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What is The Reason Behind 9/11 Conspiracy Theories?

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posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 05:45 PM

What is Energy? Can Oil just be one example of what humanity can expect to see from our world "leaders"?

I personally think of energy as more than oil and that what is happening in the middle East is about control, and not only of oil and gas.

Energy = Mass X Speed of light squared

E = MC squared.

Sorry, but I’m really hopeless at points like this they seem to lose me in what is no doubt obvious simplicity to others, and my mind literally boggles at trying to even understand it. Perhaps it's a female trait...

I lead toward the belief that the ‘leaders’ already control everything albeit that it is done through subterfuge and manipulation, and that ‘we’ for the most part just don’t realize it yet.

* No, i was not directing any questions at you personally Gypsy_Rose, just expanding upon your thought processes that made me ask myself some rhetorical questions, that i thought i would share. It is a writing style i use a little too much some times, but at least it provokes thought. I very much enjoyed reading your posts. Thanks for your contributions.

Thank you. I didn’t think you were, however, I like to consider other ideas and also to look at other/fresh angles, it allows me to be a learner in and off life rather than merely a participant. Hope that makes sense.


posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by CameronFox

Many people reported hearing explosions.

Besides commons sense should tell you that two steel frame buildings don't colapse in free fall speed because of a fire.

This isnt the first time a plane crashed into a building, and in all the other cases where this has happened, the buildings never collapse, and they burned much longer then the twin towers.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by jinsanity
What do you think of Scott Forbes? He worked at the trade towers and he said there was a mysterious powerdown the weekend before and odd work going on throughout the building.

Of all of the people who worked in the towers.....he is the ONLY person reported such a thing.....and he has provided absolutely ZERO evidence to back up his claims.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 03:30 AM
Yeah, I don't get the conspiracy kooks either.

Why be suspicious when there was no political manipulation regarding JFK's assassination and no motives by his myriad enemies - or the perfectly proper investigation by the Warren Commission?

When there was no reason to doubt that the Vietnam "conflict", (not a declared war), was triggered by manufactured events, with no motive by the military industrial complex or that the US government systematically lied to the American public for six years?

Why would loyal, patriotic Americans doubt US government officials when the Iran/Contra disaster was but a smear campaign concocted by the lowlife liberals to bash the republicans?

How would good Americans doubt any government officials about an alleged cover-up of the Israeli attack on the American ship USS Liberty - when it was all just a misunderstanding/mistaken identity?

What true American could possibly doubt that the WMD and al Qaeda connection within Iraq was anything but a simple mistake (and/or) weren't we all just concerned from the beginning about the freedom of those poor Iraqi people?

How could loyal Americans, (conspiracy kooks), be suspicious about Bush and company that vigorously fought the independent investigation of the 911 events, when it would be a huge distraction?

Or the forty urgent warnings within presidential daily briefs that were ignored, (even though CIA director George Tenet claimed that the US intelligence system was "blinking red" as never before)? Or the utter failure to respond militarily to the attacks? Or the large number of phantom radar blips that were intentionally injected into the FAA's system, that made timely location of the hijacked aircraft impossible? Or the war drills that left Washington and New York vulnerable that day? Or that only one of these drills was buried deeply in the 911 Commission's final report? Or the recent transfer of authority over training drills to VP Dick Cheney, four months before the attacks? Or the change in intercept protocols for errant aircraft over the US, three months before the 911 attacks? Or that a large, lumbering commercial aircraft could reverse course, fly for thirty-five minutes and 275 miles directly toward Washington DC, after it was known to be hijacked, only to strike the most heavily defended building in the US?

Or the myriad thwarted investigations into those that would later hijack airliners on 911? Or the immense body of intelligence about many of the hijackers, (Able Danger), that was destroyed before the attacks? Or the past connections of several of the hijackers with US military intelligence and training schools? Or the deleted testimony by the 911 Commission of a number of witnesses that contradicted the official 911 version of events? Or the long-term family ties between Bush and the bin Laden family that were suppressed by the White House? Or that chief antiterrorism expert Richard Clarke, (working closely with three previous US presidents), was removed from president Bush's inner circle only months before the 911 attacks by national Security Advisor Condalezza Rice, and was merely an unfortunate coincident?

Or that a phone call to (then) democratic congressional leader senator Tom Dashle from president Bush, warning that the congressional investigation into the 911 attacks could become a major distraction with upcoming elections, was of no consequence? Or that another call, several days later, by vice president Dick Cheney to Senator Tom Dashle, (overheard by a local reporter on the speakerphone), warning the senator that the democratic party would "pay a high price" if the congressional investigation into the 911 attacks was "of too much depth", was of no significance and politics as usual?

Or that to investigate Clinton and the Space Shuttle disaster were $50 million each, yet $15 million was appropriate for 911?

Yeah, just a bunch of conspiracy kooks with no reason to mistrust government officials.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 04:46 AM
The reason the theories exist is the extraordinarily bizarre nature of the events, and the evidence that remained. They need an explanation, and to those with a critical eye the government's explanation doesn't hold water.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by ExpertTexpert
Yeah, I don't get the conspiracy kooks either.

Why be suspicious when there was no political manipulation regarding JFK's assassination and no motives by his myriad enemies - or the perfectly proper investigation by the Warren Commission?

When there was no reason to doubt ....

Snipped long quote...

I don't know that I've ever seen so many Straw Man arguments in one place.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox

Originally posted by jinsanity
*If there wasn't something more to 9/11, if it had happened as Fox and CNN and Bush said it did then we wouldn't be having these debates. Everyone would come to the same conclusion.

This is however a democracy and with the large amount of people who can't accept the "official story" well that in itself speaks volumes.

What do you think of Scott Forbes? He worked at the trade towers and he said there was a mysterious powerdown the weekend before and odd work going on throughout the building.

What is the reason behind the conspiracy theories?

It is our right and our duty to question the authorities when such things occur because the past has shown us false flag attacks are a reality.

For me personnally, coming from a huge bush supporter to absolutely detesting the man I can say for certain that 9/11 doesn't add up.

I've been on both sides of the coin. It was hindsight that got me however. After a while it dawned on me that Bush isn't the patriot he claims to be.

It should be a president's duty to attend the funeral of every soldier who dies for the President and the country.

[edit on 2-12-2006 by jinsanity]

[edit on 2-12-2006 by jinsanity]

Jin, why do you offer such disinformation on the power down? Why is there only ONE person that speaks of it. Was it a "mystery?" Why was it only at 1 building? You need to expand your search for the truth outside Jones, Avery, and the rest of them. And please when you post...provide a source. "ODD" work going on? Define Odd please.

W: Besides Forbes, Ben Fountain and William Rodriguez mention power downs and evacuation drills just before 9/11.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox

Originally posted by jinsanity

Jin I watched some of this...

1.Reporter for USA Today stated that the FBI believed that bombs in the buildings brought the buildings down

That video was from SEPTEMBER 11th 2001! People were speculating MANY different things that turned out to be false. Remember the reports of car bombs at malls? Fogs of war my friend.

2. NY Fire Department Chief of Safety stated there were "bombs" and "secondary devices", which caused the explosions in the buildings (video); or high-quality audio here

Again this is a report on 9/11/01. When people heard explosions...BOMBS were the first thing you would think of. Transformers explode..steel collapsing can sound like an explosion. ( Google BIG BLUE COLLAPSE) and LISTEN to that video.

This site is pure garbage. All reports from THE DAY of the even. What SOUNDS like an explosion does NOT mean it WAS a bomb.

W: That's typical whitewashing. You forget the fact that witnesses, such as Willian Rodriguez, the last man to escape the WTC, said that the explosions came from BELOW the WTC. He said it was a loud boom that came from BELOW, NOT ABOVE. He is very clear about this. He said the explosion he heard was clearly a bomb, not a plane or a floor snapping.

Have you seen the new movie "Changeling" with Angelina Jolie? It shows the kind of tactics authorities use to deny and whitewash the facts when they don't fit their agenda. The 9/11 official defenders are just like the LAPD in that movie "Changeling".

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by ExpertTexpert
Yeah, I don't get the conspiracy kooks either.

Why be suspicious when there was no political manipulation regarding JFK's assassination and no motives by his myriad enemies - or the perfectly proper investigation by the Warren Commission?

When there was no reason to doubt that the Vietnam "conflict", (not a declared war), was triggered by manufactured events, with no motive by the military industrial complex or that the US government systematically lied to the American public for six years?

Why would loyal, patriotic Americans doubt US government officials when the Iran/Contra disaster was but a smear campaign concocted by the lowlife liberals to bash the republicans?

How would good Americans doubt any government officials about an alleged cover-up of the Israeli attack on the American ship USS Liberty - when it was all just a misunderstanding/mistaken identity?

What true American could possibly doubt that the WMD and al Qaeda connection within Iraq was anything but a simple mistake (and/or) weren't we all just concerned from the beginning about the freedom of those poor Iraqi people?

How could loyal Americans, (conspiracy kooks), be suspicious about Bush and company that vigorously fought the independent investigation of the 911 events, when it would be a huge distraction?

W: Great points. And also, why is it not suspicious at all that the BBC's Jane Standley reported the collapse of Building 7 over 20 minutes BEFORE its collapse? The BBC said it was a mistake. Ok, but why would it make a mistake like that? Why "accidentally" report that a 47 steel structured building that was not even hit by a plane, would collapse, when logic says it will not? Why not say a building on the moon collapsed by mistake?

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