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The Shocking Treatment Of Republican Blacks

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posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 05:19 PM
Black Democratic leaders in Maryland say that racially tinged attacks against Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele in his bid for the U.S. Senate are fair because he is a conservative Republican.

Such attacks against the first black man to win a statewide election in Maryland include pelting him with Oreo cookies during a campaign appearance, calling him an "Uncle Tom" and depicting him as a black-faced minstrel on a liberal Web log.

Operatives for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) also obtained a copy of his credit report -- the only Republican candidate so targeted.

But black Democrats say there is nothing wrong with "pointing out the obvious."

I'm not even sure what to say. You?

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 05:26 PM
When a white person points out another's skin color, in any manner, it is ALWAYS a racial thing, right? But when a black person points out anothers skin color it isn't a racial thing? In other words, it would be cool for me, being white, to chide another white person and call him a N** or throw 40oz. beer cans at them but that WOULDN'T be racist right? Because we're both white. So the fact that I belittled a fellow white man and invoked a comparison of him to the black race isn't at all racial... I mean following this line of thinking. Am I understanding this correctly?

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 05:38 PM
No, that's fair in the eyes of the liberals who think that every minority should kiss the hands of the democratic party. They can't stand it when some of the minorities break ranks and stand on the other side. Truth is that any black that wants to gain any real amount of position in the United States needs to cross over to the Republican party. Judge Clarence Thomas, Secretary Rice, Secretary Powell are good examples of this trend. The democrats never appointed positions this high to blacks.

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 06:04 PM
It isn't that liberals think that "minorities" should kiss the hands of democrats. It isn't even about liberals. It's really about republicans and black people. Doesn't really matter what this cat stands for if he's standing under the republican banner. The republican party has a history of walking the fine line of race baiting...don't you remember the so called "welfare queen" era. Don't you remember the dixie-crats that eventually left the democratic part and joined the republican party. Wasn't it dubya and Karl Rove that used race against John McCain in the 2000 primaries. Republicans don't get to have it both ways. You either race bait and gain distrust and hate from the black community or you actually listen to the concerns of your black constituents and address the problems in their community with more than an bigger prisons and more police.

If no one is going to address the racist hiding in the republican party--black folk in mass aren't going to vote republican and any time a black person identifies themselves as a republican he is going to be seen as a "race trader" to black folk because of the history. Pelting him with oreos aside, he's brought this on himself and I'm sure he expected it.

ps...three black republicans are not a sign of a trend.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 02:41 PM
Last I checked it was the Republicans who fought for Anti-Slavery during the Civil War, how quickly we forget. Just for fun here is the makeup of George Bush’s Presidential Cabinet.

Secretary of State - Condoleezza Rice (Black) (Woman)
Secretary of the Treasury - Anna Escobedo Cabral (Hispanic) (Woman)
Secretary of the Interior - Gale Ann Norton (Woman, First ever to hold this position)
Attorney General - Alberto R. Gonzales (Hispanic, first ever to hold this position)
Secretary of Agriculture - Mike Johanns (White) (Male)
Secretary of Commerce - Carlos Gutierrez (Cuban) (Male)
Secretary of Labor - Elaine Chao (She is the first Taiwanese American woman, and the first Chinese American to be appointed to a Cabinet Position)
Secretary of Defense - Donald Rumsfeld (White) (Male)
Secretary of Health and Human Services - Michael O. Leavitt (White) (Male)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development - Alphonso Roy Jackson (Black) (Male)
Secretary of Transportation - Norman Yoshio Mineta (Japanese) (Male)
Secretary of Energy - Samuel Wright Bodman (White) (Male)
Secretary of Education - Margaret Spellings (White) (Woman)
Secretary of Veterans Affairs - Robert James "Jim" Nicholson (White) (Male)
Secretary of Homeland Security - Michael Chertoff (Jewish) (Male)

Don't make me list the other appointments made over the years by Republicans. And certain people have the audacity to call President Bush a racist.

[edit on 29-12-2005 by WestPoint23]

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 04:14 PM
Let's see...

Alberto Gonzales is the guy who said we can torture people to death, and it's not torture if we don't call it torture. He's also a member of Mecha, a racist Hispanic group.

Condy Rice is a professional liar, just like the rest of Bush's troop. I really need to say more?

Chertoff...another rat in the pack.

It's funny how people will cite the race of people in Bush's click as a sign of their integrity, all the while ignoring the pieces of doo doo that they really are. As for this guy...I'm sorry, but that Oreo thing is funny.

mod edit to remove quote of previous post....just unnecessary to do this

[edit on 29-12-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 04:37 PM
Yes, Virginia, Lincoln freed the slaves and he was a Republican. Of course, one must take into account that the Democrats were the party that championed civil rights and welfare while the Republicans hemmed and hawed, acting as though such things were part of a Communist plot.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 06:06 PM
truthseeka your post is a perfect example of why I don't really like PTS, you ignore a very important point and post essentially garbage without any support of what you assert. BTW don't let me spoil your fun, I merely waned to point out a fact that is largely overlooked by the most vocal criticizers.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Saphronia
ps...three black republicans are not a sign of a trend.

More like a republican quota system. Did ya see how fast they trotted out tha scorecard? Yes sir. We got us some blacks now in the Republican party. The Klan is a big tent.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 07:21 PM
For todays GOPs to even mention Lincoln is a sacrilege. As a republican I can only hope the GOP returns to being the party of Lincoln. This power drunk, criminal band of neocons makes me ashamed to be a republican. Moderate minds will prevail though; if they don't, GOD help us.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 07:32 PM

For todays GOPs to even mention Lincoln is a sacrilege. As a republican I can only hope the GOP returns to being the party of Lincoln. This power drunk, criminal band of neocons makes me ashamed to be a republican. Moderate minds will prevail though; if they don't, GOD help us.

You do know that Lincoln instituted and exercised more presidential power then any other president in US history? He instituted laws that we today would never allow a president to do. Not saying he was wrong, just saying certain things need to be kept in mind. Remember that half the country did not like Lincoln to say the least, yet today he is remembered as one of our best presidents

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 07:38 PM
Here's one example I posted a while ago:

Paper: Justice Thomas is Black(*)

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 08:15 PM
There aren't a whole lot of things that I can agree with the Black Panthers on, but there is at least one.

If minorities ever want to be taken serious as a voting bloc they have to form their own party which decides on a case by case basis who to put their weight behind, or whether to run their own candidate.

Not all minorities can bring themselves to vote conservative. I think it's a mistake, but I can understand that when someone has an ideology they have a right to stand by it with their vote.
At the same time however, there's a big question of "what have you done for me since the Johnson Administration" directed at the Dems.

I'm not sure that races should vote as blocs really- I would be most hostile towards the idea of a white political party because the color of my skin does not mean that I'm cast in the same mould as anyone else. If, however, the self-styled "leaders" of the African-American community (you know the rich whore-mongers who grew up in black Southern churches before there was anything sinister about the word crack, and the word gat didn't even exist) anyway if those people are going to urge their followers to align themselves according to the color of their skin, the only sensible party with which to align themselves is one that is made and operated of them, by them, and for them, because there are people on both sides of the aisle who minorities ought to know they can't trust.

If a Mexican-American felt that the key criteria in casting their vote was to find somebody who knows where they've been and cares about improving that situation, he'd have to be insane to choose a rich white senior citizen over someone like Bonnie Garcia, regardless of party.

In the end though, I have to stipulate just for sanity sake that voting on skin color and even background can get you into a lot of trouble. President Hoover was a great man with a great background, but he wasn't all that as a president. Bush played the man of faith card very well, and hey, maybe he is a man of faith in all fairness, but that faith hasn't made him perfect. As my grandmother likes to put it, if I were going to have brain surgery, I'd want the best brain surgeon around, not the most religious one around.

Ultimately, and I know this is too much to ask of most Americans of any color, I'm sad to say, the best way to cast your vote is to do your homework. take 1, 3, 5, 10 hours over the course of several weeks, find out what offices the candidate has been in and how his constituents did under him, and what kind of policies he pursued. If he wrote a book, at least read a review of the book, if not the book itself. Listen to a couple of his speeches and his opponents rebuttals.

To be honest, in a perfect world, I think that for a ballot to be valid, you'd have to write any three facts about the candidate that you were voting for on your ballot. If any of them was incorrect, the ballot should not be counted. I think bloc-voting leads to uninformed decisions.

So I'm conflicted- I don't think they should vote as a bloc, but if they're going to do so, at least the bloc should make discerning choices if the individual voters will not.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
For todays GOPs to even mention Lincoln is a sacrilege. As a republican I can only hope the GOP returns to being the party of Lincoln. This power drunk, criminal band of neocons makes me ashamed to be a republican. Moderate minds will prevail though; if they don't, GOD help us.

What are you talking about? Lincoln imprisoned reporters for writing articles against him in the papers. He suspended Habeas Corpus. He did many things that were unconstitutional in his war. You think Bush has gone too far, you wouldn't have been cheering on Lincoln either.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 09:41 PM
These democrats (and all too many democrats) prejudge what blacks are and should be and refuse to accept any black who tries to be anything else. Their reaction to a black voting republican is exactly the same, and for the same reason at heart, as the reaction an early 20th century southern white would've had to a black using the "whites only" washroom, or trying to sit in the front of a bus. They think that blacks can't or shouldn't make their own way in life-- that they have to be kept in their place.


If the GOP actually returned to being the "party of Lincoln," that would mean that they would exercise MORE power than they even do now and they would have MORE restrictions on civil liberties than they even do now. Lincoln did more to centralize governmental power than virtually any other president in history. If anything, this administration is too much like Lincoln's-- not too little.


Republican = Klan? Seriously? Do you actually believe that ALL Republicans are Klan members? Do you have any statistics to back that up? I'd be curious to see them myself-- that is, assuming that you're actually presenting something that you believe to be factual...

[edit on 29-12-2005 by Bob LaoTse]

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 06:30 AM

Republican = Klan? Seriously? Do you actually believe that ALL Republicans are Klan members?

Seriously, we never talk about what it means to be too far to the right. If you're too far to the left the worse thing someone can call you is a pacifist. Too far to the're racist. Republicans try and walk a thin line but as soon as they start speaking they cross it. They are offensive and dont even realize it.


If minorities ever want to be taken serious as a voting bloc they have to form their own party which decides on a case by case basis who to put their weight behind, or whether to run their own candidate.

what the heck does this mean? Because we're black our vote isn't taking seriously--oh, it shouldn't be counted like in Florida in 2000! We don't know what we are voting for? We just vote democrat cause that's what we always do? Our opinions are just worthless because of the color of our skin...racist comment and he doesn't even know it. Republican.

EDIT: Tis harsh, but I'm not going to apologize when folk believe that black people are ill-informed voters. Please, don't assume we don't know who and what we are voting for--we have to be 18 just like everybody else.

[edit on 30-12-2005 by Saphronia]

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 07:22 AM
I don't understand it. Why are african americans republicans? I mean its like a black person joining the KKK! Its suicidal. Its like "Hi I am african american and I do not support other african americans, would you like to join my party?" "Hi I am african american I am a Republican even though most members of this party in congress hate me." Its like WTF!?

THE REASON Republicans hire african americans is because they are tying to make themselves look good on the racial side. Condelezza Rice does not have her own opinions really. I mean seriously its like Bush as a woman. and african american.

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Conspiracy Theorist06
I don't understand it. Why are african americans republicans? I mean its like a black person joining the KKK! Its suicidal. Its like "Hi I am african american and I do not support other african americans, would you like to join my party?" "Hi I am african american I am a Republican even though most members of this party in congress hate me." Its like WTF!?

THE REASON Republicans hire african americans is because they are tying to make themselves look good on the racial side. Condelezza Rice does not have her own opinions really. I mean seriously its like Bush as a woman. and african american.

Notice, the representation that blacks that might have conservative opinion are lackeys. It isn't that they could possibly hold a different opinion than other blacks, only that they are 'race traitors' 'oreos' and other more insulting things I have read about such people.

There is only one party stereotyping and expecting all blacks to act the same. Only one party insulting those who don't work to fit the pattern drawn for them. It isn't the republicans.

In the republican party they have jobs of importance, more than just being a face in a crowd, true contribution and support. The only thing they get from the left is insults and an expectation that they all act the same.

The horrible treatment of blacks doesn't come from republicans, it comes from another major party.

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by Saphronia
Republicans try and walk a thin line but as soon as they start speaking they cross it. They are offensive and dont even realize it.

1. I'm not a Republican.
2. I'm sorry you are offended.
3. I still think I'm right.

If minorities ever want to be taken serious as a voting bloc they have to form their own party which decides on a case by case basis who to put their weight behind, or whether to run their own candidate.

what the heck does this mean? Because we're black our vote isn't taking seriously--oh, it shouldn't be counted like in Florida in 2000!

No, you have misunderstood me. I did not say that your vote is not taken seriously. I said that you have not been taken seriously as a voting bloc. In other words, neither party is doing enough to earn your vote. I believe that if minorities want the two major parties to start paying serious attention to the things that minorities care about, minorities have to start holding their votes over candidates heads and making the candidates jump for them.

We don't know what we are voting for? We just vote democrat cause that's what we always do?

Who in the world said that? I am reasonably sure that you have some sort of rationale for voting Democrat, I'm just saying that the Democrats have gotten used to it, and they aren't doing everything that they could to earn your vote because they already expect it. I think the Democrats would do more for African Americans if every once in a while African Americans decided to make an example out of one or two congressmen by voting for a third party or a moderate like John McCain, as long as there was a candidate like that who they found acceptible.

Let's face it, the African American community could give a couple of seats in congress to anyone it wanted if it came together with a lot of energy to teach the two major parties a lesson. Now don't you think the Democrats would start listening if you took a seat away from them and gave it to a minority-centered third party?
Or don't you think the Republicans would listen if you said "hey look, we just took a congress seat away from the Democrats, and the only way you'll ever have a chance in that seat is if you nominate (fill in the blank) because we think he's a good example of what your party should be like.

Our opinions are just worthless because of the color of our skin...racist comment and he doesn't even know it. Republican.

No, but in this case your individual opinion (about me and what I have said) is worth less (not worthless) because it is stems from a misunderstanding and is wrong.

Tis harsh, but I'm not going to apologize when folk believe that black people are ill-informed voters.

Um, I don't know if you've talked to the average American lately, but there ae a LOT of ill-informed voters out there of all colors. Try it. Go to some fairly crowded social venue and start asking people if they are registered to vote. Ask them what the most important issue in elections is to them. Ask them who their congressman is, ask them who their rep in the state legislature is, and ask them who their city councilman is. As them where each of those individuals stands on the issue that is most important to them.
You ask about 3 elected officials and 1 question about each of those officials. Six questions. If the average score is 2 (33% a solid F-), then you're talking to some sharp people. If the average score is 4 (66% a respectable D) you're probably on a college campus. If the average score is 5 (83% a B) you're probably at a City Council meeting. There will be no 6s, even if you quiz your city councilman.

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 05:39 PM
Conspiracy Theorist06 I think there is a common problem people all of skins colours face. There arent any viable for the lack of a better term right wing partys. All the right wing political partys I know of are pupperts of a minorty known as big business. Im not a libertarian and I am not comfortable with left wing politics.
There arent many options for some one like me when it come to voting.

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