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All Great Nations of the World are Christian Nations

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posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 07:44 PM
Galaxies, probably not. I'm sure that we'll be able to make stars eventually by using gas giants. We just need a really big match.

Wouldn't it be a huge surprise if we found out every single one of us was God. Not God's, but pieces of a whole, and yet even separated we're still the whole.

I think you'll find I'm right when the Flying Spaghetti Monster is revealed to all of you. You just need to believe.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by GreatTech
iori_komei and thesaints2012, what is your best estimate of the year and the time it would take for a human to create a galaxy? What do you think God would have created by then? Do you think the "power ratio" between God and humans changes over time?

I think you are drawing a false dichotomy, rather like asking whether a bull elephant is stronger or weaker than the "i before e" rule in English spelling.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 08:39 PM
Akraites, I admire the fact that you believe in God. Personally, I believe in Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength!!!

But be careful on how you define Him!!! "Flying Spaghetti Monster" might not go over too well with Him!!! Personally, I partly believe in String (Spaghetti) Theory. Probably, because I enjoy a good spaghetti dinner!!!

We are all saved by God!!! For me, it is almost a constant awareness that God is in my life.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 08:46 PM
The Flying Spaghetti Monster has nothing to do with the String Theory and the very fact that you'd call my God a theory is extremely insulting. I demand a 6 page apology in 4 dead languages by tomorrow.

If God is God, there is nothing I can say or do that would ever make him angry at me. I mean, sure, I could probably kick his ass in a duel, but besides that he's Superman.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by GreatTech
iori_komei and thesaints2012, what is your best estimate of the year and the time it would take for a human to create a galaxy? What do you think God would have created by then? Do you think the "power ratio" between God and humans changes over time?

well i dont believe in god so i cant really say anything about a "power ratio" between humans and what i believe to be a fictional being.

as for the time we could create a galaxy, hmm well hard to say. if we survive long enough id say 10,000 years or more from now, depends how our technology develops.

you see first of all we would have to construct stars which we would need alot of material and mass to start fusion. we would need primarily hydrogen, with some helium and heavier elements.

once we got our star taken care of we would then need some planets, take a fairly large asteriod from deep space and place it in orbit of the star we created and then we could begin to manually terra form it (we would also need to have a way of creating a sizeable magnetic field around the planet to protect us from radiation, this would most likely be extremely easy for a race who could make a star though
), repeat this step how ever many times u want for as many planets u want around your star.

well now you got your solar system created, and as a galaxy is just alot of solar systems, create lots of solar systems and then you got yourself a galaxy.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 10:54 PM
thesaints2012, why don't you believe in God? For some, it takes the Afterlife to believe in God.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 11:33 PM

what is your best estimate of the year and the time it would take for a human to create a galaxy?

Well, I'd say we won't have the ability to do it for 100,000 years,
assuming our technology level keeps increasing as it has.
For a small galaxy, probably a few hundred thousand years to
make it.

What do you think God would have created by then?

Well, seeing as how I don't believe in a god, it would not be able
to create anything.

Man cant make stars nor galaxys. No one can.

Currently, no we can't.
An advanced enough species could.

Even though it is theoretically possible to create galaxies with
the right technologies, there's really no use in doing it,
so I honestly don't think anyone will ever do so.

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 12:29 AM
iori_komei, how long do you think the arrogance, avarice, and greed in you will last. It won't last long according to my personal experience. May God touch you, keep you, and Bless you.

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 12:42 AM
God used to touch me. Then I realized what he was doing was very very wrong and I asked him to stop touching me, but he wouldn't so I ran away from home.

If God touches you, tell someone in a position of authority. Trust me.

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 12:45 AM
iorikomei, I am sorry if I was too harsh in my most recent reply. May God make you an angel to be a more Advanced Angel in Heaven!!!

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 12:46 AM
Angels can become Super Angels? Wtf is up with that? When was the last time one of us became a super human? God needs to get his priorities straight.

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 02:16 AM

how long do you think the arrogance, avarice, and greed in you will last.

1. I'm not that arrogant, atleast I try not to be.
2. No idea what avarice means.
3. I'm not greedy in any way.

Oh and, I don't think I'll be becoming an angel anytime soon, gods still sore about the whole leading a rebellion of 2/3rds of the other angels thing.
[And obviously that's a joke.]

[edit on 8/27/2006 by iori_komei]

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by GreatTech
thesaints2012, why don't you believe in God? For some, it takes the Afterlife to believe in God.

because i just see the hypocrisy in such a being existing, why should we dedicate all that is good to such a being and then when something bad happens dedicate it to chance or a bad being (the devil) or even more stupidly (it was gods will or god did it for a reason).

i also see the history of man kind, where we have believed in thousands of god's, as time went on we explained away these gods (e.g god of thunder, moon gods, sun gods etc...) as we now know what caused all these things and we just have few questions left now such as "how was the universe created" or "what happens to us after we die" etc...and we just do what we did in the past and attribute a god to these, its just the human way i suppose. explain away things we dont understand to an almighty being.

also when u look at how big the earth is in the scheme of this universe you see how small and unimportant we are, its just humans arrogance that makes us believe were special enough to be created by an all powerful being and were being constantly watched over.

i respect the right for people to believe in a god but i just hope we evolve as a race past the need for such things in the future as i truely believe it is holding us back.

Originally posted by GreatTech
iori_komei, how long do you think the arrogance, avarice, and greed in you will last. It won't last long according to my personal experience. May God touch you, keep you, and Bless you.

dont you think this thread was arrogant? even if it wasnt intentional, saying how all the nations that are great in this world are christian makes it sound like any nation that is not is worthless, like just because u believe in a certain faith you are better then all the rest...

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 05:04 PM

Okay Akraites...back on subject. You never answered my question:

Come on now..answer my question...what religious people hold political power ANYWHERE?? And don't say the POPE....because he's just a puppet also!!

Answer the question...answer....

Well? We're waiting......

Come on Akraites...don't you want to play with me? You can't answer my question so you ignore it?

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