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Pilot Witness Comes Forward: A Global Hawk Crashed Into The Pentagon

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posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Duhh
As I stated before, It is on the Loose Change Forum. Go over there and do a search.You could then post the url here. The fine upstanding people over there have banned me.LOL

The Michael Collins Broadcast was the July 31st one:

Which can be found here

At the close of the show, Piper received calls from both Russell Pickering, who has been investigating the 9-11 attack on the Pentagon, and Matt Danner, the son of Sam Danner, who says that he witnessed the attack on the Pentagon. Danner's son disputes his father's claim to have been there at the time of the attack, but Danner Sr. has continued to insist that his story is true. Danner Sr. has been a guest on Piper's program on several occasions and Pickering has raised questions about Danner Sr.'s veracity, including pointing out that, according to his research Danner Sr. never had a pilot's license as he claimed. Piper expressed his feeling that he felt both Danners were sincere and repeated his own desire to "get to the bottom of things." Piper offered a forum for Pickering to join AFP correspondent (and RBN host) Christopher Bollyn to debate the Danner controversy.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:02 PM
You might wanna back up and read my last few posts. What is with all the CAPS?
Danners son says his father woke him up that morning to see what was happening.
Danner may have tricked you guys.Is that soo hard to believe.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by PhillyReikiMaster

I agree with you. but please stop yelling at us.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:06 PM
Good job HTG. We will only know the truth later I suspect.The not being a PILOT is interesting ,though!

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by S1LV3R4D0
But the official report and pictures that i read from the navy showed the crewman and his helmet and neither were destroyed, the helmet had one gash in it along with them stating the helmet saved his life.

OK If his helmet only had a gash then it didn't go through the engine, I stand corrected.
Been while since I saw that vid...The gash is probably from his helmet hitting the airframe just before the first rotor blades. If he didn't have his helmet on, yes he probably would have died from the impact.

A lot of people assume the guy went through the engine which is just about immposible.
If you did go though the engine you would NOT survive even if there were no rotor blades. It's pretty hot in there at full power

(That vid has been on America's wildest vids before, and they make wild claims about

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:21 PM
Hey HTG I got a link from the thread on the danners. This might give some insight.Again, I can't go there.Sounds like this has been going on a while over there at LCF.The son is truely in a tough spot.Gotta believe him. IMHO

[edit on 3-8-2006 by Duhh]

[edit on 3-8-2006 by Duhh]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:29 PM
Let's face it,... there are a lot of loons out there. People confess to crimes they didn't committ, people say they've been abducted by aliens just to get the attention they never received from their parents,..... some women have been known to claim they've been raped when they haven't been,..... lonely boys make up imaginary girlfriends and vice versa,.... and some "experts" make up fake credentials to prove/fake their superiority. Everyone has different motives for what they lie about. Money isn't always the ultimate goal.

Why would this guy lie about what he saw/didn't see? Who knows! If a shooting occurs in front of a crowd of people and everyone believes they saw a man in a blue shirt committ the crime, will you believe the one guy who claims he saw an alien come down and shoot the victim? Will some UFO believers take him into their community and present his testimony as proof that aliens exist? I think some would! Their argument would be that this guy has special abilities to spot aliens, while all the other witnesses were paid off by the Government,.. or brainwashed into seeing an ordinary guy in a blue shirt. I suppose it is up to us (as individuals) to decide who to believe. I, for one, think this guy is most likely telling a lie. Just my opinion.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:39 PM
Sorry Mods the external not working right, I bet it is me! Here is a quote from the MOD at Loose Changes forum .The link below should be the thread.


Sorry to hear of your fathers' illness. Also, thank you for coming forward to set the record straight. I read his testimony on this site like everyone else, and was waiting to hear more before i commented. I knew Russ and Merc would get to the bottom of it either way, but it takes alot of courage for you to stand up in opposition to a family member. For that, i thank you...

As a side note: Why did he do it? What was his motivation? Was it the medication?

All my best to you, your family and your dad. smile.gif

edit: PS. Dont mind izzy, he attacks everyone who doesnt believe exactly as he does.

I hope you come back to post. We need good researchers like you. "

---This was about the "pilots" son. Oh yeah he's not a pilot, but a dying man.Very Sad this is.Go to LCF tell me what you think. Even tha Loosers sound convinced.IMHO

[edit on 3-8-2006 by Duhh]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:47 PM
After listening to that part of the show you´ve mentioned I still think Sam is telling the truth. I´m now listening to Sam Danner himself, he´s made three appearances at Michael Collins Piper´s show:

July 10:

July 11:

July 17:

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Duhh
---This was about the "pilots" son. Oh yeah he's not a pilot, but a dying man.Very Sad this is.Go to LCF tell me what you think. Even tha Loosers sound convinced.IMHO
[edit on 3-8-2006 by Duhh]

Sure does sound genuine (the son's side of the story i mean)

Good find Duhh; Ignorance Denied

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:51 PM
That is cool and all..I just think this stuff about his son stepping forward has gotta mean something.Also those show tapes are what, a month old. It seems as though this is going on real time now., the SON THING.Did you look at that thread? It sound iNTERESTING.Going back to the show now.Thanks for all the effort.Great Job.

[edit on 3-8-2006 by Duhh]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
Please do your 'own' research into something, and find something credible, not a cancer patient who wants some attention

"Sam has described the bizarre scene as something out of the Twilight Zone series, in which nothing made sense"

I don't believe anything you say anyways but you definitely lost when when you said:

not a cancer patient who wants some attention

that is not a credible reason or excuse or rationale for anyone to believe YOUR friend is telling the truth over the person that is the subject of this thread.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 07:09 PM
I agree, the cancer bit,way out of line. This however isn't! You have to listen to this Mp3. This mans cred is very suspect quick. I post here an external from ,SLC,it has the Mp3 link embeded! I only ask you to listen to it. Make up your own mind.This is a sad,sad story. There is also the link to LC forum. Check it out, if your not ,in the ever growing legion of the "Banned From LC"!!! LOL

Isn't This A Sad Story
A man named Samuel Danner has apparently been causing a stir lately by claiming that he witnessed the plane crash into the Pentagon. His contention is that the plane was too small to be a 757, and apparently his description matches more with a Global Hawk.
But his story doesn't hold together for more than a few seconds. Eric Hufschmid interviews him here (MP3). One of the first things he says is that while he was driving towards the Pentagon (prior to the crash there) at about 9:35 AM, his wife called him on the cellphone and told him about Shanksville. He also claims that a lot of people were wandering around the Capitol, looking confused. Sounds a lot like after the crash at the Pentagon, not before.
Well, this guy's been getting interviewed by a lot of the CT radio shows since then. Meanwhile, his son, who knows that his dad wasn't anywhere near the Pentagon at the time of the attack (he may have gone there later), has been trying to forestall this stuff. Turns out he's a 9-11 Denier himself, showed Loose Change to his pop, and the father went 'round the bend.

So he posted over at the Looser Forums.

Again this is a sad place. His son feels pretty bad about all this.He is even a Conspircy Believer. Read the posts.

LC forums

Mp3 Link

[edit on 3-8-2006 by Duhh]

[edit on 3-8-2006 by Duhh]

[edit on 3-8-2006 by Duhh]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 07:09 PM

The only thing wrong is that the thread you mention is like 150 pages long or longer. Trying to find the information that is specific to this thread would take a month.

REPLY: I took me six hours, which is not a lot if you want to gain insight into any issue or theory, and don''t mind info that might cause you to think: "Hmmmmmm..... I might have been wrong."

If more people (not tooting my horn; it was nothing more than like reading a book), would actually check things out, then the threads would be shorter (maybe) and there wouldn't be so many threads begun by people who either A- didn't like the outcome of a similar thread, or B- refuse to say "I was wrong", and are using the new thread to find more compatriots of like mind.

A good example is the poster whose theory included Haliburton, etc, etc.

".....Unless for some reason, they want the conspiracy to continue for a while. In doing so, they can then release the photos and say "look at these dumb CTers..."

REPLY: One can only hope......

Anyway, so here we have all these people wondering, asking, begging for the release of all this information to "answer all the questions;" so we have about as many who would decry the release as, somehow, an attack on them. Damned if you do.... damned if you dont.....

[edit on 3-8-2006 by zappafan1]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 07:18 PM
Sorry links work now! Oops! Hey there HTG, after listening to all this stuff,I think the guy is not being honest. I hope this all gets sorted out soon.For his sake.So so darn sad!

ALSO, Is it possible to change the Title to this thread? This man is not a PILOT!
Just wonderen?

[edit on 3-8-2006 by Duhh]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by zappafan1
[If more people (not tooting my horn; it was nothing more than like reading a book), would actually check things out, then the threads would be shorter (maybe) and there wouldn't be so many threads begun by people who either A- didn't like the outcome of a similar thread, or B- refuse to say "I was wrong", and are using the new thread to find more compatriots of like mind.

A good example is the poster whose theory included Haliburton, etc, etc.

I´ll bite...

I did actually read both mammoth posts, the one claiming a 757 hit the Pentagon.... and the other claiming a 757 didn´t.

My point is if you steer focus away from bickering about evidence you might come to conclusions using rationale rather than trying to defend evidence either way.

Someone like Sam Danner deserves some attention, be it positive or negative, but hardly to be ignored.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 07:46 PM
HTG I could only get one of your links to work? Is mine a duplicate of yours? If so sorry. If not listen to mine, and tell me what you think. Like to hear it. I feel bad about this. But it is worse for the conspircy movement, if they get on board , and this is total bogus stuff! Get me?

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 07:46 PM
How come some people here will believe one (or a handful, however many there are) eyewitness who says the plane that hit the pentagon was not a large commercial airliner, but they will not believe the hundreds of other witnesses who say it was a large commercial airliner?

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 07:59 PM
A handful might be close. I don't remember there being 5 that saw anything other than A SILVER AA jet! After listening to this NON- PILOT tell his tale. You can avoid adding his name to the list of legit winesses! I mean this guy claims to have left his car on 395 for an hour an a half. Picked up evidence on the lawn after the crash.Funny he doesn't point to any pictures of himself. he would have to be in atleast one of them .There are plenty.One of a hundred holes in his story.Hate to say this , but he sounds as if he had a few belts or hits. At 40:56 he leaves his phone,I swear I heard a beer open! Not that that makes him a bad guy! LOL .................. IMHO! LISTEN TO MY MP3!

My bad on all the edits, damn I hate this typing stuff. My assistants find this hysterical
[edit on 3-8-2006 by Duhh]

[edit on 3-8-2006 by Duhh]

[edit on 3-8-2006 by Duhh]

[edit on 3-8-2006 by Duhh]

[edit on 3-8-2006 by Duhh]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by niteboy82

Originally posted by Zaphod58
The fan blades tend to shatter into tiny pieces when they're hit by anything. Ever seen an engine that hits a BIRD? A 5 pound bird has the potential to completely destroy a jet engine. For that matter I've seen fan blades cracked and bent from a ROCK going down the engine. The blades would be in such tiny pieces after going through the wall that there would be no way to identify them. You have to remember the pressure that is put on a fan blade. Yes they're titanium, but you're talking about severe pressure on them as they spin.

Absolutely, I have seen a few instances of birds becoming a little too friendly with an engine, and the engine does not like it.

I have to admit though, I am quite convinced by now, and mostly by the evidence shown on ATS and through the work of many members, that it was indeed a plane that hit the Pentagon. In fact, my personal view on the whole conspiracy is that if anything, it may have been allowed to happen. However I do believe there were four planes that day, and I do believe that one of those four hit the Pentagon.

I've just seen no evidence that I can find to be enough to swing me into the belief that there was no plane.

All of that being said (tee hee), is it not also possible that because of the sheer trauma of that day, this witness believes that he saw something that he didn't? This was a horrific day, regardless of conspiracy or not, and we all were affected somehow (generalization for US members), and I know that my memory is not very clear of that day anymore because it left me too dumbstruck to think. Couldn't this be the same for this guy?

well, it was definately a plane, but the piece laying on the pentagon lawn wasnt from a 767.

The fact that one money hungry nutter has come out and said that he saw a global hawk hit the pentagon does not disprove the official story in the slightest.

you are right. now go on the net and read the original statements made on 911. you will find he is not the only person who claims this. several people made similar claims.

[edit on 3-8-2006 by jprophet420]

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