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John Lear: our government sold us to Greys

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posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 04:09 PM
Was just reading a pretty extravagant story.

After an entertaining read, I continued to the bottom to find this:

"About the author, John Lear... A retired airline captain who happens to be the only pilot to hold every FAA airplane certificate. He flew secret missions for the CIA in Central and Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa between 1966 and 1983. He has flown as Captain and check pilot for over 10 different airlines. "

All this talk about John Lear on ATS lateley, so I was surprised to see this article by him. Is he a regular writer for this alien video site or what ? And can he confirm with source references to the whole government & alien Greys treaty agreement ?

[edit on 3-10-2006 by ZoooMer]

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 04:12 PM
i wouldnt doubt it. never trust the goverment!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 04:26 PM
did the " grays " actually inspect thier puchases ??? , i hope they were sold as " sight unseen " with no warranty

otherise the " grays " may be back demanding mass refunds ,

i do not intend to be rude , but much of humanity is " unfit for purpose "

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 04:57 PM
Is it really that extravagant?

I've read parts of that story (long before I revived my interest in conspiracies and came to ATS) in a book that was written in the last decade... "Geheimgesellschaften" (Secret Societies) by Jan van Helsing. His books are indexed in Germany (allegedly for for antisemitism, because he also refers to zionist conspiracies, freemasonry, the CIA, Neuschwabenland and Nazi saucers to produce some conspiracy theory of everything), still quite famous among "conspiracy theorists". Back then, I found that part about MJ-12 very far-fetched, but read more about them here on ATS. Still I can't believe that they are supposed to be billions of years ahead of our technology, yet can't produce an enzyme artificially. Moreover, why should they mutilate cattle instead of stealing a whole flock of them, fly back and breed those animals to produce the enzyme/hormone they need?

Sorry, I smell disinfo.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 05:01 PM
...You could just ask him. I was talking with him just yesterday.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Mezzanine
...You could just ask him. I was talking with him just yesterday.

Thats what I thought as well, heck you could just U2U him, though I'm sure he will be around if he sees this thread.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 06:14 PM
I read that artical by John Lear and was not surprised at all to read that the Greys claim to have created Christ. A "Grand Deception" is the perfect way to put it, but the meaning is all wrong. The 'greys' have not only decieved the government, but have decieved the people of the Earth for thousands of years. In ancient times, the aliens were seen as gods and worshiped by man. They gave great knowledge to ancient civilazations and took certain people for rides through space. They did this to controll humanity and keep the focus on them.
Christianity and the birth of Jesus Christ changed the world into believing in one God, the only true God. Worshiping of the aliens declined as God took his place in mans heart and there was nothing the 'aliens' could do about it. So when Barney and Betty Hill were abducted, and new way to controll people and stear them away from Christ was born. They still are presented as 'aliens', but now they are no longer gods. Man has gotten smarter and increased in population. Man is deeply rooted in religion and not so easy to be awed into worship. So the plan changed and became something for man to wrap his brain around in different ways. If we see masive UFO's in our skys and hear reports of aliens doing experiments on us, then what would that do to religion? Can someone believe in God and Jesus Christ and still believe that aliens from another planet were here?
The aliens are demons, more specificly the fallen angels that came with Satan when he was cast from Heaven. Lucifer wanted Gods throne, and still does. He does everything in his power to make you believe in anything but the Lord. Aliens are a perfect way to discredit God and change your opinion. And now that the 'aliens' can not be gods themselves, they work to destroy God. So what about the governments agreement with the 'greys' so they can abduct humans? Well the way the world works now, the government controls the people and if they were to say that aliens have been here for years and in contact with them, the public would believe it. Satan made this all very convincing by having UFO's crash and having demons recovered by the military so they could feed the government the story. They appear to be exactly as they want to. As aliens with medical problems having to abduct humans and cows for their own good.
Another post on this site intitled "what my dad told me about UFO's" claims that aliens are not from outer space but from our own oceans. ( I am sure you have read this post ) It also says that aliens are old as time itself and have always been here. Well does that not make sence? The Devil came here before man was created and he is the most convincing liar and deciever ever. Its sad that people like John Lear tried telling the Devils lie to others, but thats what a good lie does. It is believed.
I do not know if the coming world war will be the end of this era before Jesus returns to establish his kingdome on Earth, but you can believe that the Rapture will be called a mass alien abduction. The government will no longer keep its secrets and come right out and say it when this happens. In retaliation, the 'greys' will lead an invasion of Earth. Do not believe it!
These aliens will be the forces of Satan and their leader the antichrist. The mass abduction will not be what it seems and not what you are told it is. People who have been 'in the know' for years have only been in the dark.
I dont expect everyone to believe this and I expect some ridicule. To some of you I probably sound just as crazy as John Lear. I only ask that you remeber this message when in the very near future these things come to pass.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 06:23 PM
I mix with grays more than most folks could believe and I tell you that they are extra-dimensional or multidimensional beings created by beings you could not comprehend using your present understanding of the universe. The beings create grays and all different types of bodies and it seems obvious to me that the grays with the atrophied organs are just Frankenstein type creations designed for misinformation or to simply present a few samples to humanity. They by no means represent a health problem with all grays, they are just a few made to give to humanity.

It was on the news decades ago in Australia that the US govt had made a deal with ets, and straight away all the media stopped broadcasting all info about them. Until then we had children's books detailing all the different types of aliens and UFOs and we were all being educated about them.

I think the enzyme thing is a bit of a stretch unless its being done to keep their Frankenstein creations alive. From my vast experience with aliens I know that they use organs and blood as interfaces to pass from one dimension to another. When I asked them why they take body parts they said they make transport parts out of them.

The aliens taught me for over a decade all about their reality but when I went on the web people just called me crazy. As far as I can see with my own common sense the aliens truly are billions of years ahead of us. In fact I'd go as far as to say they have reached the ultimate state of advancement and have been that way for eternity. They have elements we don't even know exist. They keep our world in an information vacuum so that we can't develop unless they say so. And so whatever information you hear about them , including my own, is only the information they wanted you to hear. They're allowing us to move forwards very slowly so that we don't lose our spirit.

I think they've appeared with advanced technology in this technological age just to keep our egos in check. We test fly a Concord and they allow a UFO to be filmed bobbing around the concord examining it closely. They want us to know they are interested in us but are far more advanced than us. This is a spiritual control that works at the deepest levels of our being. We don't understand them but their presence effects us in profound ways.

Basically they own this world and have appeared in different forms throughout the ages and now are appearing as grays with technology because that is something we will respect.

We are led to believe they fled from a dying world and need to breed but that is just propaganda to make us think that we too might survive a planetary meltdown that seems immanent. So long as the grays appear to have abducted many thousands of us then we will at least survive with them if our world dies etc.

However they have such tight control of this world that there is no way they would let it meltdown. They have masses of technology installed around us and in us and they would not just let all that be destroyed due to mans stupidity with nukes. So they control everything that happens to our world and always have.

ps: Also in The Bible God takes body parts to make new bodies and pays great attention to humans breeding parts and ability, and behold! The grays are taking body parts and focusing on our breeding parts and capacities!! It doesn't take a genius to figure it out

[edit on 3-10-2006 by probedbygrays]

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 06:57 PM
Doesn't convince me, probedbygrays.

Ultimately, it's just like pushing the Theodicy further and explaining that there is not one god, but an extraterrestial god-like race. Please tell me how to adress these guys, I'd like to ask them why - when they're oh so powerful and in control of everything on earth - they allow us to let people starve, to lead wars, to commit genocide... I'd like to know why they can't let Terra be one little blueish-green paradise for primates who enjoy bathing in the sun, playing football, watching American Idol and lauging in happy anarchy all day?

Oh, I see, their minds are far greater than ours and their logic is so superior that we can never grasp it. I forgot.

Wait, that reminds me of the elders in my Jehovah's Witnesses Congregation. They used to give me that very same answer.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 07:31 PM
I want to know what i retail for

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 07:38 PM
Has John Lear lost his freakin' mind or is this for real?

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 07:40 PM
It does not take a genius to figure out that Satan would imitate God to make you believe his lies. There are NOT multiple species of aliens. A demon can look like anything from a parasite to a dog to a man.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Megadeth
It does not take a genius to figure out that Satan would imitate God to make you believe his lies. There are NOT multiple species of aliens. A demon can look like anything from a parasite to a dog to a man.

Why would there not be multiple species of aliens? We have multiple species of animals.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by probedbygrays
I mix with grays more than most folks could believe..................

The aliens taught me for over a decade...........................

Please post photo's. You must have many? Can you get one of them to post on this thread?

ps: Also in The Bible God takes body parts to make new bodies and pays great attention to humans breeding parts and ability, and behold! The grays are taking body parts and focusing on our breeding parts and capacities!! It doesn't take a genius to figure it out

Which scripture(s) are you referring too? How do they relate?

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 08:00 PM
people, do not fear all of the stories you will ever hear, even if beings are altering our reality it does not change the fact that you are pure energy and can wake up from all of this, you will never be stopped, you are eternal.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 08:05 PM
Why would there not be multiple species of aliens?
Because there are NO ALIENS! Did you even read my post?

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 08:17 PM
there will never be any reasons to ''fear'' if you find your true self.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 08:25 PM
As much as I consider myself to be a man of science, I actually kind of bought into ProbedbyGrays post.

I mean, I dont totally believe it, but usually when people post stuff like that I ask them for proof of their outrageous claims... I dunno, I dug it.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by Megadeth
Why would there not be multiple species of aliens?
Because there are NO ALIENS! Did you even read my post?

Yes I read it three times. Take a chill pill.

And prove there are no aliens.

[edit on 3-10-2006 by annestacey]

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 09:25 PM
I must admit, as a religous person, the only thing besides mankind fighting mankind in a gigantic apocalyptic battle of good vs evil would be mankind fighting aliens in a gigantic battle of good vs evil. So if it happened, i mean if they invaded, I'd interpret it that way, i'd think of them as evil, and consider myself doing God's will by protecting people or by staying alive, whatever, if it even happened.

I'll be like Tome Cruise in War of the Worlds except without the scientology retardation.

...its THETA man!

[edit on 3-10-2006 by runetang]

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