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Forrestfire as a terror act?

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posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 10:54 PM
If something like sthis been posted before im sorry. I searched and couldnt find anything.

Ive been thinking of this for quite some time now. Everyone expects a new terror attack in th US and im pretty sure it will happen again.
What if the attack is something that people dont expects. Something that might look like a natural disaster. For example take the big forrestfire in California right now! Set fire to something when the winds are right and it can cause major damage to a small or a major city. I mean it doesnt take much to start a fire and there is a pretty good chanse you can get away with it.

What do you think....and could it be stopped???

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 11:16 PM
Seems to me that these fires are an annual occurence out in the west...but you might have a point. Its possible terroists could start them...they say the latest one is arson.

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 11:33 PM
Anything is possible..

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 11:35 PM
I have heard in the news that the fire origin was not from a natural cause.Apprently it is a criminal and an investigation will be open.Its still too early to say if its a terrorist act(i seriously dont think it is) a deliberate non terrorist act or an unintentionnal move (some guy who dropped his cigarette on the ground for exemple).Either way , its very hard to collect evidences from forest fire so i dont think that we will ever know the real origin of it.

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 11:38 PM
Just saw on the news that one of the fires in California right now was started by a hunter that got lost and tried to signal a helicopter for help.

I didnt only mean the US in this question, i meant everywhere....sorry for not pointing that out

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 11:57 PM
Forest fires are abundant and bad enough without any terrorist help. They take tremendous resources and manpower to fight.
Nevertheless I have also thought about this . A guy with a map and a car and a book of matches could wreck havoc and be hard as hell to catch. So don't mention it to anyone suspicious.....

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 12:23 AM
A good idea for a thread is a discussion of all the possible terrorist attacks that can happen on the cheap. Starting a forest fire is one of them. Problem is that it can catch the person that starts it or burn out prematurely in some cases.

Terrorists to me seem like cowardly little boys.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by THENEO
Problem is that it can catch the person that starts it

Unfortunately some of them might not care, and sacrifice their own lives to hurt innocents.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 03:10 AM
personally i think this is plausable. and i think that anyone who deliberatly starts a large fire like the california ones in the USA or the Canberra ones last christmas here in australia, SHOULD be tried as a terrorist.

just think in a lot of terror attacks (Spetember 11 style not included) only a handfull of people die, how many have died in california 10-12 + 100's of homes, and in canberra i cant remember how many died but 500 homes were lost plus countless wildlife,family pets, forests, and in canberra an observitory. now think how much it would cost to replace only the Buildings +homes, plus furniature etc 100's of millions of $$$

that isnt including the cost of a life of a family member or pet, plus the many wild animals possibly including endangered animals (all of which are irreplaceable)

People who do this DISGUST ME

so i say try them as a terrorist. maybe that will deter "kids/adults" with nothing better to do

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by ForceOfWill
its very hard to collect evidences from forest fire so i dont think that we will ever know the real origin of it.

Exactly why it would be a great terrorist act, because no one would be expecting it, and you can go about it undetected and people would just assume it was "a cigarette" or something natural and not even suspect it was a terrorist. Anything is possible.

I was even thinking about the terrorist possibility too, because I live in Southern California and I live about 10 minutes away from the fires, so I can see them all the time, and I haven't really seen the sun in a week or so, lol. Last night I went to go watch one of the fires, was very eerie and interesting. But that's a whole different story. I'll write about it in my blog later on.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 04:56 AM
forest fires could be terrorist attacks? i doubt it.

terrorists want to kill people, not burn down forests.

it simply isnt their trade mark and they enjoy bragging about their attacks, nothing to brag about when you burn down a forest unless you're an arsonist.

it also doesnt take their "message" to the people and the government like some big jet liners flying into buildings does.

terrorists shoot people, blow things up, blow themselves up killing other people or hijack ANYTHING.

lets also look at the psychology of this. terrorists perform attacks and let the victims know in the hopes of changing the way they live/live in fear. this is a constant with terrorism and burning a forest isnt a guaranteee this will happen as once a fire happens where it goes and burns down houses or simply burns itself out harmlessly is a gamble.

i say nay, forest fires are not terrorist attacks. not from islamic terrorists anyway.

i have my own theory about a FEW to SOME of the forest fires that take place, especially in the past year or two.

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