Lol, I just have to start taking this appart....
Beginning with earth's spin, the earth's spin is slowing down DUE to the moon, its spin of course is slowed down exponentially meaning in the
beginning the effect was much much SLOWER then it is today, as in the future our spin will begin to slow down faster and faster until finally our spin
matches that of the moon, and presto, no more moon rise...
...Civilization has nothing to do with god, they fail to mention that until only about 2000 years ago almost NO ONE believed in just one god...hmm if
god created everything why is it we began believing in as many as 10,000 gods?
...Population Growth, LAUGH MY ASS OFF this guy has obviously not even taken a rudimentary Sociology class. Population has remained roughly the same
since about 0 AD till about 1800s (about 25 -100 million people) It was not until we learned how to prevent death through diseases and until the
industrial revolution that allowed for sudden population "explosion". The population in 1900 was about 1.7 billion, and now in 2000 it reached 6
billion people, currently it takes only 12 years to add another billion people to the planet.
...Moon giving way, again this is an exponential factor, it is due to angular velocity more then tidal forces, the moon's orbit is such that it
increasingly spirals away from the earth, until one day it is flung from orbit.
...Space dust on moon, this one is really dumb, the dust on the surface of the moon is not "space" dust only, it is mostly pulverised basalt and
other minerals from volcanic activities that were present on the moon billions of years ago.
...Helium, hmm this one stumped me only because I have ABSOLUTELY no knowledge on this, but considering helium is only made in the nuclear fires of
stars, I can only say that this accumulation has nothing to do with the age of the earth.
...Mutations, he obviously has no idea what a mutation is, mutation IS evolution, without it we'd all still be bacterium.
...Polonium, God damn it...forcing me to get my chem book *grumbles* ahh just as I thought, Po 218 is not found in Granite, in fact Po is only found
in something called Pitchblende or is manufactured, the scientist furthermore is a fraud and I found a website that proves that...
...Planets cooling, this is debateable, although pressure and such causes changes in heat, it is now most accepted that our world among others are
"fueled" by uranium deposites, besides, look at Mars, it has already cooled off. Hence why it is now devoid of water too... NEXT!
...Saturn's Rings, this is a great one, every astronomer on the planet will tell you we are the most lucky creatures in the universe....because
Planetary rings are VERY rare and when formed only last for a few million years, saturn has NOT always had rings and will not in another million or so
years...reason, Planetary rings can only form when they have "sheppard sattelites" holding them in orbit, for the same reasons our moon is leaving
our orbit ever so slowly, angular momentum, these sheppard satellites will eventually be flung from the orbits of the rings, and in saturns case...the
ones causing the devisions of the rings, they will TOTALLY obliterate the rings
...comets, fact most comets probably aren't more then 10,000 years old, comets originate from the Orr belt I think it's called, and they do
not shed material until they become too close to the sun, in fact we've already watched several comets that man has eyed for millenia, die out in the
past few decades.
...Oil, LoL the rocks CONTAINING oil is porous, but still it is surrounded by non-porous material, thus the pressure IS contained, this is christian
contrived bull Sh@#.
...Oldest living Plants, this is stupid there are older plants then bristle cone and the coral reefs have nothing to do with this, this is bad
reasearch on the christian's part....Bristle cones' LIVE for 4500 years, they didn't come about 4,500 years ago, they are MUCH older then that.
...Ocean Salt, again like EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE, it is cyclical. While present values of salt per water may be increasing, it also
decreases....for instance in the time periods where there is no ice that occurs shortly after Ice Ages, other stuffs is that salt like anything else
both settles to the bottom or is used by a living organism then settles to the bottom and is eventually subducted by Tectonics.
...Stalactites, hmm....stalactites, form as fast as the content allows, if the "dripping" effect is much faster in a less than natural instance as
in the basement...then yes it is going to form faster, however when there is usually only one drop a day or sometimes a week in some caves, a
stalactite will form MUCH slower.
...Earth's Position, duh...we wouldn't be here otherwise, this is the same thing as, well earth CAN be somewhere other then the goldilocks
position...but we wouldn't be around to know that so it HAS to be here, or we'd not exist
...Earth's rotation, Yeah well that's why nothing lives on Mercury.
...Earth's orbit again, it's not very circular, and secondly, our eccentricity of the orbit has little to do with our moderate climes, it's all
about the atmosphere and well, geologics, and most of all, water....all this water.
...Greenhouse, yes, these gasses produce a greenhouse...
...Tides, well the moon CAN'T be 1/5th the distance away because, to sum it up poorly it would have to be travelling at least if not more, 5 times
its current speed, and well, the tidal forces would be tremendous enough to tear the two bodies apart, which of course those kinds of extremes are
balanced out due to physics, as you see, the moon is in a nice calmer orbit
...Crust, this is very not true, Mars could support life now and its crust are nearly 1,000 miles thick, vs. our 5 mile thick at most crust, the
difference is Mars is now a cold lifeless world, no internal heat.
...Tilt, god and my chair has four legs...
...Ozone, actually no, the cockroach can survive on earth, minus the fact it wouldn't be able to breath, if it didn't have ANY atmosphere, radiation
is only bad to creatures like US and other beings dependant on earth's peculiarities.
...Atmosphere, I'd give credit to our great sheild the MOON more then the atmosphere, besides it isn't a great protector, look at the dinosaurs
...Size, water isn't held in the atmosphere NOW still escapse albeit slowly, besides this is opinion, no decent scientist even believes life
is restricted to needing water, just so happens to be that way on earth.
...Nitrogen/Oxygen, we only need Oxygen, nitrogen bad, booooo to nitrogen
...Magnetic Feild, yes well again, look at Mars, it has no feild and consequently it has no atmosphere
...Water, yes well water is so remarkable that it HAS to have been created by god...but water is bent in the shape of a triangle, which is a pagan
symbol, so I guess that means god is secretly telling us that there are many gods, or he is the Devil
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