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Could ancient gods be aliens?

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posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 09:10 AM
Can't you see that we have to continue to pile layer upon layer of further conjecture and hypothesis to accept any of these concepts? Maybe this and perhaps that, almost none of it based upon observation of nature, and with no consideration whatsoever for the basic plausibility of it all. All of this talk about communicating with aliens when we can barely comprehend members of our own species living contemporaneously on our own world, let alone understanding the cultural expressions of antiquated societies. As a species we keep looking up at the sky and expecting to see our own face reflected back at us, but this is arrogant to no end, we are not the measure of reality. We're supposed to comprehend and interact with these supposed alien life forms and they us, but is this communication even possible? We're obviously going to be more closely related to the great apes then anything from space. We're going to be more like whales and dolphins then any extraterrestrial. We're sure to be far more similar to birds, snakes, fish, frogs, or worms then any creature from another planet. We're much more akin to mushrooms, slime molds, fruits and vegetables, algae, amoebas, euglenas, bacteria and viruses then we can ever reasonably expect to be to any life form, "intelligent" or otherwise, that develops light-years away. Think about it. I know, I know, some kind of cosmic, gene-splicing animal husbandrists seeded us here.

There were a series of very specific environmental conditions that directed the development of Homo Sapiens into what we are today, too many to enumerate really. One of the big factors was brachiation from when our ancestors lived mostly in trees and used their arms and hands as a main method of locomotion through the branches. Due to this the opposable thumb developed, allowing for a strong grip and a surer swing. They became less scent-oriented and more vision-oriented. The brain developed new neuronal tissue, allowing for faster calculations necessary to assess the integrity of branches and vines while flinging oneself through the jungle canopy. Eventually ancestors of ours left the trees and lived on the ground in tall, grassy plains. The heel, as important to our species development as the thumb, and developments of the spine and the rest of the skeletal structure allowed them to see over the grass and make use of their sophisticated vision. Once they were upright those fantastically agile, and strong gripping hands could be put to other uses, like making and developing tools. The powerful brain could be reapplied as well, to near infinite purpose. Mostly these adaptations were used to gather food; they became the most efficient predatory animals on the planet. Are their other conditions that would allow for life like us? No one knows. There's nothing to observe yet to make such a determination. Does a life form have to be like us in order to be considered intelligent? We can't say. As of yet we have no other examples. It's highly doubtful we will in any of our lifetimes. Is there such a thing as energy life forms? Not that we can say. Energy is a fundamental of reality, but it is not by itself equal to life, thought or intelligence.

Ancient deities, angels, spirits, monsters, genies, etc. are not the mysteries that so many of you seem to think they are. They are products of culture. They are poetry, allegories and metaphors. There is no need to struggle to comprehend where they originated. Literally placing their origins in the far reaches of space is stepping away many steps from comprehending them, not moving forward.

If you want to know more about the nature of things and the origins of life and the universe then study, through a school or on your own. If you want to spin out fantasies about creatures like us living in far off worlds, or even engineering us eons ago as a part of some intergalactic science-fair project, then write science fiction. Learn to tell the difference between the two.

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 11:43 AM
The old sumerian texts clearly state:

There came gods from the heaven.
They were just a few.
They had a clear hierarchy:
Big Boss far away in heaven, Enki commander of the unit on earth.
They had all kind of human characteristics.
They had superior technologies.
They performed complex genetic experiments to get servants.
They made lots of errors before they created something worthwhile.
They later destroyed most of the (error) populations they had created.
They did this several times, a practise which mirrors exactly what we do with rats today.
The few selected ones they kept alive should become the source mankind.
Modern genetics proof: Mankind came out of just one source.
There is a great deal of discussion going on between the gods:
What to do with the beings they had created ?
The discussion covers ethic, moral, genetic aspects:
They had mixed in their own genes at least.
What to do now with that creature, half "animal", half "god" ?
Their "big boss" in the heavens didn´t like what this group of "minor gods" had done.
He punished the "minor gods".
He demanded to finish that experiments and to wash away those half-cripples.
Then there was one of those "fallen" gods, later called "Luci - fer" or "Prometheus" the "Light-bearer".
He showed compassion with the poor creatures.
He taught them, he brought them "light". This was revolution of course.
It´s a very clear and simple message you will find in all the "myths" spread around the globe. They differ in details, o.k..
That´s natural if you take into account the long time these "myths" have been handed down the lines of history.

Look for yourself: Read the original Oxford University translations.
Just one here about genetic try and error games:

[edit on 7-1-2006 by cycles]

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 12:25 PM
Only issue I have with the summerian texts whether or not theyve been translated correctly? I remember a while ago it was in question whether the guy who translated it was qualified to properly translate the sumerian texts.-

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by cycles
The old sumerian texts clearly state:

There came gods from the heaven.
They were just a few.
They had a clear hierarchy:
Big Boss far away in heaven, Enki commander of the unit on earth.
They had all kind of human characteristics.

This is all typical of any religion

Originally posted by cyclesThey had superior technologies.
They performed complex genetic experiments to get servants.
They made lots of errors before they created something worthwhile.
They later destroyed most of the (error) populations they had created.
They did this several times, a practise which mirrors exactly what we do with rats today.
The few selected ones they kept alive should become the source mankind.

In fact, you won't find this sort of thing in Sumerian texts unless you play footsie with the meanings of words and the context of the story - like Sitchen does.

Originally posted by cyclesModern genetics proof: Mankind came out of just one source...
They had mixed in their own genes at least.

Why not also state here that modern genetics prove every species (including Man) comes "out of just one source"? Wouldn't be as dramatic? If "Mankind came out of just one source..." what does that say about your statement that "They had mixed in their own genes at least"?

Originally posted by cyclesTheir "big boss" in the heavens didn´t like what this group of "minor gods" had done.
He punished the "minor gods".
He demanded to finish that experiments and to wash away those half-cripples.
Then there was one of those "fallen" gods, later called "Luci - fer" or "Prometheus" the "Light-bearer".
He showed compassion with the poor creatures.
He taught them, he brought them "light". This was revolution of course.
It´s a very clear and simple message you will find in all the "myths" spread around the globe. They differ in details, o.k..
That´s natural if you take into account the long time these "myths" have been handed down the lines of history.

Yes, and since you were the one to invoke science here, let's also say that science has shown that there never was any global flood that would "wash away those half cripples."

Originally posted by cyclesLook for yourself: Read the original Oxford University translations.
Just one here about genetic try and error games:

First, please, please note that the story at the above linked site starts out with Gods digging canals through the use of manual labor. How silly is that?

The story at the above link does not describe any "genetic trial and error games." It's clear from the story that no errors were made. The humans being fashioned from clay (was that what you referred to as "complex genetic experiments"?) were purposefully fashioned in the manner they were, that's obvious to anyone reading it. Take note of this quote from the site you linked:

this was Umul: its head was afflicted, its place of …… was afflicted, its eyes were afflicted, its neck was afflicted. It could hardly breathe, its ribs were shaky, its lungs were afflicted, its heart was afflicted, its bowels were afflicted. With its hand and its lolling head it could not not put bread into its mouth; its spine and head were dislocated. The weak hips and the shaky feet could not carry (?) it on the field -- Enki fashioned it in this way.

How could this be describing some trial and error thing if Enki purposefully fashioned Umul this way?

Originally posted by WolfofWarOnly issue I have with the summerian texts whether or not theyve been translated correctly? I remember a while ago it was in question whether the guy who translated it was qualified to properly translate the sumerian texts.-

I think you may be referring to Zecharia Sitchen's silly renderings of Sumerian mythology as stories of rocket-propelled alien overlords bent on the exploitation of created humans for the mining of gold they plan to use to repair the atmosphere of their home planet Niburu, which orbits our sun every, what was it cycles, every 7,000 years or something?

Anyway, Sitchen presents himself as some sort of expert on Sumerian and Akkadian, but has never deigned to display any Bona Fides on the subjects. He does, however, hold a degree in economic history.

The texts supplied above by cycles can be relied on as accurate translations, at least as accurate as can be.


posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 07:20 PM
Nibiru orbits every 3600 years.

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 09:29 PM
You should always read the original translations of ancient texts yourself, not just second-hand interpretations.
As for the sumerian myths, you find them all at the University of Oxford site:
I believe we agree: This source is not an esoteric one, but mainstream science.

To the texts:
I try to imagine the authors first, their intellectual state, the limits of knowledge they lived in. The pictures they could have choosen to explain their contemporaries something. The words they could use.
Could we agree, that they did what we all do whenever we try to explain something to someone who was not testimony of an event himself ?
We take pictures, we compare the events to something we are sure the person we talk to knows out of the common circumstances we live in: We say " she looked like Marilyn Monroe", "he was fast as a ferrari" and so on ... .

The definition of "God".
Reading original ancient myths, I always find myself in trouble soon:

The authors talk about a god who created the univers.

Five lines later they talk about god(s) who act and have desires like human beings.
The only difference seems to be that these gods have superior abilities.

Is it too far fetched to come to the conclusion, that the authors just mixed the concept of god as the creator of all and everything, the univers and beyond, with miraculous events that really happened a long long time before they lived ?

If you look at the "miracles" the (B-movie) gods perform:
Everything they do is possible today or within reach of our close up generations.
And that´s the cause why our interpretations are very different from those we had a hundred years ago. How will our interpretations look like in a hundred years ?

Ok. these pseudo-gods have "supernatural" abilities: They can build living beings out of clay. But, they are ridiculed by the authors in the same sentence: They are not able to reach their goal (within the text I provided the link for), to produce a being as desired, a strong and healthy worker.
Enki, the boss, is seen as lazy as a procurator in a far off province of the Roman empire.
The authors talk about him as god-creator of all and everything, but they show very clearly, he is superior ok., but within limits.
The Roman leaders were adressed as "imperator urbis and orbis" as "emperor of the city Rome and all the world". Look at a map, in their best times they had 10 % of the world under control, with uproar, riots everywhere.

Don´t forget, when the Spanish came to America, they where seen as gods too.
They had bigger ships, horses, guns and a white skin. That´s all.

As said before: Read ALL the ORIGINAL texts, it´s far more interesting than comic books.

Who is sitchen ? I googled, but didn´t find anything related ?

As for the big flood, let´s have a look the tsunami last year:
Do you really believe there will be traces left in, let´s say, just 30 years ?
There will be none. There will be memories, stories left, that´s all.

There is an island, La Palma, part of the Canary Islands. Science says a quater of that island will break away within the next couple of hundred years. A 500 m wave is predicted which will destroy big areas of Africa, Europe, and the east coast of the U.S..
What traces will be left a 1000 years later ?

We are talking (out of the perspective of the Sumerians) of events a very long time ago, so far ago they put them "in the days when heaven and earth were created".
Are we talking about a 10thousand, 50thousand, 100thousand years ?

[edit on 7-1-2006 by cycles]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 11:29 AM
You have a situation were some people read ancient history and religous artifacts and some who watch TV. It seems those who read know the truth and those who watch tv think we live in a black and white,god/devil-good/evil illusion. If you have eyeballs, alittle logic, and a 3rd grader attention span you can easily see that civilizations from around the world didnt all imagine the same things. There are ET's and they have been medaling in earthly affairs and probably still do just covertly rather than overtly. If you dont think so then keep your eyes and stop letting someone elses rediculous beleifs impare you from seeing what is available for you to see. Google ancient art ufo and look at the 800 year old paintings of Jesus with UFO's in the backround and ask yourself why this is hanging in a Monestary were Reagan and Gorbichov met to discuss the disaperance of Phobos (russian satalite) during the hight of the cold war. and how someone 800 years ago could have conceived the craft depicted in the painting when the only thing in the sky were supposably birds and clouds. 1+1=2

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 04:27 PM
This is a really long post but I promise there is a point to it....

I am a hindu by birth but an atheist really. I am absolutely convinced that ancient Hindu gods were simply technologically advanced beings. If you carefully follow the interactions of the common "public" with the gods in hindu mythology, you will see that there is mention of special devices or mechanisms like

1. Vimanas (as i understand there is explicit mention of only one and the rest were just chariots which could fly, which i think is just exaggeration typical to mythology)
2. Brahmastras (Brama = name of god, astra = weapon, these were arrows which once "released" could not be stopped and had effects on the scale of nuclear weapons)
3. Television like ability gifted to a person. etc...

However the most interesting bit is that one way or another all of these were gifted to a particular individual by a "God". It is common to Hindu mythology that the gods would fulfill "one" wish if you managed to please them (typically through long term meditation with the gods name).

Now if you think over this, most of these "magical" things are actually a reality today. So if we could find a planet like earth out there which is as many years behind us we could actually be gods for them. Which just means that the Gods could very possibly be aliens (or just humans who have travelled back in time and so on..).

However my point is, the question is not whether Gods could have been aliens (if there really were gods they were definitely aliens), the question is why dont we see them any longer??

And my answer is, what would we do if we suddenly found a planet with "beings" some thousand years behind us technologically?

We might send some people to the planet who would become their gods overnight who could gift them their dream if they wished. Can you imagine the mayhem that would cause. It is like people invading animal sanctuaries. All natural balances would be broken because rather than a civilization learning from its mistakes it would always look towards a few gods for all direction. It is like giving someone a nuclear weapon vs letting him build one from scratch. The latter is safer because by the time someone manages to build it he will also have matured enough not to use it. (Yeah we dropped two but thats exactly the point, we now know how dangerous that is and and that if we are to survive we cant use it any more...)

Maybe people from some planet like ours, some thousand years back did find us and made the mistake of playing god. Maybe after a while they realized that all civilizations must go through the entire evolution process. Maybe they realized that you cant put a civilization on steroids because it will eventually lead to ruin. Dont we let primitive tribes which live in forests to live by themselves unless they ask for help. Why do you think it would not be the case between an advanced and a relatively primitive civilization like ours.

So maybe we did have alien gods who realised we could live and develop by ourselves and if they stayed on longer they would only be creating more problems. And maybe their government made a policy of non-interference untill we found them ourselves. Maybe there are UFOs but they are only permitted by their law to study us "invisibly". Maybe they have "Discovery Channel" which shows how we live and how they themselves would have been years and years back....

[edit on 10-2-2008 by nishant842]

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 03:27 PM
excuse me, but apparently our current God(s) are aliens of origin as well

just like us.

here, for your consideration. at least he tried to decodes many different languages and their origin and relations with the sumerian language.
please check whether his theory is plausible (skip the whole "history" if you will).

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 03:32 PM
Ever since I was quite young,about 12-13. In school RE lessons I'd usually end up in a detention for saying "that's because he was an alien" After the teacher was telling us stories about jesus and god.

It makes more sense to me that way round.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 05:23 PM
Personally i have been thinking about this concept for quite some time.

Most ancient civilisations have remarkable undertanding of astrology. The pyramids of Giza are alligned with the constellation of Orion's belt, The Mayan Calendar has accurately predicted many astorogical events, including each years equinoxes.

Also many ancient relgions, as well as most modern religions, have some concept of heaven as being where Gods dwell.

This heaven also just happens to be somewhere in the sky in each case, to the point where followers of some religions were not even allowed to look up at the sky, a priest visiting school about 10 years ago told us this was true for catholics in the early part of the 20th century.

Ancient civilisations were also building up to the sky for reasons other than lack of horizontal space, which is why modern day civilization build upwards.

Aztecs and Mayans did this so that their sacrifices were more likely to reach their sky-dwelling Gods.

Many of these religions also mention Gods or prophets coming down from heaven to teach or spread a certain message, or to even help in wars or other such matters.

Ancient Civilizations were also privy to some remarkable technology, like being able to build the pyramids. This may seem primitive now, but it worked and didn't use any fuel other than the food and drink of workers, and is still a bit of a mystery to us as to how it was actually acheived.

I also think that if aliens visited humans millenia ago, with space travel technology and in depth understanding of science, and then proclaimed themselves Gods, I doubt many people would argue with them....and if they did they would probably just be killed by the aliens...which could give rise to religions thinking human sacrifice was neccessary to appease them...or be the origins of vengeful Gods who must be obeyed at all costs.

So yeah...i think ancient Gods could be aliens, modern Gods as well, if Gods can be called modern....

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 03:31 PM
PLEASE READ! Hi guys i happen to stumble upon this site.. and it got my attention.. Im new to this forum so bear with me... im from the Philippines and i can say that it is one of the most distorted country when it comes to beliefs.. And I really love the fact that finally i can get to communicate with bright people who is willing to stop for a while and think outside the box.. The universe is mysterious and im sad for those people who are huge fanatics of religion because i dont understand why they cant grasp the simple idea of infinite possibilities.. for example some people believe that the planet earth is the only the "chosen planet" with life.There are billions of stars and planets in the very large universe and i think it is wise if people start to consider the fact that there are far more superior beings than us out there.We dont need to be bible scholars or rocket scientist to be able to see the truth.. And for those who are wise.. They dont even need tangible proof as an excuse to believe something.. Anyway im really happy to be a part of this learning and evolution oriented pack and im looking forward for growth here.. So thats all for today.. I may not be able to visit here as often as i want to so if there is a soul out there who wants to interact with me then maybe we can chat some time.You can try to reach me in my Yahoo mail account "[email protected]" .. thats it.. Hope to hear from anyone here.. even the most sarcastic,cynic, and skeptic soul.peace out

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 07:15 PM
When ancient people were trying to explain the world around them they came up with spirits and later gods. So where did these gods hang out>

Choices were

In the earth or in the sky or in the plants and creatures around them.

Guess what? That is where they ended up, with gods in the ground being associated with death and those in the sky with life. (depending on the culture)

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 03:38 AM
All these Ancient Gods of Egypt, Greece, or Persian/Babylon
I believe they are aliens and these ones are usually mainly human.

Gods............... Star System they are from

Egyptian RA is within the Sirius A star system
Greek Zeus is within the Alpha Centauri (4.3 light years)
Babylonian Marduk (might be in Europa moon) Nephilim King...
Niburi actually blew up... he is a fallen angel and is not

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by Mr Chiclestick
Text BlackText

yeh!I belives in it!I read many books on this topic!fon denikens "chariouts of the gods"will help anyone to realise the truth of gods!how could they manage to do such thinks?

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 06:13 AM
Personally i think originally we are not native to earth

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 10:45 PM

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 06:23 PM
What if we are aliens returning back to earth. Lets say da earth dies out because its cycle temporarly ended for a thousand years. That time are feautures might have changed living on another planet. When earth is inhabital again we travel bak to earth and start fresh. God still created us we just left earth already many years ago. Remeber where just part an ended futuristic society. Everything goes in a cycle, we are not the first cycle nor the last it will happen again. Or we just killed eachother and a few survived on earth. a few left to a space base. If we were to lazy to teach are children what happened ur grandson would never kno what used to be unless tolld stories.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 04:15 PM

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by Mr Chiclestick

My dear friend you are 100% correct in your ideas thoughts and beliefs on this matter I have met demigods and aliens and demi gods are the offspring of the alien kind who may I add are the fallen angels of heaven

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