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Could ancient gods be aliens?

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posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 03:57 PM
I'm a Hindu. I have shortly come to beleive that the Gods were infact aliens. In Hinduism, God has taken many 'avatars' spanning several thousand years, to correct humans. And will re-incarnate if humans values deteriote.
This might mean that the aliens took as long to come to a level that humans could beleive that aliens had supernatural powers and be worshipped. The last of these two avatars are Lord Rama and Lord Krishna. Rama is said be having 10/16 values and then came Krishna with 16/16 score. The factor 16 being some sort of IQ + EQ.

Krishna is supposed to have 16,000 wives, was this a means to uplift human race enmass with all the right genes ? maybe...
Even though humans are natives of planet earth, we certainly have been genetically modified by aliens and do carry alien genes. Who knows, we might be even controlled now, for the way we work, behave and think.
There would have been many alien clans who came to planet earth in different geographies and times to colonise humans. The different colonies are eventually different religions / faiths ?
If thats the case, then the fight amongst humans in the name of religion is a alien controlled act to prove their clan dominance.
I do not have any proofs for what I have said, and these are just my chain of thoughts which seems to be logically OK.

All said, there is certainly a neutral supernatural power which I refer to as the 'True- God' who controls the aliens. And again, is there a 'True-true-God' ? or 'True^n'th-God' ?

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 08:51 PM
Read the bible... it gives you the answer right there!!!
also there are some other sources.
aztecs:waiting for a white man to come from the heavens.
unknown: The gods came down from the heavens and took with them the prophets.
pyramids: all pointing to the skies, mayans, aztecs, and egyptians, high knowledge in building a pyramid in less than 23 years when the notra dome cathredal took 200yrs.
Another resource
There was already a civilization of angels before god made men, when god decided to make a man, one angel (the prettiest of them all) was not agreeing, and is also know at satan. Jealous took over. Wanted to overpower god, and the closest thing to over power was to kill man. Main purpose of pyramids: human sacrafice;killing man.
thats what i know.
here are some good reasources

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by ll0ll0ll0
Nibiru orbits every 3600 years.

Wonderful Information!!!

May I ask where you got this information? which astronomer/astro physicist imparted you this wonderful piece of information???

[edit on 27/1/09 by coredrill]

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 08:52 PM
Perhaps Im in the minority here on ATS, but Ive often thought that Humans have thought of Aliens as Gods. Who knows, it's very well possible. The similiarities between ancient texts and alien sightings are similiar, and the people of our History did not have the tech advances that we currently have today so its doubtful that they would know the difference of a God and an Alien.

Who knows, like I said; Its very well possible.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

All of which is good information, atleast it is to me, but next time you should write it out in sentences and such instead of fragmants. I dont know about other users, but I have a difficult time reading your post.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 11:11 AM
Pyramids can be built faster too

This pyramids has an inscription that says it was built in 330 days.

The thread

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 08:13 PM
have you ever thought that your species took control of this planet from another,
and that information was lost along the way in the 'dark ages'

I know the truth, but it is enjoyable posing theories to guide you

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 12:26 PM
ok.. so sue me i been watching Stargate SG-1.....
but the concept was just SO GREAT!!!!!! i mean it really gets ya thinking!
now it kind of actually does make some sense...
the ancient gods must have been aliens...
and i just might have to say that probably every religion on Earth might have to be based on Aliens...

and if u guys are saying that the bible might have some content about aliens in it then I'll definitively read it NOW!

p.s. who thinks we need to step it up a bit on all of the space programs...

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 06:33 PM
I think they could. The more probable theory is that they are space travelers from other universes.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 01:15 AM
In my point of view, i believe in One creator(Source) not one God. Since our timeframe is only based on earth, if we include the whole universe, we might assume that there are planets older than earth and therefore the inhabitants there are far more technologically and spiritually advance than ours. So If they happened to drop in this planet carrying their technology during our stone age era, of course we will deem them as Gods.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:02 PM
For sure and this has recently changed my entire life.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by density21

A source is contradicting, because it is divided, and logic as truth in it's absolute form is free of higher truths, so is free as one as god.

Visions as aliens, ghosts, angels are all made so different, differences in colours, shapes, messages etc, that maybe it's time for humanity to see the reasons behind this...
are there thousands of different alien - races, angel races, angels messages , or are they all telling the same story ? a story of logic that includes instead of excluded.

Maybe god is true after all as one and free, meaning personality,
and is this world the world were paradox is avoid
never ending patterns of pain and rythms.

are visions real ? and is science allready leaving visions ? and building logic ?
or does it build further on observations, as our visions do ?

truth is one. the visions are lessons, but the symbol is never the truth.
But a source has the essence of the personal god,
oneness. we are one.

[edit on 14-10-2009 by pasttheclouds]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:34 PM
You book em on flight 316 and we'll go warm up the saucer....

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 05:47 PM
Text PurpleText
I believe it is highly possible that our ancient Gods could be aliens. It would explain great deals of things. How many of you really believe we evolved from microbes or that we are the descendants of apes and orangatans?I find that very hard to believe.Google ancient aliens and you will find a wealth of knowledge that supports the idea that we are crteated in the likeness of ancient aliens that landed here,found themselves unable to return home for whatever reason and so combined their genetics with those of the neaderthals and thus created humanity as we are today.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by sagtruthseeker

Thank you.I do a great deal of reading,online and books and I have witnessed things myself I cannot explain.I do not believe that over the course of thousands of year and thousands of miles people could even have had knowledge of what people in other parts of the worl were seeing.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by oklhhyde
Text PurpleText
I believe it is highly possible that our ancient Gods could be aliens. I find that very hard to believe.Google ancient aliens and you will find a wealth of knowledge that supports the idea that we are crteated in the likeness of ancient aliens that landed here,found themselves unable to return home for whatever reason and so combined their genetics with those of the neaderthals and thus created humanity as we are today.

Hans: So I must ask if the aliens created us who created them?

Oh and point of fact the Neanderthals were all but human - just an off shoot and they wouldn't have needed alien DNA to become 'Human'.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 07:18 AM
Not sure if it's been mentioned, but in WWII America went island hopping in the pacific. They came across one island that had tribals on it and set up shop. They fed the tribals from their planes. After the war America left and the tribals built a new religion based on the planes as idols. They built likelike planes outa wood and burnt them in hopes of the Americans coming back. Hmm... makes ya think lol

Mythology no matter where it comes from seems to tell the same story... same for religion. When studying said religions and mythologies you come across the Sumerians. The beliefs are that people came form the heavens and started mixing with the populace creating giants, or even demigods... then you see all religions seem to have the same story as the Sumerians, only fitted to their specific purpose. In these stories it's obvious there's a good/evil conflict goin on, and throughout history this same conflict is fought, but know to a lesser degree. Nazi/Black Sun America/Free Masons for example. The so called "Satanic" beliefs stem from somekind of other being hidden within the Earth, or just generally hiding, whereas "Godly" beliefs say other being come from the sky.

To an unintelligent tribal a man coming from the sky on a plane would be flying with wings, or as the asians say, riding dragons that spewed fire from their tales.

With our technological advances the common people know, it's possible to genetically control something so the idea of creating a new race isn't farfetched... History accounts for Wizards and Witches or other "magical" persons. Truly magic? or someone using science? To the unintelligent person a demonstration of ball lighting would seem like a fireball: a small ball of energy that looks kinda like fire, and violently explodes when destructed. So... these things lead me to believe, yes mankind stemmed from some ancient race that decided to colonize a planet, integrate themselves, and become "Gods".... Now if this is true, doesn't that make us "Gods"?

People denounce these things because there are no writing, or they deny the writings like those found in India that show detailed flight manuals and airplane schematics. Christianity has had a habit of book burning, and burning those they see as "evil" and it's obvious nowadays the misguided Christians think technology is evil, like Nanotechnology, which would enable genetic control...

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by DavidN
Not sure if it's been mentioned, but in WWII America went island hopping in the pacific. They came across one island that had tribals on it and set up shop. They fed the tribals from their planes. After the war America left and the tribals built a new religion based on the planes as idols. They built likelike planes outa wood and burnt them in hopes of the Americans coming back. Hmm... makes ya think lol

The thing is, that cargo cults (that's what they're called) leave evidence that the cargo was there in the first place. Not stories... artifacts, and lots and lots of them. The stories, by the way, become entangled with local religion and you get some VERY bizarre practices.

Mythology no matter where it comes from seems to tell the same story... same for religion. When studying said religions and mythologies you come across the Sumerians. The beliefs are that people came form the heavens and started mixing with the populace creating giants, or even demigods... then you see all religions seem to have the same story as the Sumerians, only fitted to their specific purpose.

Beg to differ, but I can list you a lot of mythologies that don't have this theme, including some of the African ones, Japanese mythologies, etc.

So... these things lead me to believe, yes mankind stemmed from some ancient race that decided to colonize a planet, integrate themselves, and become "Gods".... Now if this is true, doesn't that make us "Gods"?

If we came from another planet, our DNA wouldn't be similar to any other lifeforms on this planet. Yet we have the same genes as banannas, cockroaches, planaria, apes, cats, dogs, and everything else around (which is why we can do genetic research and medical research on rats and other Terrestrial animals.)

People denounce these things because there are no writing, or they deny the writings like those found in India that show detailed flight manuals and airplane schematics.

The "Vimana" book was actually "channeled" in 1910 and is not a translation of something ancient. Nor were they found -- Shastry dictated them (I believe the bulk of them were done after he came to America, long after the Wright Brothers' first flight.) The designs, according to engineers, are pretty badly done and not very believable.

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 04:40 AM

To the unintelligent person a demonstration of ball lighting would seem like a fireball

To the unintelligent person, a TV series can be promoted to "fact". Said unintelligent person can then form a theory about pretty much everything, based on the "fact" that was drawn from some TV series, and come and post here, influencing other unintelligent persons to come out of their shells and announce to the world the "truth" behind these "facts". When intelligent people contradict those "facts" with facts and data that disprove said theories, they are chastised as "agent of NWO" or "agents of the mainstream" or whatever (apparently the prevailing "religion" nowadays is "thinking outside the box" - or, more often than not, not thinking at all).

Why is it that all alien prophets and preachers shut up when asked basic questions about those aliens? Are there no answers for the "facts" they preach? If all gods (or Gods) were alien, if we as a species are a product of genetic manipulation, how come we share so much of our genetic material with earth based species? The common genetic "code" extends to the fact that a pig's organs can be considered for human transplantation (experiments, according to this, use pigs as donors and baboons as the human models) and the question is raised; are pigs and baboons alien too?

As for the poster who stated that the Great Pyramid took 23 years to complete while Notre Dame took ~200, consider this for comparison. It is apparent that the current technology is comparable to that of the Notre Dame's building era (or another factor is the main culprit here?? Can it be...funds??).

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 03:23 AM
Hm... I didn't actually see that book vimana, it was from word of mouth from a friend...

The only information I got from TV was the cargo cults (thanks for the name) I never got "facts" from an uncreditable tv show, just an uncreditable person. Suggesting I am an unintelligent person couldn't be more from the truth, I am here to learn not flame other people. Being young it's hard to separate fact from fiction when you've never seen facts to compare/contrast. If youth is considered unintelligent then I guess I know nothing. Rather than put someone down why don't you do the right thing and teach them?

Anyway this is just a speculation thread and I gave my opinion... however controversial it may be. Not everyone is stubborn please show me facts so I become more "intelligent". Saying that I do want to see those other mythologies so I can compare/contrast. No where in my post did I mention "fact"(other than cargo cults) merely my beliefs... I may believe I can create a bomb using only my toes, but that doesn't mean it's fact.

Ignorance isn't only the people who know nothing, it's also the people that do know something, but all they feel like doing is putting down the "know nothings" instead of teaching. I hate to go along with your post, but you are no different than said NWO's and mainstream: you complain of ignorance yet you aren't willing to fix that problem.

Putting all that behind... I've also heard a theory that man is made up of the native species +1, and that some researchers from the human genome project said 97% of our genetic code is from "extraterrestrials" have fun with that

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