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My battle with evil

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posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 01:25 PM
metro, was just noticing, the same day you registered, was the same day I picked up Bill. Coincedence. I think not. These are the kind of coincedences that have been happening to me alot lately, to many to list.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by Yarcofin
I don't know why evil/Satan would choose to show up in this kind of way.

I could explain, but it's rather long. If you'd like to U2U I talk a bit more about his objectives. It seems our originator already has a handle on these reasons.

Originally posted by Yarcofin
Personally I stopped believing in God a long time ago. If Satan was smart, he'd just lay low and do absolutely nothing so that I die not believing in God.

He is smart. I have two questions for you. Do you believe in God? Have you ever seen Satan?

Originally posted by Yarcofin
That's a lot easier than playing stupid party tricks.

Some of us require stupid tricks to become willing servants of him.

Originally posted by Yarcofin
Because the second any weird stuff started going down, I would run back to the church as fast as I could.

Ah, I see. Won't believe in God until you need Him. That's a problem.

Originally posted by Yarcofin
Because if I believed the devil existed, I would thus be also forced to believe that God exists.

As I said, probably good reason why you hadn't seen him. (assuming you haven't of course, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). Indeed he's very smart. Like you mention here, it's possible to get proof negative. That's how I'd received mine upon demand. It was very painful, nearly escaping with my life (and more) so I would not recommend it for anyone.

Originally posted by Yarcofin
So demons doing this sort of thing seems counter-intuitive to what I thought their main goal was, to cultivate human souls.

Satan isn't the prince of logic. Rather choas, but tactically sound nonetheless.

[edit on 1-4-2006 by saint4God]

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 11:08 PM
Well to me good and evil is what you make, but some times you can't control some things i call them a test. I had some really crazy things happen to me when i was asleep. devil maybe, evil yes. Well it started off by haveing a dream, plz do bear with me im not sure wtf happen but this is what happen. Now in my dream i was layin on my bed and i could not move at all. I tried to force myself to the point i close my eyes and try to wake myself by mind but when i closed my eyes and open them i saw some king of shadows over my body the shapes looked like a mix of a dog and some kind of bird. Once i saw it i woke up and still could not move. Then i moved my fingers and my feelings started to come lil by lil, but when i was able to move i just run out my room and called my mom (i was about 16 at the time). Loseing something and what i went thru are really different buddy! Now the dream maybe thats true but the witchboad thingie i dont know man. Then you burned it lol man only if you knew what you did. but for the record call me crazy but i think evil is just temptation now demons are a different story cuz i can tell you i been thru some crazy stuff dreams and 100% awake i just think theres a bit of the devil in every man i mean god if the bible is in fact true god was a mass muder why save a whole bunch of animals and one man flood the earth and kill people who lived a good life but hey we will not talk religon no more. this is my 1st posting and i dont want every one to hate me lol anyways i love feed back so either its bad or good let it roll.


posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 04:46 AM
I was brought up a Catholic which i now belong to NO religion as i belive in being a SPIRITUAL being. People were taught to FEAR via religious belifes

We only understand 4% of our universe, we don't know what black matter is yet. We do have unexplained energies here on earth! It does not mean this is who or what SATAN is.

People FEAR the unknown. There is a lot of phenomenom that we also do not understand. What i do know is that we are ENERGY, the universe is an energy and things that go bump in the night are also an energy!

I understand that when things dissapear and re appear it could be that a person from spirit who has passed over may be responsible. It may be a mate playing a trick on the other hand!

Hearing footsteps is also a person from the spirit world wanting you to acknowledge them! This is nothing to be scared of! Be grateful that spirits/angels watch over us, this is a great gift to KNOW there is more to space time and life. This is a great GIFT you have.

Unfrotunatly you have been taught to FEAR it! This is via religion, it saddens me deeply because people are very MIS-GUIDED by people we look up to who really do not understand what they PREACH! It is not any body's fault but I am hear to re-educate people in understanding that

SPACE, TIME AND LIFE and all its energies are not to be FEARED!

We are all one energy, we are all one LIFE! we ARE ALL divine spirit and energy. This includes SATAN and GOD if you belive in SATAN and GOD.

We are ALL ONE AND THE SAME. You fear SATAN or GOD as religion teaches, you are afraid of yourself. You do not know yourself if this is the case.

Meditate, be still, be quite feel who you truly are, learn who your soul is, this is a tiny part, a specticle that is part of a WHOLE ENERGY. LIFE, an intelligent energy with a will to become more and more, an energy with a will to survive, to live.

Welcome to the bigger picture!

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 04:50 AM
thank you for all your replies. I had written a big reply to all of you who had posted but it was erased for some odd reason.

stompk I know many of you will think you are not telling the truth but I believe you are, and that people like you and me and others who believe like us will meet throughout our lives because I've met many people who have the same values as me in the oddest locations. Such as a punk rock bar or hip hop bar or even the bus stop ya know? He will always give us that support. Like someone had said before, it may seem like a dark road ahead but there are always street lights to guide us.

to nygdan i have nothing to say to you. you are obsessed with your own perceptions so just stay away.

saint4god you hit it on the head, exactly what I wanted to say to them who opposed my experiences.

What I don't understand is why someone would go to lengths to disprove someones experiences but not try to help him prove it? What compels a man to ridicule something that has happened to him personally alone? I think I know why, because he is an athiest. Athiests love to disprove and never prove. They are most content when they feel superior to everyone who has faith in something that science is too primitive to understand. And you wonder why you have had no experiences with the paranormal. God comes to you in your heart. But the devil, he persuades you in your mind. But hes already done his job with you people because you already agree with him.

And the kicker is, you are too proud to admit you're wrong

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 10:09 AM
Metro said:
" Just to point out something else to people (but it relates to aliens and UFO's (sorry if I cross subjects here but I believe this is paranormal as well), is that abductions and/or contact always happens to the unbelievers of any faith. subconsciencly atheists I believe everyone is always looking for a spiritual connection because its a need we all need, and we all have different ways of searching for it. ......... But anything evil when it comes to aliens or ghosts usually can be related to someone who actively insults/ridicules/challenges God. "

Very dogmatically expressed opinions ..... but demonstrably untrue, as you'll learn if you consult the thousands of accounts available, extending back to ancient times. In fact, it's difficult to understand your assertions. Are they based on information provided you by your family and religion?

Are you aware of the literally thousands of people who were visited by the 'ghosts' of their loved ones who had been killed in both the World wars, for example? Many of those 'ghosts' were crisis apparitions, appearing to say goodbye or impart a message of importance to them(and possibly to others) at the moment of their deaths. Many provided information which was later proved to be correct. Some of those who have gone on record as having experienced a 'ghost' are/were devout members of the clergy. Others were and are ordinary folk with unshakable faith in God.

Similarly, many who have witnessed what they suspect are extraterrestrial 'aliens', are upstanding, God-fearing members of the community, including pastors, vicars, priests, police-officers, etc. Often, they were accompanied by others, equally believers in God, who also witnessed the event. Several decades ago, a pastor-school teacher in Papua New Guinea ... along with several pupils and others ... witnessed what were described as unknown but human-like creatures which apparently waved to the witnesses several times from a craft fitting the description of a 'UFO'.

There are dozens of such accounts which have been published and which are available in any library. For instance, the Bible and other respected/religious tomes contain numerous accounts of ghosts and airborne vehicles and creatures which reportedly appeared before some very illustrious personages who might be of the opinion their relationship with God dwarfs that of mere mortals such as yourself.

Metro, you stated in your original post to the effect your parents informed you in early childhood that good and bad spirits exists and it was up to you to differentiate and deal with the situation.

I was more fortunate. The advice given to me as a child was:

" Keep your face to the sun (Son) and let the shadows fall behind you."

By that, my father meant that as we can only fully concentrate on one thing at once, I should keep my focus on God.

God invites us to trust to him and to seek his protection.

When we have God on our side, watching our back for us .... we have no need to fear anything. Taking care of the darkness is God's area of expertise. We're less than amateurs.

When we ride in something as prosaic as a bus or taxi, we place our lives in the hands of a complete stranger. We don't presume to take over the driver's seat. Instead, we trust the driver to know his job; know the way and get us to our destination safely. And that only involves the life or death of our physical body, which itself is basically just another vehicle.

Why then, would anyone presume to take over the reins with regard to their spirit and it's journey through eternity? That is something I've definitely handed over to God !

If you go to a rock concert, you watch the performers, not the people sitting behind you. Those people sitting behind you may as well not exist. You don't notice them. Why should you, unless they try for your attention. But if you are engrossed in the concert before you, you still pay little attention to what's behind you. Starved of attention, the disturbance in the background fades and disappears: fails to make an impression on your concentration.

Similarly, if you keep your attention turned to God, everything else is relagated to the shadows, where it belongs. Nothing can compete with God, nor should we permit it to try by granting it attention.

Unfortunately, many religions operate like political parties. In an attempt to hold our attention and gain our vote, they concentrate on their opposition. In doing so, and by deliberate and exaggerated fear-mongering, they often succeed in arousing curiosity about the 'other party'.

In life, a vote wrongly cast can be corrected later in time. None of us knows when he/she will die however and many fail to appreciate that a wrongly cast vote regarding their eternity in spirit, cannot be corrected in time. Best therefore to keep your face to the sun (God by whatever name). Concentrate on God. He'll take care of the rest. His radiance upon you will make shadow of everything you fear or which may wish to harm your spirit.

Conversely, should you actively SEEK the shadows (and entering a 'satanic ' chatroom -- for whatever reason-- implies a wish to do so) would require you to consciously turn your back to God.

Having said that, I have seen what is described as a 'ghost' on more than one occasion, just as I've experienced what may have been some version of 'alien', in addition to other paranormal experiences. Such experiences were not necessarily 'evil' in themselves, nor does the fact I spontaneously experienced them imply a rejection of God, as God is aware.

It's been apparent to most, for as long as humans have walked this earth, that we share it with some unusual and sometimes disturbing others. These others are not visible all of the time, or to all of the people. Some deny the existence of the others, whilst some choose to describe the others as 'evil' ... in the same way Bush describes all those he cannot control utterly as 'evil-doers'. Ignorance and fear are primarily responsible for such attitudes and beliefs. Ghosts are (and have been) seen by many, as have 'aliens' and other currently-debated entities. In time, we may learn that these are as normal and ordinary a part of 'reality' as we are --- and like us, come in the 'good', 'bad' and 'middling' categories.

Currently, no-one can say with certainty if only some or all of us are able to see ghosts ..... or if the ghosts themselves determine when and by whom they will be seen. Similarly with 'aliens' and other entities described as paranormal.

*Spontaneous* experiences of ghosts, etc., do not reflect on the experiencer's spiritual (i.e., faith in God) bent. And those who deliberately summon what they believe to be 'evil' spirits should properly be left to comment (or not) upon their spiritual leanings.

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by metro
to nygdan i have nothing to say to you. you are obsessed with your own perceptions so just stay away.

Waitaminute. You think that satan joined a chat room to mess with you, and I'm the one obsessed with my perceptions??

What I don't understand is why someone would go to lengths to disprove someones experiences but not try to help him prove it?

What lengths? People've asked you a few sensible questions, and you apparently are running away from them.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 04:35 PM

Your comment about Bush saying all those he can not control are evil doers.

He said he sent America to war with Iraq because...get this....GOD TOLD HIM TOO!

My God is DIVINE LOVE. Which does not divied, hate or wants anything. DIVINE LOVE loves and makes us feel that love when we tap into un-conditional love (Love without condition)

DIVINE LOVE does not judge because DIVINE LOVE is a pure energy (atoms, protons, particles, neutrons and neutreno's with a will to become much more.

We ARE all those very ingriediants, even WRONG DOERS, OR EVIL DOERS. DIVINE LOVE, LOVES even those who WE judge not the DIVINE LOVE because DIVINE LOVE gave us FREE WILL. It is like giving a kid a box of matches and then telling it off or frowning upon the child when the child lights up a match. Well that just does not make any sence does it?

Yes stay on the sun side and don't look back, very good advice. But sorry Bush's GOD is SATAN.

ONLY SATAN WISHES DESTRUCTION, KILLING SEPERATION, AND CREATING FEELING'S OF RACIAL HATRED. Guess who SATAN IS. People just like BUSH, that is who SATAN opperates through, the biggest altimate lies and decite.

SATAN is a very clever person, not too clever though because SOME of us are awake enough to see right through him.

Yawn....just waiting for the rest to catch on.!
I have to be blunt because otherwise nothing will change, I am part of the change are you?

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 11:50 PM
To all those battling their evil nature or "personal demons",

Read the bible, cecognize your sins and repent. I imagine satan would move on as you would be useless to him.

The best way to battle evil is with Christ and God. Find their spiritual connection, its there.

For a while I would see the "number of the beast" in the mail every month. It might have been an evil doing of some satan worshiper but it was not cool.

[edit on 14-4-2006 by GlassRunner]

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by GlassRunner
To all those battling their evil nature or "personal demons",

Read the bible, cecognize your sins and repent. I imagine satan would move on as you would be useless to him.

The best way to battle evil is with Christ and God. Find their spiritual connection, its there.

For a while I would see the "number of the beast" in the mail every month. It might have been an evil doing of some satan worshiper but it was not cool.

[edit on 14-4-2006 by GlassRunner]

Ok here is HOW IT IS

UN-CONDITIONAL LOVE NEEDS NOTHING we do not need to repent our sins

DIVINE LOVE (god) is a love without any conditioning on it at all in any way shape or form!

DIVINE LOVE: God does not JUDGE because GOD: DIVINE LOVE gives us free will. It would be hyprocritical to judge after GIVING us free will.

What will happen if we do not repent?

NOTHING because you judge your self on judgement day not DIVINE LOVE It would be out of character for DIVINE LOVE to judge and punish: Sorry but it just doesn't FIT plain and simple!

Now here is the big picture. We are ABSOLUTLY ALL-ONE with DIVINE LOVE. We are made up of the very same PROTON, ATOM, PARTICLE, NEUTRON, NEUTRENO which had the INTELLIGANCE to become much more. That very first combination that came to lifeTHE SOURCE OF LIFE is DIVINE LOVE God. We all stem from God DIVINE LOVE

Satan is just a way to describe negativity and God is SUPPOSED to be POSITIVITY

WHEN YOU SAY repent this sujests something very NEGATIVE will happen if we do not: WHY? WHY are we to be AFRAID of DIVINE LOVE?

OOH it sounds really SCARY i don't think i can handel it!!

So are you saying GOD is NEGATIVE AND SCARY because that it what it sounds like you are saying.




LUCKILY FOR US SATAN is only a CONDITION of the human mind created by RELIGION to SCARE PEOPLE INTO WORSHIP! By the looks of it it still works on those who have not woken up yet!

When you here people talk of WAKING UP........This is it. Your false prophets stand before you with the above MIS-UNDERSTANDING of DIVINE LOVE. SPIRITUALALITY IS VERY DIFFERENT TO RELIGION....Here you need no church/religion, false documents with chunks missing and being mis-translated from one laungage to another. It is frightening how many of you take it as THE WORD.

We need to move on and break free from love with a price on it such as pennalities and punishment. THIS IS NOT THE WORK OF DIVINE LOVE. It is more the work of SATAN..But as even SATAN is the very same molecule, atom, particul, neutron, neutreno as the God Source, DIVINE LOVE and GOD/ DIVINE LOVE IS IN EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE AND ALL AROUND US that includes the negative because it is OUR CHOICE that has brought about NEGATIVE things.

So God can be a little god in SOME THINGS THEN Or God can be MUCH GREATER and be in ABSOLUTLY EVERYONE, THING, EVERY THOUGHT VIBRATION, EVERY ACTION, IN THE AIR WE BREATH, IN THE HAUNTINGS WE EXPERIANCE. iN THE CO-INCIDENCES everywhere. EVEN in your enemy, or what you'd consider an enemy. PEOPLE CHOOSE to separate, causing hatred, divide, unrest, thinking one is right above the rest resulting in fighting and death! RELIGION IS VERY GOOD AT THIS

IT TEACHES that you are separate from god DIVINE LOVE and that GOD can bannish you to hell for eternity and God can trun his back on you!


So who are you going to vote for in the next poll



divine love who knows NO CONDITION

God is i AM THAT i AM God DIVINE LOVE is just exactly that BEING, OBSERVING, BUT NOT JUDGEING! God can not separate itself from itself even if DIVINE LOVE wanted too. It is scientifically impossible to do so.


Have you woken up yet?

[edit on 05012005 by Earth Angel]

[edit on 05012005 by Earth Angel]

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 04:13 AM
Hey thanks a lot Eudaimonia for voting me for the Award on my earlier post! That 'ardly hever 'appens to me! You rock! I will return the favor someday! Sorry it took ages to discover that and thank you. I got lost.

Ok so now I will tell you another theory.

Lets go the other route and say all this heaven and hell stuff is true. Lets also say reincarnation is true. Lets also say aliens and ghosts are true. Lets get really jiggy and have some fun with this.

Lets just say that there are worlds beyond end. And on these many worlds there are aliens and people who are physiologically, scientifically, and spiritually advanced. But when we die (or seek to exist in our present form) we can't go to all these different places and dimensions until we learn to care for the creatures, and the people, and our own planet - Earth. Let's say there are these other really nice planets that are like 100% Maui, and good vibes, and you can fly and cool stuff like that , but they don't want us, until we ditch the greed and the animal slaughter, and the rape of our own planet, and our judgemental brutal attitudes towards one another. (They especially don't want any Enron type folks). Because they don't want anyone to mess up their planets.

So, what happens when we die? Perhaps, if we are of clear conscious we get to go to 'All' and pick between the places we want to visit. Note: as long as we truly believe we are worthy and we are happy with ourselves we may still get to go to All, even if we have screwed up a bit. If you believe it, maybe they'll believe it and it will come true. Ride it like ya stole it, right? I'm no Saint.

Lets say we don't believe it, because when we die...we are really super angry or traumatized. Maybe, we were born that way, and never shook it, or maybe someone murdered us. So, we can live on Earth as ghosts, and haunt people. Or, we can go to the light, and get patched up a bit and then get returned/reincarnated to Earth.

If all the people who think well of themselves, or who have overcome their lower natures, are advancing...then what is happening to Earth? Earth is like the depository of the Universe, becoming fuller and fuller of angry, left-behind, disgruntled, greedy people and spirits who can't move on, or keep getting returned to Earth. Earth is in fact becoming Hell. We are own Devils, we are in essence creating our own Hell, and perhaps some people (the people who caused it) are being returned to it. Maybe, until we can learn to respect ourselves, and our planet, and become happy with ourselves we may continue to get returned to Earth. With the earth decaying, with Global Warming, with the possibility of rampant disease, and overpopulation, with the higher concentration of spiritually challenged souls, and with each generation &/or incarnation Earth is becoming increasingly worse. Has anyone ever wondered why some people are so messed up from childhood on? It's like they have had more than one life to become that way. And maybe the people who are really nice from the time they are children are being given a final exam here, or they are sent here to guide people off of Earth.

Moral of the Story...Flee Earth as soon as whatever it takes to move with the environment, be nice to people and make yourself happy..cuz its not going to be getting any better. Perhaps, not only our children will inherit the Earth, maybe we will. And, there may be Hell to Pay!
Get Out While You Still Can!!!

~ Deep (Amateur Philosopher)

[edit on 21-9-2006 by DeeplyAwake]

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by DeeplyAwake
Ride it like ya stole it, right?

I don't know why stealing would make the experience more enjoyable. On the contrary, I think it's possible to enjoy life more when you're doing the right thing.

Originally posted by DeeplyAwake
I'm no Saint.

Would you like to be? It's not difficult and is exciting indeed.

Originally posted by DeeplyAwake
Moral of the Story...Flee Earth as soon as whatever it takes to move with the environment, be nice to people and make yourself happy..cuz its not going to be getting any better. Perhaps, not only our children will inherit the Earth, maybe we will. And, there may be Hell to Pay!
Get Out While You Still Can!!!

I agree we should enjoy life, but this hedges on the advocacy of suicide. As a person who was suicidal at one time, I can look back and label it "the stupidest idea I've ever had". I can go in more detail if anyone is interested.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 09:34 AM
All of your stoires and replies don't interest me at all, except for stomps's, about Bill.
That's very interesting, indeed. I'd like to hear more of it, if you can.
The Revelation has passed...interesting concept. Never thought of that.
Now, I do not know whether to believe you or not, but the expereince is quite interesting.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 12:45 PM
Hi Saint,

quote: Originally posted by DeeplyAwake
Moral of the Story...Flee Earth as soon as whatever it takes to move with the environment, be nice to people and make yourself happy..cuz its not going to be getting any better. Perhaps, not only our children will inherit the Earth, maybe we will. And, there may be Hell to Pay! Get Out While You Still Can!!!

I agree we should enjoy life, but this hedges on the advocacy of suicide. As a person who was suicidal at one time, I can look back and label it "the stupidest idea I've ever had". I can go in more detail if anyone is interested.

*No I wasn't telling people I thought suicide is the answer, when I said 'Get Out While You Still Can'. Maybe it did sound that way though. I was referring to my hypothetical hell (reincarnation) theory, and rather I was saying don't keep getting reincarnated back to Earth, because Earth looks as if its going to be a lot worse in the future, and eventually become a true Hell. Do whatever it takes to be the type of citizen on Earth this time around, that would make you a desirable citizen elsewhere on a another plane of existence. Or, for those that believe in reincarnation, try and make earth a better place now, so it will be in better condition in the future for everyone including you, in case you have to return to it again.

*Sure you can go into more detail if you would like about your suicide idea, if you feel comfortable sharing that. Glad you are still here among us.

quote: Originally posted by DeeplyAwake
Ride it like ya stole it, right?

I don't know why stealing would make the experience more enjoyable. On the contrary, I think it's possible to enjoy life more when you're doing the right thing.

*Yes that's true, if you are the one who is deciding what is right for you. I was talking about stealing that happiness & confidence some of us may need to move on to another plane, (&/or to feel good on Earth) that good feeling inside that will get someone through the psychological/spiritual 'gate' to a beautiful afterlife, if there is one. (I have had lots of NDE, and have seen different versions of afterlifes, so I do believe in that). Act as if and then it will become true. Giving yourself permission to have a wonderful existence in the afterlife, in other words, and not letting anyone dictate to you who you are, or where you will end up after you physically die. Most people, even people who try to live good lifes, don't live lifes of always doing the exact right thing, mostly because of extenuating circumstances and they shouldnt be condemned for it, even by their own subconscious feelings of guilt over their shortcomings.

~ Far

[edit on 21-9-2006 by DeeplyAwake]

posted on Jan, 6 2007 @ 02:02 PM
hey metro have you had any more experienes in the supernatural?

and have you ever used or said jesus to fight back?
your stories sound interesting i believe you

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