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Reptilian debunkers at the illuminati truth site

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posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by SKUNK
What is wrong with the NWO??????
The only people that seem to have a problem is Americans and Muslims.
Reasons are- Americans like to be in control, with a NWO they loose this.
And the Muslims.....well they just want to take over the west.

I would beg to differ, Americans like myself think the NWO is bad for all of the obvious reasons, not sure why these flew over your head.

I am remotely curious as to why the NWO is a good thing in your opinion.

I just feel its like the big babysitter I don't need because I am a big boy now. Stay out of my business, basically.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 01:12 PM
Isn't the dulce base supposedly the base for the NWO and the reptilians? Thats what I read on several sites but I really don't know what to make out of it! This evil NWO scheme just seems too far fetched for me and I don't really believe it.

Yes there probably is a "new world order" under construction but why must it be evil? The only negative aspect of it that I can see is that instead of having a "socialist world order" it will probably be a "capitalist world order" where consolidation of assets and power will be in very few hands and we will have world monopolies. These corporations will the real boses and not any government! Isn't this already the case today?

Maybe and probably the aliens are giving the super powers exotic technology whether its the greys, reptilians or whatever species you wish but where does satan fit in the picture

I think some people either suffer from over imagination(dreamers) or they personally stand to lose power/money from this NWO and wish to sabbotage it at all costs by spreading these crazy rumors!

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 03:04 PM
I do believe in Satan. Not so much in Reptilians. (what ever they are) I do believe that the entire UFO scenario is a smokescreen devised by Satan and his minions to obscure the truth when the Rapture takes place. By that, I mean when Christ takes his church home, what will the rest of the world say? Aliens? Sounds like one of the explanations that I'm sure will be bounced around.

As far as proof of Satan? The bible says it is a wicked generation that looks for a sign. I know that Satan is as real as God. We see the dark power of his influence every day. I don't need him to walk up to me and introduce himself.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by atsrules
Most of the time hollywood movies foreshadow or hint at something in real life.

True. Who recalls the TV series 'V'?

From the Wikipedia article 'V (TV series)':

    (...)beneath their humanlike facade, the aliens are reptilian in nature, and carnivorous - preferring to eat live food, like rodents and birds. (...)The true purpose of the Visitor's trip to Earth is to conquer and subdue the planet, steal all of the Earth's water and harvest the human race as food, leaving only a few as slaves and soldiers/cannon fodder for the Visitors' wars with other alien races.

Mind you: this tv-series comes from the pre-internet era (1983), when there was no talk of greys, reptilians or the likes - at least not in the free form it is in now!

Hollywood has always been busy fictionalizing the disturbing truth.

I suspect there are indeed two types of predominant extraterrestrials involved in our history. This goes way back. The Bible, imho, is nothing else than the account of a battle between two types of alien cultures for the mind of humans, the good guys being the angelic types (gods), the bad guys being the rejected angels (satans). The first attempted to link us through a religion of love (christians), the latter try to divide us to create an elitarian world order dominated by moral decadence and hate (freemasons).

Guess to which side the reptilians belong.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:50 AM
has anyone listened to what he has to say about D.U.M.B. bases such as dulce,what happens to missing children,the NSA ...deff have to listen what this man has to say.

scroll dwon to number five at the bottom and listen

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:51 AM
nothing will happen in 2012 just like how the y2k was supposed to kill us all in the year 2000 but are we dead? no because that stuff doesn't exist!!!!!

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:52 AM
aliens exist but not the end of the world! (well at least not for a while).

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:12 AM
Those that have had near death experiences say that satan and hell are constructs of our earhtly mind, and that there is a void that is more like purgatory, but that as soon as you wish to leave it you do, and there is no damning and there is no satan, and there is no fiery pit called hell. Its something religion has used to scare people into submission and to rid themselves of blame.

I choose to believe in thousands of eyewitnesses rather than one ancient book that has been translated a thousand times and is one of many supposed holy books. Thats just my choice and my opinion, I don't expect you to believe what I do.

So I don't believe in satan nor reptilians, because they are both in my opinion the result of paranoid minds that want to blame human ignorance on something else; and until I see evidence of reptilians than I'm just going to keep on not believing in them.

However, I would believe reptilians exist before I believe satan does.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 11:40 AM
It's not about belief. It's important to appreciate the influence of extraterrestrials on our history.

The Bible is a cosmic chronicle. Given that extraterrestrials have been with us for thousands of years, what we now call Reptilians might well have been the old rejected angels that were cast from 'heaven' by the 'gods'. Greedy, envious and ambitious to take back power.

If there were good guys (Jesus) there were his counterparts waiting to get back in power. We all know freemasonry is out to rid humanity of christian beliefs to replace it with their own. 'Take the light from the gods and bring it to the people'. It's a stretch of the imagination, but if I guessed, I'd say freemasonry is the forefront for an alien, possibly reptilian agenda. And it seems not all freemasons imagine that such a thing could be possible.

In short, it's possible that both satan and god stood for types of extraterrestrials that had different goals for humanity. The bad guys are obviously winning.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by nemo1111
If you saw the illuminati truth site you will know that the writers there who claim to be ex illuminati say that the reptilian idea is satans design to scare us the supposed ignorant believers.Is satan anymore real than the reptilians? Thoughts anyone?

they probably believe in satan, much like muslims believe in allah and so forth so obviously they say its real. as for the repitilian thing, i dont know.....i really dont

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:34 PM
this "story" was told to me back in the summer of 1972 or 1973, One of my sisters classmates related a story of "shark men" living in lake Michigan, I grew up on the west lakeshore of michigan, this was about 2 years after I saw something flying in the air (U.F.O.?), we were just BSing about weird things and he related a story of odd foot prints. He and his brother found strange foot prints int he woods of a lake that connected to the big lake, ( this is all second hand info, but the brother did confirm it at a latter date) as I got older I heard more tails of similar things in the same area of town. anyone else ever heard of the "sharkmen" of west michigan???? Could they have been reptiods???

[edit on 10-2-2007 by thedigirati]

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by red eye agnostic
as for the repitilian thing, i dont know.....i really dont

I'm having doubts also -- could be disinfo. David Icke -- the proponent of this reptilian mythology -- is a faker, although he's good at it.

Concerning the Bible, I'm convinced it should indeed be read as an extraterrestrial chronicle. In which the bad guys (bad aliens, freemasonry) are trying to steal back the planet from the good guys (good aliens, religion).

We were seeded here by an off-planet culture. This fact seems to slowly sip in through mainstream propositions by Francis Crick, Paul Davies,...

This civilization is desperately trying to establish contact, while our covert, freemasonic government is desperately trying to prevent that.

Yes, the gods were astronauts. Didn't think I'd ever agree with von Dänicke, but it's staring us in the face really.

[edit on 16-2-2007 by Thodeph]

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by roswell1
nothing will happen in 2012 just like how the y2k was supposed to kill us all in the year 2000 but are we dead? no because that stuff doesn't exist!!!!!

Was y2k supposed to kill us? There's a big difference (at least in my mind
) between operating software coding oversights (on the scale of a few decades) and an ancient civilization's prophecy (on the scale of a few millenia).

My 2 cents.


posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by nemo1111
If you saw the illuminati truth site you will know that the writers there who claim to be ex illuminati say that the reptilian idea is satans design to scare us the supposed ignorant believers.Is satan anymore real than the reptilians? Thoughts anyone?

the operative word here is "claim"

If the illuminati exists;
If it is as powerful as some believe;

do you really think an organization like the illuminati would allow a site like this to exist ?

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal
All is Not one, All is all. One Exists in the all, but is Not the all that all is

I'll bet you are a riot at parties. You forgot to add "That is all."

Personally I believe that Satan is every bit as real as the Illuminati. Isn't Satan the Master/Overlord of the Illuminati? I really do not know if I believe in Reptilians though. It seems logical that Reptilian beings could have evolved from the dinosaurs.

[edit on 2-16-2007 by groingrinder]

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