the cycles of time to no longer be controlled, for in actuality, Past plus Present equals the future cycle. Reality on earth in the linear present moment is past equals present equals’ future. Something needs to be done to fix this paradox.

Santiago wrote some more things for John, to go to film producers and hand them scripts written by Santiago. He asked specifically to pass them onto the Scientology producers as well as specific producers such as Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. It was necessary to preserve the human race. Not because Santiago considered himself a savior, but because he intended everyone on the planet to save themselves, and realize the disastrous effects a Mind Implanted chip can occur to someone.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 03:12 AM
Time to go to Minds Eye Matrix 6, He would pull out of the system almost instantaneous in the physical realm, but live a whole life in the Minds Eye Matrix. Santiago pulled himself closer to the holographic imaging device. The monitor displayed a virtual 3D view of the planet, he saw the moon, and wondered what it would be like to send himself there. He shook his head and focused on a time track in 1981, set birth date to September 18th, and plugged his mind so that his spirit could then enter the body of the child conceived by Maria and Gabriel Rodriguez. Yep, Santiago was sending his spirit back into his own body.

Santiago entered the sequence code to activate the transfer. On the screen as Santiago was going into Theta state, a place of omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient, the following came up on the screen:

Destination Body: Santiago Rodriguez: OK
Birth Place: Rancagua, Chile: OK
Birth Date: September 18th 1981, 12:06am: OK
Birth Parents: Maria and Gabriel Rodriguez: OK

Defragging cellular memories: OK
Cellular Memories Intact: OK
Genetic Memories Intact: OK

Inducing artificial amnesia of spirit: OK

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Chapter 2

Call trans opt: received. 9-18-99 14:32:21 REC:Log>
WARNING: carrier anomaly
Trace program: running

I know you're out there...I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us, you're afraid of change...I don't know the future...I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end, I came here to tell you how this is going to begin. Now, I'm going to hang up this phone, and I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you...a world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world...where anything is possible. Where we go from a choice I leave to you...

He then hangs up the phone, as he steps out of the phone booth, and puts on his sunglasses.

Santiago Rodriguez finds himself waking in front of his TV, woken by the finishing credits of The Matrix. “Heh, September 18th, the Matrix crashes eh?” he recalls slurring his speech whilst half asleep

My name is Santiago Rodriguez, born September 18th, 1981 on the longest and thinnest country on the planet – Chile. Also being the day of national independence from Spain, my birthday always seemed to be a huge celebration. Power given to the people represented by waving the Chilean flag, gave me such a warm fuzzy feeling especially on my birthday – and such feelings also enhanced when seeing the state flag of Texas as it was nearly identical to the Chilean flag.

Santiago is also the capital of my homeland, I was born an hour south in a medium sized district named Rancagua. My mother Maria, and father Gabriel, conceived me here in Australia, from what I now know of energetic imprinting, this is a very important to my background genetically and energetically. My parents then headed back to Chile when my mother was 8 months pregnant.

I first stepped foot in Australia on March 28th, 1987, shortly following my father who had somehow found money to fly back over here. You see, I said ‘somehow’, because we were not a family that were by any means well off. Chile was at the time recovering from being a 3rd world nation and everyone was struggling to make ends meet. When my father arrived home with an airfare to come to Australia, and promising he’ll send for us, it grew suspicion with my family as this was totally out of the ordinary. Out of the ordinary? Welcome to my life.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 03:13 AM
In 2000, I was employed with an internet security firm by the name of “Diamond Consulting Infinity”. The infinity in the logo was written as the letter 8. The logo was designed around the characters DC8. Yes that’s right – like the old planes, and coincidently, the supposed planes with rocket engines in the Scientology story of Xenu.

Specifically on September 18th 2000, on my 19th birthday, I came home and found my apartment window smashed. Nothing was taken, so I thought nothing of it, I for some smegged up reason though found a Trojan horse on my home system later that evening. Ego defused and damaged, I made it my mission to smash that Trojan into smithereens, and analyze it to oblivion. After a couple of days of in-depth reverse engineering, I found it had some interesting components that no other Trojan horse had, one thing specifically, was that it was developed in Microsoft Visual C++, Trojan coders at the time or what we called them in the industry as “script kiddies”, were usually developing such malware with Borland Delphi or Visual Basic.

Doing some detective work, I had found the IP otherwise known as the Internet Protocol address, that my data was going to originated in China, however this could not by any means be accurate, as it was common practice to use a Proxy server around the world to forward on data to another IP address. However this did not stop my obsession to finding out how in the world this happened. Running Visual Trace Routes – the maps had shown the IP address, routing from Australia, through to the USA, and then ‘supposedly’ to China. ‘Supposedly’ because with my tests, it did not end up in China – the data stopped at the west coast of the USA – coincidently, around servers located in Redmond – Home of Microsoft.

Microsoft? And the program was written in Microsoft Visual C++, not usually the development program used by script kiddies to develop Trojan malware.

I started to further my research, and realized that nearly all traffic from Australia was routed through to the USA before passed on to other countries at the time. I recall also, not long before that, that the FBI Carnivore system would be placed at strategic locations to filter any type of criminal activity. It would simply sit between the source network and destination network, and filter out data needed. Which made me think, what better place to put such systems at the bottlenecks of the internet – one which I had just discovered – at Redmond USA. Brilliant. Small scale Echelon I thought.

Bringing this up to my workers, they looked at me as if I had just committed mental suicide. They were insisting I was paranoid, and to get off the drugs. Yes you read right. Get OFF the drugs.

I was an abuser of ecstasy at the time also, with the odd dabbling of amphetamines. Paranoia would creep up on me when coming off these drugs. Watching TV shows such as Star Trek would give me the creeps especially when the characters were pointing at the TV and saying “You have to do this” or “You have to do that”. I didn’t attribute the drug usage to my findings of the QAZ Trojan though. I believed at the time it was real, and no one could tell me otherwise.

What made things worse, is that a news article appeared a week or so later stating the same that I had discovered – that Microsoft could have themselves developed the QAZ Trojan. And not long after that – Microsoft themselves were infected with the bugger of a thing. Coincidence? I think not! What the smeg was going on!

That’s it, I’m sick and tired of this utter bullcrap, something fishy was going on, and I was determined to find out what. That was the beginning of my mission.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 03:13 AM
December just rocked up, I was still heavily on drugs, however only having ecstasy now, I was also determined to get off this dreadful habit, so one night, I prayed, I prayed to the ‘TRUE GOD’ of the universe, I didn’t care if its name was Allah, Buddha, Chrisna, Horus, or Jesus. I just prayed, and I prayed to do something to me if I took another drug, to punish me somehow, I didn’t care what, just to do something to get me off my destructive path I had set up for myself.

December 31st 2000. It was New Years Eve, and I had decided to go to “The Rise” nightclub with my drug buddies, whilst walking in, they had changed their original logo to one of a falcon flying over water. Little did I know, something had been planned that night! Whether it was an alignment of the true God answering my prayers, or whether it was a covert sting operation, something went totally wrong.

I went up to one of my so called mates, I asked him if he could get me an Eccy which was the term used for ecstasy within our group, he later returned and dropped it in my hand, it was twice the size, and it tasted very acidic. Didn’t matter though, I was out to have a good time. About 20 minutes later, I began to feel it – strange, very strange feeling, wasn’t nice at all. The countdown to January 1st 2001 began. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, ………..

And that’s when it happened. Someone ran up to me and placed an Electronic zapper against my neck and electrocuted me. I blanked out at the same time the celebration exploded with loud music and bright lights. When I came to almost instantly, my reality had changed, totally freaking out at the negative pinging sensation, with the bright lights, and loud trance music, I was off the planet. My mouth started drying up, my nipples started tingling a painful sensation, and I was sweating profusely within a couple of minutes. I looked for my friends – they were nowhere to be found. I stumbled to the toilets and looked in the mirror – “WHO THE SMEG IS THAT” I thought to myself. It didn’t look anything like me, It was me, but it wasn’t me, I could see the words come out of my mouth, I could see the music bouncing off my body. I could hear the colors of my clothes. What crazy buggered up mess did I get myself into. I looked closer at my eyes. Where in the world are my pupils! They had disappeared! I just had a huge black hole in my eyes. My eyes were so dilated it was scary to look at myself.

Someone came up to me in the toilets and tapped me on the shoulder. He was wearing a black suit and black sunglasses, it was the same guy that zapped me on my neck. He lifted his sunglasses up and said “I know you like to hack”, he grinned whilst saying that. I go “what?”. He then puts his sunglasses on and says “You love to hack don’t you” with a smile on his face. Totally freaking out about what I had discovered with the QAZ Trojan, fear filled my entire being. “I don’t know what you’re talking about”. Then he tapped his sunglasses and said one last time before walking off. “I know you love to hack, don’t do anything stupid, if you do, you’ll regret it for the rest of your lives”. Lives? Plural? Wtf was that all about!

I was totally going off my mind at this point, no idea what he was talking about, hacking? I don’t hack? I secure systems, I don’t break into them! What in the world is going on! He left me at that point, leaving his sunnies behind.

On the way home, when my friends finally returned to pick me up, I went downstairs, there was a man covered in blood. My friends made the effort to pull me away from freaking out in front of the nightclub. They were explaining that he had been there most of the night recovering from a physical assault.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 03:14 AM
There were new posters up on the bus stops. I couldn’t believe what I was reading.

“You saw us coming”
“We’ve got you working day and night”
“At night we shine”
“If you speed you will get caught”
“Do it again, you’ll love it”
“Rise above your powers”
“You will achieve what you were born to do”

I couldn’t help but think they were directed at me, this was totally messed up. WHO did I see coming; WHO has me working day and night; WHO shines at night; I’ve taken speed, will I get caught? Do WHAT again, RISE? As in “The RISE” nightclub? WHAT powers? WHAT WAS I BORN TO DO!

I can’t believe what was happening, I had literally gone to hell, to hell in my own mind. My mind was my own worst enemy, my fears surfaced, everything I loved, I feared, everything I feared, I feared even more. No positive thoughts, if a positive thought surfaced, my ego would through it to the side and say “You’re not worthy of such thoughts” and replace it with negative ones, which increased the negative feeling and pinging sensation.

I got to my friends place, and watched the local broadcast of the New Year’s fireworks. The bright colored lights triggered my eyes to dilated, body to sweat, nipples to painfully tingle, and mouth to dry up. At that time, the broadcaster came on the screen – indoors mind you, wearing sunglasses, and as they were removing them they stated “We hope you had a good time last night”.


Totally flipping out, I left and went home. That TV scene seemed like the exact scene off the movie “The Game” with Michael Douglas who was talking to the TV presenter on his own Television.

Passing another Bus Advert – one for Claratyne, It was a Dwarf, doing the Heil Hitler sign, and above it said “WORLD LEADER”. Freaking the hell out as my handle on the internet is Dwarf due to my love for the TV show Red Dwarf, I began to totally disintegrate my perception of reality.

Going home, admitting the events to my family, I went to get my bank card to get the remainder of my AU$195. Went to the ATM, checked my account balance: $666

WHAT!!!!! I started to react again, all the physical signs, and the drug inside me working its way back into distorting my perceptions. My mind started linking “Dwarf” to “World Leader” to “666” to “The Game” to me. WTF was going on, is it all a game, I don’t understand!

Fear rushed in at the most incredible rate. Am I the son of Satan? Grandeur Delusion at its best.

The drug took 3 months to wear off, relearning to tie my shoelaces was quite difficult. I had locked myself up in my room as all my senses were exaggerated, so I needed to desensitize them.

About 6 months later, I met Sophia Croft, who eventually became the woman of my dreams. We ended up getting married and having a beautiful daughter. We went to the video shop one day, and got out “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider”, I thought it would be a laugh as Croft was Sofia’s’ maiden name. As it started, Sofia mentioned to me that Angelina who plays Lara Croft was born on March 28th, which was also Sofia’s’ birthday. I laughed at the coincidence. I then noticed that one character in the movie was played by Chris Barrie, who was a main character in Red Dwarf – my favorite TV show. I started to get panicky a little. I had a feeling about something – I searched the web for Chris Barrie, and located his date of birth, March 28th. I couldn’t believe it. Chris, Angelina, and my wife Sofia born on March 28th. So returning back to the movie, I had found out about a thing called “The Illuminati”. When the movie finished, I did my research, to finding it was a secret society within a secret society, to one created in Bavaria, to one thousands of years old controlled by so called aliens from the Alpha Draconis star system. I then discovered, the topic of Mind-Control.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 03:14 AM
Searching the depths of Mind-Control, part of its usage was with drugs such as '___'. The side effects described to my own experienced, resonated with “'___'-25”, a brainwashing and mind-control version of the '___' used for a mind-control project called MK-ULTRA.

I later found out, from conspiracy theorists, that '___' stands for Lyrae-Sirius-Draco. The trinity of human lineage creation. This was getting totally messed up. But what was the link? I don’t understand.

A year or so later, my mother came to me and asked for my child passport. She said she needed to find the date we arrived in Australia. From my memory, I said “March 28th – 1987”. MARCH 28th!!!!!! Not again. This is getting out of control, March 28th, Chris, Dwarf, World Leader, Angelina, Sofia, Tomb raider, Illuminati, '___' – lateral thinking, illogical connections that were blowing my mind away.

I ran to my father, who was now re-married as my parents divorced a few years after arriving, and told him about all these silly connections. He looked at me with a look of disbelief, yet happiness as well, and said “There is something bigger than you or I at work here, you need to relax, its important, for yourself, and for your brothers”. My brothers? He knew what I was thinking as I thought of my brother Gabe and Mario, and he said, “No not them, your fraternal brothers”. I scanned the room at this point, I couldn’t believe what I was noticing, pyramids, paintings of an eye in a triangle, an archetype that looks like the Masonic logo painted by his new wife. He then brought something out, and showed it to me, it was a garment with the Masonic logo on it. “This was my garment passed down to me in Chile, I will take you to the local lodge so you can learn more of your heritage”.

I couldn’t believe what he was saying, what heritage, what? Was he part of all this? Did he set me up? Paranoid against my own family, the only person I trusted was my wife, and as suicidal thoughts kept surfacing, the only thing that stopped me was the love for my wife and daughter.

Calming down and not contacting my father for some time, there was a news report that a girl in the suburb of Canningvale not too far from here, by the name of Sofia Rodriguez, which was now my wife’s’ full married name. Sofia had been murdered. Experts in Numerology were stating it was a ritualized murder. I later found out the name Sofia means Wisdom, and Rodriguez is derived from the Germanic personal name "Hrodric," which is composed of the elements "hrod," meaning "renown," and "ric," meaning "power." Thus, the name Rodriguez combines this personal name "The Son of Famous Power".

The perpetrator for Sofias' murder was caught in the act. There is now a sign above the area saying "Low flying angels here"

I started researching Horus, who was a God in Egyptian mythology. Horus was represented by a Falcon, and occultists believe the “Rise of Horus” would occur January 1st 2001 with the chiming of the Perth Bell tower, that represents the Penis of Osiris (Horus’ Father). The chiming at 12:00am, would represent the beginning of the new millennium. THE RISE of Horus – represented by a FALCON would occur this day.

The Rise nightclub, with the Falcon logo. My drugging and electrocution on January 1st 2001 12:00am, That bloody moron with the black suit and sunglasses repeating to me about being careful about my ‘lives’. What in the world is happening; was my father right? What is going on!

Later finding out the Perth Bell tower has 3 sets of 6 bells from different parts of Europe. 6 + 6 + 6. $666 in my bank account?

I started to look at dates of numerology, and found the ‘Human Pin Code’. That all dates down to a single digit give personality traits. My date of birth is September 18th 1981.

Human Pin Code is:
Date | month | year | Date + Month + Year | Date + Date + Month + Year|
Date + Month | Month + Year
Date + Month + Month + Year


[edit on 12/2/2007 by Im a Marty]

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 03:15 AM
I was getting obsessed – I researched numbers. September 11th 2001, WTC attacks, September 11th 1973, Pinochet now dictator of CHILE. March 11th 2003, my full submerged baptism, March 11th 1990, Pinochet removed from power in Chile. Pinochets’ spouse is Lucia Hiriart Rodríguez, RODRIGUEZ!!

The numbers. The names, they all add up, but they don’t add up, this is totally ‘trippy’.

I went to watch the matrix again, by now my fear of tapping, removing, putting of sunglasses whilst saying “you”, had been totally removed, could see it all over the place, but it didn’t bother me due to spiritual work I’ve been doing. However, I froze at the end of the first Matrix. The OLD Matrix crashed. It crashed on, September 18th, 1999. Human Pin Code is:


The same as my own Human Pin Code. Who am I, What is my purpose, what is my mission. I scratched the back of my neck as my newly done tattoo was itching. I didn’t tell anyone about it, it’s usually hidden. It’s the shape of what I believe to be an integration of past present and future. Not long after that, I had discovered the image represents the god ERIS of Egyptian times. And for some whacked out reason, they had changed the name of Xena planet to ERIS. They then also changed Pluto to a Dwarf planet! I was getting really sick and the synchronicity of it all, I don’t know what’s happening

On September 18th last year on my birthday, I decided to pull away from the negative area of conspiracy and focus on spiritual concepts. I decided to no longer allow to be affected by such negativity. I decided to give myself a mental death, and to be reborn on a spiritual level. My old ‘Matrix’ or reality had crashed.

I decided September 19th, 2006, would be the beginning of the new me, the beginning of my new ‘Matrix’.

That very morning, my wife found a book I’ve had in my possession since 2002. She passed it onto me to put it away. When I grabbed it the title was the Talmud of Jmmanuel, it was the supposed Gospel of Judas Iscariot. It described everything that the Association of Essenes who are part of the roots of future secret societies, that they drugged, and pretended to crucify the living Jesus, was brought down after 3 days of recovering from the staged event. The Sirius celestial Gods named ‘Gabriel’, were the beings that supposedly created Jesus with the help of the other Lyrae descendents, to battle the Draco or Alpha Draconis beings. The group ‘Gabriel’, fertilized Mary to make the greatest genetic and spiritual creation ever known through out the history of the universe.

There we have it again Lyrae-Sirius-Draco.

Could the drug given to Jesus be a form of hallucinogenic. It states in the Talmud that he was so thirsty, that his mouth was dry and needed an urgent drink whilst hanging on the cross. That he was seeing everything shining like a bright light – just as the effects of enhanced sensory perception, there was thunderstorms at the time of his suppose death. But wouldn’t a man who could ‘create’ from thin air be able to do such a thing whilst heavily drugged. As if it the environment was reacting to his spiritual thoughts on the cross?

I read the whole book on September 19th, it took me 6 or so hours. I knew that regardless of whether it was real or not, that it gave a profound message. I prayed again to the TRUE GOD, I prayed, and I prayed, to give me a message that I was on the right track and that my mission is one of spiritual conquest, one to overcome my ego, and one to save my own spirit and perfect my own illusion of physical reality.

A couple of paragraphs later, as I was reading, it states:

“And the mystery will be solved September 19th”.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 03:16 AM
I have since discovered a technique called Holographic Kinetics, which activates the crystals of energy within the cells of the body. These crystals are stored, plutonic energy that can alter the total way of thinking when activated. The purest known form was '___', however it is now replaced by ICE. All crystallized forms have energy and thus alive. The crystal of '___' in my system was alive, yet in its own dimension of time and space. It would put me into an altered state and make me say and do things I did not mean. It was an artificially induced Multiple Personality Disorder. Why do you think Scientologists ask in the personality profile “Do you say or do things you later regret”. These are internal or internal created entities in your field. The physical representation is the crystallized formation of the being in your cells.

The story of the spirits of beings mentioned in the South-Park, Trapped in the closet episode is not so far from the truth, although its specifics can be questionable. They are probably heading in the right direction, but still under a form of control which I don’t think is recognized, and that is the universal law of agreement, for anything in a hierarchy – the masters at the top control “The Game”.

What Happened Next

Someone just knocked on my door. Was local postman, was a parcel of a DVD without a return address. I un wrapped the package. It was a movie of “THEY LIVE”. I put it in the bin and thanked my spirit for giving me keys.

I am going to go onto the massage table, getting my wife Sofia to hold the STO points so that the crystals are activated and to put me in alpha state where the memories of my spirit are stored through out time. Time to go back to, 2036, I’m heading Back to the Future.


Minds Eye Matrix Version 7

Santiago Rodriguez was the head developer for “Minds Eye Matrix Version 7” and had just come out of Version 6 testing.

Version 8 which was the new – infinity based version was the next step. Heading to version 9, which he believed was the final stage of spiritual growth. He believed once he reaches version 10, it would be identical to being totally omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. It would be the Alpha and the Omega, it would be point zero. “Minds Eye Matrix” as Santiago saw it, was a way to create the perfect mind, a system that he had used in the previous 6 versions to perfect himself on a spiritual level, to enter into the virtual reality system with a form of spiritual amnesia of a copy of the real reality, so that his spirit and soul could learn the lessons not learned by the previous 6 versions. He would choose the very microsecond of his birth, he would choose the very age of history that has accumulated in a simultaneous bleed through from the previous 6 realities, for every action created in his minds eye matrix, would manifest simultaneous in his own “Game” of the 6 minds eye matrixes previously created. His goal was to create version 10, but he needed to go through each cycle before doing so.

In version 7, if he chose to be JFK, he could be. If he chose to be Buddha, he could be, if he chose to be L, Ron Hubbard, he could be, if he chose to be Suri Cruise, he could be, if he chose to be Jmmanuel of Nazareth – that was also possible.

Time to test Minds Eye Matrix 7, Santiago, pulled himself closer to the holographic imaging device. The monitor displayed a virtual 3D view of the planet, he saw the moon, and wondered what it would be like to send himself there. He shook his head and focused on a time track to the spring equinox of March 21st 6bc, and plugged his mind so that his spirit could then enter the body of the child conceived by Mary and the Celestial God Gabriel. Yep, Santiago was sending his spirit back into the being of Jmmanuel of Nazareth.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 03:16 AM
Santiago entered the sequence code to activate the transfer. On the screen as Santiago was going into Theta state, a place of omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient, the following came up on the screen:

Destination Body: Jmmanuel of Nazareth: OK
Birth Place: Bethlehem, Israel: OK
Birth Date: March 21st 6bc: OK
Birth Parents: Mary and Celestial God Gabriel: OK

Defragging cellular memories: OK
Cellular Memories Intact: OK
Genetic Memories Intact: OK

Inducing artificial amnesia of spirit: OK

5, 4, 3, 2, 1…………

The End

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 08:38 AM
Hey all,

This story i actually wrote in about 3 or so hours.

i've decided to lengthen it and change it a bit.

Going into more depth on conscious.NET, the implant would be upgrade of RFID, will describe the 'rapture' which will be described as people dropping like flies into comas (virus of, will describe more of the occult knowledge of egyptian mythology, and also cults of past such as cult of dionysis (drug cults), cult of aton (sun cults, ie maya, inca, aztech, egyptian), cults of venus, fire/vulcan, stellar, and how they are affected today through activation of such peoples by 'forcing them' to remember who they were in these cults through incarnation of spirit through movies (such as matrix etc..), about the 144,000 teachers - u get the drift

Making a sci-fi type novel, don't know how good it will be because that was my first story since highschool lol.

would appreciate comments


posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 08:57 AM
Hey all, btw, here's a video about the founder of the Talmud of Jmmanuel scrolls..

Google Video Link

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