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The Jewish people

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posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 11:56 AM
I'm quite glad the U.S. financially supports Israel. They serve our interests in case you didn't realize it. Israel is perhaps the first defense we have in the middle-east against islamofascists. It is perhaps the greatest obstacle in the islamofascists agenda of Islamic world yes I'm more than happy to support Israel....they provide the middle-east with a good example of what freedom is.

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by laiguana
I'm quite glad the U.S. financially supports Israel. They serve our interests in case you didn't realize it. Israel is perhaps the first defense we have in the middle-east against islamofascists. It is perhaps the greatest obstacle in the islamofascists agenda of Islamic world yes I'm more than happy to support Israel....they provide the middle-east with a good example of what freedom is.

Israel serves the US interests? Surely it's the other way around? Ever notice soon as someone takes office they are courted by Israeli/Jewish groups who most often have also donated to their campaign funds. I'm sure they donate that money out of kindness though and don't really expect anything in return.
The Israeli government dictates US foreign policy in the Middle East, it's as clear as the nose on your face.

Israel represents freedom in the Middle East? Get real. Immigrant workers and non-Jews are second class citizens. Even the Ethiopian Jews resettled in recent times took to the streets not so long ago to protest against the racist treatment they receive at the hands of the ethnic European Jews in Israel.

If our own Governments didn't spend so much time coveting what the Arab world sits on, there would be no militant Arabs hitting back at us. Israel also needs it's cut of those resources, oil, water, land, in order to expand by using it's proxies like the US/UK to assist in it's aggression.

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 12:13 PM
Yes, you're right!! The American taxpayer subsidizes Israel at the rate of $500 PER ISRAELI PER YEAR!! Not to mention that the current quagmire that is Iraq and Afganistan is the result of our foreign policy mirroring the foreign policy of Israel. AIPAC is the lobbying group that pushes these rediculous policies that we have. AIPAC or the Israel lobby should not be recognized because they support a foreign country's agenda.

Israel has nukes, and that has now been admitted by Ehud Olmert. We don't need to spend one cent on the defense of Israel. They can take care of themselves, and if not then I guess they didn't deserve a country to begin with.

Zionism is the reason for the hostilities we face in the middle-east. Before Israel existed the middle-east wasn't that bad of a place. There was not much war or hostility at all. Since 1948 we have seen non-stop war.

I am not anti-semetic, but I am anti-zionist. Israel has no right to be a country, and we don't need to support their war-mongering. There are many many Jews who are against zionism, just do a little google search if you don't believe me.

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by downtown436
I am not anti-semetic, but I am anti-zionist.

Then do you also believe that Islamic Sharia Law countries should not exist?

How about Christian/Catholic countries?

What about countries that were formed within the last 100 years? 200 Years? 300 years? Where do you draw the line?

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by downtown436

Zionism is the reason for the hostilities we face in the middle-east. Before Israel existed the middle-east wasn't that bad of a place. There was not much war or hostility at all. Since 1948 we have seen non-stop war.

No the reason for hostilities in the Middle East is because it is an oil/gas mine, which currently makes the world go around. It has nothing to do with Zionism.

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 06:34 PM

1. a suffix used to form adjectives from nouns, with the sense of “belonging to” (British; Danish; English; Spanish); “after the manner of,” “having the characteristics of,” “like” (babyish; girlish; mulish); “addicted to,” “inclined or tending to” (bookish; freakish); “near or about” (fiftyish; sevenish).

2. a suffix used to form adjectives from other adjectives, with the sense of “somewhat,” “rather” (oldish; reddish; sweetish).


I provided the dictionary usage. I hope this is enough.

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 07:33 PM
I noticed an interesting anonymous reply to this thread.

Original Anonymous Post By: anon_87228

statistical analysis

Greetings all,

I have been following/researching "conspiracies" for a number of years now, and I have noticed a lot of anti-jewish sentiment popping up all over the conspiracy world. I think this is sort of interesting, and points to a larger question over the history of the human race as we know it-- why do so many nations/people hate the Jews so much?

Statistically speaking "jews" comprise roughly about 2% of the population of the US. The world-wide estimate I read stated that there are approximately 13-14 million jews in the world population, out of the estimated 6,565,835,414 people in the over-all world population. Muslims (based on the stats that I have seen, provided by the Council on American-Islamic relations) from 1999 put the estimation of the population of Muslims around the world at 1.2 billion. A comparitive chart I saw ( claimed that in the year 2000 29.9% of the world population was christian, compaired to 19.2% of the world population being muslim. It's always difficult to trust these sort of statistics, and I am not claiming that they are 100% accurate, but the point here is that refering to the "Big Three" religions as being "Christianity, Judaism, and Islam" is a bit of a misnomer, since there are comparitively few Jewish people around the world.

This site gives a pie-chart which seems to be a reasonably fair portrayal of religious populations of the world ( Christianity comes in at 33%, followed by Islam at 21%, "non-religious" comes in next at 16% followed by Hinduism at 14%. There are less "jews" in this world than there are adhearents of Sikhism (jews at .22%, Sikhs at .36%) with Buddhism coming in at 6%. Clearly the "Big Three" religions of the world are, depending on how you want to categorize it would be "Christianity, Islam, and non-religious" but understanding that this term is comprised not only of atheists and agnostics, but also non-practicing or affiliated theists, it might not qualify as a proper category, so then alternately you could say "Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism."

So one question to consider, is why all the fuss about a global population that is less than a quarter of 1% of the entire world population? Something about that sounds a little fishy to me.

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 07:41 PM
This anonymous post is in response to ATS thread: The Jewish people

Greetings all,

I have been following/researching "conspiracies" for a number of years now, and I have noticed a lot of anti-jewish sentiment popping up all over the conspiracy world. I think this is sort of interesting, and points to a larger question over the history of the human race as we know it-- why do so many nations/people hate the Jews so much? Statistically speaking "jews" comprise roughly about 2% of the population of the US. The world-wide estimate I read stated that there are approximately 13-14 million jews in the world population, out of the estimated 6,565,835,414 people in the over-all world population. Muslims (based on the stats that I have seen, provided by the Council on American-Islamic relations) from 1999 put the estimation of the population of Muslims around the world at 1.2 billion. A comparitive chart I saw ( claimed that in the year 2000 29.9% of the world population was christian, compaired to 19.2% of the world population being muslim. It's always difficult to trust these sort of statistics, and I am not claiming that they are 100% accurate, but the point here is that refering to the "Big Three" religions as being "Christianity, Judaism, and Islam" is a bit of a misnomer, since there are comparitively few Jewish people around the world. This site gives a pie-chart which seems to be a reasonably fair portrayal of religious populations of the world ( Christianity comes in at 33%, followed by Islam at 21%, "non-religious" comes in next at 16% followed by Hinduism at 14%. There are less "jews" in this world than there are adhearents of Sikhism (jews at .22%, Sikhs at .36%) with Buddhism coming in at 6%. Clearly the "Big Three" religions of the world are, depending on how you want to categorize it would be "Christianity, Islam, and non-religious" but understanding that this term is comprised not only of atheists and agnostics, but also non-practicing or affiliated theists, it might not qualify as a proper category, so then alternately you could say "Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism."

So one question to consider, is why all the fuss about a global population that is less than a quarter of 1% of the entire world population? Something about that sounds a little fishy to me.

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 07:56 PM

So one question to consider, is why all the fuss about a global population that is less than a quarter of 1% of the entire world population? Something about that sounds a little fishy to me.

Which part sounds fishy, the fact that the US gives so much to a small population or the fact that people question it? I am not sure I understand what all those statistics mean.

As far as the nukes go I believe no one should have them, especially warring countries which includes the US. If people truly understood the devastation that nukes could do they would protest again like they did in the 70's.

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 07:56 PM

So one question to consider, is why all the fuss about a global population that is less than a quarter of 1% of the entire world population? Something about that sounds a little fishy to me.

Something about this sounds a little fishy to me, too. Perhaps all the fuss is not about their population (jewish & islam).

Perhaps the fuss is concerning how the 1% of the total world population owns so vast a percentage of the world $, resources, and uses those "bargaining chips" to pursue effectively their own political agenda through international influencing.

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 07:59 PM
um im jewish and Im not part of some world bank...just trying to make a living like any other person

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 09:01 PM
To add to my above post:

Another question of interest is to determine what can be said about the jewish people as a whole. A couple of other posters to this topic have made valid points regarding over-generalization, we can really only speak with any authority about individuals, not entire groups, because these groups are made up of individuals, who often have their own ideas, and differing opinions as to what it means to be a part of a group.

I can say this, not all "jews" in this country, or even around the world, are religiously observant. There are varying degrees of religious observance within the whole of those considered to be jewish. So the question becomes really this: Is there a unified cultural or religious sense of supremacy/conspiracy within the way the Jewish people think of themselves and exist. Clearly according to the religious aspect of Judaism, a couple of points are interesting to note:

According to the the Hebrew bible (read "old testament" by christians, although I prefer to say Hebrew Bible and Greek Bible personally when refering to the testaments, which is more scholarly), the Jews were the lowliest of nations and the Torah was offered to all of the other nations first, but all of the nations said "um, no thanks, there's too many laws and rules." The Jewish people, on the other hand said "sure, we'll take it, why not?" This is from their own mythology, and not my interpretation, I am merely pointing this notion out. They were according to this system they accepted upon themselves, supposed to be a nation of priests to the Goyim (which is a Hebrew word which means *nations* and not any sort of insult to gentiles, as is the common misconception). So therefore, at least in a classic religious context the Jews were supposed to approach their unique position with humility, and to the betterment of the nations of the world. This is according to their theology and not my opinion, I am merely offering it in response to the question "what makes them think they're so special? Do they think they're better than us?" to paraphrase. In fact according to Jewsish religious tradition, the Gentiles who accept and uphold the 7 laws of the covenant of Noah are considered righteous and "have a share in the world to come (read Olam Habah in Hebrew). As to the problems with Ishmael (one of the sons of Abraham from which the Islamic tradition sprung) and his spiritual descendants, I can't say I can blame the jews for how they have responded to their Muslim neighbors, Islam has always hated the Jews, and the christians for that matter, from what I've studied in Islamic texts, even though they claim they are both "people of the Book" refering to the Hebrew bible. I can't speak to Palestine and all of this business, as it's not particularly my field of expertise.

Concerning the question of jewish being "jew" + "ish" as posted previously, Jordan Maxwell (who I like but I must say I disagree with some of his assertations) points out that the suffix "ish" reffers to the Hebrew word "ish" which means "man" (and "isha" means woman). Mind you we are talking about usages in english, but it is possible that if the root is in the hebrew language, then the term applied as a suffix points to saying that these are nations of such-and-such kinds of "men" or humans in the generic, inclusive sense. Maxwell's assertion here is that Brit-ish is a combination of the world "Brit" or "Bris" which means "covenant" and "ish" meaning man. So he asserts that the British royal family thinks they are the true jews in a weird magickal sense, which I don't really understand, but it's clear that the British royal family have been involved in occultic practices throughout their history.

Just some food for thought. I'm not a fan of blaming the Jews for anything, that's like blaming the Tibetans for being murdered by the chinese. Hate who you like, but eventually that hate will consume you and destroy you.

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 09:33 PM
Regarding the question of world banking, and more specifically centralized banking, this tired "ZOG" mentality is a little spurious. The Rockerfellers, Rothschilds, Morgans, Chases, are responsible for installing fractional reserve banking around the world, and the implementation of our current form of fiat currency. It doesn't take much detective work to see who is behind the CFR, The Trilateral Commision, The Bilderber Group and other "think-tanks" who set policy in this country, and around the world to a large degree. As to which ones are Jewish, that I'm not sure of. I know Rothschild (which was not his actual last name, it means "Red Shield" which was the name of his initial banking concern) was German. Rockerfeller I belive did come from a Jewish family but has never been religiously observant to my knowledge. So the question becomes, what is the element that ties together the Jewish people? They do not like being refered to as a race, and techinically I don't think they qualify as one (check for a jewish explanation of their beliefs, from their own mouths, not mine), and there are Jews from all over the world and all of the nations. Is the unifying element their culture of theological observances? That seems to be the case, except at *least* half of world jewry are not religious, so it seems like we can't blame the Jewish religion. Because some of the most profiteering and selfish invidiuals of the international banking scene may or may not have been technically Jewish (which means your mother has to be jewish, and as a result you are considered one automatically), they are not defacto practictioners of the Jewish religion, and therefore are what are reffered to as "assimilated" or "non-observant." Then the argument starts to fall apart, we can't blame the Jewish religion because these individuals don't follow the precepts of that religion. So then you are blaming the children of Jewish mothers, more or less, because that becomes the only unifying element with regard to some of these individuals. That thinking doesn't hold up to critical examination. The whole "ZOG" mentality seems like circular logic, and as I said before, blaming an entire social/ethnic/racial group of people is blatant logical fallacy. People have been blaming the jews for hundreds of years now, and I came from the bigotted south, so I understand how hatred and racism are often inherited without any real rationale or critical thinking-- hatred is often taught by parents to their children. When people say "I hate the blacks, they're apes" or "I hate the Jews, they're rich" or "I hate the Asians, they're barbarians" or "I hate the f*gs, they are perverts" this becomes an emotional argument, not an intellectual one, and is therefore illogical. Just my opinion. I don't like the Central bankers either, but some of them coincidentally being jews by birth is not the reason I dislike them or their policies. The Anti-semitism thing is a distraction to take our minds away from the real issues-- namely how we are being herded like sheep into the abbatoirs of the elite, giving up our freedoms for a little temporary and illusionary security.

posted on Dec, 27 2006 @ 12:58 AM
the problem is NOT the jewish people

it's the state of israel

the actions taken by this state have been atrocious and quite illegal

it just happens that the country is primarily jewish

posted on Dec, 27 2006 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by Britguy

Israel serves the US interests? Surely it's the other way around? Ever notice soon as someone takes office they are courted by Israeli/Jewish groups who most often have also donated to their campaign funds. I'm sure they donate that money out of kindness though and don't really expect anything in return.
The Israeli government dictates US foreign policy in the Middle East, it's as clear as the nose on your face.

Israel represents freedom in the Middle East? Get real. Immigrant workers and non-Jews are second class citizens. Even the Ethiopian Jews resettled in recent times took to the streets not so long ago to protest against the racist treatment they receive at the hands of the ethnic European Jews in Israel.

If our own Governments didn't spend so much time coveting what the Arab world sits on, there would be no militant Arabs hitting back at us. Israel also needs it's cut of those resources, oil, water, land, in order to expand by using it's proxies like the US/UK to assist in it's aggression.

I agree with most of this. Israel is very racist..even among their own. Most peoples do not know the difference in Shepardic and Askinazi Jews and think all are handled the same.

That buisness of the Ethiopian Jews protesting is not something the media here is wont to let would hardly get past the editors.

However I disagree with you in that Israel calls the shots. They can call some locally ..but in certain things happening they are controlled.

I do agree that both the American and British governments cater to the Arabs. This has been true since before WW2 when the Brits established the early oil wells and fields through most of the mid east. Us Yanks were late comers to this arena since after WW2. The British Government was obviously siding with the Arabs in 1947 before the founding of the nation we today call Israel. This is one of the sore spots with many of the original groups which became today the IDF. It was these early Jewish groups who blew up the King David Hotel where the British housed many of their officers. The Jews know about terrorism long before the Arabs..going back ot the Zealots against the Romans. Ancient Palestine could be a dangerous place for a drunken Roman to run around alone.

This catering is simply because Israel purchases on Credit with little prospect of repayment and the Arabs many of them pay Cash as did the Shah of Iran before his overthrow. Plus the West needs the oil.
This too is not something widely advertised to the public but simple to think through if you are not stuck on television drivel.
As I recall it was Golda Maer who in frustration declared that God gave the Israelis the only place in the Mid East with no oil.

As I stated in a earlier post..Israel is in a condition not told to most of the world. It will become obvious before long. to being courted by the Israelis..when elected to public office. I remind you ..especially here in the states...public officials are courted by many special intrest groups..not just the soon as they are sworn in ...sometimes before swearing in. Smoke filled rooms, campaign funds and all that rot. You are not making a unique point here.


posted on Dec, 27 2006 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by Trinity2492
um im jewish and Im not part of some world bank...just trying to make a living like any other person

I apologize. I was not speaking for Jewish people in general. I only meant to impress the point that (last i checked) 90% of all the wealth ($) in the world belongs to less than 10% of the world's population.

I did not mean that Jewish people own the majority of the wealth of the world, given that 3 of the richest worlds are arabic, i believe??

sorry for misrepresenting my own thoughts.

posted on Dec, 27 2006 @ 03:07 AM
An interesting point to note, and I'm not certain about the financial details regarding the loan-structure of Israel vs. the Arab countries, but to correlate to what orangetom1999 mentioned about how the Arabs pay in cash-- according to the Koran, charging interest on loans is expressly forbidden. Now of course as to which countries actually practice this I'm not sure (I would guess the Saudi's and Jordanians probably don't observe this prohibition-- since they don't seem very religious, but I can't base this on any evidence). That would probably account for the Arabs paying in cash up front for their dealings.

It certainly does seem like the US and UK have favoured the Arabs in the past, most notably of course for their petroleum resources (after all, that's why some Arab nations like Saudi Arabia are so rich). There may be a specific reason why past presidents of the eveangelical christian variety like Reagan for example, have put so much emphasis on keeping a thumb on Israel-- acording to their own eschatology, this site will usher in the war of Armagaddon, and thus bring the fire and brimstone the apocalyptic christians of this ilk have lusted after-- their opportunity to finally go to "heaven." There is an excellent essay in the original Apocalypse Culture called "The Coming of the Penteholocaust: Zionism and the Christian Right" which illustrates this mindset aptly. There is apparently a fair amount of growing unhappiness among observant religious jews in Israel regarding Ehud Olmert (who I personally dislike based on a number of political reasons, most stated by religious jews living in Israel). It's actually kind of interesting, taken straight out of the language of the war of Gogumgog in the Hewbrew scripture, many jews have taken to reffering to Olmert as "Armelus the Wicked." They also rather humurously refer to George w. Bush as "Gog W. Bush" as I have noticed (which could be more accurate than we think depending on these next two years of history). In many ways the state of Israel is absolutely a puppet state of the UN, and this is not just my opinion but the opinion of many who live in the country. It is, however a proverbial can of worms that America/UK/UN have open in the middle east. As Immortal Technique stated "You f*cked the Middle East and gave birth to a demon." Quite possibly so, unfortunately.

One more important thing to remember, the most "sacred" tract of land to the 3 Abrahamic faiths (I use that term loosely) is this territory that has been called Palestine. Or more importantly it is the site of the destroyed temple of Solomon which now has the Al Ahksah (sp?) mosque built upon the site of it's ruins. The muslims want it, the Jews want to eventually have their temple rebuilt upon this site (although according to their tradition it is the Moschiach who will rebuild the temple), and the christians want to control it as well (let's not forget when the Templars were in Jerusalem searching for the "holy grail" among who knows what else they were doing there). This little sliver of land is why there will not be peace in the Middle East. Everyone seems to think it belongs to them. Perhaps time alone will tell.

posted on Dec, 27 2006 @ 11:00 AM
Your first two posts on this page are very intresting.

I am not aware of that Jewish Mythology from the Bible as you state it. To me this comes more from a book like the Talmud or such. I dont find this in my Olde Testament nor my New Testament. I find only that the Hebrews through God to Moses received the Law. Nothing about this group of other people.
What I do find about the "other" nations surrounding the Hebrews is that they were considered abominations to God and that the Hebrews were not to do or take on the traditions of these abominable nations. I find it difficult to think that God would offer His Word to a nation or people for whom He considered an abomination.

What we do see over and over in the Olde Testament is the Nation of Israel doing exactly that ..taking on the abominations of the nations surrounding them and trying often to pass these abominations and traditions off as if they were the Law of Moses. Many of the Christians today are following exactly this same pattern.

There is nothing Holy about the land today called Israel. It is a cesspool and a dung heap. And I mean from the Arab side as well as the Jewish side. There is history there but history can be said about many nations. I have no ambition to visit this so called Holy Land. Anything I need to know about this area of the world can be found in books. YOu must be very careful here however as books can be a land mine too depending on the authors and thier biases.

What I know about this is that a holy land was originally offered to the Jews by the Cecil Rhodes Group... South Africa. The Jews turned this down prefering the olde land which was then Palestine under British Control.

When WW1 ground to a halt in the trenchs and the French Army went on strike at the front in 1916 the British realized the French were used up. They needed new blood to enter the trenchs to replace the French. THat blood was to be found in the United States of America.

THe Jews realized that this was a opportunity through their media and political connections in the USA to get the United States into the war on the side of Britian in exchange for the olde homeland of Palestine. This was done. Obviously before this turn of events the USA was neutral.
A receipt for services was drawn up in the form of a declaration offering the land of Palestine to the Jews. This declaration was called the Balfour Declaration..written by Lord Arthur Balfour.

The problem came about after WW1 was concluded in the issuance of a British White Paper nullifying the declaration. This is the source of distrust between the Jews and the British Government and the source of fighting between the pre IDF factions in Palestine including the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. The Jews dont quite trust the Brits to this very day.

This is not how our history books read in order to cover up this sordid history.

THis land of Israel we see today is an artifical construct of men. I figure they have about 70 years of existance to thier credit as events are unfolding. About 2018 or so.

As to banking today and how it is carried out. These origins are not from Biblical sources. Neither Olde Testament nor New Testament. They must be from other sources. I believe you refered in one of your earlier posts to "fiat" money systems. This definitely is not of Biblical sources. It has to be from the other side...the other side than the Word/Bible. Another doctrine ..another bible. Most peoples havent a clue about this type of slavery. How about those Redskins...the al.
These doctrines are obvously not from the Hebrew instruction....The Law ..but the doctrines of the nations surrounding Ancient Israel.
This is a very intresting study unto itself.

Very intresting posts you have made.

posted on Dec, 27 2006 @ 11:15 AM
The way I understand it is that the Jews who are reclaiming Israel for their own are not the old bloodline jews who were to be the source of all of the reconstruction, making right after the Hitler horrors. We have Jews from London moving there is vast amounts, Kazar Jews from Russia, and of course American Jews.

Jewish people today are not the Jewish peoples of yesteryear.

Maybe a new breed has infilterated the concept of Jews and capitalized on the global sensitivity that no one can say anything to question Jewish goings on without the hammer coming down on them in some form. Hitler managed to make any "anti-semantic" thoughts or words so taboo that they are rarely uttered and if so the person is subjected to public riducule as in the case of Mel Gibson.

There is definitely wisdom to be had in tracing this puzzle with it's myriad pieces, for myself it becomes much to complicated, good job propaganda teams, but in my heart I know something is amiss, big time,.

posted on Dec, 27 2006 @ 12:04 PM

I was educated in the same manner. Most peoples think of Jews as being just Jews. However among many Jews they have categorys among themselves as to origins and pecking orders of priority so to speak. I was shocked to learn of this. The olde Jews of the Olde Testament are what are called Shephardic Jews. The Ashkenazi Jews of whom the majority inhabit Israel today are of European origin and pedigree. The Ashkenazi consider themselves higher on the pecking order than they do the Shephardic. THe Ethiopian Jews immigrated recently into Israel are considered the lower class or Shephardic Jews.

Much of this comes from the origins in the Talmud...where it is permissable to treat a person not of the Talmudic practice differently than another Talmudic person. Jews can be treated differently from non Jews by this principle. You just dont refer to the origins of this system publically.

You see this type of mistreatment principle in many peoples not just Jews.

Mormons are permitted to treat a non Saint differently from a Saint.

Muslims ..a non muslim differently from a muslim. Even within the Muslim Commuinity there are differences like the Shephardic and Ashkenazi. The Shiite can be treated differently from the Sunni and so on.

The Nazis treated Jews differently from non Jews.

Whites differently from blacks

Even Blacks differently from Whites.

In my biases..I consider all these groups to be Talmudic in practice. The Talmud being the origins of this type of double standard.

To be fair to people as a whole..not all people adhere to this double standard in practice and the Talmud is not actually of Jewish or Hebrew origins. It is a practice adopted by them from Pagan origins or thier contact with Pagan nations.

There are even Jews like the Karaites who do not accept the Talmud or Talmudic practices. This too is not widely known.

To their credit there are people out here who do not know of the origins or even the existance of this dogma yet do not also practice this and find it an abomination.

Excellent that you know something is amiss. Many do not..even if you explain it to them.

My point here is that there are doctrines and dogmas not known and deliberately kept ignorant or from the bulk of peoples ..not accidental. And not just by the Jews either ..also by others. The Jews have no such monopoly on this conduct.

All this blaming the Jews for this or that does not wash with I know others are practicing this double standard too. It is all through history even the Bible if you know where to look. The story of the woman caught in adultery in the New Testament is textbook of this Talmudic practice. Yet ironically many preachers do not define it for what it actually is. They are part of the cover up. Ignorance is not bliss here.

Thanks for your post,

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