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posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 02:38 AM
Why do we assume something has to be invented to exist? Truth is we don’t know, maybe things can just come into being, maybe it is that simple. Think outside the box.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by junglejake

Originally posted by NotTooHappy
I think it was idiots. That or primitive people without the means to explain everyday occurances and, needed something as an answer for everything. I'm pretty sure only idiots still believe in him.

That's pretty sad that you would be such a biggot. Are you proud to be such a biggot, or even recognise you are? You just called every Christian, Jew, Muslim, etc. an idiot. Does that do your momma proud?
I think it is sad that you and your worthless cult of lowlife rapists think what you do is great, Wake up!deny ignorance, or expect to get what you deserve for what your cult has done to others!!

[edit on 24-11-2008 by seek4 truth]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 02:51 AM
Why does something exist anyway?

Because when nothing existed something must also exist. That's a mindboggling question I thank about a lot.

Why do we exist? "Because God created us" would many people say or because of the big bang. But bigger than that, why would God exist or a big bang possibility occur?

Why is there something existing and not nothing?

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by Tamahu

Fantastically put, although I must add that those who attempt to justify the existence of God through religion are running around in the same circles as atheists. The trick in life is to sit on the fence and watch the clouds go by, you'll find out when you die

Religion, from my perspective, probably did start as a brain-washing propaganda. A very long time ago people did not have the concept of morals, so Bob would kill Bill and not feel any guilt and this generated in mayhem, so the clever people of a generation concocted the unexplainable idea of a supreme punishment to be granted in the 'after-life'. (If you are familiar with Plato 'The Republic' & similar moral philosophical text you'll follow my brief point)

What religion has evolved into is a great deal better than what it used to be, humans used to be dirty, uneducated, stupid animals and we have ourselves molded religion in a way of life that promotes moral and fair behaviour and encourages peacefulness and serenity.

The bible is (and a speak mainly about the Christian Old testament as I am not that familiar with other religions) a well collected amount of allegories, metaphorical fairytales and similar types of stories, to demonstrate to mankind the idea of ethics, wrath, love and similar virtues, sins, etc. The man who wrote the Bible might as well be God as it is probably one of the greatest pieces of literature (if I may call it that) of all time.

Funnily enough despite all these skeptical views, I do believe in God, because I believe in substance, soul and spirit and hence am a victim of the romantic story of a man who created us in his image because it comforts me and saves me from feeling life is a pointless timed void, but I deny religion completely.

But, in conclusion, I finished with a classic Voltaire quote:

'If God didn't exist, we would have invented him by now'.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 07:06 PM
Who invented God? Dont you know that you are God? God is for babies and to control people? No, that is the misinterpretation of what God is.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by ashley

I would like to agree with you because I also think man invented time, but from studying far too much mathematics, science & philosophy I can only retort that time is what is referred to in philosophy as a 'form', an innate idea that is within ourselves but is triggered by reality. Even if you eliminate clocks and calenders and all timing, counting systems, mathematics and science will still exist, despite our ignorance to ignore it.

BUT, we might be living in an incorrect time scale and our measurements of time may be incorrect but time does continue on independently of us acknowledging it. Just check out my grandmother.. She didn't look like that a (insert word that would replace concept of time here) ago..

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu

Originally posted by pantha
so if there were a god do you think that it might wonder if it was created by a higher being?

The Supreme Infinite Consciousness has always existed.
There's no explaining it.

[Edited on 14-12-2003 by Tamahu]

For me, God is a human creation, pure and simple.
What ever we don't know or understand is wrapped in that "God", it was the Sun God, for a while, until we knew better, as we progress, we will need less and less of that God.

And as Carl Sagan said: "Why not save a step"

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by Boris
Any ideas who INVENTED God?

Wham-O Inc?!

The OP posed a question. I gave it a shot. This is not one line.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:47 AM
I'll never understand why people hurl insults at each other when talking about who or what God is. The truth is no one really knows, We don't even fully understand this reality, let alone who created it. In that respect everyones beliefs & theories are valid, because they are simply that - theories.

My opinion is that this reality is simply a simulation created by a creator and both the creator and it's creations are both illusions. All part of the same or different simulations running on a very powerful quantum super computer.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 07:53 PM
What a waste of time! Religion in general is a brainwashing control device. The whole lot of cultures can't be correct now, can they. So therefore, the correct conclusion can only be that there is no such thing. If God exists, why is it so weak and doesn't appear more often? The mosquito ... is it a fine creation? No. How about when a shark bites your leg off? Gods "will"? What kind of god is that.
I will tell you, it is just a figment of mad peoples imagination. You will live and die,(God is a remnant of a primitive age - though still exists in the minds of neo primitives today - hello world stooges - get well soon)
end of story. No heaven or hell or Valhalla. Does god love jews (who think they are so number one) or anyone else for that matter? Answer is no. Get enough mad people together and the norm is set. Just forget about any fantasies please folks. Murderers, thieves, cannibals and savages are just going to end up dead - just like a saint. Religious paraphernalia will not save anyone or give us luck. You will just be robbed by these popes, fakirs, caids.
How divisive can anything be more than this? What a load of rubbish. Clasp your sad rosary beads and cry. Boo hoo kiddies. It is pathetic isn't it Buddha. Oh yes, he personally told me that whilst in trance..........silly people. No doubt ready to destroy the world over a fantasy. I really do wonder about how much wisdom these self righteous people truly have, or even if they can understand the concept of perhaps, weighing your own soul?
It might be an idea to try - at least consider, whilst you are alive(or just a mindless zombie). Nice one. Sweet dreams.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 09:49 PM
I may be wrong, but I think that every thing in existance is encompassed with Energy (for lack of a better word)

All forms of "Life", rocks, dust, air, etc.... From the seen to the unseen would not exist with out this "Energy"

Let's just suppose, that it is our "Collective Spiritual Energy" that IS the fabric of God.

This would make everything part and particle, of what each established "Religion" refers to as... (and chooses to tag with a "name",or possibly a "label"), a "GOD"

The Only entity on this planet capable of tending the flocks and harvesting the seed.
Is so arrogant, as to assume, that We can define,designate and be so audacious, as to know What or who God is!!
This entity(Man) Spends his existance, trying to prove or disprove the existance of what he construes to be a God.

He lies,steals,kills and worse,to prove his GODs

He lies,steals,kills and worse,to prove his GOD
is the only One True God.

He lies,steals,kills and worse,to prove that his GOD is, more powerful, more loving, more forgiving
and more Olympian, than the other guys GOD

All the while he destroys the very gift of being the caregivers of the Earth.
Man is in a downward spiral.
The world is going mad.

We need to look around at what we have done.

We need to get on the same sheet of music, with our Collective Spiritual Energy,
to find our Nirvana (so-to-speak)or we will remain in this chaotic state of being.
We not well.
We can never know GOD until we are one.
It's all there for us.We don't even have to harm insult,mistrust,degrade,or judge anyone else ever.

Religon is the Root of all Evil.

Be Spirtual not Religious

I have never believed in Religion.
I have never believed that 'mans words' are the illuminating force to Spirituality.
Religion is not the fabric of God.
Whatever you put first in your life is your God.

Would you live your life differently if you had indisputable proof?

I truly believe that it would be better to have Spiritual Fruits in the garden
than Religous Nuts.

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