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New evidence of massive black hole in our galaxy

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posted on Dec, 25 2005 @ 07:34 PM
That's an interesting theory Xerrog - but what, might I ask, is fueling this explosion? The expansion takes place because there is a force behind it fueling its advance. Once that fuel extinguishes itself, that is when the expansion will cease its acceleration and begin decelerating.

So what, I ask again, is fueling this acceleration? I for one cannot think of anything. However, I have my own theories - which are either too complex and nobody on this board understood it when I posted it, or thought it too simple and brushed over it without thought.

posted on Dec, 25 2005 @ 09:56 PM
im eager to hear your theory

im quite convinced black holes exist, but i also believe that "dark matter" has alot to do with it, once again thats my own personal theroy not fact of course

posted on Dec, 25 2005 @ 10:32 PM

That's basically my theory. In short, there appears to be more energy in the samples we are using because time is a variable across such a vaste expanse - and time in certain portions of it progresses faster than time in other portions. When near a black hole, you experience time dilation, making time appear to move slower (to you everything else moves faster). However, that's just an extreme example. The same applies to any object of mass - just by incredibly smaller amounts (hence why astronauts are millionths of a second "older" than they should be). Inbetween super-clusters of galaxies, there exists immense voids of nearly no stars, or likely even matter. In these areas, time would seem to move faster than in a galaxy cluster. Since the universe is still expanding, these areas appear to expand at a faster rate than the space around them! Since as they expand, sources of mass move further and further away from each other, weakening their gravitational influences, this effect would only amplify as time goes on, which would make it appear that they're expanding at an increasing rate.

PHYSICS DECLARE THIS MUST BE SO! Even if by miniscule amounts, if General Relativity is correct on large scales (which we've proven to be so by many other astronomical applications - such as gravimetric lensing), then my theory must be true. Whether it perfectly accounts for Vacuum Energy I don't know - but I have a feeling that this is the true culprit... and not some fancy "made-up" energy.

posted on Dec, 25 2005 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Xerrog
Black holes are not holes they are not gateways. They are simply matter that has collapsed on itself due to gravity finally overcoming the forces holding it apart. (I.E. Imagine the protons, nuetrons, electrons of each atom touching each other. Then every other atom touching the next with no space between)

Hmm, yes we sounds like you're talking about Neutron Stars, not Black Holes.

Black Holes crush all matter out of existence. There is no solid object at the center of a black hole.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by s13viper


take 2 black holes, one SUPER massive one and one "sun sized" one

The point at which the tidal forces become fatal depends on the size of the black hole. For the very large black hole this point will lie well inside the event horizon so the astronaut may cross the event horizon painlessly and live . Conversely, for the small black hole, those tidal effects may become fatal long before the astronaut reaches the event horizon.

smaller is no less deadly = fact

you are exactly right about it only matters when u get "close" to it....but obviously you cant help it if it comes closer to you!

I've read somewhere that said the same thing about the severity of the tidal effects corresponing to the size of the black hole. But i do beleive that it said that the distance at which you get torn apart is the constant, and the size of the event horizon is actually the dependant, dependant on the mass. You were righrt in saying that the point at which you get torn apart can lie in or out of the event horizon, depending on the mass, but it is because the size of the event horizon changes, not the distance at which you get torn apart.

A smaller black hole will have a smaller event horizon and will therefore tear you apart before you reach it, and a larger one will have a larger event horizon, allowing "safe" entrance into the event horizon.

Just wanted to clear that up


[edit on 28-2-2006 by midgetstar]

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by midgetstar

No, they're not. Most people have the common misconception that black holes are the vacuums of the universe (I think Hollywood had a hand in this) but this is simply not true. A black hole only has as strong of a gravitational pull as the star had that first created it. Simply put, if the Sun suddenly turned into a black hole, which it won't don't worry, life as we know it would end yes, but for a different reason. Earth would keep merrilly circling the new black hole Sun, but it would be far too cold without the Sun's radiant energy to support life.

We have absolutley nothing to fear from them.


Black holes are indeed something that should be feared.

Blackholes can grow far stronger then the stars that created them. Either by combining with other black holes our swallowing other matter. Only supergiants stars about 10 times that of our "Sol" are big enough to turn into a blackhole. Thats already a massive gravity force to start with for even the smallest black hole. If a object with 10 times the gravity of our sun came close to our solar system it would mess it all up.

A black whole has so much gravity it produces a singularity and has so much gravity they produce a Event horizon both things supergaint stars never do in their life time. If you got pulled into a star you would never fall into a singularity but thats your fate if you were sucked into a blackhole.

Something goes on at a singularity that we dont yet understand.

This would be the fate of our sun if the smallest of black holes came too close to.

[edit on 28-2-2006 by ShadowXIX]

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 07:49 PM
This ought to be neat!

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