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Do the libraries sleep beneath the paws of the Sphinx?

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posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 06:17 AM
Why do you all think the Egyptian govt will not let any more digging take place?

Maybe they already know what is down there, or they are already down there themselves and don't want anyone else to know what they are doing or indeed have found.

posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 06:23 AM
I remember watching the news and some guy claiming the Sphinx was around 10.000 years older than first thought due to some his findings around the base of it to do with weathering.The authorities refused to let him make any further experiments and insulted the professor by saying he had no idea what he was on about.

It seems they don't like anyone trying to help uncover more facts about the Sphinx or Pyramids etc

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 10:46 AM
"the shaft of the Great Pyramid will be aligning with a specific star"

I believe that would be Polaris, The North Star.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by lostinspace
Its possible that what will be found in the future will be the finding of hyrogliphs about tradings with a mighy Nation in the Western World. The putting to rest the Atlantis mystery.What was the city's real name? Aztlan, Atlan, Tolan? Where did it really reside? The Egyptian documents will answer this. Mummies of Egypt had traces of Tabacco leaves which are only found in South America.

was it tobacco or cocoa or cacao? about 1 yr ago, came across a paragraph...(fuzzy memory)

sometime ago, also read the 'hall of Records' is in either Arkansas, a crystal mountain cave....since it was moved from the sphinx site by Beings?

a hall of records re: Cayce....does not necessarily mean scrolls, papyrus, cuniforms. or any wall paintings or other traditional ways of storing info/facts/data

also a 'hall' does not necessarily mean a large voluminious space or room

lostinspace, your mems linking atlantis with central & s america could be recognized as valid.
as the islands of the carribean,

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 12:09 PM
The Hall of Records which would supposedly be found under the Great Sphinx will not be discovered so long as Dr. Zahi Hawass controls archaeology in Egypt in general, and at Giza specifically.

Dr. Hawass has made a habit of discrediting anyone whose views, ideas, or findings could support theories that are contrary to those beliefs held by orthodox Egyptologists.

Example One: Mummy of Pharaoh Ramses I
U.S. Museum to Return Ramses I Mummy to Egypt (first article)
Egyptians welcome mummy that might be Ramses I (second article)
Here we learn of the plans from an American museum to return a mummy believed to be the Pharaoh Ramses I. I say believed to be, because we have no actual identification available to us currently for this mummy or nearly any other for that matter. And the reason we have no identification for many the mummies we have that are believed to be royalty?

Dr. Hawass claims that DNA evidence is an unreliable test. Yes, that's really what he claims. We can't just compare the DNA to the mummies we have identified through other means, from the same lineage, because it would be an unreliable test. We have his son and/or grandson identified from other sources apparently, but Ramses I won't be compared.

Example Two: Shafts in the Great Pyramid
Robot May Uncover Mysteries of Egypt's Great Pyramid (first article)
The Secret Doors Inside the Great Pyramid (second article)

After forbidding exploration of the shafts in 1993 by Rudolf Gantenbrink, who had been hired to clean the shafts with his robot Webwawat. Hawass allowed an investigation some nine years later into a door found by Gantenbrink, which would have given ample time for any tampering by the Egyptian SCA. The second article, I'd like to point out, is from his own official website.

Example Three: Age of the Sphinx
The Sphinx of Egypt - The Great Sphinx

As was stated before, there is some dispute over the age of the Sphinx, with John Anthony West and geologist Robert Schoch agreeing on signs of water erosion for the Sphinx. This would make the Great Sphinx far older than believed by conventional Egyptology, and is therefore disputed by Dr. Hawass.

Now getting back to the entire reason this thread exists, let us look at this site: Dr. ZAHI HAWASS and the 'outrage syndrome'

Dr. Hawass was involved in the first attempts by the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE) to find the Hall of Records, back in 1977. He's even shown on television as they're DRILLING into the ground around the paws! But now he claims that such passive investigative tools as seismographs would be too damaging to be allowed at such an important landmark. He also says that the Hall of Records is a fantasy essentially because there are other landmarks and monuments in the same area.

Personally (and this is purely speculative), I believe that Dr. Hawass was there when the Hall would have been discovered and found something he didn't like -- namely something that would upset the place of Egypt from their place as the civilization that created the wonders at Giza. Since then, in the past 26 years, any Hall of Records, if it ever existed, would have been stripped clean.

As an aside, the tobacco is explained away by orthodox Egyptologists as contamination from archaeologists who weren't careful enough about what they had in close proximity with the mummies.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by ljbako
isnt there technology out there that can scan or x-ray or something the area under the paws to see if a chamber in fact does exist?

I remember reading that they did some tests that proved that their is some large empty spaces in the ground under the sphinx, wich could be rooms.

They probably don't like like foreign scientists fooling around one of their most touristic attractment.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 11:37 PM
Phoenician ships approached a land far off in the west and described these things:

"The shores were high, and dense with verdure; snow-capped volcanoes rose majestically against the sky, fair cities dotted the slopes, and orange groves like cloud shadows darkened the plains.
As we drew near, double-prowed boats came out to meet us. They were manned by sailors grand in form and dark in visage. They spoke a diverse language, but when by gesture we signified that our mission was one of peace, they brought us into the harbor and ministered to our wants.
Next day ambassadors came from the king of that land, one of whom was a venerable man, Ishma by name, whose features marked him as son of Shem. To our joy he addressed us in the Phenician language, saying he was born in Tyrhena, though brought up in Egypt, and taught the science of the priesthood. Many years ago he crossed the great desert that lies to the west of Egypt with a caravan sent out to explore the country beyond. The camels and many of the men died, and the remnant, being unable to return, constructed a rough boat and launched upon a sea which they had discovered, hoping thereby to reach Egypt again. But a storm overtook them, and after much suffering they were rescued by strange sailors and brought to this country, Atlantis is is called, where the king received Ishma with great favor, and after he had aquired the language, made him the royal physician.
We were then conveyed through a grand canal to the royal city Atlan. The country is very populous, the inhabitants are darker than we, their foreheads are high and retreating, which gives them a lordly look; their eyes are black, their features regular, but expressive of unrest."


posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by m0rbid

Originally posted by ljbako
isnt there technology out there that can scan or x-ray or something the area under the paws to see if a chamber in fact does exist?

I remember reading that they did some tests that proved that their is some large empty spaces in the ground under the sphinx, wich could be rooms.

They probably don't like like foreign scientists fooling around one of their most touristic attractment.

Yes, there have been tests that have shown that, during the investigations of Robert Schoch and John West and after that discovery, those researchers' permits were revoked.

The Egyptian SCA doesn't allow anyone, foreign or not, to conduct any kind of investigation into the Sphinx's structure or surroundings -- even non-intrusive, non-harmful methods such as x-rays or seismographs. Yet they allowed the drilling by Edgar Cayce's followers back in 1977, where Dr. Hawass was not only present but apparently very co-operative.

I smell a cover-up. Even if nothing corrupt has been done, the perception is certainly there because of the way matters have been handled for the last twenty-odd years.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by TheDemonHunter
I smell a cover-up. Even if nothing corrupt has been done, the perception is certainly there because of the way matters have been handled for the last twenty-odd years.

Yeah, it really looks like they have something to hide, or they are affraid of what could possibly discovered.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 02:17 PM
Well they always seem to be afraid when someone challenges the conventional view of ancient Egypt and its monuments. They don't just get defensive, they get downright paranoid.

It's like they're afraid that someone will show that the Pharaohs weren't responsible for the Giza plateau's development, or that evidence of some earlier civilization will somehow lessen their place in history.

Considering the fact that they alone have been the caretakers of this site for however many millennia it has existed, I believe that their place in history is secure, either as the builders or as the caretakers of these monuments.

Egypt has a very rich history outside of Giza and the megalithic structures there, and IMO, they shouldn't be so worried about a diminished view of their accomplishments. There are other temples and tombs that still exist that are in some ways even more awe-inspiring because of the intricacies of their sculptures.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by TheDemonHunter
Egypt has a very rich history outside of Giza and the megalithic structures there, and IMO, they shouldn't be so worried about a diminished view of their accomplishments. There are other temples and tombs that still exist that are in some ways even more awe-inspiring because of the intricacies of their sculptures.

Yes they do, but not even all of that combined is that famous as the Giza plateu. (Does that make any sense?)

Couple of years ago if you had asked me what is the first thing that comes to mind when I say Egypt, I would say Great Pyramids and many people have the same mentality. (Now I say "Mummy" the movie.)

If any proof is discovered that would contradict Egypt's greatness, the Egyptians would definitely keep it wrapped tight, not only them, in the same situation all of us would keep it a secret.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by surfup

Originally posted by TheDemonHunter
Egypt has a very rich history outside of Giza and the megalithic structures there, and IMO, they shouldn't be so worried about a diminished view of their accomplishments. There are other temples and tombs that still exist that are in some ways even more awe-inspiring because of the intricacies of their sculptures.

Yes they do, but not even all of that combined is that famous as the Giza plateu. (Does that make any sense?)

Couple of years ago if you had asked me what is the first thing that comes to mind when I say Egypt, I would say Great Pyramids and many people have the same mentality. (Now I say "Mummy" the movie.)

If any proof is discovered that would contradict Egypt's greatness, the Egyptians would definitely keep it wrapped tight, not only them, in the same situation all of us would keep it a secret.

Yes, I agree that their other monuments and sites are not as famous as hose at Giza, but whose fault is that? Do they promote the other monuments? Not nearly the same as they do the ones at Giza.

Personally I feel that The Temple of Re-Harakhte is as impressive an accomplishment as the Sphinx, and more importantly, it has been restored and relocated to prevent any damage from flooding! It was a massive undertaking, of course, and one they should be proud of.

As for hiding the truth, I'd like to think that those of us on this site especially would have an appreciation for the need to be honest about the true history of any artifact, site, or monument anywhere in the world.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 03:48 PM
Cayce said there were 3 halls of record all of them the same, one in giza, one around the yucatan(believed to be guatemala)and the third in bimini, the star polaris is expected to align with the shaft of the pyramid in mid-2004 and after the emergence of the 5th root race will the hall of records be two men and one woman...there is an interview with Dr Greg Little covering this...I will try to find the link

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 03:55 PM
Heres the link...Exciting stuff!

[Edited on 10-1-2004 by cyberpilot]

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 04:08 PM
my apologies wrong link...heres the right one

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 04:51 PM
Hm, interesting. Certainly it is not out of the question to believe that the ancient Egyptians had something there. They were highly advanced past their time, alien aided or not. Now, if we do find something in 2004, it could really be anything. Maybe it is proof of Atlantis? Proof of aliens? Proof of ancient cooking techniques

Who knows..we have to wait and see


posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 05:43 PM
Hmm...I have listened to some of that Dr. Little interview, it is EXTREMELY interesting, (rather boring at first, but then gets good.) He talks about how scientific proves that prayer DOES work..and they say religion and science don't mix..he then ties this into the pyramids, a VERY interesting connection. He is talking about a device that can actually READ your traits, such as personality, trustworthy, etc. Interesting stuff, indeed. These devices will have a bad effect, though. I don't know about these things. he is talking about the "Hall of Records". Before Atlantis was destroyed, Dr. Little, (talking about Edgar Cacy (sp?) ) He is saying that Atlantian people put three Hall of Records throughout the world. One in Giza (pyramids) One in the Bahamas (islands) and one in Guatamala. He is saying that Edgar Cacey predicted that we are the 4th root race (homosapiens-sapiens) and that when the 5th root race occurs, the records will be found. Now, this is interesting, because perhaps this is to occur in summer 2004? He is now saying he HAS a date for this..I don't know..Dr. Little is talking on behalf of Edgar Cacey, who gave the date - sort of. Edgar Cacey prophecized that when the star Polaris, our Northern Star, aligns and shines directly down the main shaft of the pyramids, the 5th root race will first emerge. Can this have anything to do with the North Star that the Kings followed in the Bible, perhaps?

Dr. Little is now saying that Edgar Cacey predicted that in the middle of 2004, the star will align. Now, this is true. Interesting coincidence? Who knows..

Now, interesting, that Guatamala (where the hall of records is supposed to be) are Mayan Pyramids..So, we have the Mayans, Hopi indians (north american) and Egypt involved now. Hopi and Mayans put it as '5th world', not '5th race'. Interesting? Coincidence maybe, but definately interesting. He is saying that the new "children of light" will have more fosperous (sp?) in their bodies. This is a very interesting conversation..and Edgar Cacey HAS been right on occasion before. He predicts it in the middle of 2004. We are in 2004. This is VERY interesting..and very soon. Very SOON. Fosperous (sp?) is related to the energy in the body. The 5th root race is supposed to have alot of higher energy levels than us (regular humans) Edgar Cacey also predicted that 2 men and 1 women would find the halls, after the 5th root race emerged, and when Polaris aligned. Interesting. It has some coincidences with Mayan and Hopi culture. They are also relating the magnetic pole flip into this...this could also occur in a "new root race" We are at least 200,000 years over due for one. I believe it is supposed to happen every 200,000 years, we are at 700,000. They are pulling the 2012 ending into it too, as Mayans predicted THIS to be when all of this would occur. A very interesting radio study, a very good link!


EDIT: They are now calling these 5th root race people the "Indigo Children" Which we have heard before. Interesting enough, this does make a connection. Definately an interesting listen, Dr. Little says that these Indigo Children may have ALREADY been born, and will be changed later. Suggesting that, adults that are already here may have the chance to be "Indigo" it is being tied in with the transition year (ie 2012) or a period (2004 - 2012) Whenever the transition comes together, abnormal things will happen (solar flares, diseases) etc.


We have recorded some of the biggest solar flares on the sun lately.

SARS..interesting, huh?

I have a feeling that maybe this transition year or years will be happening soon..


[Edited on 10-1-2004 by WeBDeviL]

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by WeBDeviL
Hmm...I have listened to some of that Dr. Little interview, it is EXTREMELY interesting, (rather boring at first, but then gets good.) He talks about how scientific proves that prayer DOES work..and they say religion and science don't mix..he then ties this into the pyramids, a VERY interesting connection. He is talking about a device that can actually READ your traits, such as personality, trustworthy, etc. Interesting stuff, indeed. These devices will have a bad effect, though. I don't know about these things. he is talking about the "Hall of Records". Before Atlantis was destroyed, Dr. Little, (talking about Edgar Cacy (sp?) ) He is saying that Atlantian people put three Hall of Records throughout the world. One in Giza (pyramids) One in the Bahamas (islands) and one in Guatamala. He is saying that Edgar Cacey predicted that we are the 4th root race (homosapiens-sapiens) and that when the 5th root race occurs, the records will be found. Now, this is interesting, because perhaps this is to occur in summer 2004? He is now saying he HAS a date for this..I don't know..Dr. Little is talking on behalf of Edgar Cacey, who gave the date - sort of. Edgar Cacey prophecized that when the star Polaris, our Northern Star, aligns and shines directly down the main shaft of the pyramids, the 5th root race will first emerge. Can this have anything to do with the North Star that the Kings followed in the Bible, perhaps?

Dr. Little is now saying that Edgar Cacey predicted that in the middle of 2004, the star will align. Now, this is true. Interesting coincidence? Who knows..

Now, interesting, that Guatamala (where the hall of records is supposed to be) are Mayan Pyramids..So, we have the Mayans, Hopi indians (north american) and Egypt involved now. Hopi and Mayans put it as '5th world', not '5th race'. Interesting? Coincidence maybe, but definately interesting. He is saying that the new "children of light" will have more fosperous (sp?) in their bodies. This is a very interesting conversation..and Edgar Cacey HAS been right on occasion before. He predicts it in the middle of 2004. We are in 2004. This is VERY interesting..and very soon. Very SOON. Fosperous (sp?) is related to the energy in the body. The 5th root race is supposed to have alot of higher energy levels than us (regular humans) Edgar Cacey also predicted that 2 men and 1 women would find the halls, after the 5th root race emerged, and when Polaris aligned. Interesting. It has some coincidences with Mayan and Hopi culture. They are also relating the magnetic pole flip into this...this could also occur in a "new root race" We are at least 200,000 years over due for one. I believe it is supposed to happen every 200,000 years, we are at 700,000. They are pulling the 2012 ending into it too, as Mayans predicted THIS to be when all of this would occur. A very interesting radio study, a very good link!


EDIT: They are now calling these 5th root race people the "Indigo Children" Which we have heard before. Interesting enough, this does make a connection. Definately an interesting listen, Dr. Little says that these Indigo Children may have ALREADY been born, and will be changed later. Suggesting that, adults that are already here may have the chance to be "Indigo" it is being tied in with the transition year (ie 2012) or a period (2004 - 2012) Whenever the transition comes together, abnormal things will happen (solar flares, diseases) etc.


We have recorded some of the biggest solar flares on the sun lately.

SARS..interesting, huh?

I have a feeling that maybe this transition year or years will be happening soon..


[Edited on 10-1-2004 by WeBDeviL]

Just a thought. Regarding the "Indigo Children", could the fact that the United Nations flag is the color Indigo mean anything? Could the UN have greater meaning or power over the world and events in the near future?

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 08:24 PM
Hwever the indigo children or the 5th race are suposed
to be PHYSICALLY different with more phosphorus in their bodies-at least as I understand,according to Cayce

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by ljbako
isnt there technology out there that can scan or x-ray or something the area under the paws to see if a chamber in fact does exist? why would the egyptian government be upset with an idea such as that?

Yes, there is. That is precisely how many of the secret buried chambers have been discovered in the area. There is a great deal of involvement between the Great Pyramids of Egypt and the past civiliazations (read: before the last Great Change ~12000 years ago)

Following is a copy of a post to the Ascension 2000 listserve by Adi Gaia, a member of the asc2k yahoo webgroup. Links are included with respect to this topic:



Subject: New Discoveries Disclosed Regarding Edgar Cayce & More Mitch Battros


New Discoveries Disclosed Regarding Edgar Cayce...

11/28/03 by Mitch Battros (ECTV)

If you missed my interview with Greg Little, you missed
some ground breaking news.

To my surprise, Greg disclosed for the first time, information
recently discovered regarding Edgar Cayce documents. I am so taken
with this new information, I am making this interview available free
to everyone. (see below)

In this new discovery, documents indicate Edgar Cayce prophesied in
the year 2004 a new "5th Root Race" would emerge.

This new discovery of a "5th Root Race" suggest children being born
now, or have recently been born, will be the ones who help usher in a
new paradigm. Greg Little also suggest it is this period, perhaps the
year 2004, just happens to be what Edgar Cayce describes as the "Year
of Disclosure".

Yes, wait until you hear my voice of excitement during the interview.

Why? Because this new information, has added a few key pieces of the
puzzle which is now almost complete. What Greg has stated in our
interview, has now tied Edgar Cayce prophecy with the Mayan Calendar
which describes the "end of one world, and the beginning of another",
and Hopi prophecy which states "in this time we will enter the 5th
world". Now we have Edgar Cayce describing a "5th Root Race".

Greg tells us Edgar Cayce often speaks of "The Halls of Records". He
mentions there are (3)

'hall of records. One located at the right paw of the Sphinx at Giza.
One 'hall of records' located at Pasadena, Bahamas. The third "hall
of records" is believed to be at Piedra Negras, Guatemala Now it just so happens,
Piedras Negras inhabits several Mayan Pyramids and Temples. Remember,
Guatemala is the home of Mayan Elder Carlos Barrios, and several
other high priest.

Note: Carlos Barrios will be on ECTV January 20th.

Greg Little states he believes the children of the "5th Root Race"
will have an evolved DNA.

"Mitochondria" is a genetic material and many enzymes important for
cell metabolism, including those responsible for the conversion of
food to usable energy. This is to say, children of the "5th Root
Race" will have unique rejuvenation qualities. They will have a
higher sustained "energy". Greg also mentions the "5th Root Race"
will contain a high level of "phosphorus".

Phosphorus is a multivalent nonmetallic element of the nitrogen
family that occurs commonly in inorganic phosphate rocks and as
organic phosphates in all living cells; is highly reactive and occurs
in several allotropic forms.

It just so happens, Webster dictionary states phosphorus comes from
the Greek word 'phsphoros', which means "bringing light" or "morning
star". Hmmm, is this just a coincidence!

This is definitely one of those 'must listen' shows.

Greg Little (60 minutes)

first 10 minutes is my monolog on breaking new events. Enjoy!

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