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Hezbollah, Hamas and Israel: Everything You Need To Know

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posted on Jul, 22 2006 @ 10:43 AM

Counterpunch on PrisonPlanet

Now Israel says it wants to wipe out Hezbollah. It wishes no harm to the people of Lebanon, just so long as they’re not supporters of Hezbollah, or standing anywhere in the neighborhood of a person or a house or a car or a truck or a road or a bus or a field, or a power station or a port that might, in the mind of an Israeli commander or pilot, have something to do with Hezbollah. In any of those eventualities all bets are off. You or your wife or your mother or your baby get fried.

None of them regrets. They say Hezbollah is a cancer in the body of Lebanon. Sometimes, to kill the cancer, you end up killing the body. Or bodies. Bodies of babies. Lots of them. Go to the website and take a look. Then sign the petition on the site calling on the governments of the world to stop this barbarity.

You can say that Israel brought Hezbollah into the world. You can prove it too, though this too involves another frightening excursion into history.

In 1982 Israel had a problem. Yasir Arafat, headquartered in Beirut, was making ready to announce that the PLO was prepared to sit down with Israel and embark on peaceful, good faith negotiations towards a two-state solution.

With or without a pretext Israel wanted to invade Lebanon. So it did, and rolled up to Beirut. It shelled Lebanese towns and villages and bombed them from the air. Sharon’s forces killed maybe 20,000 people, and let Lebanese Christians slaughter hundreds of Palestinian refugees in the camps of Sabra and Shatilla.

Occupy a country, torture its citizens and in the end you face resistance. In Israel’s case it was Hezbollah, and in the end Hezbollah ran Israel out of Lebanon, which is why a lot of Lebanese regard Hezbollah not as terrorists but as courageous liberators.

So here we are, 24 years after Sharon did his best to destroy Lebanon in 1982, and his heirs are doing it all over again. Since they can’t endure the idea of any just settlement for Palestinians, it’s the only thing they know how to do. Call Lebanon a terror-haven and bomb it back to the stone age. Call Gaza a terror-haven and bomb its power plant, first stop on the journey back to the stone age. Bomb Damascus. Bomb Teheran....

So we get the Historical Facts Straight.

Israel CREATED Hizb'Allah.

And USA Imported Democracy to Middle East - and Hizb'Allah was Democractily Elected to have Seats in the Lebanese Parlament.

And after Several Years of Hidden Israeli Terrorism upon Palestinians, they also decided that they had Enough and Democractily Elected Hamas.

So Israel also CREATED Hamas - or better yet Mossad CREATED Hamas.

But ofcourse, they are Cancer, which needs to be Removed from the Healthy Tissue.

And with each and every Lebanese Civilian Killed, Hizb'allah gets More Power.

And with each and every Palestinian Civilian Killed, Hamas gets more Power.

Yet again, I think the situation is about Colonization of Southern Lebanon, since the Dreams of Greater Israel are still deeply Rooted in the current Zionstic Regime, who has control over Israel and their Biggest ally, United States.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 12:37 AM
Jiz-bollah is inconsequential, althougth I do credit them with having the bollocks to stand and fight like men. I guess this is because they are Shia ..the true version of Islam and not heritical Sunni bitches like the followers of Osama bin bobbin cocks.
Back to the point, Jiz-bollah can stand and fight but it changes nothing..sure they inflict a few casualties but they suffer many more...again removing themsevles from the gene pool... but the outcome is the same..they loose as Muslims have done since the time of Saladin. Perhaps, the Arabs and Persians should stop hating the poor Kurds as they are the only followers of Islam who can fight.
I just thought of something really funny... do you remember the tsunami of 2004?
I was just going througth the estimates of losses. Isn't Indonesia the largest concentration of Muslims on Earth? I wonder if Allah is trying to tell the Moslem community something? Jeez, there was just another tsunami there a few weeks ago,humorous is it not?

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 01:23 AM
Hmm yeah kinda strange.. I wouldnt say funny tho
No death on that scale is funny. They sure have taken a beaten...

A few points to consider

1) Hiz bolah (or watever lol) are a terrorist organization that have extremist views and care not how many INNOCENT people the kill.. Children and women included.

2) The Israeli defence force HAVE told the the people of Lebanon to leave their homes and move north. Giving fair warning that if they dont they may come under attack.

3) The Lebonese country was always run by a government that was influenced by two other bigger countries (Iran and Syria) you know them?? The're the ones that have continuously stated over the years that Isreal has no place in the Middle East and most recently said they should be wiped off the map.

4) Iran and Syria are using and aiding Hizbolah in the war by providing weapons and ammunition etc. Israel knows this.

5) What country in thier right mind would sit idle by while a TERRORIST militant organization rapes and murders thier citizens year after year and fires thousands of rockets into the homes of innocent people??

6) If my government allowed this I would litterally spew.

7) Lebanon brought this upon it self. The Lebonese government has had years to get itself sorted and were doing well. One thing the shouldnt have done was let this terrorist organization develop within thier country. What did they think would happen?

Israel in my opinion is entitled in everyway to do what is being done.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by ka0s69

1) Hiz bolah (or watever lol) are a terrorist organization that have extremist views and care not how many INNOCENT people the kill.. Children and women included.

2) The Israeli defence force HAVE told the the people of Lebanon to leave their homes and move north. Giving fair warning that if they dont they may come under attack.

3) The Lebonese country was always run by a government that was influenced by two other bigger countries (Iran and Syria) you know them?? The're the ones that have continuously stated over the years that Isreal has no place in the Middle East and most recently said they should be wiped off the map.

4) Iran and Syria are using and aiding Hizbolah in the war by providing weapons and ammunition etc. Israel knows this.

5) What country in thier right mind would sit idle by while a TERRORIST militant organization rapes and murders thier citizens year after year and fires thousands of rockets into the homes of innocent people??

6) If my government allowed this I would litterally spew.

7) Lebanon brought this upon it self. The Lebonese government has had years to get itself sorted and were doing well. One thing the shouldnt have done was let this terrorist organization develop within thier country. What did they think would happen?

Israel in my opinion is entitled in everyway to do what is being done.

ok here's my response:

1. ok if Hizbollah killed a 1000 people over the last 25 years or so in Israel and americans, etc. Israel has killed 100's of thousands in lebanon alone. in the six years from 2000 until 2006, hezbollah fired 100 rockets, Israel has fired in a so-called "proportional retaliation against terrorism" 11500 more powerful, more lethal, more deadly missles into lebanon in six years, and killed scores and scores more INNOCENT PEOPLE in Lebanon than HEZBOLLAH.

2.ok first of all, if you want people to get out, you don't bomb there roads and bridges, how exactly do you think a car is gonna cross the litani river without a bridge, # how isa car going to get to the litani river when the roads are all bombed! what you want them to walk 40-50 miles all the way to beirut. plus even if they did reach Beirut, do you really think he can live with how expensive beirut is compared to the south of lebanon, where the hell is he gonna eat and drink in Beirut, he's gonna die even if he reached beirut from starvation. so please don't say israel "warned the lebanese people" because they didn't, they only dropped leaflets to give themselves an excuse, but you don't bomb the only bridge ona river and tell the people to go on the other side! how idiotic.

3. look Lebanon is like 1/10th or 1/15th, the size of Syria, and maybe 1/40-1/50th the size of Iran, and it's 1/2 the size of Israel, and it's sorounded by Syria, it isn't very rich, it doesn't have a large population, only 4.5million people or so, while syria has maybe 60million or so, Lebanons army barely has maybe half a dozen tanks, the Syrian army has maybe a about 10 tank divisions or so. Iran is even stronger, maybe 20 tank divisions and probably nukes. and Israel is stronger than both of them with there merkava tanks and aricraft and the like. The lebanese army has no aircraft, the lebanese army is only made up of only about 20k-30k ill-equipped, ill-trained soldiers, while the Israeli army is made up of maybe 60k troops plus reserves that are superbly equiiped, trained very well, and they have state of the art weapons! so please a country like lebanon has to be controlled by the countries around, because unless it mobilizes the whole countries and issues conscription, and conscripts a million or so troops, and follows collectiovization, it will never be able to stand up to syria or iran or israel, and even if it does this, it might not be able t stand up to anybody!

4. so waht if iran and syria are aiding Hezbollah, IDF is still way better equipped and is very tech. advanced!

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by ka0s69
5) What country in thier right mind would sit idle by while a TERRORIST militant organization rapes and murders thier citizens year after year and fires thousands of rockets into the homes of innocent people??

6) If my government allowed this I would litterally spew.

7) Lebanon brought this upon it self. The Lebonese government has had years to get itself sorted and were doing well. One thing the shouldnt have done was let this terrorist organization develop within thier country. What did they think would happen?

Israel in my opinion is entitled in everyway to do what is being done.

5. i'll answer your question, first of all Hezbollah did not rape and murder lebanese citizens, that's all israeli and US propaganda, Israel is the only one the murdered Lebanese citizens. and plus as i said before, if Hezbollah fired lets say a max of 5000 rockets into israel in the last 25 years, Israel has fired 11500 more lethal, more destructive missles in only the last 6 years, and maybe 10 times that number in the last 18 years before that, during it's occupation of southern lebanon.

6. nobody cares what you'll do if you had a government like the lebanese one.

7. Israel brought up Hezbollah because they kept occupying lebanon. so a resistance had to be brought up. Israel was dumb and could've avoided a hezbollah if it would've talked to one of the militias that were in Lebanon before hezbollah, more specifically one militiaq, the one of a man called jomblatt, he was a sane man, i would like to say a saint of reason, he wanted to make peace with Israel, but no israel wanted to pound him and in the end he died, then came Hezbollah. so they could've avoided hezbollah easilly if they wanted peace, but they don't. plus the lebanese army is barely a police vehicle, and not a real army, while Hezbollah has about 250000 militia men, or i would like to say rather army men, that are better equipped than the lebanese army itself! and also about 1/4th of the country's population is Shia, so do you really think Lebanon could go against the whole Shia population, Hezbollah is the representative of the shia in lebanon who live in Southern Lebanon, now do you really think Lebanon would want the south to secede, do you really think ISrael would want that. imagine if the Southern US would secede becasue they were catholics, while the north was Protestant, adn the protestants didn't like the catholics so they started prosecuting the southern protestant population, and the south seceded, would you like that, would the government like that. (this was an example).

ok now if you think any country has the right to make about a million people homeless, and kill about 600-700 people, and injure over 2000, and demolish a civilian residentialbuilding and bring it down while 60-70 people are in it, or launch missles against an Oil refinary near the sea, and dedstroy one third of another country's coastline and beaches, and put collective punishment on 4.5million people, and deny food or drink to around 3.5million, and the other million is barely drinking and eating only to keep themselves alive, or destroy the lives of thousands and thousands of families, i think you really need to get a conscience, and a right brain.

well i guess that's what happens when you belive and listen to everything that US or ISraeli or UK based media news reports say. for instance CNN brings out people who don't know anything about what they're talking about, people who don't know anything about the region, i bet those people don't even know where lebanon or ISrael are! that will always saiy this: "Israel is an angel, Hezbollah and every muslim or arab in teh world is a terrorist bastard". please stop listening to propaganda, and try to listen to common sense and true news reporting, i don't know where you'll find that, but just rry to stop being affecteeed by propaganda,

i'll finsih this post in my third one.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by ka0s69

Israel in my opinion is entitled in everyway to do what is being done.

becasue seriously i've seen many many people who are so idiotic and unconscious and so affected by propaganda and are so blind by that same propaganda, that i am litteraly TIRED of trying to open eys in thi s place. luckily there a lot of smart people here that actually know what theyre talking about and are not blinded!

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by ka0s69

Israel in my opinion is entitled in everyway to do what is being done.

So they can take out any opposition to a pipeline going right past their tourist beaches? Despoiling the entire coast? Oops, that's already been done.

Wiith these 4-pipelines coming thru, the engineers and contractors will be doing just as much damage, why not?

The War on Lebanon and the Battle for Oil
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2006-07-26

Is there a relationship between the bombing of Lebanon and the inauguration of the World's largest strategic pipeline, which will channel more than a million barrels of oil a day to Western markets?


The new Turkish-Israeli proposal under discussion would see the transfer of water, electricity, natural gas and oil to Israel via four underwater pipelines.

The water they plan to steal from the upper Tigris and Euphates (from the Kurds?) That'll dry up Babylon and the marshes south of there. Where the electricity is coming from is what I'd like to know. Iran's right to have nuclear power is constantlly being disputed and I think this is why. Someone else is in on the deal and the enron/endrun planners are probably planning to SELL them power instead of allowing a sovereign nation to produce it's own.

The Lebanon campaign, imo, is to get public opinion against Hezbo (happening as we speak), get them to expend their rocket stock, block roads/airspace/HARBORS from resupply, then have international troops stationed to enforce a calm enough to bring in the construction crews to get to work on really ruining that coast. Of course it could be done in a sound environmental manner, but that is costly and doesn't put any coin in the warmachine pockets.

Any talk of ceasefire being ignored by diplomats (Shrub, Rice, Bolton) is because they know what Israel is up to and they approve this killing and dieing for the corporate conglomerates behind the whole pipeline deal. Rice especiallly, this is her expertise.

Wouldn't put it past them to even have an Enron Endrun plan ready to siphon off any profits from all this energy exchange. It's probablly why the Brits in Houston were extradited too. They may know the scheme being put in place. Might even be why Kennyboy died.

[edit on 30-7-2006 by psyopswatcher]

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 04:21 PM
nice point, after all the IRaqi war was for oil, so why not this one be for oil!

it's a disgrace, the lebanese tourist industry and beaches adn coastline is one of the most profitable and one of the best and most fun in the region, it is really sad. it is really beutiful there and now they've ruined. you know lebanon was always called the rather groom or gem of the middle east, but with all these wars fought on it's soil, it will soon be the grave of the middle east!

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 05:21 PM
Its pretty meaningless to say that israel created hezbollah and hamas. Neither organizations work for Israel, and both are extremely popular with their respective citizenry. Clearly the lebanese government doesn't consider Hezbollah to be an arm of the mossad, and its also pretty damned clear that Hezbollah and Hamas don't consider themselves to be either.

They attacked Israel, therefore Israel has the right to destroy them.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 08:42 PM
created doesn't necessarily mean intentional, what i am saying is that they pounded people so much that Hezbollah was created out of the anger and frustration of the people. imagine this, if i kept punching you in the stomach for a whole day and you didn't do anything, the next day your gonna be very mad and try to get back at me, now that feeling of angriness was born because i assaulted you, get it. i didn't want you to hit me back, but unintentionally, made you awnt to hit me.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Souljah

Go to the website and take a look. Then sign the petition on the site calling on the governments of the world to stop this barbarity.

And here I thought that advocacy was against the TOC.

Btw, I intentionally x'ed out the name of the site.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by INc2006

Originally posted by ka0s69

Israel in my opinion is entitled in everyway to do what is being done.

becasue seriously i've seen many many people who are so idiotic and unconscious and so affected by propaganda and are so blind by that same propaganda, that i am litteraly TIRED of trying to open eys in thi s place. luckily there a lot of smart people here that actually know what theyre talking about and are not blinded!

Thanks for your input INc2006, It's much appreciated. I just wish you could go about providing your side to the thread without insults..

None the less, I agree with alot of what you say except for a few minor problems

And please address them again . Im not being synical when i say I enjoy seeing the other side of the coin. I as am sure every1 else in the forum doesnt want the proverbial "wool" pulled over his or her eyes.

Firstly your response to point number 1. I am not adding numbers and not justifying what has and hasnt been done in the past. All I am doing is presenting "facts" of which I have learnt. Hezbollah ARE a military organization that rejoice in the fact that innocent women and children are being killed. Israel for the past 6 years and longer has tried to establish a country and place where it is safe for its citizens to live. The culture that the surrounding nations are born into teaches to hate Israeli people innocent or not.

Seond to your response of point 2. Lets not forget that we are nearly entering the 4th week of the war. Two weeks and numerous leaflet drops later people in souther lebanon chose not to heed the warning of the IDF and flee there homes. Or worse still were made to stay there by Hezbollah. I understand that fleeing for some was not an option as you said they may not have had enough money. But time is something the did have the 700 000 people that did leave can attest for that.

Thirdly your adress to point number 4. Who cares if Syria and Iran are aiding Lebanon? Umm I do. And thats regardless of the fact that Israel may still own in a war against all three. The reason I care is because some of the people in charge of these countries call for war. And any country that wants to support a regime that murders innocent people on purpose and specifically targets those innocent people should not be accepted.

Next you response to point 5. Israel wants peace. Remember it has been Hezbollah and Hamas that kidnapped soldiers and fired rockets into Israel to provoke them. The region north of Israel was genarally safe and prospering before Hezbollah decided to agress. Question... How will the region ever atain peace if Iran and Syria are funding this group of 250, 000 militants that want to hurt innocent people? And if this militant group is not taken wiped out?

This is why I made this point. To simply state who cares?? I think you would find alot of people do. Im sure your response to this point was fueled out of frustration.

To point 6. Im sorry I wasnt clearer. I was implying if I was an Israeli Citizen and my government allowed Millitants to kill innocent people and kidnap my friends without doing anything i would spew. And not everything here is for you. Somethings I write because I feel like it.

Finally point 7s reponse. The last 6 years in Lebanon have been spent persueing a democratic free lebanon. The Hezbollah group undermines this because they DO NOT want peace. What they want is the blood of INNOCENT ISRAELI people. This is unacceptable. By the worlds standards and by Ehud Olmerts.

I can see that you were born close to the region and were it not for your bias feelings and opinions maybe the wool would not have been pulled over your eyes??

I ask this of you. Put ur self in an Israeli's shoes.

FYI the western media is doing a pretty good job and sofar have not chosen a side as rite or wrong. I have drawn my own conlcusions but am always willing to learn:

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by INc2006... seriously i've seen many many people who are so idiotic and unconscious and so affected by propaganda and are so blind by that same propaganda, that i am litteraly TIRED of trying to open eys in thi s place. luckily there a lot of smart people here that actually know what theyre talking about and are not blinded!

Propaganda and blindness work both ways. Just a thought. Also, please, try not to use words that cast judgement on a person's character like "IDIOTIC" OR "STUPID", all of us are entitled to our opinion whether we happen to agree or not.



posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 04:55 AM
Hi everyone,

I just have three questions to ask about the conflict so far:

1)Why does Israel retaliate with severely bombing parts of Lebanon instead of taking their grievances to the UN or the ICC to settle 1559 in a judicial manner? Don't they have an equivalent to the Attorney General in their nation that is schooled on international law--especially when it has to do with humanitarian legalities and Geneva conventions?

2)Why doesn't Hezbollah, if they have grievances, sue Israel on the aspects of invasion? If their feeling is that Israel is an "occupier", then shouldn't they take their case internationally in order to draw up a new resolution to end this mess and inflict penalties where they are due?

3)And why does everyone forget that Hamas and Hezbollah were elected democratically in their own lands? Can anyone also shed more light on more reasons why Hezbollah and Hamas feel that their cause is just (beyond the obvious)? I would like to know.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 05:02 AM
Israel feels threaten by hizbollah and hamas, both group (terriost organzations) call them what u will, have be elected into goverment by their respective people in free and fair elections, so israel cant have it enemies in power so it need to stop them having a say in the middle east.

Yes Hamas and Hizbollah started this part the shooting war, but irsael has gone all out to destory the ecomey of both palistine and lebanon, they never had much to start with. but they where trying to sort their countries out, yes hamas refuses to reckonise irsael right to exist , but where coming round to talking about maybe accepting that they couldnt get anywhere with that attuide, hizbollah is acting on orders from its main backer iran.

Iran was on the verge of UN sactions for it nuclear progam and it faliure to allow the UN to see what it was up too. Now the world and the UN are occupied with the current crisis in the middle east and nobodys shouting at iran. And bush came out and said it is possible that iran all ready has a nuke.

If this situation hadnt flaired up then Iran would be before the UN having scations imposed and the threat of miltary action would be very real, but everyone has forgotton about iran because of hizbollah actions. convient is it not

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 05:15 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
They attacked Israel, therefore Israel has the right to destroy them.

By this statement you condone the actions of Israel. Now let me make a comparision, to the good ol' IRA. By you definition Briton had the right to 'destroy them' which could of been similar to the situation in Lebanon if Britan did decide to destroy the IRA for good by absolute force. So would you of condone the the actions of Britan to destroy the IRA if they did use the same method of Israel?

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by ka0s69

And please address them again . Im not being synical when i say I enjoy seeing the other side of the coin. I as am sure every1 else in the forum doesnt want the proverbial "wool" pulled over his or her eyes.

Firstly your response to point number 1. I am not adding numbers and not justifying what has and hasnt been done in the past. All I am doing is presenting "facts" of which I have learnt. Hezbollah ARE a military organization that rejoice in the fact that innocent women and children are being killed. Israel for the past 6 years and longer has tried to establish a country and place where it is safe for its citizens to live. The culture that the surrounding nations are born into teaches to hate Israeli people innocent or not.

Seond to your response of point 2. Lets not forget that we are nearly entering the 4th week of the war. Two weeks and numerous leaflet drops later people in souther lebanon chose not to heed the warning of the IDF and flee there homes. Or worse still were made to stay there by Hezbollah. I understand that fleeing for some was not an option as you said they may not have had enough money. But time is something the did have the 700 000 people that did leave can attest for that.

Thirdly your adress to point number 4. Who cares if Syria and Iran are aiding Lebanon? Umm I do. And thats regardless of the fact that Israel may still own in a war against all three. The reason I care is because some of the people in charge of these countries call for war. And any country that wants to support a regime that murders innocent people on purpose and specifically targets those innocent people should not be accepted.

Next you response to point 5. Israel wants peace. Remember it has been Hezbollah and Hamas that kidnapped soldiers and fired rockets into Israel to provoke them. The region north of Israel was genarally safe and prospering before Hezbollah decided to agress. Question... How will the region ever atain peace if Iran and Syria are funding this group of 250, 000 militants that want to hurt innocent people? And if this militant group is not taken wiped out?


1. sorry for the insults.

2. yes i'm from jordan, but i'm not affected from propaganda or so, i am well aware of what the arabs do and what Israel does. that's why i said niehter the arabs or hezbollah or Israel are angels.

3.your first answer to my point number 1. ok now for the last six years israel has been firing missles into Gaza and Southern Lebanon. now i'm not saying israel is a dumb warmongering nation, here's what i'm saying, now you see, i don't think Israel rejoices in the killing of Israeli women and children, and actually if you look at it, Hezbollah has not killed at all but maybe a handful of civilians before the eyar 2000 and even since then the number of civilians they have killed totally pales in comparison to waht the israelis have done, before 2000, they killed about 300 marines or so, 50 or so french, and 50 or so italians, and maybe a few more Israeli servicemen, all those were Military Targets, now yes they were peace keepers, but still they were military targets, not civilians! it's not the culture that teaches the people to hate israel, it's what israel does to the palestinians and the lebanese and the Gaza strip population that generates this Israel-hating culture, but i don't necessarily hate the israelis you know. you see it's not like on CNN, on Arabic television, they give you a warning, and they truly show gruesome and uncarring and without as much censorship as CNN or fox news or so. it's that they show a horror movie, but they show more than CNN or Fox news or so, so the people know what's truelly happening! CNN doesn't show the whole story, it shows mostly the israeli side, or actually i'd like to say CNN is sort of moderate, but Fox news is really biased toward israel!

i finish in my next pt

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by ka0s69

Seond to your response of point 2. Lets not forget that we are nearly entering the 4th week of the war. Two weeks and numerous leaflet drops later people in souther lebanon chose not to heed the warning of the IDF and flee there homes. Or worse still were made to stay there by Hezbollah. I understand that fleeing for some was not an option as you said they may not have had enough money. But time is something the did have the 700 000 people that did leave can attest for that.

Thirdly your adress to point number 4. Who cares if Syria and Iran are aiding Lebanon? Umm I do. And thats regardless of the fact that Israel may still own in a war against all three. The reason I care is because some of the people in charge of these countries call for war. And any country that wants to support a regime that murders innocent people on purpose and specifically targets those innocent people should not be accepted.

Next you response to point 5. Israel wants peace. Remember it has been Hezbollah and Hamas that kidnapped soldiers and fired rockets into Israel to provoke them. The region north of Israel was genarally safe and prospering before Hezbollah decided to agress. Question... How will the region ever atain peace if Iran and Syria are funding this group of 250, 000 militants that want to hurt innocent people? And if this militant group is not taken wiped out?

This is why I made this point. To simply state who cares?? I think you would find alot of people do. Im sure your response to this point was fueled out of frustration.

I can see that you were born close to the region and were it not for your bias feelings and opinions maybe the wool would not have been pulled over your eyes??

I ask this of you. Put ur self in an Israeli's shoes.

FYI the western media is doing a pretty good job and sofar have not chosen a side as rite or wrong. I have drawn my own conlcusions but am always willing


4. now it's true 700k people did leave, but i would bet that most of those 700k were from beirut or the larger cities and not from southern lebanon, plus Israel bombed Bridges across the litani river and the main road to syria the first day of fighting, you see most southerners are poor people who can barely eat, so if you tell them to go to syria, where are they gonna eat or stay, they don't have enough money to stay in a motel or a hotel, they can't go to beirut because of the same thing, so they choose to stay in there homes, and that's what most of the people in southern lebanon have done, or they maybe went to tyre, and that's after a week or so of bombing! now the letani river bridges are bombed, main roads are bombed, highways are bombed, so how the heck do you expect these people to go north now. and no, Hezbollah didn't keep these people here by force, the south is mostly shiit, shiia muslims in lebanon support hezbollah, why, because hezbollah helps them, now look after the war, most or all fo southern lebanon will be rebuilt by Hezbollah. Hezbollah right now is giving food and drink to most southern lebanese people, that is why they stay, because up in the safe areas, they don't have anything, and hezbollah can't reach them because it's influence doesn't reach there!

5. ok now even if Iran and Syria call for war with israel, i don't think that matters to the situation and i'll show you why. now what were discussing is the root or lets say why Hezbollah was born in the first, and the reason it was born because of Israeli pounding of southeern lebanon, just look at bint jbail and qana now and 21 days back. now lets say there was 500 in each of these village, you probably just added about 150 fighters to Hezbollah from each village, you wiped out lets say a 150 which were women and children and elderly that stayed bunkered in, and then there are 200 more who are Women children elderly not dead and a few moderate men.

[edit on 7/31/2006 by INc2006]

[edit on 7/31/2006 by INc2006]

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 10:22 PM
sorry about qouting myself there in the 2nd post.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by ka0s69

Next you response to point 5. Israel wants peace. Remember it has been Hezbollah and Hamas that kidnapped soldiers and fired rockets into Israel to provoke them. The region north of Israel was genarally safe and prospering before Hezbollah decided to agress. Question... How will the region ever atain peace if Iran and Syria are funding this group of 250, 000 militants that want to hurt innocent people? And if this militant group is not taken wiped out?

To point 6. Im sorry I wasnt clearer. I was implying if I was an Israeli Citizen and my government allowed Millitants to kill innocent people and kidnap my friends without doing anything i would spew. And not everything here is for you. Somethings I write because I feel like it.

Finally point 7s reponse. The last 6 years in Lebanon have been spent persueing a democratic free lebanon. The Hezbollah group undermines this because they DO NOT want peace. What they want is the blood of INNOCENT ISRAELI people. This is unacceptable. By the worlds standards and by Ehud Olmerts.

I can see that you were born close to the region and were it not for your bias feelings and opinions maybe the wool would not have been pulled over your eyes??

I ask this of you. Put ur self in an Israeli's shoes.

FYI the western media is doing a pretty good job and sofar have not chosen a side as rite or wrong. I have drawn my own conlcusions but am always willing


6. i don't hink it does really, because since 1990 or so when rabin was there, the whole thing could've been solved, and who do you think shot rabin, a fanatic israeli, i would say jew but it would've sounded racist and that i am not. nevertheless, you see i think the leaders and rpime ministers maybe want peace but you see, there are some obstacles, one of those are the extremist israeli groups or the rabis political parties, and yes there are religious political parties in Israel, now you see those parties are small. now the prime minister in order to create an administration, which is what happens when the President has no power and power is vested in the PM, the PM needs to have majority, so what he/does is come to one of the small parties which are mostly religious and provide incentives for them to join his party, when that happens he becomes PM, now he/she becomes sort of a puppet for those groups, now he can do what he wants, but if they hardly disagree, they can say "oh we won't support you anymore" and the administration falls and a new PM and administration are pt in place. now those religious parties don't want peace, and i suspect they would be the ones who killed Rabin, which was i think a great leader, a saint of reason, and very thoughtful man. now maybe hezbollah provoked them, but if i slapped you lightly, would you just come with all your friends and jump me and give me broken bones and stuff, that's what israel has done, Hezbollah fired maybe a 100 or so rockets in those 6 years, Israel fired in "retaliation" 11500 missles that are more lethal and deadly, that's a 11500% increase in number, and if you add the power of each projectile and missle the israelis fired, you should see about 20k% more than the hezbollahs firepower. plus if it wanted it peace, it could've just given the hezbollah the 10k lebanese and the Gaza and Palestine prisoners back, and gave shebba farms to lebanon and all those really small terretories back to there owners, and ended everything along with giving the palestinians there own state back 6 years ago! so come on man, puh lease!... now i'm with you that Hezbollah should disarm, but you can't do that when your inflicting more and more atrocities every day.

7. sorry i was very rude about your 6th point.

[edit on 7/31/2006 by INc2006]

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