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10,000 Year Old Pyramid Discovered in Bosnia

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posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
Your first point about ancient buildings having to be pyramids: what about angkor wat then?

Ankor Wat dates to the 12th century. Around the same time in Europe we started building huge cathedrals. Both cultures were at a similar technological level. Like the Ankor Wat temples, European cathedrals also had tall spires - basically a development of the more primitive pyramid.

Your second point that a ziggurat is the same as a pyramid: I doubt this because one structure is angular and the other round.

I've never heard of a round pyramid...... Both structures are angular and stepped. The ziggurat in fact closely resembles, both in design and use, the Mesoamerican pyramid/temples.

Your third point about Yonaguni is absurd since amateurs found it and nobody has applied a sufficient effort to study the ruins within the academic community besides those wishing to seriously debunk it. Furthermore where are other natural formations like this since that was the argument made in this thread?

The Yonaguni structure has been examined by Geologist Robert Schoch. Perhaps you would care to read what he had to say (bearing in mind he himself believes in an ancient pyramid building culture

There are similar looking rock outcrops on the island itself, though nothing as eleborate as the underwater structure. Rock fractures in different ways according to type. The rock here naturally fractures into rectangular blocks and there is no geological reason why the underwater structure could not have formed naturally. Notwithstanding which, it may still have been partially altered by human hand.

Lastly, the blocks in a pyramid are complex cuts and I can't see why you believe otherwise???

Do you have any examples? All the blocks I've seen in pyramids and similar structures have been very simple rectangles.

As for the Bosnian 'pyramid' - as has been frequently pointed out the hill is not, as some claim, a pyramid shape since it does not have a square based nor slopes at the same angles all round, although it does look that way from certain angles. There is nothing to indicate as yet that it is in any way artifical.

And as a final thought - has a geological survey ever been done of Bosnia? If so, then were the hill artifical it would have been readily picked up - artifical structures don't have bedrock running through them

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 03:39 PM
We are grateful for your interest in a discovery of the first European pyramids, and pleased to inform You that there is place for You in this big project/archaeological adventure, we really try to find place and duty for everybody that shows interest for it. Good thing is – this is a start and there is enough place for everybody to come and visit and help in archaeological works and researches. Difficult reflection of the first phase of “digging up” pyramids, is that our donors are still not numerous and not covering our expenses in that amount that we could cover expenses of Your stay here (at least not for the first two months). What we can do is try to look for the best solutions, and offer you several of them, so it’s up to you to choose one.

Contact person:
Samra Koricic

For more information go to:
Pyramids of Bosnia

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by mojo4sale

Originally posted by Jah Il

Why a Pyramid? What are the possible reasonings of this structures?

(the musings of a mad man!!!)

What shape do you get when you empty a load of soil out of a truck or trailer. A pyramid, it forms naturally. Its simple. Aliens have triangular pupils.

actually, when you empty a load of soil out of a truck, you get something conical.
ever read Robert Smithson?

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by butterfliesandbunnyrabbit
We are grateful for your interest in a discovery of the first European pyramids, and pleased to inform You that there is place for You in this big project/archaeological adventure, we really try to find place and duty for everybody that shows interest for it. Good thing is – this is a start and there is enough place for everybody to come and visit and help in archaeological works and researches. Difficult reflection of the first phase of “digging up” pyramids, is that our donors are still not numerous and not covering our expenses in that amount that we could cover expenses of Your stay here (at least not for the first two months). What we can do is try to look for the best solutions, and offer you several of them, so it’s up to you to choose one.

Contact person:
Samra Koricic

For more information go to:
Pyramids of Bosnia

Hey, thats a good blog you got there with great pics. I will be keeping an eye on this for sure. Good luck with the dig and I hope you get the answers to one of life's greatest questions.


[edit on 29/4/06 by Mcphisto]

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 07:11 AM
wow, that is cool. there could be hunderds of undiscovered pyramids then. maybe they are a map. every pyramid represents a star (hence the pyramids in eygpt look like orions belt), and when you map ALL the pyramids it shows a map to something? like to the aliens that helped create them or something.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 09:18 AM
Why do some people insist in the idea that it was necessary help from extra-terrestrial beings to make the pyramids?

Do you think that the people back then were so stupid that they could not make a pyramid?

Or do you think that we today are very smart but because we do not know how they were made, only extra-terrestrial beings could have made them?

The fact that some people are not capable of making even a cromlech does not make their ancestors incapable of doing it, we lost many techniques in our technologic evolution.

And if the pyramids make a map of the stars, it must be a map of how the stars looked at the time they were made, if they were made all at the same time, because the way we see the stars changes with time.

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by rizla

"Bosnia's daily Dnevni Avaz reported about "a sensational discovery" of "the first European pyramid" in the central town of Visoko, about 20 miles north of Sarajevo.

Excavations at a hill site above the town have been going on for several months and initial analyses "have confirmed the original claim that this is Europe's first pyramid and a monumental building, similar in dimensions to the Egyptian pyramids."

The artefact is said to be around 10,000 years old."

BBC link too.

Sucks u just got offline. love the hangman. suspect more passages will be found.

[edit on 27-10-2005 by rizla]

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP
Why do some people insist in the idea that it was necessary help from extra-terrestrial beings to make the pyramids?

Do you think that the people back then were so stupid that they could not make a pyramid?

Or do you think that we today are very smart but because we do not know how they were made, only extra-terrestrial beings could have made them?

The fact that some people are not capable of making even a cromlech does not make their ancestors incapable of doing it, we lost many techniques in our technologic evolution.

And if the pyramids make a map of the stars, it must be a map of how the stars looked at the time they were made, if they were made all at the same time, because the way we see the stars changes with time.

[edit on 6-5-2006 by liquidself]

totally agree ; hate the idea that early humanity didnt create it itself; maybe this pyramid hill is something other than what is being presented?

[edit on 6-5-2006 by liquidself]

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by Tegro
wow, that is cool. there could be hunderds of undiscovered pyramids then. maybe they are a map. every pyramid represents a star (hence the pyramids in eygpt look like orions belt), and when you map ALL the pyramids it shows a map to something? like to the aliens that helped create them or something.

check the undergound maps ; )

posted on May, 16 2006 @ 02:13 PM
never say never

Ancient observatory found
Los Angeles Times

Archaeologists working high in the Peruvian Andes have discovered the oldest celestial observatory in the Americas -- a 4,200-year-old structure marking the summer and winter solstices that is as old as the stone pillars of Stonehenge.

The observatory was built atop a 33-foot-high pyramid with precise alignments and sight lines that provide an astronomical calendar for agriculture, said archaeologist Robert Benfer of the University of Missouri.

The people who built the observatory -- three millennia before the emergence of the Incas -- are a mystery, but they achieved a level of art and science that archaeologists say they did not know existed in the region until at least 800 years later.

Among the most impressive finds was a huge clay sculpture flanked by two animal figures.

The disk, protected from looters beneath thousands of years of dirt and debris, marked the position of the winter solstice.

"It's really quite a shock to everyone ... to see sculptures of that sophistication coming out of a building of that time period," said archaeologist Richard Burger of Yale University's Peabody Museum of Natural History, who was not involved in the discovery.

The discovery adds strong evidence to the recent idea that a sophisticated civilization developed in South America in the pre-ceramic era, before the development of fired pottery sometime after 1500 B.C.

Benfer's find "pushes the envelope of civilization farther south and inland from the coast, and adds the important dimension of astronomy to these ancient folks' way of life," said archaeologist Michael Moseley of the University of Florida, a noted Peru expert.

The 20-acre site, called Buena Vista, is about 25 miles inland in the Rio Chillon Valley, just north of Lima. "It is on a totally barren, rock-covered hill looking down on a beautiful fertile valley," said Benfer, who presented the find last month at a meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Puerto Rico.

The site is remarkably well-preserved, Benfer said, because it rains in the area only about once a year.

Just who the people were who inhabited the region is unknown because writing did not emerge in the Americas for another 2,000 years. For brevity, most call them Andeans.

Benfer and archaeologist Bernardino Ojeda of Peru's National Agrarian University have been working at Buena Vista for four years. The site contains ruins dating from 10,000 years ago to well into the ceramic era in the first millennium B.C.

The large pyramid and a temple occupy about 2 acres near the center of the site. Radiocarbon dating of cotton and burned twigs found in the temple's offering pit place its use at about 2200 B.C.

That is about 400 years after the first pyramid was built in Egypt and about the same time that the peoples who would become the Greeks were settling into the Mediterranean.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 06:40 PM
Excuse me because I did not take the time to read through the entire 10 pages but I was wondering if there are any satellite images or photos taken from far above the site? I know websites like Google have some satellite image thing and was wondering if there was any way to use something like that to see the site from above?

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by zerotime
I know websites like Google have some satellite image thing and was wondering if there was any way to use something like that to see the site from above?

I suppose that the image in this post shows what they call "pyramid".

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by butterfliesandbunnyrabbit
We are grateful for your interest in a discovery of the first European pyramids,

Your group clearly has not demonstrated that it is a pyramid of anything other than a hill. What could you possibly need volunteers for from ATS?

Also, as a note, I have no information indicating that this poster is actually associated with any excavations, so, as usual, contact them at your own risk. They have not contacted the Administrators at ATS asking about research or anything like that, so who knows who they are.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 01:12 AM
anyone have any idea when they will have it fully excavated so it can be fully visiable.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 04:27 AM

They will never get permit to uncover the whole mountain, as on the top is middle age necropolis from the time of the first Bosnian kings.

They will uncover sides (not sure how much), and only option I see is if they figure out how to move necropolis.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 03:19 PM

Aly Abd Alla Barakat, of the Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority, believes large stone blocks found near Sarajevo were man-made and polished in the same way as the pyramids of Giza

for daily (almost) PICS of the excavations :
(every link has the latest pics over the diggings)

(LINKS WORKING WITH IE, not working with Firefox)

[edit on 23-5-2006 by maus]

first link not working anymore either...expired now.

Edited to remove huge link cuz it's not working anymore

[edit on 22-6-2006 by masqua]

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 08:52 PM
Well heres a turn up for the books. Apparently an English scientist says the pyramid is naturally>

All very interesting!


[edit on 15/6/06 by Mcphisto]

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Uncle Joe
The area has been settled over and over again, no way are 50% of the people descneded from the original inhabitants.

This information is not correct
I'm from those areas (from Albania aka - Iliria in the ancient times) and we were like and we remain like. Don't know about Bosnia (even though this area was once part of Iliria Empire) but as for albanians I can claim their 100 % descendance from ilirians. A little note about ilirians (especially from the northern part of Albania and them from Bosnia) were tall people, blond hair and blue eyes. This was the most known physical caracteristic about them.

My two cents guys

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 03:16 AM
Sorry Telos, but Bosnia has been settled repeatedly in the 12000 years since these pyramids were apparantly built, by Goths, Huns, Avars and a host of others.

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 07:49 AM
Its been repeatedly settled, but the original inhabitants, I've never heard that they went extinct, likesay, with the american indians. The current population are, either way, probably on one side ultimately descended from the Illyrians.

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