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Facial Recognition Made Easy: Myspace

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posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 03:03 PM
Here is a thought from a conspiracy theorist: Is MySpace a data mining project of the NSA to build a facial recognition software database?

If sources are right, MySpace, Google, AT&T, etc., are in bed with the government, it would make sense to use these resources to build a database of US citizens and those who might object to the continued undermining of the Constitution, especially minors who are not required (yet) to have photo ID's.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by MrMicrophone
Here is a thought from a conspiracy theorist: Is MySpace a data mining project of the NSA to build a facial recognition software database?

Wow, never even thought of that. Very creative and plausible in my opinion.

ATS Skunk Works

You should explore this idea in the forum linked above. I can see it taking some serious life.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 04:21 PM
This guy has just put forward one potential conspiracy that makes you think.

I never thought of Myspace in THAT way. Potential database of the worlds population.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 04:27 PM
Wow, very plausible......

I think I'll just replace my "myspace" pic with my best friends pic,,, lol he's better lookin than me anyway.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by Beer_Guy
Wow, very plausible......

I think I'll just replace my "myspace" pic with my best friends pic,,, lol he's better lookin than me anyway.



im gonna keep mine, cause its hawt! lol


posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 04:35 PM
I think that is a very sound theory.Especially since it is now considered the "hip" thing to do to have a MySpace page.More and more young people could be peer pressured into getting one,and giving up a few personal details of their lives to a massive public eye.
I know I thought this same thing when I read an article a while back in WIRED magazine,about some big time corporate millionare-type dude,buying MySpace.He also said something about turning MySpace into a massive Ad campaighn,and that a lot of the young people on there would respond to a MySpace page for a product,rather than a TV ad (not his exact words,but i can't remember the comment word for word).I think,if I remember correctly he even touched on the fact that MySpace has been used to track down a few criminals who pretty much profiled themselves on MySpace for all to see.

My friends have been practically begging me to get on there,and make a page,but for this very ain't happening.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 10:38 PM
Here's an odd story. About a year ago, on Myspace, I was doing a blog about how the President of Iran was headlining an Anti-Zionism Convention. And I was going into detail about Hezbollah, Syria and the connection the the Harriri assisination, etc. Then a weird box popped up on my screen and crashed my computer. The blog was gone, and an instant sense of paranoia flooded my mind. From that day on, I was convinced that either the words or the subject I was talking about may have alerted some "database" and it sent an instant "kill" command, crashing my computer and losing the information. And then maybe a month later, we find out the Govt. has been secretly wire tapping and spying on US citizens. Since that day, I have been very cautious and skeptical about the internet and it's thousands of tubes (lol), but seriously, I would not put it past those bastards to be in charge of something like this.


posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 11:56 PM
Not a data mining for NSA but it is a Data mining site for Fox and rupert murdoch from what i have read. Why would someone give all that bandwidth and webspace for free? Always an alterior motive for the big corporate world. Check out the big check rupert cut for someone gonna blow the whistle on his little myspace plan.

the link i had to that AP story is dead now. No proof dangit. all the stuff i have installed shuts my browser down ASAP when anything is attempted in the background. Myspace immediatly kicks these progs into gear and shuts all browser activity down. Coincidence? I think not.

But as always these are just my opinions now that i have no story to refer to. Take em with whatever grain of salt you take me.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 08:59 AM
Myspace was originally founded by an advertising corporation as a datamining operation for marketing. The whole thing with Tom starting the company is false, he's just a hired face for the company. Rupert Murdoch then bought it and runs it, presumably for his companies' own marketing.

That said, it wouldn't surprise me if there were some sort of deal for intelligence agencies to have access to the photo database.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 02:31 PM
Not only would "they" get a picture, but we also volunteer all sorts of private information from interests, friends, contacts, income and where we stand politically. In case anyone would like to check mine out:Click Here.

I pretty much figure I'm on somebody's list anyway.Click Here

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 01:04 AM
Try this ATS link and also this ATS link.

And I'll just copy meself below:

posted by 2stepsfromtop
MySpace - Undercover Intelligence tool?

In the recent past the peoples of the United States have been under assault by a Government gone awry in it's search for information "in order to catch terrorists".
Some of the processes used by the Government included getting user information and web-traffic reports on site users. This data alone can give any analyst a good understanding of what the User being studied is interested in. But in order to get really deep into some of these people, in order to answer the questions as to their actual lifestyle, their beliefs, their connections, their social network when you don't have enough Operatives to go out and do the gumshoe work you need an automated process ... - a website where people get to lay their lives out on the web for all to see and comment on, a mass networking tool that further drives people to disclose more and more about their lives through the written word, photographs, music and videos. A website that unknowingly allows Intelligence Agencies a free hand at recovering information about Millions of users.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 01:07 AM
Interesting thread, its a plausible explanation.


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