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Proud to be a Hillbilly!

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posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 08:41 PM
I'm proud to be a hillbilly
yes it seems to be safe to say
And I don't fell the least bit silly
when I wake up each day

Start of a song that I may post some day. But yes, i am proud to be a hillbilly! I own guns, I like pickups, the confederate flag and monster truck rallys. You could call me a redneck, a hick, whatever you want because I'm proud to be a hillbilly.

I vote right wing and in church I do sing the loudest.
I believe in civil rights but I'll stand up and fight to keep my flag the way it is.
Call me racist or crude, what you call our prez even though he's an excellent dude.
Cause i'll stand up in crowds and talk real loud
'bout how I'm proud to be a hillbilly!

The other Right Wingers are prbably not as eager to standup and be counted as a son of the soil, but after hearing bush repeatedly scorned for "lacking class" I decided to give my own views on the subject.

I also suck donkeychestnuts when it comes to writing songs

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 08:43 PM
I thought you were Mexican?

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 09:42 PM
I am, and I am still a son of the soil

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by Dreamstone
I am, and I am still a son of the soil

That's.....kind of odd.

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 09:51 PM

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 09:53 PM
Yeah man listen to the urban heinz 57 lefty sexually confused urbanite!

they are a study in purity and purpose!

or the indication of man's pending future downfall.

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Dreamstone
I am, and I am still a son of the soil

are you a refugee by any chance? just curious on how deluded you really are.
oh wait...this is another "let me be american coz mehico sux ass" scenario
hey, better american than ukranian, i'm sure you'd be welcome among your average run-of-the-mill skinhead here
do u have a home, or are you intent on using an internet cafe for the rest of ur miserable life

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by Cyrus

Originally posted by Dreamstone
I am, and I am still a son of the soil

are you a refugee by any chance? just curious on how deluded you really are.
oh wait...this is another "let me be american coz mehico sux ass" scenario
hey, better american than ukranian, i'm sure you'd be welcome among your average run-of-the-mill skinhead here
do u have a home, or are you intent on using an internet cafe for the rest of ur miserable life

So i suppose wearing your pants around your a$$ and beating up women and cheating on your wife and walking out on your kids is acceptable in todays society? Why can't people be proud? Kill Political Correctiveness. Stop being guilty and being a tool.

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 01:41 AM
first of all no offense but the proud to be a hillbilly thing is dumb. haha well it did make me laugh so kudos on that. second why is everyone bashing this dude? like he stands up and says what he is and then people call him an idiot? at least he had the balls to say who he really is. i dont care if you're a dumb redneck but i am not going to say you suck for it. stop this holier than thou attitude and judge yourself before you judge someone else. like your # dont stink. (is that redneck saying?)

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 01:45 AM
It's a way of life. some people are raised that way. what's dumb is you judging him by his pride. Go take a time-out and think hard.

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 01:49 AM
hmmm. hahaha. that was a joke homes i meant no offense by it. also i was judging him by his balls for lack of a better word. you think its dumb for me to judge on his "pride" but better for people to judge on the way he was raised?

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 01:56 AM
Everyone has the right to be proud of something. This is america. We all have the right to bash the kid for being proud of it. That's a part of being american too.

I don't think it took much ballz. There are a lot of folk on here that agree with you and love waving the rebel flag and voting republican. It's easy to promote a side regardless of the issues. You did the easy thing...well maybe not the song/poem--I have to admit it takes guts to get poetic on ats.

We are all judgemental then you wanna get protectionist on this thread...come on (insert al gore eye roll

[Edited on 25-11-2003 by Saphronia]

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 01:59 AM
i want to get unignorant. haha. judging people for how they are is like judging the sky for being blue. deny ignorance not promote it by making fun of him. why dont we just go to a play ground where you can call his momma fat?

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 02:20 AM
Then what is the use in having debate? I believe the rebel flag is racist and anti-american. I can't disagree with his point of view and judge him for all the things that come along with rebel flag waving? In my opinion that's ignorant. Nobody is going to agree with everything you believe in, and if you post a point of view you should be ready to defend it.

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 02:29 AM
ok first off about the rebel flag. the rebel flag for the people in the south no longer represents what it did when it was made. what the rebel flag represents to them, or should i say us being that i live in texas, (i have no affliation with the rebel flag *shrugs shoulders*) is that to show people were you come from. the rebel flag means you are from the south and you are quote un quote a redneck. its just were you are from and how you you live your life. it no longer is associated with slavery and receeding from the united states. for us anyway. wait let me correct myself. maybe for some but for most not. i cant speak for everyone.

second ya you should defend your self in a debate but i was talking bout the flame mostly.

"are you a refugee by any chance? just curious on how deluded you really are.
oh wait...this is another "let me be american coz mehico sux ass" scenario
hey, better american than ukranian, i'm sure you'd be welcome among your average run-of-the-mill skinhead here
do u have a home, or are you intent on using an internet cafe for the rest of ur miserable life"

there is no need for that and it hardly constitutes as a rebuttle for a debate.

[Edited on 11-25-2003 by hmmm]

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 02:38 AM
i would never get that dirty but this is the mudpit. I see your point, but you have to realize that anything that has such negative connotation attached to it is gunna get a vicious response, especially when it goes to issues of race in america. skinheads love the rebel flag...the kkk, love the rebel flag. you can't just say i wave my rebel flag but i'm for civil rights but i vote republican. that's contradiction and ignorance all wrapped up into one statement.

what is a redneck? cause when i hear it I think of lynchings, i think of the kkk, and i think of waterhoses spraying men, women, and children who are fighting for civil rights.

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 02:44 AM
yes but your identifying someone else with someone else. this is called stereotyping. (i know you know what it means i'm just being an ass) the kkk and skin heads take the rebel flag because its old meaning supports thier way of thinking. just like hitler took the swastica (not sure on spelling?) which was a symbol of good luck to many previous cultures (i forget where) and turned it into something that represented what we know it as today. now should people who still believe in the swastica as a good luck symbol be classified as racist? it has 2 different meanings. my apologies if he is a racist.

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 02:53 AM
I have no problem with someone being a "son of the soil" or a hillbilly. My family came from Texas and Alabama. The thing that bothers me about the whole "redneck" thing, is that they tend not to think for themselves. They tend to be racist, and prejudice against people or things that are different. And "rednecks" (at least the many I have known) tend to base their thinking off of what their "daddy", or pastor told them. They usually fight vehemently for their civil rights and religious rights and personal freedom, but rarely fight for the civil rights, religious rights, or personal rights of another race, religion, or even sexual orientation. They often fail to realize that unless ALL of the rights they fight for, apply to ALL Americans, then those rights will never apply ANY of us.

There is no crime in supporting a president or voting right-wing, if you are doing it because you believe in them, regardless of their political affiliation. Most people however, tend to support people and political parties, solely because of their right-wing/left-wing labels and not because they believe in them or understand their motives. They tend to rationalize their favored politicians actions rather than find the truth of the matter. So, Dreamstone, if you are happy as a redneck, more power to ya, but make sure you always think for yourself. Even if it means questioning what is told to you by those you trust most. Propaganda comes from all sides in an argument.

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 03:03 AM
agreed but i try not to associate with those sort of people. and i find that most of them arent like that (in my case!!!) i'm sure a bunch are though. but how will racism ever be resolved? as long as people are different there will be racism

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 03:06 AM
stereotypes are true. they're generalizations and while they don't apply to everyone they apply to most. it's up to individuals to explain where they are coming from. if you support something like the swastika you are going to be put in a round hole even if you are a square peg. i'm not saying it's right. i'm saying it's how we relate to one another.

symbols of hate are symbols of hate. I compare this to the N-word. some black folk embrace it and others don't. it's still fire, and if it's used it's still racist to some you can't get around it and say oh well it doesn't mean does mean that. just because there's a dual meaning doesn't take away one or the other. they both can stand, and you are going to be subject to the negative just like the positive.

oh well...

[Edited on 25-11-2003 by Saphronia]

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