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Denver Airport's Ugly Secrets: Is it more than an airport?

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posted on May, 21 2004 @ 06:56 AM
One of the Main reasons that DIA was moved so far away from the City was Aircraft Noise No one wanted it near them!! Also It is True that the Tax payers did not want it nor wanted to pay for it. But it created so many jobs and ended up being for the best in the end!!!


posted on May, 21 2004 @ 02:04 PM
Wow, nothing in this world can be done without someone attaching a conspiracy theory to it. Not even build an airport.

I lived in Denver from 1984 through 1996 and was there when DIA was proposed and buit. While I remember a lot of people being against it, it was mostly due to the cost and the fact that we were used to the airport being in the middle of our city and a quick drive. DIA was far, far away and is still a pretty long drive even though the city is slowly growing towards it and E-470 tollway gets you there in about half an hour from the southern parts of the city.

Anyway, a couple of points of fact:

1. Stapleton was far from a "fine" airport. It was just east of the middle of the city. I used to go CU-Denver and airplanes approaching Stapleton from the west had to approach just over the skyscrapers of Denver. This was impressive to watch on those snowy, cold evenings of winter where the low clouds or snow made it virtually impossible to see the top of the skyscrapers--yet you could hear the planes approaching and all the sudden you'd see the landing lights fly by--often couldn't see the plane itself or the top of the buildings, just the lights. It was an accident waiting to happen.

2. Stapleton was old and ugly with insufficient parking. It was just dark and gloomy and crowded. Far from "everyone" in Denver liked it, as mentioned here. "Denver?s Stapleton International Airport closed on February 27, 1995. It was loathed by most, tolerated by others. Stapleton?s convenient location was a plus. It?s small, cramped terminal, ramp, and runways were definite negatives. The frequent bad weather closures actually caused Southwest to pull because it could not maintain it?s 20 minute turn-arounds or a reliable schedule."

3. There was no room for expansion whatsoever and one (or was it two?) north/south runways had to cross over I-70.

4. The airport created a noise problem for much of the Denver area.

5. As indicated here: "First, inadequate separation between runways to support multiple plane landings during reduced visibility conditions limited Stapleton's capacity to handle this growth. Second, the growth in air traffic spawned significant neighborhood opposition to airport operations and expansion proposals."

DIA, on the other hand:

1. Is far away so if there is ever an accident it is doubtful it will destroy much on the ground.

2. The main terminal area is far more illuminated, open, and organized than Stapleton. It's just plain pleasant to visit (slightly less so post-9/11 since the nice, open main terminal is much more crowded with security lines now). But my wife is Mexican and we've flown in and out of lots of airports and DIA is by far her favorite. And mine.

3. There is plenty of parking.

4. There is plenty of room for expansion.

5. DIA does not represent a noise problem for the Denver area.

6. Even though the weather can be more dangerous (especially in the summer), the airport actually has fewer delays since adequate runway separation allows the airport to remain open in conditions which would be impossible to handle at old Stapleton with it's crowded parallel runways over a heavily populated area.

Interestingly, in the article that was [url= to[/url] it says "Even though the area is basically flat (with a stunning view of mountains all around, since it's in a valley), the expense and time was taken to extensively lower some areas and raise others." WTF? Ok, a "valley" is definitely pushing it. At least it's not a valley as most people would consider a valley. Denver, at 5280 feet, has the Rocky Mountains to the west which tower up to 14,000 feet. To the north, south, and east the land gradually rises to about 6500 feet. But "stunning view of mountaisn all around" is blatantly false. To the west you have mountains, in every other direction you have what appears to be flat plains. It is only a "valley" in the sense that there is enough of a rise in elevation in all directions to trap pollution in the Denver area.

Also, back in 1994-1995 I was getting my private pilot's license out at Front Range Airport which is about 5 miles southeast of DIA. At that time DIA was not restricted airspace and we flew over it many times to check out the progress. The idea that there is some secret underground base there is just silly. Me, my flight instructor, and any of the other dozens or hundreds of private pilots that flew over the area during construction would have seen it. My dad (who also got his pilot's license at the same time) even took pictures during fly-overs. I think I might have one or two myself though I think those pictures are in Colorado in my parents' house (I currently live in Mexico).

All in all, this conspiracy theory looks very clearly to be bunk.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 05:52 AM
It's been said the best way to hide a secret is to put it into the open. I don't know what to say about everything I have read here, but I do think that there is some truth behind every fable. How scary such a proposition would be. My only question is why transport prisoners, or slaves, by air. Not very cost effective. As for manacles in box cars, I don't think the Germans worried about such things when shipping Jews to the death camps. Again, not very cost effective.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 08:31 PM
the whole thrust of the DIA conspiracy theory is that the base itself was built with advanced tunneling and excavation equipment that never came near the was done by different contractors than those who worked on DIA.

phil schneider claimed that there were underground structures already there, huge entrances just below ground level that were sealed off BEFORE the airport was constructed. entrances to WHAT? no one knows for sure, but laughing them off just because you didn't see them doesn't impress me.

i'd love to go to the airport with sophisticated electronic gear and see whether there's anything emanating from beneath the "official" lowest level....any electromagnetic "signatures".

those would be telltale signs of underground power generation and other equipment, and they would not be easy to conceal.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 09:06 PM
If the tunnels were built with machines that never came up to the surface, then why bother sticking it under an airport?

What about the foundations for the buildings, the caisons for the columns, etc. I was worked for a while at the O'Hare terminal 5 expansion project when they were doing the excavations and borings. They were big and they were deep. How did they drill thise big deep caisons without hitting the underground tunnels?

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 10:12 PM
Wow.......looking out for the freight cars to take me away!

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by Intrested
But A base under DIA you have got to be kidding me
I have now herd everything lol!! I worked helping build DIA I was there the first week that the graders started tearing up the field.

My view of the Mural that I have seen is because I have lived in Denver all my life. Is that its ART Take my response for what you will, But I was there and there is no base LOLOLOL!!!!!

you haven't heard much about the hollow earth theory, then. if you think DIA is far out, check out the hollow earth stuff. just do a search on 'hollow earth' and spend a few hours spelunking the infomire.
add in a little search on 'reptillian', 'reptilian' or 'reptoid'.
throw in an immersive search into freemasonry for more context.
add a dash of 'new world order'.
if that's art, art sucks.

[edit on 10-8-2004 by billybob]

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by billybob

if that's art, art sucks.


posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 06:39 PM
I might be able to help out.... My father works on Commerical Equipment, he does everything from AIR/Electriciity/Food service/ you name it. Well his company and specifically him were hired by DIA to keep all that kind of stuff there running. So he has a Security Clearence into DIA,(ill check his tag for which one etc.) and he has some intresting storys about that place. I will talk to him tonight, i dont wanna give out any misinformation. I will prob be back on about Midnight with everything he thinks is weird/knows about DIA.

BTW: i have been there many times myself and actually noticed a lot of the symbols in the murals. I took some psychology and studied a little about sumbliminal messaging etc. and some of that stuff shocked me. Especially that 4th mural, the one with Christ on it... weird place. As far as a holding center for Humans when teh NWO takes over i doubt it. IMO prob just a GOV base, these are all around in CO, Cheyenne MTN, Peterson, Air Force Academy, weird little places in the mountians, Ft. Carson, all the weird military places out east of CO the smaller towns past Falcon and Ellicot. Yep lots of military happenings in Colorado.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by Scyman
I might be able to help out.... My father works on Commerical Equipment, he does everything from AIR/Electriciity/Food service/ you name it. Well his company and specifically him were hired by DIA to keep all that kind of stuff there running. So he has a Security Clearence into DIA,(ill check his tag for which one etc.) and he has some intresting storys about that place. I will talk to him tonight, i dont wanna give out any misinformation. I will prob be back on about Midnight with everything he thinks is weird/knows about DIA.

BTW: i have been there many times myself and actually noticed a lot of the symbols in the murals. I took some psychology and studied a little about sumbliminal messaging etc. and some of that stuff shocked me. Especially that 4th mural, the one with Christ on it... weird place. As far as a holding center for Humans when teh NWO takes over i doubt it. IMO prob just a GOV base, these are all around in CO, Cheyenne MTN, Peterson, Air Force Academy, weird little places in the mountians, Ft. Carson, all the weird military places out east of CO the smaller towns past Falcon and Ellicot. Yep lots of military happenings in Colorado.

Scyman, you don't know how useful this can be to this whole mystery! You know, whether this is all BS or if it's true. Thank you very much for offering your help! That's awesome. I'm very interested to hear what your dad has to say. In a way, I hope this stuff is all a joke obviously, but for some reason, at least part of it seems like it may be true.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 09:06 PM
Glad to be of any help i can....

I just talked to him for the past 1hr and a half about it/ his clearance etc.
So here is all that I know....

First of all, his Security Clearence: hes a contractor with DIA through his company, He has gone in the "basement" of DIA. Of course not a lot or even all of it, he says there is a lot down there (or seems to be), and he doensnt go to much lower the a few levels down.

What he does: The basic repair to normal everyday equipment, nothing special just to keep the place running/ emergency calls they have. He did say the (and i saw this in a early post) that the genarator thing (cant remember the words he used) above the ground was so enourmous it would be overkill for a place the size of DIA. (aboveground) A lot of energy in there, but like i said he never assumed anything out of the norm.

EXCEPT: a HECK of a lot of security underground. He said he just thought it was tight becuase of 9/11 but I guess there are guards with all the gear on, machine guns and all. (not uncommon after 9/11) but is secuirty still that tight? A couple of times he has to be escorted to where he is going, but he just thought it was the security norm. (BTW: i guess its hard to get a clearence in there, he doesnt see to many other civilians, mostly buisness looking men/military)

So like i was expecting no spectacular news or anything, but he says after reading about it/doing some resarch he is going to pay more attention to whats going on....sorry I couldnt be anymore help....BTW: he is also a contractor for USAFA....nothing other then fixing cafetriea equip there though...


OH! one intresting thing here in CO springs latley my family has been noticing a loud noise at nights. And until i started talking to my dad about DIA tonight we never knew anyone else had also heard it. The last month or so on different nights we hear a loud mechanical sound, almost like a garbage truck all night...My dad says he got up and drove around and didnt see any construction (sometimes its loud others sounds more remote..) anyway the though JUST occured to us maybe the sound is underground!!! Which is the only logical explanation any of us could come up with. WE live around the springs and considered the possability of the goverment wanting to connect Schriver AFB and Cheyenne Mtn?!?!

[edit on 16-8-2004 by Scyman]

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 09:20 PM
Your Dad sounds like a cool guy... Actually the security SHOULD be tight, REAL tight now that we know terrorists are "gunning" for us.

BUT... It may well be that he has gone down there to do his job and not really thought about anything else... Maybe now that he some "other possibilities" in his head he'll notice something, then again maybe not...

In either case a BIG THANK YOU to your Dad and 1,000 points for YOU for at least being willing to look into it!

THIS is the kind of "inside" REAL information that seperates ATS from the rest, we DENY IGNORANCE by learning the TRUTH.


[edit on 8-16-2004 by Springer]

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 11:36 PM
thx springer,

Also i forgot to mention that he goes about 2-3x a month. SO as soon as he goes back i will give updates. He has really taken some intrest into this and the more we think about it, the more the possability seems to be a reality. Sometimes when he goes its just to fix the air conditioner/freezers
, others i guess to do more high tech work.

Another thing i was wondering if i could get a link to a decent symbology website...something reliable and not too out there, i would like to see what those murals are all about if not just out of curiosity....

Why are those kind of images in an airport.

odd when you think about it.

[edit on 16-8-2004 by Scyman]

[edit on 16-8-2004 by Scyman]

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 12:05 AM

Just tell you dad not to do anything crazy, don't want anybody getting in trouble or worse.


posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by Scyman
thx springer,
Another thing i was wondering if i could get a link to a decent symbology website...something reliable and not too out there, i would like to see what those murals are all about if not just out of curiosity....

try these

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by Spiderj

Just tell you dad not to do anything crazy, don't want anybody getting in trouble or worse.


Yeah, I echo that. Because IF there is really something there that is truly kept underwraps by all the guards, and effort to keep it all hidden, then if your dad becomes suspicious in the eyes of high level people down there, he might get in big trouble. IF we can believe the info I posted at the beginning of this thread, someone or a few have already died because it's suspected they knew too much. But as long as he stays within the parameters of his job, then he should be fine. Being more observant shouldn't hurt at all. Maybe he'll witness something.

Also, where do you live exactly? And how far away from the airport? I remember the time I was there, and there was definitely not any residential areas near. Are you basically saying that there's some tunneling going on in you area deep below you? And that it would be connected to under the airport?

Anyway, thanks again for the help. It's refreshing when we can stop speculating and relying on second hand sources and do some hands on stuff. Keep us posted.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by SimpleTruth

Yeah, I echo that. Because IF there is really something there that is truly kept underwraps by all the guards, and effort to keep it all hidden, then if your dad becomes suspicious in the eyes of high level people down there, he might get in big trouble. IF we can believe the info I posted at the beginning of this thread, someone or a few have already died because it's suspected they knew too much. But as long as he stays within the parameters of his job, then he should be fine. Being more observant shouldn't hurt at all. Maybe he'll witness something.

Also, where do you live exactly? And how far away from the airport? I remember the time I was there, and there was definitely not any residential areas near. Are you basically saying that there's some tunneling going on in you area deep below you? And that it would be connected to under the airport?

Anyway, thanks again for the help. It's refreshing when we can stop speculating and relying on second hand sources and do some hands on stuff. Keep us posted.

First of all thank you for thinking about my dad, but he is pretty level headed. I highly doubt he will do anything he shouldnt, he just is going to be more observent etc.

2nd: I live In Colorado Springs, its 50 min south of Denver. My dad does work all along the front range, Denver, Co springs, Pueblo, sometimes Ft.collins etc.

Where I live:n Colorado springs.

Cheyenne Mtn (Norad) is 20 min away, the United states Air Force Academy (20) min away, Colorado springs Air port 10 min away...(although i dont think anything military goes on there) then we also have Peterson (army base) Ft. Carson (army base) and Scriever (its the High tech base). What me and my dad were considering was maybe tunnelling from Scriever to Norad. We would be right in the path for that scenario. The noises we heard are of HEAVY machinery, but we dont see any around, (not normal construction noises). So that theory of underground tunneling kind of came from us talking about D.I.A.

But i tell ya what, I really do think there is a lot of Military stuff (secret) and non going on in the springs. So maybe its not out of the question. I was actually hoping someone here from ATS who may know a little about tunneling could tell me if that sounds like it. Or are we just not finding the construction?

My family has never been suspicious of the goverment or anything. We have always thought any coverups etc. to be BS. And ppl who think that are just crazy, then 3 years ago i started to do some resarch on goverment projects for school. I looked and thought some may be a little suspicious, but i still dont think we are in cahoots with Et's, or there is a NWO. Basically im just trying to keep a level head and find answers to some questions that have been bothering me as of late. But the deeper I go the more i become suspicious.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 02:07 PM
Ok... so there is the keypad in the Denver airport... what is the code for it?

I have made a post on the Secret Society forum because it is clearly a masonic thing.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by jimbolux1
Ok... so there is the keypad in the Denver airport... what is the code for it?

I have made a post on the Secret Society forum because it is clearly a masonic thing.

As to what the code is, who knows? I'm not sure if it's even an actual device, or just supposed to symbolize a device or something else. If the code was public knowledge, then that would prove that there is no big deal about that keypad, and about many of the other things at the airport.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 08:35 PM

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