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I want my Gun Rack in the back of My Pickup

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posted on Nov, 15 2003 @ 11:17 PM
Guns kill people, thats the point. Anti gun activists so often complain about how guns are the source of the violene and death today in America, and how banning guns all together would solve it.

Ill tell you something, it wouldn't. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Its another example of treating the symptoms, and not the disease. People kill people, whether becasue of drugs, lifestyle, or emotional problems, a gun does not walk ff on its own and shoot your neighbor in the face.

Bowling for Columbine. Standing ovation at Cannes right? Great movie about America? What a load. more anti gun propaganda. More making anyone who supports their constitutionally given right of owning a gun seem like an ignorant hick. there's a reason michael moore is being sued, its because he is a liar.

Should assault weapons be legal? I don't believe so. They can't be used to hunt effectively, and are all but useless in home defense. They are good for recreation, but otherwise they are useless. If a gun is to be used, it is to be used to defend yourself and your family, or to hunt down an animal, kill it, cut its head off, and put it on your wall. thats why our founding fathers put that in there, so we could protect ourselves from the government or others. And considering how some liberals complain about the government, I'm amazed that they don't buy guns by the truckload.

Gun ownership is a right, but is also a responsibility. Guns aren't for the pudsucker who just got out of jail and is looking for a 711 to hit. Guns are for upright citizens who wish to protect themselves from the cudsucker looking for a 711.

I'd like to hear more views on this.

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 12:08 AM
Some people, who argue that guns should be banned from society, site that things are different in todays society than they were back when the constitution was written. They were right. BUT! Most gun owners are responsible citizens. Maybe the only political conspiracy I truly believe in is the systematic demolition of the constitution. That is part of it. There were places in this country that it was illegal not to have a firearm in the home in the early stages of this country. Why? Well primarily for self defense. Law wasnt the same back in those days. The main reason (and I know some of you will argue this) that guns were part of society the way they were then was to prevent a government from taking total control of its people. They all had firearms to defend themselves from a government. Yes hunting, yes self defense, these were some reasons as well. But the constitution was written in a way to defend the people from a government. It was written to give the power to the people. These days there are places I am afraid to go. I might get shot. Why? Not because we are allowed to carry weapons (I might feel safer in these places if I had my own) . Because of the lifestyle the people in those areas choose to live. If someone broke into my house, I would like to be able to put him down if need be. Those people breaking into my house are going to be armed whether it is legal or not. Australia, check its statistics on violent crimes before and after the removal of legal firearms. If I was going to commit a crime, I would be less likely to do it if I knew that a victim might be armed and more likely to do it if I knew they werent legally allowed to be. Like he said above. Treat the problem, taking away guns wont stop people from hurting each other.

[Edited on 11/16/2003 by Seapeople]

[Edited on 11/16/2003 by Seapeople]

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 12:16 AM

You are more likely to "take down" a family member that is coming into your house accidently then you are to "take down" a criminal breaking into your home.

Most criminals that break into a home do not have weapons. They usually think you aren't there and just want a tv or something. They are usually not armed.

How are you suppose to protect yourself from the government now-a-days? If they were to kill their citizens, they would use tanks.

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 12:19 AM
It doesnt matter, you are more likely to be "run down" by some old lady driving in her car than be "accidentally shot" by some kid.

So lets ban cars!

[Edited on 11/16/2003 by Seapeople]

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 12:51 AM

that's what you say when you haven't been the victim of a home invasion.

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by Seapeople
It doesnt matter, you are more likely to be "run down" by some old lady driving in her car than be "accidentally shot" by some kid.

So lets ban cars!

Or old people

A gun can be a lifesaver in the right hand with excellent judgement, or it can be a lifetaker in the wrong hand, wrong judgement. Point is, noone can possibly know or judge appropriately until it's too late..

But this should not reflect our rights!

[Edited on 11/16/03 by magestica]

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 01:13 AM
Gun's should be illegal. Lets look at it objectively. If you have a gun, if your attacker has a gun, someone will possibly be killed. I know its either you or him/her but who cares? someone will die. Ban guns outright, then you know who are the criminals. Do you honestly need a gun to protect yourself from the government? The government is supposed to represent the people. The government is the government because YOU voted it into place.

So lets just stop the kill or be killed BS right now. No one needs to die and lets leave it up to the people who we pay umpteen millions of dollars each year in taxes to protect us, the police and feds. This is such crap. No one needs a gun, they are completely outdated in modern society and they should all be destroyed.

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 01:20 AM
Ban people who do not know how to use a weapon period! Anything can take a life, bath water can. Objectively of course

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 01:25 AM
I'ts not the guns that kill people.. the bullets do.
Let people have guns, but take away the bullets. BAM! problem solved

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by insite
Gun's should be illegal. Lets look at it objectively. If you have a gun, if your attacker has a gun, someone will possibly be killed. I know its either you or him/her but who cares? someone will die. Ban guns outright, then you know who are the criminals. Do you honestly need a gun to protect yourself from the government? The government is supposed to represent the people. The government is the government because YOU voted it into place.

So lets just stop the kill or be killed BS right now. No one needs to die and lets leave it up to the people who we pay umpteen millions of dollars each year in taxes to protect us, the police and feds. This is such crap. No one needs a gun, they are completely outdated in modern society and they should all be destroyed.

Yeah, take them away. You know what. Religion is the reason for many deaths too. Take that away. Smoking. Man, that kills tons of people. Ban that. Drinking...You never drank before at all I am sure. Thousands of people each year die of that. Ban that. The point is that you can dream of your perfect communist society all you want. It will never happen. As long as people can think for themselves, they will form groups that have different opinions. Those groups will kill each other with rocks, knives, guns, whatever. We live in a messed up society that is trying to defy evolution. It used to be that the slowest man got caught by the tiger and his slow genes were not passed on. Now we keep everyone around and look at the nonsense that comes about.

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 01:28 AM
You can wash yourself in bathwater, you cant wash yourself in a haze of bullets, slugs, whatever. Guns cause problems. It's obvious. they are used for one thing and that thing is either killing or coming damn close.

I just want to hear one good reason, just one, why guns are SO important to the people. Thats all I ask, because from what I see, growing up in Savannah, GA, the ninth most crime ridden city in the WORLD, guns are nothing but a way for the most insignificant of people to feel powerful over another human being. Playing god, holding someone elses life in my hands is not on my idea of a great point on my "things to do before I die" list. Its sickening. WHY DO YOU PEOPLE NEED GUNS??? WHY??

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 01:32 AM
but then, most people who think that guns are the culpret don't so..

It's the finger holding the trigger. You don't know how or when or why to use a gun, then you should not have one. This is so funny to me because let's say guns are infact banned. Does this take the guns from the honest law abiding people or the clever criminals? I know about a dozen people off hand who own MANY guns that are not registered.

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 01:32 AM
Reply to Seapeople:
Listen, everything you listed has an alternative use. Guns? Nothing but death and injury. How will taking away guns lead to a communist society, your ideas are incredibly shortsighted in terms of this issue. The fact of the matter is that guns kill an insanely large amount of people every year. Its better to let that insanely large number of people live than have them die. I dont care about the number of people who die from whatever else you want to list, thats not the issue.

The issue is that guns kill a large chunk of the population every year. That is their intended purpose, to kill, why not get rid of them and let those people live?

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by insite
You can wash yourself in bathwater, you cant wash yourself in a haze of bullets, slugs, whatever. Guns cause problems. It's obvious. they are used for one thing and that thing is either killing or coming damn close.

I just want to hear one good reason, just one, why guns are SO important to the people. Thats all I ask, because from what I see, growing up in Savannah, GA, the ninth most crime ridden city in the WORLD, guns are nothing but a way for the most insignificant of people to feel powerful over another human being. Playing god, holding someone elses life in my hands is not on my idea of a great point on my "things to do before I die" list. Its sickening. WHY DO YOU PEOPLE NEED GUNS??? WHY??

It doesnt matter. Because we want them. Hunters use guns. Police use guns. Guns are real. They are not fake. People are going to have them whether you ban them or not. People will kill each other either way. If there was no guns. People hang each other. Cut heads off with swords. Smash faces in with rocks. Society is violent. It will always be that way. There is nothing that taking guns away would do to stop that. Like I said....look up australia. See what happens when you ban guns. It doesnt matter anyway. People pull the trigger. People stab there enemy. The brick didnt jump up onto reginal's head. Someone smashed it on there.

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 01:36 AM
it may be that finger holding the trigger, but if you take away the trigger? It's not just the damn criminals who have the guns and the trigger fingers, its also the responsible parents, the paranoid homeowners and the vigilanties who have the guns, let the guns fall into the wrong hands and these guns end up causing far more problems than they are worth. Yes I am against everyone owning a gun, i just dont see the point. You want a gun? thats great, but dont go blaming it on the person behind the trigger because the person behind the trigger would be a lot less efficient without a tool designed for killing at their disposal

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by insite
Reply to Seapeople:
Listen, everything you listed has an alternative use. Guns? Nothing but death and injury. How will taking away guns lead to a communist society, your ideas are incredibly shortsighted in terms of this issue. The fact of the matter is that guns kill an insanely large amount of people every year. Its better to let that insanely large number of people live than have them die. I dont care about the number of people who die from whatever else you want to list, thats not the issue.

The issue is that guns kill a large chunk of the population every year. That is their intended purpose, to kill, why not get rid of them and let those people live?

And as far as you comment on what I said about a communist society. You didnt read into what I wrote. A communist society in theory is very happy. People are all equal nomatter what their talents. Violence is at a minimum. Yada yada yada. What I am saying is no matter what you do, people will kill each other in any way they can.

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 01:42 AM
You are just losing the point. It's a right. We should not lose it. There will still be guns even if the entire planet bans them. And what right do we lose next? Something you might be adament about keeping?

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 01:42 AM
Another reply to Seapeople,
I'm sorry i did not mean to mislead you into thinking i was talking about australia. The united states is a world leader in homicide. the majoity of these homicides are the results of firearms. Yes people are violent i will definately give you that, but you take away the guns and it gets a lot harder for some psycho to go kill someone. think of the number of people who would be able to live another day if it wasnt for guns. hunters use guns as tools, thats great, but hunters make up a tiny portion of the community and they could live without them. Police wouldnt need guns if they didnt have to fight against psychos with guns themselves.

you could get rid of guns. it's easy. lets take australia or britain, government buys back the guns, no guns on the streets. all of a sudden its is more sensible to sell your gun for an inflated price than kill someone with it. this leaves only the true mental cases out there who want their gun to kill and a large majority of people who have no need for a gun are left a lot safer

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by insite
Another reply to Seapeople,
I'm sorry i did not mean to mislead you into thinking i was talking about australia. The united states is a world leader in homicide. the majoity of these homicides are the results of firearms. Yes people are violent i will definately give you that, but you take away the guns and it gets a lot harder for some psycho to go kill someone. think of the number of people who would be able to live another day if it wasnt for guns. hunters use guns as tools, thats great, but hunters make up a tiny portion of the community and they could live without them. Police wouldnt need guns if they didnt have to fight against psychos with guns themselves.

you could get rid of guns. it's easy. lets take australia or britain, government buys back the guns, no guns on the streets. all of a sudden its is more sensible to sell your gun for an inflated price than kill someone with it. this leaves only the true mental cases out there who want their gun to kill and a large majority of people who have no need for a gun are left a lot safer

If you take away guns...people will still die. Guns arent the only way people kill each other these days. How about them terrorists? Did they have guns? Think of all the people who would have lived another day if those pilots had guns!

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by insite
Gun's should be illegal. Lets look at it objectively. If you have a gun, if your attacker has a gun, someone will possibly be killed. I know its either you or him/her but who cares? someone will die. Ban guns outright, then you know who are the criminals. Do you honestly need a gun to protect yourself from the government? The government is supposed to represent the people. The government is the government because YOU voted it into place.

So lets just stop the kill or be killed BS right now. No one needs to die and lets leave it up to the people who we pay umpteen millions of dollars each year in taxes to protect us, the police and feds. This is such crap. No one needs a gun, they are completely outdated in modern society and they should all be destroyed.

Think if I attacked your family. You had a gun behind your waist. I take out my gun and point at your family. Would you shoot me or let me shoot your whole family in front of you and then kill you too?! Ah oh yeah but the cops will know it will was me shooting not you!

Are you still thing that goverment should banned the guns?!

Yes? Well if yes then you are a MORON!

All I know you can sell you weapon but I will have mine!

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